The Intruder Series

By T.T.A.

Published on Jun 7, 2023


I inspected his little 3 incher. It was, as I thought, completely dry. Not even the tiniest drop of fluid from his microdick.

"Scotty, I thought you said your peepee could make spermies?"

It took him a few seconds to catch enough breath to talk. "Most times I don't make any. Sometimes I do."

"I don't believe you," I said. "I'm going to have to find another way to test you."

(part 3)

I went over to my sex stuff box and dug around. Finally, I found a few things I was looking for. One of my exes was into baby stuff. I grabbed an adult diaper, some baby oil, a container of wet wipes, a towel and a baby bottle. I made Scotty lift his butt up as I put the towel under him. I quickly yanked out the dildo which caused him to squeal.

"What are you doing?" he asked, uneasily.

I ignored his question. I grabbed the diaper and told him to lift up again.

"No no, please!" he said in a panicked voice. I slapped his leg. "I'll do anything."

I grabbed his peener and pulled until he instinctively raised his butt, under which I slid the diaper. "Scotty," I said, "since you pee and poopy yourself like a little baby and look like a little baby, I'm gonna diaper you like a little baby."

"I didn't poopy myself," he said indignantly. "I mean, poop myself."

I grabbed the sodden underwear and shoved the large skid marked part under his nose. "Oh yea, then what's this?" He tried to turn his head but it didn't matter. "I said what's this?!" I yelled.

"A skid mark," he said meekly.

"A giant skid mark," I said. "And what is a skid mark?"

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Poop I guess."

"Yes. So you poopied your underwear like a little boy. 17 year olds don't do that." His baby dick had shrunk to near nothing. I grabbed a ruler and tried to measure. It was hard to do but his flaccid "member" appeared to be between 3/4 of an inch and one inch long. "17 year olds dicks are bigger than an inch long too."

He turned his head away from me but I could see him blush madly at the humiliation.

I applied some baby oil to his bald crotch. I took some baby wipes and cleaned his anus. As expected, it was quite dirty so I had to be very thoroughly, digging in deep to his hole. This caused his little weiner to stiffen almost instantly. "Do you ever stick anything up there, Scotty?"

"My finger sometimes," he mumbled.

"Is that why your underwear is so nasty?"

He shrugged.

I taped up the diaper, which was no problem given the tiny size of his stiffie. I went to the kitchen and filled up the baby bottle with Mountain Dew and grabbed a few pieces of chocolate-flavor Ex-Lax. I went back into the room. Here's a little chocolate I said. He opened his mouth and I popped it in. He ate it unthinkingly.

"Ok Scotty, I'll make a deal with you." He perked up. "If you promise to be good, I'll undo one of the handcuffs."

He nodded.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise," he said.

I took the keys from my pocked and unlocked one of them, freeing his right hand and arm.

"I'm going to go watch tv for a while. Here's some soda," I said, handing him the baby bottle. I grabbed a teddy bear from the box and tossed it on the bed next to him.

"Here's the deal, Scotty. I won't let you go until after you use the diaper."

He looked horrified. "You mean..."

I smiled and nodded my head, as I left the bedroom. After an hour or so of watching TV, I peeked back into the bedroom and he was on his tummy humping his diaper, grunting fairly loudly.

I grinned. "Enjoying yourself, Scotty?"

He jumped instinctively, but his handcuff prevented him from doing so and hurt him a little. He awkwardly turned himself over so he was on his back. I untaped his diaper and it was, not surprisingly wet. Equally unsurprisingly, Scotty had a boner. "Did you like humping your pissy diaper? Is that why your little weewee is stiffy"

He blushed.

"Did you cum yet?" I asked. "Or dry cum?" I added, with a laugh. He shook his head.

I took off my boxers and tshirt. I crawled up on the bed and hovered over Scott. I took my mostly flaccid dick and told him to open up.

His eyes bulged. "Please, no!"

"Open up!" I barked.

He closed his eyes and turned his head. I slapped his baby face. "OPEN UP!"

