The Interview

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Dec 1, 2015


I thought I would risk continuing the story and I hope the few who are reading enjoy it.

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Henry and Emma Huntingdon-Smith, Hunter's mum and dad, were in Henry's study with the letter from Lt Col Master's informing them that Hunter was, "Missing in action, presumed dead." But they knew they were actually in Hunters room sleeping, bathing, then appearing for meals just in their dressing gowns. After eating they would go back upstairs to have even more sex. At least that's what Emma had told her family. Nobody had taken much notice and carried on eating.

Ten days previously Hunter and Theo had just walked in as though they had popped out for a walk and joined the family at the dining table. "Hello father, mother, MOB! All Hunter's ten siblings plus a couple of boyfriends and a girlfriend were sat together. Allow me to introduce Theo, we have just got back from France." The Huntingdon-Smith's were not inclined to be that emotional and just stared at the pair of them but did manage a combined "hello." They got chairs each and squeezed in where they could and helped themselves to what was left.

"Its very nice to have you home Hunter and to meet you too Theo, do stay as long as you wish, I'm sure there is a spare room somewhere.

"He wont need one mother, Theo will be with me." Even that did not cause any eyes brows to be raised. Henry mumbled something and Emma went out to get the two huge apple and rhubarb crumbles and a gallon of custard. The whole lot was consumed in minutes and the new arrivals belched their appreciation.

"Hunter I see you are a Lieutenant and Theo a Major, we had no idea you had become an officer?"

"Yes I am mother since 1942 but a 2nd Lieutenant and Theo is a Lieutenant."

Why those uniforms then?

"We stole them so we could get back, we didn't have uniforms just civilian clothes and found it difficult to convince the dispatchers we were not only British but in the Army they didn't believe us because we did not have any identification and they were going to lock us up so we got out of there and just waited.There was a party going on in an officers mess and so we just hung around until a couple of them got drunk and helped ourselves, those chaps would have woken up very cold and naked!" "That must be why your uniform is at least two sizes too small Hunter." "Yes mother, its a real pain I must say. Never mind, we will be burning them soon. Father, Theo needs some of your clothes for a while." Not asking, just telling. Once again Henry mumbled his reply and forgot all about having his wardrobe raided at the same time.

"Right, we are off to bed and visitors are not welcome for sometime to come, if ever. We need to catch up on quite a few things and the priority is a bath and that's where we are going now." They stood up and left. There were a few waves from some members of the family and then continued to talk about the duck shoot the next day. Only Emma watched them as they left and having watched them during the meal, she knew that they had gone through some stressful times, Hunter's face told her that, and then joined the conversation "Henry." "Yes my dear." "Where is my 12 bore?" Henry looked at his wife with a puzzled expression on his face. "Gun cupboard?" "Oh of course, silly me............! Where is it?" Henry ignored her and Emma thought about Hunter and Theo again. They came in with some poor devils uniforms on so that meant they did not have their own in France, what had they been up too, she wondered.

Neither Theo or Hunter knew that Emma was now on her way to their bedroom, they were rather busy. Theo was laying on his front and Hunter on top of him and had just entered all eight inches of himself and began to give both of them a lovely time as he withdrew and when his head was just about to pop out he sank the whole lot back in.

It was about the tenth time or so and Hunter was reaching the point of no return when there was a bang on the door. "WHAT?" He had just got his head to Theo's bum hole and was about to plunge back in. "Its mother!" "Don't come in please Mother, we are making love." " Yes I know you are but you two are to come to Father's study and phone the War Office or father will do it, he is serious." "Father is NEVER serious!" Hunter sank back into Theo and waited for Mother to bugger off. "He is this time so finish what you are doing and come to his study and don't take too long about it." "Yes mother, we will be down in about an hour." "Why that long? It never takes Father and me more than 10 minutes!" "Theo needs his turn mother." "Oh............., oh, very well. Just an hour otherwise father will make the call. They need to know you two are still alive and back home for goodness sake!" She went back down to be with her husband to tell him he could relax for at least an hour.

" I'm going on my back." Hunter withdrew and waited the three seconds for Theo to turn. He spread his legs and by the time another two seconds had flashed by, Hunter was back in and now face to face with Hunter leaning over so they could kiss. Four strokes later Hunter called out telling the whole house he was about to explode. He erupted into Theo which took another 30 seconds and then collapsed on top of him, still kissing. Thirty minutes later they were in the bath for a much needed clean up.

