The Invisible Prince Titan

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 14, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was the eighteenth birthday of Prince Titan and the King summoned his third son to hear what he wished for his birthday present this year, for it was a custom of his to offer each of his children on their eighteenth birthdays whatever present they wished, providing only that it was within his power to give. His eldest son he had given the royal manor house near the shore so that he could enjoy the cool summer breezes off the ocean as was his greatest delight. His second son he had sent to the most prestigious university to spend as long as he wished in its hallowed halls. His single daughter he had granted the right to marry a poorer nobleman who had gained her favor and who loved her dearly. This left only the youngest, Prince Titan, to give his birthday wish.

The King looked at his son, and thought again how he had gained the most beautiful of his own and his wife's features, for Titan was indeed a most lovely young man, with blond hair, blue eyes, skin the color of ivory, a body that had swelled muscles at the very sight of the combat exercises which were every nobleman's daily duties. He'll make a wonderful royal consort to some lucky queen, he thought to himself. "And now, my son, tell me what you would like for your birthday." he said.

"Father." Prince Titan said. "I have thought about this most carefully and I would ask that you order the Royal Wizard to create for me a way to become invisible when I wish to be."

"Invisible?" the King was surprised at this. "And why would you wish such a thing?"

"So that I can go out among the people and learn about them without being observed myself." Prince Titan said. "You know, Father, that the people behave differently when a royal is among them than when there is not. How can I be a proper ruler if I can't even understand the people I am to rule?"

The King considered this and had to agree with the sensibility of the gifts. "Very well." He said, and then to his messenger. "Summon the Royal Wizard, for I have a task for him."

The Royal Wizard met with the King in private and had to admit that, though he had many talents, he could not make anyone invisible. The King explained the Prince's desire for the gift and said, "Perhaps we could give him this power in some other way, then?"

The Wizard considered it. "It is not true that a ruler needs to understand his people by observing them when he is not around, he needs to see how they obey their ruler's commands. So this is what we can do..." And he explained his plan to the King, who agreed with its wisdom.

And the very next day, the Prince was given an ornate cap by the Royal Wizard, and told that in order to become invisible, all he needed to do was put it on. The Prince tried it and was assured by the Wizard that he could not be seen at all.

"But I can see myself!" the Prince protested. "How can I be invisible then?"

"Of course you can see yourself!" the Wizard went on, carefully not looking quite at the young Prince. "Your eyes are as invisible as your body is, so of course you can see it. But you cannot be seen by any human being. The magic does not work on animals or such, though, only on humans."

"That will be more than sufficient." the Prince said and went out happily with his cap. Little did he know the proclamation being given to the entire kingdom at this time.

"For insofar as Our Majesty's son, His Highness Titan, wishes to go about the town at will, and insofar as he wishes everyone to behave as if he were not present, His Majesty has given his son a cap which he will wear when he wishes to go on such a visit, and when any person sees the Prince with this cap upon his head, he is to behave as though the Prince is not present and to ignore everything that the Prince may do as if it were not happening. The Treasurer shall compensate any person inconvenienced by the Prince in this activity quite handsomely, so that it behooves everyone to obey this edict to the best of their ability...." The proclamation went on to establish terrible penalties to anyone who didn't comply. And since the reward was generous and the penalties horrifying, there was a general consensus among the people that they had best obey this latest edict of their King.

The Prince spent his first day with his cap running about the palace, and generally testing the power of his new magical item. He observed the palace staff about their duties and as all of them were first to hear the edict, not one of them ever paid the least attention to his watching them. He dared snatch the tastiest tidbits from the evening meal the chef was preparing, and the chef, who knew well the Prince's liking for such sweet-meats, merely cursed his absent-mindedness at mislaying the treats and made some more and the Prince slid out the door at last, laughing at his cleverness, while the chef and his staff congratulated each other on playing their parts well.

The next day, the Prince got out of bed brightly and after bathing and having his morning meal, he said to himself, "Now it is time for me to see the people of the town as they truly are!"

But a messenger had been stationed outside his room and he ran out the palace and into the town, warning them all, "The Prince is coming to town today and he is wearing the cap. Remember the proclamation yesterday, you must not give any hint that you see him and you must ignore anything that he does." And again and again he repeated the edict so everyone was ready for the Prince's arrival in town wearing his cap that he believed made him invisible.

