The Interview

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Aug 22, 2016


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It was early Sunday morning and a naked Hunter was on his side and laying behind a naked Theo who was still fast asleep with his arms wrapped round the body of his superior officer. Hunter glanced at the clock, 7am, plenty of time for a think and a fiddle. He lowered his right hand down the length of Theo's body until arrived at Theo's loose dick and took him in hand. The sleeping Theo pushed his hips forward responding to Hunters molestation. Hunter smiled and kissed Theo's neck while gently stroking that wonderful member he knew so well.

After a few minuets his own cock started to react and lifted Theo's right thigh so he could get his own masterpiece more comfortable by sticking it between Theo's legs and clammed it there by putting Theo's thigh back down. He could continue to gently stroke his man and at the same time give himself a lot of pleasure while gently and slowly shagging Theo's inner thighs.

Now he was settled, his mind turned to the meeting with Col. Dowling the next day and at the same time he thought of all that had happened since bringing the General up to date the day before.

They had by now been at the house in France for two weeks and Theo was getting restless and knew they should have left by now to try and contact other villages and possibly join up with them. What stopped him was when they had visitors themselves who were convinced that an invasion of the northern coasts of Europe was about to happen even though they had no idea when or where. Theo and Hunter did not identify themselves and it was assumed by the visitors they were in fact French and worked at the vineyard as labourers.

The two of them would go to their room and discuss for hours the likelihood of the place where an invasion would take place. They already knew hundreds of operatives had been sent to all parts of Europe to join up with Resistant movements and one of those reasons was to confuse the enemy as to where a landing maybe made and when. But they were waiting for one message that would tell them that Normandy would be the invasion area and now, because of several visitors to the house to discuss the possibility the invasion was imminent, they were pretty sure the message would be broadcast soon.

They had agreed that one person would always be listening to the radio and report any "odd" statement that would be broadcast by the BBC.

"Hunter, I just have a feeling there will be a landing soon, I am sure of it."

"How are you so sure my beautiful Commanding Officer?" Hunter leaned over and kissed Theo.

"My left bollock keeps twitching. That's always a good sign." They were naked any way and it only took a second for Hunter to reach down and cup Theo's left bag.

"Its a lovely feeling as always Theo, but I can't feel any twitching."

"Maybe the right one then?" An hour later and after a lot of twitching from both of them, they returned to the war.

"We are going to move all our gear up onto the ridge when we get the message. IF there is going to be an invasion at Normandy we could possibly be inundated with retreating Germans OR have reinforcements going the other way. I want us to go and stay up there so we can send messages back to London. Meanwhile we are going out later tonight and blow something up."

"Any idea what?"

"Yes, your ass." They loved to make love outside.

Hunter smiled at the memory and gently squeezed Theo's body again, then returned to France, or rather their bit of it and became very serious as this particular memory came flooding back. There had been some very difficult times and a lot of killing had gone on and all of it by Theo. He had told Hunter he was not to fire his weapon unless he had no choice but to defend himself. Hunter was never in a situation to fire, but this particular memory could have in fact killed him and it was all his own doing.

It was the day after Theo had exploded into him that a small group of Germans were seen driving towards the house. To the right of the house was a gradual slope down to the fields of vines and they could see anything approaching for about a mile. To the left the ground sloped up and all anyone could see was anything that came over the ridge and at only a quarter of a mile. There was a lookout permanently stuck in the small tower at one side of the building and when the bell rang they all knew unwanted visitors were approaching and it was obvious they would "call in."

"Hunter, think about it, its fucking stupid!"

"Theo, I know it will work. There are only ten of them and the officer will come in first with one or two other shits, they will be surprised to see me naked and then you can kill them and the other men can kill the rest of the crap."

Hunter stripped naked and knew it would have the same effect on the German's as it did with Theo and Paul Dowling during his interview, it certainly did on the Frenchmen who found it quite difficult to take their eyes off him!

"Tie my wrists to the beam." Theo for once did not object, there was no time, the Germans were about to stop outside the house. "And cut my shoulder, I want them to see blood!" Hunter had seen too many paintings of the crucifixion it seemed! Theo drew the line at that and instead grabbed a bottle of red wine, smashed the neck and poured the whole lot over Hunter.

Kapitan Franz Holst had no idea he had just minuets left to live as well as the two other Gestapo who came into the house with him. Outside seven other mobile executioners were also about to die as their Kapitan went into the house and walked into the large hallway. They stood routed to the spot and just stared at this amazing sight of Hunter hanging by his wrists and naked. He twisted his body, covered in "blood" as though in agony and as he did his 8 inch cock and those massive bollocks swung about and stopped Franz thinking about a possible Iron Cross presented by his beloved Fuhrer for a few moments.

The two men with Franz stood next to him with their weapons dangling at their sides and totally unguarded as they tried to take in this magnificent sight as Hunter continued to thrash about and hoping Theo would do SOMETHING!?