"Very nice Hunter but why I had to cum at the same time as you I just don't know. We sort of missed out but it was great nevertheless." "You can do it after the phone call. By the way who's making the call?" "Toss you for it and who ever cums first, makes the call." Theo lost, Hunters bags were just about empty anyway and besides he kept whispering about the time they were in the first farm house they stayed in and their first fuck on active service. Three days after they were taken to it they had unexpectedly found themselves in a room of their own and took full advantage of it. Afterwards they laid together talking.

"Hunter?" "Yes my wonderful superior officer?" "I think we have a collaborator amongst us." "How do you know that?" "That bloke Anton. He knows we are planning to attack a choice of targets but only you, me Adrien and Celestine know about all of them but he keeps mentioning two fuel storage dumps and the nearest is only 20 kilometers away. All I can think is he is trying to get us to attack one of them and if we do there could be welcoming party waiting for us."

"Its not a good start Theo, we could fail on our first job if you are right but sweetheart you maybe just guessing?"

"You actually mean paranoid. its just a gut feeling and I will get him talking and find out which dump he is thinking about and agree that we will attack that one, then I will send you and Bertrand out and check the place over two days before and you will send a pigeon back, "Q" for ambush or"A" if its safe, but even then we will attack a different target. I just want to confirm either way whether this bloke is or is not what I think he is and we also need to know if anyone else is with him and if there are, kill all of them. We will piss off on our own and try to link up with others, you and I need to fuck off soon anyway." "Language Theo, please!" "Sorry dear." Hunter kissed Theo and told him he loved him. Theo held Hunter tight and like that they fell asleep.

They got out of the bath, dried one another off and got into dressing gowns. "Do you remember where the study is Hunter?" "Think so, follow me but I expect I will get lost." They didn't and were now sitting in the study and Theo at Henry's desk with the phone in his hand. Hunter's parents were with them making sure the call would be made, they did not trust these two. "I don't know the number." Henry got up and pointed at the blotter, "There." Theo dialled the operator and asked for the number.

Colonel Paul Masters had finished with his meeting at 10 Downing Street with several other senior officers and was quite pleased he had been promoted to full Colonel, but also the outcome of that meeting. He asked himself if he should go back to his office or go for a pint.

"Yes sir, what can I get you?" "Pint of Old and Happy please. May I use your phone?" "Of course sir, its at the end of the bar."

"Lt Col Master's office." "Jenny its me and I'm a full Colonel now and don't take the piss." "Course not Corporal how can I help?" "Anything important come up, if not I'm going home." "Nothing that needs you here, some French bloke called and will call back tomorrow, I'm finishing off as well in half an hour." "What's his name?" "Think he said Eugene Rousseau, something like that." "WHAAAT!? What did he say?" "I told you Corporal he will call back tomorrow." "Did you get his number?" "Yes of course, I AM an expert at taking phone calls remember and deserve a promotion myself don't you think?"

"Shut up and don't go anywhere, I will get a taxi." Paul got back to his pint, paid for it then swallowed the lot down in one. "My word sir that was quick I thought the war had ended!" "This fucker is about to begin, thanks." Paul went out and just grabbed a taxi leaving several people also waiting cussing arrogant fucking officers!

"Mulbury House." "Hello, this is Col Masters may I ask if a Hunter Huntingdon-Smith or a Theo King is there?" "They could be, why do you want to know?" Paul told himself not to swear, he was talking to Hunter's mother and apparently a bit weird. "I am their Commanding Officer and I thought they were dead, I even wrote to you telling you that. Please go and get them, oh I take it I am speaking to Lady Huntingdon-Smith?" "Soon to be Smyth, but yes you are right. I will go and get them but they are in bed and it may take time to prise them out of it. Wait please." Paul went all the way back to when a returning operative had told him he was sure that Theo and Hunter were lovers. "Fuck ME....! NO I didn't mean that!"