He spent the first few hours just watching the people, all of whom carefully avoided looking right at him and not talking to him, continuing about their daily lives as if he wasn't there, and while this was what the Prince had wanted, he found the reality to be dreadfully dull. Surely the lives of the common people can't be as mundane as all this, he told himself. Perhaps if I go into their homes rather than linger about the streets, I will see behavior more interesting.

The first house he entered held two women who were spinning thread. They carefully kept their conversation simple and uninteresting (they had been talking about their husbands, but didn't want to share that conversation with the Prince) and he wandered out after a time. Another house, maybe.

A man was in there, lying on his bed. He must have to work nights, the Prince decided. A big, brawny man and he was barechested and barefooted, but wearing his trousers, lying on top of the bedcovers.

The man wasn't asleep, though his eyes were closed. His hand was playing lazily over his chest, feeling his right nipple with his fingertips. His other hand was roaming lower.

Now this was worth watching! Prince Titan moved in closer and the man's hand went into his trousers and fondled his manhood. His other hand came down and freed his organ from his trousers and he stroked it and moaned softly.

That was when his eyes opened and he started, and so did Prince Titan. Cock in hand, the man writhed, then recovered.

"Darned lumpy mattress." he grunted.

Prince Titan remembered that he was invisible, and leaned in closer, licked his lips.

And the man, turning his head slightly away and closing his eyes more than halfway, kept a careful watch on the young prince as he resumed pumping his penis. Long, slow, lanquid strokes, he moved his hand up and down.

And Prince Titan leaned in closer and closer as the man stroked on his cock. He would never have dared do this to any man but if we were invisible, he could watch this as closely as he liked.

"Uh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" the man groaned. "Shit, I'm about to come!"

Prince Titan leaned in closer still and the man groaned, shot his load. The jizz wads hit Prince Titan right on his face, spraying him, and he opened his mouth and let the hot spunk squirt right into his mouth! He'd tasted only his own before, but this, this tasted different and so, so much better than his own!

"Ah, that felt good!" the man breathed heavily. He cast an appraising glance at his noble visitor, and ventured, "It'd have been better still if I'd had a pair of warm lips on it, but it'll do for now. Maybe tomorrow...." And the man closed his eyes and pretended to fall fast asleep.

Prince Titan for himself was nothing like sleepy. This aspect of his chosen gift, which he'd selected in true virtuous desire to learn more about his people, was more than intriguing.

He went out to the market again. The people didn't look at him, and that suited him.

A virile looking man was working a stall nearby, selling produce. His stall was shaped like a shallow-limbed "U" and Prince Titan felt this would be the perfect test for his new-found power.

The man saw the Prince coming, but the cap was on his head and the man carefully averted his eyes, resumed selling melons to a woman with a basket in front of him. She was ignoring their noble guest as well, and even when Prince Titan went into the stall where the man was, they continued their haggling. The woman wanted the melons she was considering for only five coppers, and the man was holding out for ten coppers. They would eventually compromise the purchase at either seven or eight coppers and both knew it, but it was a part of their life to negotiate like this.

Prince Titan got onto his knees and crawled to in front of the man, his body mostly underneath the small ledge of the stall. The man carefully didn't look down, but he couldn't help but notice when the Prince's hand went to his trouser front and began untying the cord that held them up.

"Six coppers is more than fair." the woman concluded her tirade about the low value of the man's melons.

"Done." the man gasped out quickly, for Prince Titan's hands were reaching for their objective. He received the coins and the woman left, looking pleased but puzzled at her bargain.

The royal hands had relieved the thick, uncut dong from its packaging of cloth, and the man was trying to stand at his ease and pretend that he had never even considered having a monarch's hands caressing his dong. And guiding it to those royal lips, though he groaned most softly when they closed upon him.

"Ho, Marin, how goes it today?" another man had walked up. The man was at the side of the stall and he saw the prince suckling at Marin's prick but he also saw the cap and raised his eyes back up quickly.

"Just selling a few melons." Marin moaned. "Nothing else happening, you know, nothing at all."

"Yes, I can see that." the man agreed. "Mind if I hang around here with you, then?"

"Uh...I'm kind of busy." Marin gasped.

"I'll stick around and help you." the other man put in.

"Really, Degas, I don't need any help."

