The Interview

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Dec 8, 2015


For some odd reason in the last chapter I changed the name of the Colonel from Dowling to Masters!!?? Why? No idea except I'm getting on a bit. Anyway its back to Dowling!

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Emma banged on Hunter and Theo's door which interrupted yet another private moment only this time it was Hunter on his front with his bum sticking up. Hunter was in his own "heaven" and Theo was the reason, or rather his tongue was as he licked every millimetre of that beautiful hairless valley all the way down to that special of all special places.

Hunter was making so much noise Emma had to bang on the door a second time and yelled out, "STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING! THEO, THE PHONE!" She went back down wondering what on earth could they be up too. "Henry NEVER makes that row!"

"Colonel, Theo is on his way as soon as they stop what ever they are doing." Paul wondered as well and did not want to think about it, he shivered instead. "I expect they are working out Lady Emma, keeping fit and all that don't you think?" "Fucking like rabbits is more likely!" She screamed out laughing but didn't realise Henry was passing. "EMMA!" "Sorry dear!" Paul wished he could put the phone down. Five minuets later Theo and his very tall shadow got to the phone., he lent a long way down so he could hear what was being said.

"Good morning Colonel." "is it? Bloody crap in London its pissing down and apparently its going to turn to snow over the next few days. Right try and remember this. You are both to report to the camp on Monday and go to your old office at 09 00. All that's left of the camp now is Head Quarters, the rest has been bulldozed and they are starting to build housing on the site. HQ will follow suit in two months and so there is no accommodation. I was going to put you in a hotel but that wont happen now. About a week ago General Black, your late CO's father, came to see me because he wanted to know if you two survived and of course I told him very unlikely as you sent "KCUF," but you two knew something I didn't. I didn't even know you knew him, I rang him to let him know you two were alive and that you are due to meet with me on the Monday and he has invited you to stay with him until I kick you both out of the army. Have you written anything up?" "Do we really have too?" "Of course you do and you have got three days to do it before you come down and the weekend as well when your with the General. You are to take it to HQ by 5 pm on Sunday so I can spend an OH so exciting evening reading it when I get back. It will be put into records so don't write shit, nothing but facts, that will keep you out for mischief for awhile." "What mischief? "Sod off Theo I'm not going there." "We will see you at 9 on Monday then sir." "You better, I will have your discharge papers with me, bye." Paul put his phone down but Theo carried on talking. "Yes Paul you are right, I'm going to take Hunter back up to our room and we will each strip one another naked and after I have wound him up its my turn to fuck him, after I have done with him he fucks me. We always need recovery time after which we will think about the report." Hunter looked at Theo. "You FUCKING idiot!" Mother and Father were passing. "HUNTER!" "Its Theo's fault!" "GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW, BOTH OF YOU!" Whoosh..........., they were gone. "You are so cruel and heartless Emma." " And YOU, take me to ours!" Whoosh!

They had been avoiding doing this but now the time had come they agreed that if they got stuck into it, it would be out of the way and then try to forget the past and then think about their future and where they could go to find it.

Hunter went off to pinch his fathers Remington type writer and a stack of A 4 paper as well as a new ink tape and took the lot to their room. Theo was about to find out yet another skill of this young man and as Theo dictated so Hunter rattled off at great speed on the type writer. He would stop every now and again and discuss a certain part of the report and once they agreed an amendment they carried on. One of those "amendments" Hunter suggested was to stop after every second page and explore other ways to make love. "I think every third page Hunter other wise we will never get the fucking thing done in time to hand it in." Hunter agreed and typed at even greater speed. "Keep up Theo, read faster!"

By midday the following day they laid naked on the bed and began to read the report page by page together. Hunter had his left arm around Theo and Theo had the 50 sheets of the report next to him. As each page had been read Hunter put it upside down on his side. After a quick kiss and a fiddle the next page was read and so it went on until the final sheet had been given to Hunter and it was done. Hunter got up and put the lot on a cabinet and went back to bed so that Theo and he could make love. It wasn't so much to help them forget the contents of the report but more like being randy, they had never laid along side one another naked for so long without getting up to the mischief as Paul had put it. An hour later they cuddled in as was normal but the report was still in their minds. "Sod it Theo I should have carbon copied it, but I could not find any in father's study, I think we should have a copy don't you think? "Why?" "Well we have written about quite a lot of activities we were involved in and IF anyone wanted to challenge us any time in the future, we would have a record of it but not only that I'm thinking of writing a book about our time and it would jolt my thick head of our time in France as I think we will try to forget a lot of it." "I don't think we will ever forget Hunter, still a good idea though. I will read out and you type if that's what you want?" An hour later Hunter took the type writer back to his father's study and their copy of the report and put in his unlocked safe. Henry would read the lot when they were away.

