The Interview

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Dec 16, 2015


Horace swore at himself, he knew very well they would know who he was referring too, he needed to get off the subject.

"Look lads its a beautiful day lets finish here and go out for a walk around the estate, how does that strike you?"

With the help of James the two visitors were issued Wellington boots and once back in their now dry out door clothes they set off and walked for the next two hours which included the six inches of snow covered gardens surrounding the house and then into the wooded areas that in turn surrounded the gardens. Theo had never walked around the whole estate as he generally wandered around the garden in front of the house before going down to the beach and go for his swim. Both of them were surprised at the size of it."How much land do you have Horace?" They were now at the top of the cliff looking out to sea and both Theo and Hunter looking at the spot when they had first cuddled one another and then looking down at the beach hut where they had first kissed. The smiles on their faces told Horace what they were thinking."Its about 100 acres including the beach but I will be giving that up in time and take the stairs down as well. I know it will take longer to get to the beach but its a lovely walk or even drive the two miles it will take to get on it. I don't need the stairs any more or indeed the beach and it will be nice to see people enjoy it rather than stay empty. I also have to get a lot of the woodland trimmed up to give other trees a better chance, at least I will have fire wood for years to come. All that is in the future and I am in no hurry."

It was a lovely time and made even better knowing the war was over and they were at peace, but each knew that a different "war" had begun, the fight back to recovery and it would take many years, Briton was broke and not only that, "The Cold War" had begun and Colonel Paul Dowling would become a major player for some time to come. That was one of several reasons he needed to meet with Theo and Hunter to find out if any lessons could be learnt during their time in France and use that knowledge in his new role.

Hunter had removed Theo's pants which meant they were now both naked and went to the window and with Hunter behind Theo with his arms wrapped round him, they stared out for ages."Did you have any idea that Thomas loved you Theo?""Not at all, no idea and if I had I would have run a mile!" Theo once again went back thinking of all those months they had served together and realised that if Thomas was indeed in love with him he kept it very much to himself as he had his homosexuality from his father. All he thought was that now he himself had come out of that cupboard he had spoken about during Hunter's interview he would also have come to realise he was keeping a massive secret but because of Hunter he now felt free and able to be himself even though there could be very difficult times ahead for both of them as well as all homosexuals. It would be at least another 30/40 years before being "gay," became much less threatening, but in 1946 homosexual's would have a terrific battle ahead and countless numbers would die because they were and are.

They continued to look out at this beautiful scene and at the same time Hunter was beginning to think of something else which Theo became aware of as he felt Hunter's cock hardening on his back."Its so lovely Theo............ So are you, would you like to bend over a little please?" Theo didn't reply but did as asked and for the first time since they had arrived they made love.

Sometime later after both of them had exploded into one another, they laid on the bed wrapped up and kissed for a very long time. They were due to meet Horace in the Drawing room for drinks before lunch in an hours time. Horace was in this study writing his third book.

"Hunter, what would you say if we tell Horace all that's in our report before we have to take it to the camp tomorrow?""Why not, he of all people will understand and it will make him a part of all that we experienced after all he shared a lot of his own experiences with us and I know we like and trust him, that's one thing we never got wrong, knowing who to trust.""What did we get wrong then?""Nothing, just lucky. Right, come on one more fuck and then go and meet Horace."

Pre lunch drinks was a nice relaxing time and even Hunter enjoyed the sherry he was offered. "Thank you Horace, much better than my fathers crap, may I help myself?""Of course dear boy and get two more whisky's please."