But Degas had come around to the inside of the stall and stationed himself next to Marin. "It's not any trouble, none at all." Degas said and hitched his trousers to show his erection tenting out the fabric to best advantage. "Marin, are you feeling faint?"

For Marin was gripping the edge of his stall as he groaned, his face beading with sweat. A woman came up with her basket, saw a little too much of what was happening, and hurried on past.

Degas caught hold of Marin and held him upright, and Marin moaned, jerked, shot his load into Prince Titan's hungry lips. Prince Titan sucked every dreg of the spunk out of Marin's loins and savored the hot salty man-juice.

"You should rest a while." Degas said soothingly. "I'll man your stall for you while you sit and recover."

Marin gladly shuffled away and Degas took Marin's position and hitched his trousers once again, moved so that the erection in its cloth touched Prince Titan's cheek. "I can handle everything for you here." he said again.

Prince Titan saw how Marin and Degas had not even noticed his attentions to Marin. The powers of his cap were greater than he had imagined! He could do what he liked, and nobody would take notice! He eagerly took Degas' dong and sucked on it happily. Degas handled the entire matter with complete aplomb, even exchanging banter with the passersby and with Marin who resumed selling his melons.

By the end of that day, word had spread throughout the town. The Prince was using his license to move and do whatever he liked to work mischief on the menfolk. The King's treasurer sighed and reworked the kingdom's budget to allow for payment of the folk he expected to arrive. But though he had a substantial number of offended moral womenfolk who presented themselves for compensation, there was not a man among them.

For himself, Prince Titan enjoyed his cap of invisibility with greater and greater license. He took greater liberties, as when one man's beautiful globular ass showed itself to him on one trip, the man was bent over, and Prince Titan, secure in the invulnerability of his cap's power, went over and happily divested the man of his lower garments as well as his own, spat on his palm and greased himself, and drove his prick into the man's delightful ass. The man, fortunately, was not unversed in this form of love, and was able to accept this peremptory invasion with something like aplomb, and waited for his sovereign's son to take his pleasure with him, so Prince Titan exploded into the man, and then pulled the man's trousers back up and went off to rest a while before resuming his exploits.

His activities became more and more exotic. He would board a wagon and suck one man riding on it, or ride the lap of another, sucking or fucking himself or fucking another. He made no effort to hide his activities from anyone, having sex in full public view. The townspeople had to keep their children away from the town square to keep them from seeing the spectacles that the Prince was putting on, the activities that they had, by royal law, to ignore entirely.

It was the drain on the treasury that caused the King to summon the Prince to him almost a month later. In words of apology and pain, he told the Prince that his actions, far from being invisible and unknown, had endured only by royal decree. "But this cannot go on, my son." he said. "The Royal Wizard and I have lied to you, and we regret it sincerely. We expected that you would only walk about and look at things and people and so have your wish that way. We never expected this at all...."

But Prince Titan ran out the door and out of the castle. He didn't know where he could go, but he couldn't face anyone right now, anyone at all. It was one thing to have his fun as an unknown presence, but to do it and have everyone know! Unbearable!

He went into the square, there was no other way for him to go if he was to flee the palace. He saw the faces of those about him, but he wasn't wearing the cap and so they bowed. Prince Titan saw two girls looking at him and giggling, and knew they had seen him a few days before, and he turned to go down a side alley. He knew this entire town, every street, more woe to him!

"Your Highness!" came a call.

Prince Titan turned in despair and saw two men there. Degas and Marin. He had taken his pleasures with them more than once. "Don't look at me!" He cried out, mortified.

"But you aren't wearing your cap, Your Highness." Marin said. "We can't look at you when you wear the cap, but can't we look at you without it?"

"But the things I did, thinking that I was invisible to everyone." Prince Titan mourned. "Ask not if you can look at me, but how can I ever look at any of you again?"

"I would be proud if you were to look at me." Degas said to him softly.

"As would I, Your Highness." Marin put in.

Prince Titan looked up at them. "I do not understand." He said.

"Perhaps if you come with me to my home, which is just over here, we can explain everything to you much better." Degas said, indicating a nearby door.

And when Prince Titan went with them, he understood them very well indeed. And when the King spoke to him again, and asked him what gift he wanted to replace the so-called cap of invisibility, Prince Titan only replied that he already had the gift he had truly wanted all along.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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