The International School for Boys

By steve wood

Published on Jan 4, 2024


The international school for boys -- Part 5

I was expecting to go to sleep after the shock of finding out that every Saturday it was going to be my job to thank my mentor Williams by basically pleasuring his dick yet I was not allowed any pleasure. I was pondering this thought when our dormitory leader Markus tapped me on my shoulder and whispered in my ear that it's not time to sleep you as you have more duties to perform. Williams showed you tonight how he expects to be pleasured and as dormitory leader I get to chose who I want to pleasure me. I find you hot Sears, I love watching you get spanked naked and I love the fact your fourteen and I get to chose you for my pleasure. Now get yourself over to my bed and get on your knees, you know what to do. Won't I get a demerit for being out of bed when it's lights out time, yes your gonna get a demerit but you will get many more if you don't get to my bed now. As I walk over to his bed I see the time passes 8.30pm and the lights go out and my bracelet lights up. I guess I can't win here and know my ass is on the line again. Markus is ready and waiting, I kneel down and he immediately grabs my head and pulls me into his groin, his dick is rock hard already and he pushes my head down onto his eager and really quite big cock. Markus is eager his dick is throbbing and his hands are working my head up and down his dick, my eyes are watering and I'm gagging as he is so rough with me. Yes Sears take my dick boy, oh I've so wanted to have your mouth deep on my dick, come on suck harder and use your tongue to pleasure me or I will see you get your ass spanked harder than you ever experienced. His cock is swelling in my mouth as I go up and down on his dick, then I hear him getting close and I know he is about to cum, stupidly I touch my dick and the bracelet lights up again, fuck another demerit and then my mouth feels this horny boy release in my mouth. Don't dare spill anything or were both in trouble as I swallow and suck him dry and cleaning his cock of any leftover cum. Good boy this is your job now Sears to please your leader now get back to bed. I jump back into my bed with my dead raging, I hump the bed a little then dose off to sleep but I so need to cum.

It's Sunday and we can stay in bed until 8am, but then our mentors come and it's shower time and we are reminded it's full uniform for chapel. We go for breakfast first then all boys are off to chapel to sing boring hymns and get preached to about god, our behaviour and following the rules of school and life. We shuffle out of chapel and as we get out into the bright sunlight I here Williams shout where is your cap Sears, fuck I forget that stupid rule. Another demerit is added to my growing list.

We return to our dormitory and change from uniform to sweatshirt with the school name on the front, as year 1 boys we have to wear shorts as the school sees us as just young boys.

The rest of the day we enjoy a nice walk, we play games together and I feel relaxed until my dear mentor Williams reminds me that I'm on punishment parade again tonight. He also reminds me that I have behaved poorly as a new boy in the school, that despite my 3 punishment sessions where I have been spanked first for 1 minute, then 2 and finally 3 minutes, yet I have still not learned and have a further 3 demerits to deal with. Sadly Sears despite the spankings I have given you your on parade again tonight. Unfortunately for you, you now move onto stage 2 of school punishments. As your mentor it's seems I have failed and I have reported this to my mentor in year 3 who is not just disappointed in me but very much in you. Tonight he will be coming to deal with not only you but also me for failing you. So we will see each other at 5.30, you know the drill.

The rest of the afternoon I'm in fear of what's going to happen now, I don't have long to wait. So at 5.30pm I know the drill I slowly remove me clothes and fold them up carefully, I see the other boys looking at me again, it seems they love to see a fellow student disciplined. I stand on the yellow line and wait, again naked, my dick getting hard again. I just can't control it, I so need a really nice wank. The door opens and in comes my mentor Williams, surprisingly he is naked and I see his nice dick making me throb even more. He joins me on the line, I want to ask what he is doing but remember talking will only bring another demerit. At 6pm a 3rd year boy enters who informs me he is Williams mentor, his name is Harrington. So 2 boys to receive discipline, Sears you have not learned from being spanked so now you move up to what year 2 boys get, a nice big slipper that when applied to a bare bottom stings like mad. So as Williams has failed to help you follow the rules it's now my duty to help using my slipper on your bare ass. First I will slipper Williams for his failure, then I shall beat you Sears with 6 very hard strokes of my slipper. Harrington gets the boys to pull out the spanking bench and firstly invites Williams to mount and present. Turn around Sears I want you to see what's coming your way. Williams looks very sexy mounted on the bench with his ass sticking up in the perfect position to slipper. So Williams your first punishment was 6 strokes so this time 12. I watch as he lines up the slipper then swings it really hard into the waiting bottom of Williams, as it's strikes his bottom it sounds like a pistol shot going off followed by a groan from Williams, then again the slipper strikes leaving big red marks on his bottom. Harrington is swinging hard and it sends a shiver down my spine. I hope this is teaching you a valuable lesson Williams, make sure your boy obeys and follows the rules. Harrington slams the slipper into his bottom as hard as he can over and over again, Williams is groaning with every smack under I think is close to crying when Harrington finishes his 12. I'm pretty scared as Williams with difficulty climbs off the bench, his bottom is really red, it makes my dick twitch seeing him with a slippered bottom. Up you get Sears, your turn now. I reluctantly climb onto the bench trying to get my dick into a comfortable position, as I lean forward I feel my ass being raised right up. Here I am again a fourteen year old boy naked and mounted on a punishment bench about to be slippered by a year 3, 13 year old boy. I don't have long to think as the slipper is tapping my bottom as Harrington decides where he will strike my bottom, then suddenly whack, the slipper slams into my bottom and I scream in pain as it's really really stings, I'm desperate to grab hold of my bottom but before I can move I get a second whack, the smack is very intense and is radiating across my bottom, then whack another smack. Learning your lesson Sears next time it will be 12 then 18, if that fails to change your ways you will be seeing a year 4 mentor.

The slipper slams into my bottom again as I yelp, my dick is going down rapidly as my ass is on fire. Harrington with huge efforts completes my 6 with his horrible slipper. I can't believe how my ass is throbbing as I climb off the bench, my dick is soft and I have tears in my eyes. I stand on the yellow line with Williams showing our burning bottoms to the other boys. Williams then leaves and Markus comes over and feels my bottom, running his hands over both sides of my bottom it feels quite soothing, but then he slips his finger into my crack and teases me, nice hot bottom you have Sears and nice and moist inside as he gently fingers me. My dick goes rock hard once again. You look so nice standing there naked with a glowing hot red bottom and your nice hard dick. I hate this treatment but so want Markus to do some more, his finger wiggles around my hole which only makes my dick more eager. I so want him to stroke my dick, Markus knows what I want, not allowed to touch that hard dick of yours Sears, but sure is nice playing with your ass and this nice moist hole. My time is up and I return to my bed to get some clothes on, but my ass and dick are throbbing. Markus looks suddenly like a god, I so want to do more with him, he approaches me and reminds me that he is the leader and he gets what he wants. Later I want your lovely mouth on my dick again, he smiles at me then leaves the dormitory. I lie on my bed feeling so horny, yet with a really red, hot and sore bottom. I so need a wank, I just have to find a way to cum. I think more about Markus and decide this maybe the only way to find some relief so I think of a plan.....

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