Lunch was no more than a snack as dinner would be at six anyway. James bought in trays and they helped themselves and ate and talked."Horace, Hunter and I would like to give you our report to read before we take it to the camp tomorrow if you would like to read it?""Is it a report that will be seen as part of the official secrets act?""I suppose it could be but Hunter is thinking of writing his own book anyway and we don't think there will be anything in it to give sensitive information. We were just two who were involved in observations and radioing back to London as well as carrying out operations against the Germans and our guess is hundreds of personal accounts will be written.""Well in that case I would like to read it, but why not tell me about it as well? Its always good to give a verbal account, you can say much more than a written report.""There will be some naughty bits in it as well Horace.""OH! Cant wait to find out how you homosexual's behave!" Sir Horace was not asking for a full description of their sexual activities but in some ways it MAY help him to understand more about Thomas and what his life would have been like before the war or maybe even during it? He already knew nothing had happened between him and Theo but surely he had had sexual experiences? Maybe at School, University and possibly meeting men at the various sports he played? He didn't have a clue and now wished Thomas had told him he was homosexual long before he had died, but of course then he would have been incensed and angry and it could have lead to a massive breakdown in their relationship. He was only sure of one thing and that was his son, who he had loved so dearly, had to hide a massive secret from his own father because of the social stigma homosexuals were consigned to if they were ever found out and many had ended up in prison and even more in social exclusion and not only the homo either, the Homosexual's families as well. Horace was beginning to understand a lot more about what men, who happened to be in love with another man were going through. Theo and Hunter were sitting with him and although totally relaxed, he wondered about their future and what would happen if they were ever "found out." My word they could be in for some very bad times and it was going to be a long and horrible fight to open closed minds. His had been opened but only because of his son's confession, his butler and now Theo and Hunter."Maybe its a better idea for you to read the report first and then we can tell you some of the bits about us that we could never write in any report Horace.""That boys will be perfect." He paused and smiled at them. "If you will do me the honour of telling me, I know I will learn a great deal and an awful lot about my son, thank you." Horace was being utterly truthful in what he said but there was something else which, because of his Second World War activities, was his skill at being able to get a person to talk and not even know they were being interrogated. General Horace Black had told the "boys" something about his first world war activities but not his World War Two experiences and that was what his third book was about and his work for MI-5. He had been recruited to join that organization in 1937 and so far had not been discharged from it and still had a "hot line" to his house and would often report to the offices in London to attend meetings and to organise a time table to give lectures at certain Universities where it was known that there was a growing concern amongst certain individuals regarding their Soviet Union sympathies. There was one more thing that Theo and Hunter would have no clue about and that was Horace knew all about Colonel Paul Dowling and his new post war operations, only this time against a very different country, the USSR."You re right it would be a good idea for me to read your report while you two go out for a walk or do something else while I'm reading it and meet up for dinner at six? How does that sound?" That sounded perfect and they both knew that they could not only go out for a walk but have plenty of time for the "something else" afterwards.

They got into warm outdoor clothing and made for the stairs at the top of the cliff. The snow had all but gone and although there was a strong wind they were comfortable and enjoying the fresh air. They got to the beach and spent the next two hours walking at the seas edge and even paddling in their Wellington boots. It all ended back in the beach hut with Theo sat in one of the deck chairs and Hunter kneeling in front of him. They wrapped their arms around one another and spent a very long time kissing and loving every second of it, even though they were somewhat restricted because of all the outdoor clothes. Sometime later there would be no restriction as they laid naked in yet another bath.

Because of his almost 7 feet Theo nearly always sat in front of Hunter laying against his chest with Hunter's arms around him "playing" with Theo's body while Theo himself had a hand behind him "playing" with Hunter's enormous cock and huge bollocks. After sometime like that Theo would turn and sit between Hunter's legs and once again they embraced and kissed one another that would bring them to the next level when one of them would turn waiting for the other to make love to him. After the first one had delivered a massive load into his man, there was an about turn and yet another massive load was dispatched some time later. That all sounds rather clinical but they had great fun and a huge amount of love was also delivered!

Freshly fucked and cleaned they went down to the dining room to join Horace for drinks before the meal was bought in by James and the young 20 year old Frederick Carter, 35 year old James Butler's lover in fact. Hunter had picked it up as soon as he saw them together, he had a sort of "homosexual radar scanner" in his head and as soon as he told Theo what they were, Theo just shrugged and knew Hunter was right, he always was.

"Shall we eat first lads and then go into the Drawing room and talk about all this if you are still so inclined?" He waved the report now back in its envelope and handed it to Theo. They chatted about their walk and the lovely time in the beach hut but left out the kissing, cuddling and the love making in their room afterwards but also realising Horace would know "stuff" went on.

After dinner they went back into the Drawing room with Theo and Hunter sitting close together while Horace poured the drinks and for the next two hours the only voices were either Theo's or Hunter's, with a few interjections from Horace, as they went through the entire time in France when they landed by parachute 5 miles south of Mandeville-En-Bassin which was 20 miles south of what would become Omaha beach where the American's would land in 1944. Hunter kicked off.

"That was our first bit of stress, actually landing without injury and being picked up by the group and no Germans floating about. There was a large number of resistance who were out to pick up the equipment, including our stuff that had been dropped before we bailed out, everything was found and loaded and we were met and taken to a house in a small Hamlet called La Longue Fosse. We were totally in the hands of the group as we knew we would be but it was a huge worry as we had already been told of possible collaborators infiltrating resistance groups and we were soon to find one of them."