Finally he obliged. I took my cock and stuck it into his awaiting mouth. "Suck!"

He blew me, but it was kind of awkward. He obviously wasn't very experienced at it. "You haven't done this much, have you?"

He mumbled something, so I took my cock out of his mouth.

"I've never done it before," he said.


"Well a couple when I was in like 8th grade but his was a lot smaller than yours."

Mine was ordinary, only about 6 inches hard, but it was huge compared to his little willy.


"My friend Christian."

"How big was his?"

"I dunno like 4 inches."

"So his was bigger as a 13 year old than yours is as a 17 yo?"

I saw tears start to form in his eyes.

"Well you're not very good at giving blow jobs. I suggest you work on it cuz you're going to spend your life sucking and getting fucked. No way you're doing anything with this puny little thing," I said, flicking his peter.

He started to say something but I shoved my dick back in and started fucking his mouth. It felt moderately good but it was time to get to the real action.

I pulled out of his mouth and scooched down. I flipped his legs over his shoulders.

I slowly shoved my cock in his tight little hole. He screamed with a high pitch scream you wouldn't expect from a 17 yo boy. I grabbed the dirty underwear again and shoved it into his mouth. The smell of pee and poop got me so horny.

I started fucking Scott slowly, eventually he stopped making scream and tried to relax, so I took the undies out of his mouth.

"You ever been fucked before?"

He didn't respond so I slapped his ass. "Just once," he said.


"My big brother came home drunk one night."

"Did you like it?"

"No. His was huge. It hurt."

"Do you like this?"

He shook his head.

"Then why is your weenie still hard?" I said, pinching it. He squealed.

I started fucking him harder. He kept squeezing his asshole, which drove me crazy. He may have only done this once but he seemed to instinctively know how to pleasure a man.

I stopped briefly and started stroking his little nail, with my cock still impaling him. It didn't take long for him to start moaning. He squealed, "Faster!" and I obliged.

Then his body tensed up underneath me and his little 3 inch boner spasmed. A tiny amount of clear fluid squirted out of his dickie and on to the area that was supposed to contain his pubes.

"Eureka," I shouted. "It actually works!" I ran my finger across his bald crotch and captured about two drops of cum. This made Scott smile proudly, if a little embarassedly.

I started fucking him again and felt myself getting close. I pulled out just seconds before my cum exploded all over his hairless crotch and chest. I scooched up and made sure to squirt the last few drops onto his face and hair.

"Damn, you're tight, boy. You have a good future as a fuck toy. That is if you ever stop going potty in your underwear."

I cleaned myself up but not Scotty. I put the pissy diaper back on him. And started to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" he whined.

"To shower."

"Can you let me use the bathroom? I have to take a crap."

I smiled. "That's what your diaper is for."

He started freaking out, begging me to let him go but I ignored him and went to the bathroom. After an intentionally long shower, I went back into the bedroom. To my unsurprised, it smelled like shit.

I waved my hand in front of my nose. "Did baby Scotty go poopy in his didee?"

"Yeah cuz you wouldn't let me use the bathroom."

I grabbed his soiled undies. "Like that would've mattered," I said with a smirk. He turned red.

I got dressed. "Here's the deal, baby Scotty, I am going to drop you off in town. I'll let you choose. You can either wear your poopy wet didee or your poopy wet undies? No shirt. Or you can go naked and let everyone see your microscopic peepee?"

He lay there for a second and thought about it. "The diaper, I guess."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised he didn't pick the undies. "Really?"

"Yea," he said. "I can just pass it off as my friends giving me a dare if anyone sees me."

I grabbed my gun, re-handcuffed his two hands together and walked him to my car. Once he sat down, I handcuffed his ankles together too.

We drove down the rural dirt road until we got to a gas station on the edge of town. It was late at night so it was closed but there was still a light shining on the area. I undid Scott's "foot-cuffs" and when he got out of the car, undid his handcuffs as well.

He stood there in a very public place, hairless and naked except for a pissy wet diaper. "Now stay the fuck away from my cabin," I yelled as I drove off.

THE END (?!)

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