"Abbey House. Who is this?" It was General Black. "Sir, this is Theo and Hunter." "THEO! Welcome home dear boy and Hunter! My word I was so pleased to hear you are both safe." "Its good to be back sir and thank you for the invitation to stay with you." My pleasure, your room is all ready and I am sure you will like it, there is a beautiful view over the gardens and the sea." It had been his son Thomas's room. "There will be a few whisky's waiting for you." "Thank you sir, I would love a couple but Hunter doesn't drink much." "I will have lemonade made for him, it will be lovely to see you again Theo and meet Hunter and by the way its Horace from now on please." "Yes Horace, may I ask why you are putting Hunter and me together?" "Because I know you ARE together Theo and have known since you came to Abbey House last time, I am sure of it and you don't have to hide anything from me either. I MAY explain why while you are here. Goodbye, I'm so much looking forward to Friday."

"I hope I don't get a stiffy when we are cuddled up and Horace is in the room Theo, it may embarrass him." "And me, I will break your neck if you do." Theo stroked Hunter's stiffy and no more was said, its rude to talk with your mouths full.

Theo drove the 1930 MG-J type because Hunter had lost the toss even though it had been an enjoyable one to loose anyway but he pretended to still be miffed because that's what Theo would have done as well. They were in thick trousers, jumpers, scarves, flat caps, thick socks, boots, duffel coats and to complete this 1940's driving attire, goggles. Half hour into the journey they were freezing their bollocks off! It was a very cold winter's day and with no top they both wondered why they had not been offered the Bentley. Father was just not thinking and they were too stupid to look outside. After another half hour it started to snow and with another hour's drive at least.

"HUNTER!" Theo shouted at him. "WHAT?" Hunter shouted back. "I LOVE YOU!" "PULL OVER!" "NO." "WHY NOT?" "CANT MOVE MY FUCKING LEGS!" Hunter yanked on the hand break and nothing happened. "WHEN WE GET THERE JUST DRIVE INTO A BRICK WALL!"

James Butler, Sir Horace's Butler knocked on the Drawing room door and went in. "Sir Horace, two mummies have just arrived, I think they maybe your guests." "Is the fire in the hall lit?" "Yes sir and I will send Brenda up to the gentlemen's room to put more logs on the fire." "Good idea, maybe we will have to help them up the stairs as well. LOOK at that snow! You had better pour two large whisky's and bring a warm lemonade James."

James opened the huge front door and he and Horace looked at the guests standing there looking like travelling snowmen complete with snow covered suit cases. They stepped inside and dropped them. James ushered them to the fire and helped them to remove caps and goggles then gloves, duffel coats and scarves. "I am SO sorry chaps, its James's fault I distinctly remember asking him to order fine weather, goodness you both look dreadful, but it is so lovely to see you again Theo and hello Hunter." Horace held out his left hand and the two visitors did the same then followed Horace into the Drawing room. James laughed his head off at both of them as they walked behind Horace but could not bend their legs. "The tall one must have snow on his head all the time anyway!" He went into the kitchen to tell Brenda and the others about the frozen guests. "They are stiff as boards, but I know two bits that wont be!" "Mister Butler, PLEASE!" "Sorry Brenda."

The two guests were thawed out at last and sitting at opposite ends of

the Chesterfield even though they had been told Horace knew they were "together." Horace smiled at them and had to say what he had rehearsed a few times and realising the ice needed to be broken. "Right lads lets get the so called embarrassing bits out of the way. While you are in my home I want you to relax and not give a jot to what you may think others maybe thinking. IF you want to hold hands, have an arm around a shoulder, cuddle or any of that stuff, I want you to feel free and just be yourselves, not one of my staff or I will have a problem with it."

As a theme in this story there was another long pause and Theo and Hunter looked at this lovely man as he looked into the fire and seemed a long way away. Theo shoved over next to Hunter and held his hand and waited, he knew Horace was thinking about his son which made Theo think about Norway and the fire fight they had had and Thomas becoming so badly wounded. He had never spoken to anyone, not even Hunter about Thomas pleading with him to finish him off. He just could not do it, but at the same time by saving him, he had condemned Thomas to a long, slow death. He had no idea Thomas died on the very day that he had taken Hunter to Abbey House, until that is he saw the Union flag at half mast and just knew it flew like that for Thomas.

"Sir Horace?" "I did say Horace only Theo." "I know sir and I wont call you "Sir" again but this is important and I wish to address you as "Sir" for this time only. Sir, Hunter and I would like to thank you for the welcome you have given us and be assured we will relax and do all that you have invited us to do, it will be the first time in public since we got back home, but sir we both know there is more and IF you want to get it all out neither Hunter or I will have a problem with it and I already know we would like to off load as well." Horace looked at the pair of them and smiled a smile of real happiness that he thought he would never do again. "My word lads thank you so much for being here! Lets have another whisky Theo, more lemonade Hunter?" "No thanks Horace, its crap!" Horace was even more happy now and laughed his head off! He poured the whiskey's and when he turned to give Theo his he looked at them together and tried to imagine Thomas in Hunter's place.