They were taken to the basement by Bertrand and shown their corner with three blankets each."Not exactly the Ritz but you will be safe, we have been visited by the Hun twice and even though we often get a number of friends staying with us. We always get warnings they are on their way and as every thing is hidden we are reasonably safe but if they do discover anything, they will be very dead. We are as safe as we can be but we are also able to take a few with us if it comes to a fight. You need to get your equipment hidden as well, there seems to be a lot of it."

"After we got settled in we were bought back up to the living room to meet all the others. At that time there were six in the house with four of us down in the basement, Bertrand and a bloke called Anton.

To cut it a bit short Horace we were going to stay in the house for a week and take part in some sabotage work and then piss off on our own, the others did not know that until Theo could meet with Adrien, who was in charge, and tell him what we were there for and the way in which he wanted Adrien to support us. More of that later.

We all met to plan a night attack in four days time and had a choice of targets but Theo picked up this Anton fellow kept insisting we attack a fuel dump about 15 miles away and kept arguing with everyone who had other ideas. We more or less kept quiet and said we would go with what Adrien chose. Theo became more suspicious of this man, but he told me later he was more worried about himself being too over cautious and just kept quiet, but I knew he would come up with the right course of action." Hunter smiled at both of them and squeezed Theo hand. "He always came up with right course of action, didn't you?" Theo returned the smile and squeezed Hunter hand. "Just lucky and we had a lot of it.""Nothing is possible without some luck Theo and I am sure if you two had a ton of it, you would have used it to your advantage I have no doubt." Horace poured more drinks and sat back down, he was at the peak of interest for several reasons and as he listened he found himself thinking hard.

"Theo at last got Adrien on his own and spoke about his concerns and told him exactly why we were there and how the group was expected to support us. It was not getting Adrien's approval, just telling and thank goodness Adrien went along with all that Theo wanted and was one of the many reasons we were able to operate in the way we had trained for all that time.

Its a long story Horace but the long and short of it was Theo would set Anton up and told me about it after we had made love on the third night. We were on our own for the first time and as I was in charge of all matters physical Theo just went along with it, mind you he never put up any objections of course." Horace just looked on and fought to stop himself smiling, this was a very unique meeting! He did wonder if Hunter would give a full description and when he didn't he was not sure if he was disappointed or not! He just sat there with his legs crossed.

"The next day Theo told Adrien to agree to Anton's plan to attack one of the fuel dumps and the night before I and Bertrand would go off and observe the site. We had three carrier pigeons and would send all three back with either a letter "Q" if we thought it was an ambush or "A" if it was clear.

The first thing Bertrand and I stumbled across was a German patrol a mile from the dump and after they had gone we just stayed hidden and watched several more of them. There was no mistaking they were looking for people like us.We waited until the early hours and after watching more patrols we sent the message "Q" back and then made our own way."

All six of the group were eating and "planning" the attack on the dump, only Adrien, Theo and Hunter knew what this was about, trying to draw Anton in. He was quite animated and Theo realised this bloke was pure amateur and not very well trained. Theo kicked Hunters foot who excused himself and with Bertrand went to the basement.Theo took his Smith and Wesson out with a suppressor on and told Anton to keep his hands on the table and say nothing, "Unless you have something to tell us Anton?"

"Bernard and I ripped into Anton's things and came up with several bits of paper which, one tells you how stupid he was and two, everything was in German and EVEN telling him about the fuel dump! How that man was trained goodness only knows but, once again, it was our luck. We will be using that word quite a lot."

Anton was given a choice as to how he should die either by shooting or taking a cyanide tablet but before he answered he took his hands off the table to get to a pocket, Theo shot him.

"Theo told me we needed to get out of there and two days later we got into our gear and left at 10 that night. We must have looked comical as we were loaded with our stuff so we could stay out for at least a week to ten days. We had two back packs with one strapped to our chests loaded with our rations. The two side packs held our Sten magazines and .38 ammo cartons as well as six hand grenades plus a lot more like maps, compass and binoculars. To complete our kit we would carry six homing pigeons in their basket to send back messages. We would carry it between us. With all that lot we could only move at night and then bunk down during the day, but we always made good progress, we were night owls." Hunter smiled at Horace and hoped he would like the next bit.

"We moved into one of the barns to spend the day before leaving. We did that because we had so much stuff it would be impossible to hide it in the house, so after we had packed I found a spot for us to be together and I took over command and ordered Theo to make love to me. He of course refused so I made love to him instead. It was wonderful Horace as we had never made love with clothes on before and it was terribly exciting!" Horace just looked on pretending this was a normal intelligence report by Hunter and tried NOT to imagine these two together as he fought hard not to think of them having sex, he failed and found himself smiling at them instead. It was Theo's turn to say something.