"Hello Paul, its Theo." Theo held the hand piece away from his ear, he knew he would be able to hear what was coming. "Where the FUCK have you two been and why have you not reported in?" "The war was over and we wanted a bit of a rest, we would have called eventually." "Oh thank YOU so very fucking much, you didn't think that people have been worried sick about you both and assumed you were both DEAD I suppose!?" "Who?" That took Paul by surprise and had not prepared an answer, he scrabbled his head around but could not come up with an answer. He knew Theo had given up his family and had no contact for years, as for Hunter, his parents would have just got on with life and only grieved VERY privately, but then he had come home anyway! "Me." "YOU? Oh fine, do you want us to meet up then?" "Bloody fool of course I do! You are both STILL in the army and there is the small matter of reporting back to me about what went on over there AND you need to be officially discharge, you didn't think of that did you, you bugger." "Well, as I said we would have got round to it Paul. When do you want us to meet then?" "Don't know just at the moment but it wont be long, there are a few things I have to clear up first. Right, this is a fucking order to both of you. You are to stay there and by the fucking phone. DON'T fuck me about Theo nor that other dick head either. I will be in touch goodbye." "Paul?" "What?" "Your language is getting worse." "Fuck off." there was a long gap and Theo waited. "Theo, thank God you both came home." Both men put their phones back on the cradles, one went upstairs and had sex, the other one went upstairs to go to the toilet. At the same time as Paul was holding his dick to aim straight, Hunter was sucking on Theo's while he pulled on Hunter's, sort of all round relief it could be said.

Two days later the phone rang and Theo answered it, he knew it would be Paul. Hunter, Henry and Emma as well as few offspring were there as well. Theo noted that the the son who had a girlfriend and the two daughters who had boyfriends were "missing, presumed fucking!"

"Lieutenant Theo King speaking, who is this?" " You know who it is Theodore." Paul knew he hated to be called that and hoped he would be pissed off, Theo was. "Thank you very much Colonel and apparently you are still pissed off with us but don't forget I know your middle name, Tarquin." "Oh sod off! Right you are free for another few days as some thing else has come up and I have to go away but I cant go into details obviously." "Has the war started up again then?" "Cant say and you know I cant." "In that case its a different war Tarquin, good luck." "I presume you don't have uniforms so come in civvies when I tell you to meet me, any questions?" "We do in fact have uniforms but I am now a Major and Hunter has been promoted to Lieutenant but we could take the ranks off if you want, but Hunter looks comical as his is at least two sizes too small." "And where the hell did you get those from?" "We took them off a couple of pissed officers in France, it was are only way to get back." Yet another long pause. "Ware civvies but remember you are still in the fucking army!" Theo put the phone down.

"Theo, you had better come and choose some of my clothes and you go and get yours ready Hunter, it will be nice to see you two in something else rather than dressing gowns. You can take the MG and I will get Johnston to get it ready. When you are packed I want to see you both in the study please in one hour. Hunter thought of his siblings quite possibly fucking in their bedrooms and was quite envious and so suggested two hours. "ONE and I fuc....." "HENRY!" "Jolly well mean it!" On the dot they knocked on Henry's door and went in. "Bloody hell! Is it really you? Sit down please, Sherry?" He didn't wait for an answer and poured three scooners. (large Sherry glasses)

"Ok, all this is about is what do we do with you. What are your plans for the future regarding employment. I know you are a regular Theo but what about your future? "To be honest I don't have a clue except whatever it is I don't want to be that far from Hunter." "I don't wish to be rude Theo but are you qualified in anything else other than being a soldier?" "Not unless you include loving your son." "Not really a qualification is it although Emma and are are delighted you are, really delighted." That was the first time Hunter had ever heard his father express himself like that and smiled at him. He just wish he could cuddle him, that had never happened, only his mother did that sort of thing and then it was only ever quick. What he had missed in physical demonstrations of affection by his parents he was making up for it with Theo. The sex helped a lot as well! The only slight thing that bothered both of them was they could not show that love outside the bedroom as that was a no no in this household. Not that anything was ever said about it, it was just NOT done. "What about you Hunter?" "I think there could possibly be an opening to teach languages, both Theo and me. I already know German inside out and we both speak, read and write French, so that could be one option. I could also take other languages as I'm good, so thinking of taking Spanish and Italian to start with and even possibly become an interpreter, I am going to teach Theo German. Well, I will when we spend more time out of bed." "Why cant we do it in bed?" "We do! Oh I see what you mean. In that case the first lesson will be as soon as we get back upstairs." "Have you quite finished? That's something I suppose but I have a suggestion and mother has already agree to it. Henry could not have got this far without her agreement to be honest. We are offering you to take over the management of my estate in Scotland. There are 2,000 acres of Pine forests and four farms and I am sure in time you will learn from my people up there and take full control after a couple of years or so." Henry sat back with a huge smile on his face and waited for both of them to jump up and run around in utter joy! Nothing happened. Henry was somewhat confused.