Theo was hidden behind Hunter and simply stood out and fired, at the same time three Sten guns opened up and seven more died for their mass murderer. Hitler would join them in just a few months, but not before many civilians and military would also die because of a mad man and his filth. Hunter had already worked out that just a very few non humans had bought the world to it's knees but at the same time he had known for years that Theo had bought him through to safety. He pulled Theo closer and clung on tight and at the same time he could not help sob his heart out. Hunter NEVER cried! Not until now.

As soon as the tears fell on his back and Hunter's body recoiling to his emotional outburst, Theo was instantly awake and turned to take Hunter into his arms. Nothing was said, nothing needed be and they just clung to one another knowing there could be difficult times ahead, not only because of coming to terms with the experiences during the war but now the life ahead for both of them as homosexuals.

"We need a slice of luck Hunter, we had a fair amount of it during the war and there is no reason we can't get more of it. Now, turn round, its my turn to cuddle you." Hunter did as he was told and now with Theo's arms around him he felt safe and secure, just like all those times in France when they were on their own, just the two of them. He smiled to himself and admitted, "I was never in command! Theo just let me think that!"

With Theo's strong arms around him he once again let himself go back to the vineyard and the time one of the men mentioned a strange comment broadcast from the BBC.

It was a phrase by the French poet Paul Verlaine and it told anyone who could pick the broadcast up that the invasion of Europe was about to happen and it would be Normandy:-

"Long sobs rock my heart in monotonous languish."

Hunter remembered Theo looking at him and knew they would be leaving for the ridge the next day. This was the last day of May 1944 and all over German occupied Europe vast numbers of resistance movements would go to work. Two of them went to bed for the last time in this house, they had already packed their gear and had even taken some of it to the ridge and hidden it.

"Please come back when this is all over Eugene and don't you forget to come as well Alain!" The vineyard owners, Marcel and Jean asked. They said their goodbye's and walked up the slope and seemed to disappear. Neither Marcel and Jean would know the two would stay hidden for weeks up there until Theo was sure their bit of France had been liberated by American troops.

Once again Theo had guessed right and knew this area would be full of German's passing through to reinforce their front line and then back south as they retreated. Neither of them knew it at the time, but the killing had stopped as far as they were concerned and as soon as the American's showed up, they knew it was all over for them. During all that time they sent dozens of messages to London informing those there of all the movements and strength of German forces and hoped that information would be of some use. It would be some time before they found out.

Hunter snuggled back onto Theo's hardon. "Stop that, I'm sleeping." Hunter ignored him and fed Theo into him. Theo said something like, "you shit," thrust himself into his little giant and a minute later exploded. "Now go back to sleep Theo. We have to get up soon Horace will be waiting." Theo ignored Hunter and wanked him off.

Once again Hunter smiled as he listened to Theo's steady breathing, but he was far from sleep himself and found he was back in their observation post over looking the vineyard watching vast numbers of American troops, tanks and trucks going south. Quite a number of the troops were spread out and many of them were just yards away from Theo and Hunter as they passed by but well camouflaged and looked like small bushes.

They remained rock still as the troops passed with their heads down to shield their faces even though they were covered in green and black grease. Even though Hunter had his head down he could still see Theo and witnessed the funniest situation of his entire war.

"Fuck it guys, wait there I need a leak!" Hank, or whatever his name was, shouted. Hunter watched as "Hank" got his four inch cock out and a huge stream of yellow urine erupted out of his tiny penis, all over Theo! Hunter bit hard on his hand to stop himself from busting and all the time watching as the love of anyone's life was being pissed on!

As soon as it was clear Hunter got up and ran as fast as he could to get out of hearing distance and nearly died laughing! Theo eventually caught up. "Kiss me!" That would be the only time Hunter refused, he couldn't anyway he was still splitting himself!

They stayed at the post for another two days and when the last of the American's went by Theo said he needed to send one more message to London. Hunter got the radio ready and began to crank the generator handles. Theo just sent four letters FCUK. He repeated that several times and told Hunter it was sent. "Our war is over, lets dump this lot except my revolver."

There is a small lake in France that received all their equipment, including most weapons, that once belonged to Theo and Hunter. They walked away and found work on various farms until the war was over. They finally got to Normandy and a boat home.

Hunter turned and even though Theo was still in the land of nod he automatically wrapped his arms around his love and like that Hunter joined him in sleep. Neither would hear Horace come to their room and slip a note under the door.

Good morning chaps, I hope you slept well. You will not need to take the report to your old base Theo and the meeting with Col Dowling will be here on Monday at 11am. I am off to meet with Paul as there is a lot I need to talk to him about and I will be away over night. Sorry if all this sounds a bit vague but I hope it will become clearer at the meeting. I will see you at breakfast tomorrow. Have a lovely day off! Horace.

"What's going on Theo?" They were in the bath with Hunter laying on Theo's chest and his feet on the wall above the taps. Theo had his arms around the tall bugger and hugged him tight.