"Two days later we were 15 miles south west of the village and we knew we could be approaching our first sighting. Reports had come back that there was activity in the area so we slowed down and that night we found ourselves at the edge of a large wood and settled down." Horace could not help himself and really didn't intend the next question."And had sex again with you in command?""Good lord no Horace, we were getting a bit stinky by that time!""Oh, sorry Hunter. By the way how did you get information?""By runners. It was quite normal to have movement between villages and information would be passed that way and all in all very successful. Each resistant group had to observe a certain area and if they found anything, pass it on. It would arrive at the cottage we stayed at and that is when messages would be sent to London by Adrien."

"Horace, Hunter has mentioned our luck so many times and when we woke in the early hours we could see a huge force in the valley below us and it was obvious we had even more of it. We counted 20 Tiger tanks, a 100 or so troop carriers, ammunition trucks and we guessed about a thousand men and as there was not much movement we guessed they would be there for some time. We withdrew and wrote our messages to be sent giving every detail about the force and hoped London would respond. We sent three of the pigeons off with the same massages an hour apart in case one or two did not make it back. We hid most of our stuff and with just weapons we went back to our position and waited.

We were there almost two days and we began to think that nothing would happen and sent another two birds off saying the force was about to move off. That was a lie but we hoped it would kick someone's ass back home. We don't know if it did but as it was about to get dark we heard aircraft and saw six Mosquitoes flying in low and each dropped six 1000 pound bombs and did enormous damage as they exploded and ammunition trucks went off. We didn't wait to see how much that night and got our stuff and went another two miles away just in case they sent patrols out but went back when it got light and saw the utter destruction the bombs had caused. Ten tanks and many of the trucks had been completely destroyed and bodies were all over the place. They were a bit pissed off to say the least and we just got out of there and hid up for a couple of days before going back. We had good hot meals in that time and even found a small lake to strip off and clean one another and as soon as we got to a safe place I handed command back to Hunter."

"Dirty buggers!" That was all Horace could come up with but knowing full well these two certainly "came up" with something quite different. Hunter took over again.

"We had a lovely time Horace and made even better when we spotted a convoy of Germans going towards the place that the RAF attacked. We had to be quiet and not make a movement which meant Theo had to stay on top of me! Little did they know they were passing the two who caused that problem for them. We waited for them to get out of the way and sent the last two pigeons off hoping there would be a repeat attack but nothing happened. It took two days to get back and over the next two weeks the group was involved in three sabotage attacks against railway lines and blowing up telegraph poles. There was also another parachute drop and there would be lots of them all over France and other countries not that we knew that at the time, it was a build up to the invasion and literally tons of weapons ammunition and other stores were being dropped as well as people like Theo and me.There was a large package for Theo and me which included more food supplies and a suit case radio which would now make us completely independent and able to send massages back to the SOE (Special Operations Executive) in London and be able to radio Major Dowling direct. This was great for us and after goodbye's we were off. We never found out if the people at the cottage survived and just hope they did, they carried out some great work like many others to rid their country of the slime."

Theo and Hunter would walk for a week at night and covered 50 miles south west were it was thought German forces would be held in reserve. They were sure an invasion would happen but still had no idea where and it was up to the likes of these two to radio back any sightings. At this time, March 1944, observation was vital and the invasion could be handicapped without this information getting back to England. What they were involved in could be multiplied by thousands and if it had not been for their work and the Resistant groups there is no doubt without them, and the sacrifices they made, the war could have been prolonged and even in doubt had Hitler been able to buy time and get his V2's and jet fighters to make the difference in both bombing London and industrial cities and attacking the RAF and USAAF bomber squadrons, the Allies would be in deep shit!

"We arrived at our next over day stop just as it was getting light and crept forward to observe a building about half a mile away and the first thing we saw was three German vehicles parked outside a lovely house and the countryside told us it was a vineyard. There were other buildings which we assumed were where the wine was brewed. It seemed so small in comparison to the one my family stayed at when mother and father took us all to France one summer holiday in 1937. We settled down for the day and once again got lucky, there was another lake near by and we could have a good wash.""And I expect you took command again Hunter?" Horace was fishing."Of course Horace and in reflection I was in command much longer thanTheo was, mind you he made all the important decisions when it was his turn bless him." Hunter again squeezed Theo's hand and they smiled at one another. Horace just knew this was a very unique team and wondered if others could be trained and become what they had been and then laughed. "Yea God's, would they have to be homosexual as well!?"