"Gentlemen?" He looked at both of them and could not make this out. Neither was saying anything but bloody well knew they were thinking the same.

"Father, thank you and mother so much we really do appreciate what you are doing for us, we really do, but we can't. One, the Jocks will resent us going up there and take control and not even having one clue about what they have spent a life time doing and two we both want to find our own way without a leg up to do it. We don't know yet what it will be but, forgive us for saying this, you and mother have no idea what went on in France but we survived it and finding future employment is peanuts in comparison. We are so sorry father, please don't think we are being ungrateful." This story is full of long pauses and here is another one. To make it even longer Henry got up and got the decanter and poured three more sherry's and sat down looking at them and looked properly at his son for the first time in his life and then at Theo. "I don't want to pry, but tell me was it truly that bad?" He was still looking at Theo, so he answered. "Yes Sir Henry it was but we were no more effected than the thousands also fighting, neither Hunter or I are special cases. Hunter told me all about your family and your way of life and we knew we could escape all the dreadful crap that went on for a while. It was an escape for us that we know others did not have and because of you and Lady Emma's attitude to life we also knew we could go to Hunter's room and begin what many others don't have, recovery time on our own and is worked believe me Sir. We go to meet with the Colonel soon and when we give him our report and then get discharged, we can think more clearly and find out what we can do and where we will end up." "Why don't you just stay with Emma and I then, find work and live happily ever after?" "Because we have to find our own way father. Father I do understand our family very well and I am now at odds with some of it and its that we all keep the love we have for one another in the bedroom as we cant show it outside and quite frankly Theo and I find that very hard. Please don't worry, we will find a way." "My word, its going to be tough and to be quite honest I am a little worried for both of you." Hunter was getting to know his father much better as a person now and it had only taken 22 years! "Mind you I'm beginning to think mother and I may have been a little unfair in not showing more affection. I think there is a lot more that could be discussed but not now. I will finish with this. IF you ever need "sanctuary" for whatever reason and for how EVER long you need it, this is the place for both of you and I will NOT be challenged about that by either of you do understand?" "Yes father and thank you." "Yes Sir Henry and I thank you too." "That's fine and don't call me SIR any more and Emma is no Lady anyway, now fuck off to your room, I'm sure you must have more planning to do as that must be where you do most of it!" They got up to leave and they were at the door and just about to open it. "And don't tell mother I fucking swore. She gives me shit every time I do!" "VERY FUCKING TRUE HENRY!" Hunter opened the door and watched his mother running down the corridor laughing her head off! Not for the first time Theo thought this was a very unique family, a community in fact and although not one of them showed any sort of emotion be it anger or closeness, he bloody well knew there was a great deal of love, Henry and Emma had just confirmed it in their own way.

They laid with Theo on top of Hunter and no surprise, naked even though both were limp at this time. Not much was happening except for long bouts of kissing. Theo stopped and they now laid on their sides looking at one another and each of them stroking one another's face and also leaning forward for another kiss and at the same time the beginnings of a semi from each of them. "Any ideas Theo on what we can do apart from languages?" "Not much really. Maybe we could think about going to America but I don't think homosexuals are any more welcome there than here." "What about going back to France?" "And do what?" "The vineyard, we were there for months and it was a lovely time, well some of it was." " Don't remember, I was pissed for half of it!" "Oh don't so silly and try to get serious, we carried out four attacks while we were there and all successful as if you don't remember." "Killed a lot of Jerry's." "And stopped them killing our boys at the same time." Each went back to that time with a mixture of great memories and some bad ones. "I love you Hunter." Hunter was still thinking and did not respond to that bit of romance. "There are other vineyards and because of the friends we made I am sure we could find help in finding another one." "Well at least we can think about it and I actually think its a great idea, Got any more?" "Fuck off. its your turn, oh by the way I love you too." Yet another long pause while they kissed and Theo trying to come up with something. He certainly could now that Hunter got him erect. "Nope, nothing so I'm going to fuck you." "Best idea so far my man." Hunter went down on Theo to make sure he was still hard and then got into position which meant he laid on his side with Theo behind him. Theo slipped into the man he loved so much and slowly stroked himself into that wonderful tunnel.

"Mind you we could always stay in the army!" All fucking ceased, two dicks went soft and Hunter got beaten up! ____________________________________________________________________________

Next: Chapter 4: The Interview Continues 2

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