Much later they went to their room and after a long bath went to bed. They would never know the bed they slept in was Horace's as he he had it swapped for his sons, he too would die in it many years later and go to be with Thomas and his late wife again.

Once in bed they just cuddled in and kissed for a very, very long time and really for the first time since they had returned to England felt complete as a couple and neither wanted this ever to stop, but then it would when the meeting with Paul was at an end and they would be civilians again. They fell asleep still with their arms around one another until the sun shone through and woke them up at 7 in the morning. The weather was perfect, so would the weekend be as well.

Neither of them even made an approach to make love but totally happy in this new atmosphere knowing they could be themselves no matter where they were in the house. Mind you they kissed the shit out of one another and continued in the bath and then one more at the bedroom door before going down to breakfast where Horace was waiting for them. He smiled at them and invited them to help themselves. This breakfast would go on for a very long time and would eventually end when they all went out for a walk around Horace's huge estate.

"I hope you lads are comfortable in your room?" "Yes thank you Horace, its a beautiful room and the outlook is wonderful. Theo and I spent ages at the window over looking the gardens and the sea and the fact that its in a tower and almost round makes it very unique and with four windows there are fantastic views." "It was Thomas's room and he loved it. I'm just happy you two do as well. Thomas would be very happy."

All three wanted to start to talk about themselves and all three were waiting for the opportunity, Hunter came up with it. "Horace I have never met an author until now, apart from mother and she doesn't count. I have read both of your books and they were a very good read and not only an insight to your own war but also your views on specialist forces and how effective they could be if well trained and armed. It seems someone took notice because of the formation of the Commando's, the Parachute Regiments and the Long Range Desert Group."

"Well none of them came about because of me, but it may have caused someone to think prior to the war. I became an "advisor" throughout this last one and got to know many very good fellows from all sorts of countries and I suppose combining our brain matter did help and in particular the planning the Normandy landings. It may surprise you to know that was being planned before the American's joined in not that we knew then that the invasion would be Normandy or when it could happen and in any case nothing could until America DID join in." "America could not have joined in but for the fantastic evacuation at Dunkirk and stopping the Nazi's invading by winning the Battle of Britain in my opinion Horace. I have not read your books and we would be more than interested to hear about your war?"

"I referred to it in my first book and you will already know Hunter I was one of the lucky ones when I got shot at the Battle of Passchendael and my fighting war was over and sent back to England. My right shoulder was shot up and now have very limited use of it, in fact I had to learn to write with my left hand, but my word nothing as bad as thousands of other chaps had to endure and now many more thousands have joined them and for what? Bloody madness.

"I fought at the Battle of Marne alongside the French to save Paris.That battle lasted from 6th Sept 1914 until the 10th and in that time we lost over 12,000 lads, the French lost many more thousands. We were cannon fodder as far as the High Command was concerned and it was to get much worse as the war progressed.

I was sent to the BEF HQ and met Douglas Haig for the first time. From there I joined the 2nd Division and with others captured the heights over looking Aubers Ridge at Neuve Chapelle. It was dreadful weather and the whole area turned into a quagmire and what did we achieve? Not more than 1,500 yards and 13,000 killed, 4,000 of whom were Indian lads. INDIAN! They died for the so called "Mother Land" but so far away from their own. I had many of them under my command and I say this, without them and thousands from other parts of the Empire we would have been in a great deal of trouble. God bless them all.

I did all sorts of other stuff until finally discharged in 1921 as a General which to this day I still wonder why! But I had more luck, I had married my dear wife and Thomas came along straight away. We had been very naughty and were only married six months, oh my goodness so many awkward questions as not only did we get pregnant long before we married, I was 20 years older and not quite the done thing. We were very happy indeed and then Audrey was killed when the aircraft she was flying crashed and our world collapsed and then made even worse for me when Thomas also passed away." He went silent and Theo and Hunter waited as the 68 year old thought. He looked at them and smiled. "And now I have met you lads and we have so much in common having fought and survived our own "hells" but for me I think of two men who love and cherish one another and that makes me very happy. On the day Thomas died I went to the window over looking the sea and saw you two embracing and even though dreadfully sad in my personal life, I knew that others were happy and in love and love did not die with Thomas, you see he was in love himself." Horace got out of his seat and poured another cup of coffee and sat back down and looked at Theo and Hunter.

"The day before Thomas died he confessed to me he was homosexual and asked for my forgiveness, silly boy. When he finally left me the first people I saw were you two in the water and at that very moment all my prejudices about homosexuality flew out of the window I was looking through. Thomas told me who that person was and I pray that person survived the war as you two have done. You both have a deep love for one another and I know Thomas would wish you many years together, as do I."

Horace had finished, there was complete silence, each with their own thoughts but at the same time Horace looking at Theo with a rye smile on his face. In that instant both Theo and Hunter knew who the unnamed person was. ____________________________________________________________________________

Next: Chapter 5: The Interview Continues 3

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