"Not sure, but I think Horace has a plan that Paul may have to agree too. I just hope whatever it is, its good for us." There was a long pause as Theo washed Hunters chest, belly and finally his cock. That lead to other things happening which meant they missed breakfast and just made lunch. They went out for a walk around the estate and finally down to the beach and stood opposite the spot in the water were they had first cuddled and fell in love, not that Theo knew it then. "Hunter, I have no idea what's going on but I am sure Horace has a plan that will be to our advantage, but more important I have a plan as well."

"What's that?" They just made breakfast the next day!

They arrived in the dining room and went in and were surprised to see their Commanding Officer Col Paul Dowling helping himself to scrabbled eggs and coffee. He put plate and cup down and went to meet his two officers with hand outstretched. "Welcome home you sods, welcome home." Paul was an astute individual and when he took one look at Theo he could answer all the questions he was about to ask, the man was shot through. He then looked at Hunter and in that instant was sure this amazingly handsome man would bring Theo through all the trauma that he was quietly going through. Hunter would show it in more ways than one very soon.

There was a babble of conversation between all four men until they had finished breakfast and Horace lead them to the Drawing room. Theo and Hunter sat in arm chairs which made Horace smile as he opened the meeting. "Paul, its best you start this off."

"Thank you sir." Horace coughed loudly.

"Thank you Horace." Horace smiled and then looked at Theo and Hunter. "Why don't you two sit were you always do?" There was a shuffle and the two men settled into the Chesterfield, slightly apart.

"I have read your report and Horace has told me all that you have spoken to him about. I know by the report there is more and would like you to verbalize it please."

Theo left it to Hunter and he more or less told Dowling most of what is written above. It didn't take long and when he finished he deliberately sat back close to Theo touching him. Paul noticed but did not show it. Horace had already told him about the situation between them and if Paul had a problem with the two, he would get a bigger one from him. Paul wisely found himself without a problem since meeting the General the day before and in any case if he did have one, it would balls up his proposals that he was about to deliver.

"Ok, thanks for all that Hunter, I just need to ask a few questions. What happened to the prisoners?"

"They were treated in accordance with the convention. They had good accommodation, food water and exercise. We split the two officers from the troops as they were homosexual and did not want to offend anyone, the officers were very happy about the new arrangements and must have had a good war, Theo and I hope they survived, when we buggered off, they were all still alive."

"And why did you send FCUK? You knew I would have assumed you could be in deep trouble and when there was no further contact I assumed you were both dead."

"Our war was over as our part of France had been liberated. We had no further use in the war effort, it was now too far away. But I could not be sure that other issues would come our way and I also know it would not be of any use to you in London and in any case I did not want to cart that lot all over the place for no reason. I made up my mind and chucked every thing in a lake, except my revolver. We remained French labourers for four months and all the time moving towards Normandy. When Germany surrendered we managed to get on a boat and came home. Oh and by the way my revolver ended up at the bottom of the Channel."

"You do realise you could be charged with desertion and by your own admission you are already guilty?" Horace snorted and Paul grinned.

"Go on then." Paul looked at Theo and smiled. "You have no idea just how much respect I have for both of you, in fact you are going to be decorated for your work over there and offered regular commissions if you agree to stay in the army."

As often happened Theo and Hunter looked at one another then turned to Paul. "No to both Paul, we want to get out and find a different life. We don't want to be decorated just for killing people and most definitely we don't want to stay in the army. We want our discharge papers please." Theo sat back and took Hunters hand and held on to it.

"What will you do then?"

"Rob banks, burglary, kidnap, fraud, there is a ton of work out there."

"Or stay here and help me convert half of my land into market gardening by erecting at least ten industrial size green houses. I will pay you both £15 per week until you can earn from profits. This was always the plan after the war with Thomas and NO you are not substitutes either, but I will admit I regard you both as I did my son. Please stay and if you agree Abbey House will become your home, for as long as you wish." Once again they looked at one another and knew their lives had just been turned round.

"Horace, will it be very hard work?" Theo asked.

"Yes, very."

"In that case you now have your work force and thank you Horace, thank you so much from both of us."

"I am bloody determined to get something from you two before I leave. Would you be prepared to give lectures to specialist units say four times a year?"

"Yes of course Paul, how much!?" Horace was impressed. "THERE! Hunter is already a businessman!"

"You bugger, ok 20 quid a time and before you ask, each."

Two hours later they shook Paul's hand as civilians and waved him off and then went back into their new home with Horace.

They closed the door but we are not invited to join them and will have to go about our own lives, but knowing at the same time these two men had found happiness with a life together and never a day apart.


Well, I don't think I have made much of an impact on the literary world but its been great fun and over the time I have had many lovely comments about my stories. I'm not sure if I will write more and if not I want to take this opportunity to thank Nifty for their support in uploading them. I do hope you also appreciate the effort they make and donate to them.

Goodbye, but I may see you again sometime.


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