"We had the most lovely time Horace and we were able to show our love to one another in the most beautiful way its possible to imagine, it was so peaceful and it was warming up which made it even better. It was as though the war was not happening as Theo made love to me. When we could make love we always had in our minds it could be the last time as we could never be sure that it wasn't of course." Yet again there was a long pause as Hunter looked at Theo. "Shall I say?" "Its Horace, so no problem." Horace wondered what the hell was coming next! All he was sure about that their experiences had bought them even closer and what ever was coming up now they were already getting through it. Then he smiled to himself. "Course they will for Christ sake!" For the first time in his life he knew that the love he had for his wife and son could be equalled after all.

"After making love and a spot of recovery, Theo said we should go and keep an eye on the house. It was a lovely place and I guessed about four or five bedrooms and lots of reception rooms. Just a little smaller than father's home to be exact, we have eight bedrooms!" Theo laughed and went back to the interview and all that Hunter had told him about father and mother.

"We observed for the rest of the day and we both counted ten Nazi SS with four officers and six troops and would be one group of many who's job it was to police their areas and keep an eye on all the villages and the people in them. We knew they were not that special and were no more than thugs, but dangerous ones. By the time it got dark Theo had made his plans and just told me what they were."

"Can I ask one thing? Apart from the times you were in command during private times Hunter did you have any input during the times you were planning operations?" Hunter was apparently in command right now and answered.

"Oh NO Horace! Theo told me what he wanted and I just went along with it but knowing he would always be right. He even told me I was not to kill anyone unless I had no choice and I took that as an order and never fired in anger throughout our time in France. I did have my uses though as you will hear.

"We watched them all day and it seemed they were on a sort of break as they just lounged about smoking and drinking. Apart from the officers having pistols the troops rifles and machine guns were in the back of a truck. Theo said they were taking a couple of days off and we would attack them in the early hours. The only French we saw were two older men who bought out food and then sat down a short distance away we assumed to wait for the next orders. We saw a couple of troop get a rifle each and go into another barn and bought out four of the vineyard workers and they were taken into the house, we assumed to work. They were put back an hour later and left even more bottles with the Germans.

As we watched we saw two of the officers leave the group and came up towards us. We drew back and waited and were treated to the sight of two German officers having sex and by the way they kissed we were sure they were lovers and not just involved in rampant sex. They fucked for ages and I must say it rather turned me on as well as they were young and very lovely. At last they finished fucking but stayed for ages kissing. When at last they got dressed we looked at one another and by the expression on Theo's face I bloody well knew he would not let me take command!

"We had hidden our equipment and walked down to the house at 1am with just weapons and grenades. We had black overalls on and blackened faces and were just about invisible. We knew that the officers and the two older people who must have been the owners of the place were in the house and two of the troops, two soldiers were on guard and the other two in the same barn as the prisoners.

We got within 25 yards of the guards and waited until they changed over guard and then I went off to our right and wait for five minutes so that Theo could get nearer to the guards and when the time was up I made a screeching noise that would distract both of them.They died very quickly.

"Theo reloaded and we just walked in the house and went to the kitchen were we found two troops still drinking and eating. The two older Frenchmen were there as well and saw us as we went in. The two soldiers had no chance as their rifles were yards away and Theo dispatched them with two shots to the head. We took them outside and put them with the other two. One of the French blokes took us upstairs and showed us where the officer in charge was sleeping and Theo walked in and shot him. Next we were shown the door of the second officer and he was killed as well. That left the other two we saw in the woods and were told they would be sleeping together.We went in but they were still awake and having sex and got the shock of their lives when Theo turned the light on. They were naked and clung together scared out of their mines, but they did look lovely! Theo went towards them and the poor lads began to plead for their lives."

"S'l vous plait monsieur ne las tuent pas, ils sont dans L'amour et bons hommes." (" Please sir don't kill them, they are in love and good men.")

"And they are yours and our enemy unless you are on their side? The man was near to tears and just shook his head. I knew Theo could not go through with it. "Tie them up, get their weapons and lock them in. Hunter tell them if they make any noise I WILL kill them."

"There was just two left now and we just walked into the barn and woke them up, Theo had had enough of killing and the four were taken to the cellar and handcuffed (they were police and had plenty of them) to hooks screwed into a beam and locked in and we would hand them over to the Allies when they got there in a few months time."

"Look lads, I think we all need a break and I assume there is still quite a lot to be told?"

"Yes Horace."

"That's fine but I need a break and have to make an urgent phone call anyway. What if we meet for breakfast and finish off then?"

"That's fine Horace I need some fresh air. so does Hunter and then go to our room and no Hunter, I'm still in command."

Horace could not believe that he was actually disappointed! Hunter on the other hand knew better, crafty sod.

Next: Chapter 6: The Interview Continues 4

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