The International School for Boys

By steve wood

Published on Dec 31, 2023


The international school for boys Part 4

I am in shock after what was a painful spanking but for sure the embarrassment of the experience was as bad as the spanking itself. I have never really shown my body in front of other boys so to of been standing in front of them with a hard erection and all these 11 year old boys looking at me was so so embarrassing. My bottom is quite sore as we go for dinner and we sit on our bench and eat our dinner, it's my first chance to quietly talk to one of the other boys who said my spanking was quite normal and happens very regularly in our dormitory. You will get used to watching it happen and for sure you will get more discipline in the days and weeks to come. We return to our dormitory and our mentors are waiting to patrol our evening washing and teeth cleaning, all of us again naked. We return to our beds and get into our pyjamas then into bed. It feels odd to be in bed so early and I know at 8pm lights will be out and we are expected to sleep and be quiet. But before we go to sleep our dormitory leader Markus comes to my bed, he whispers in my ear that he enjoyed seeing me naked and getting spanked and he liked seeing my big dick nice and hard, you're a horny guy. As leader of the dormitory I expect the boys that I like to do what I tell them and that includes you. But for now get to sleep if you can,with your nice sexy well spanked bottom. We will be enjoying some more exciting time together soon. I'm not really tired and toss and turn in bed, my dick got hard again and I so want to give it a nice rub but that bracelet is on my mind and if I touch myself it's another demerit and another spanking. As I lie in my bed I can't resist just a small touch and a quick stroke which feels so nice but then the watch lights up, shit it's another demerit and no pleasure for the pain I know will be coming my way. I drift off to sleep thinking what a horrible place this is.

The bell sounds and my mentor is next to my bed, time your were up he says, get undressed and join the line with the other boys for the shower. Once we enter we have to soap and shower the boy next to us,I realise I have to soap and wash Markus who takes great pleasure as I soap his body and then his bottom and finally his penis which seems to be getting bigger and harder. He smiles at me and says he likes me attending to his dick. The mentors tell us to finish and return to the dormitory after cleaning our teeth. Fold your pyjamas, make your bed and then into your uniform ready for inspection. I think I have done it well but then he says the corners are not correctly folded. Then he checks my uniform and claims my tie is not correctly tied. Sorry Sears it more demerits and after your little fiddle last night you will be on parade again tonight. You will learn to obey and follow the rules. Try not to run up any more demerits today. We head off for breakfast and I feel so defeated and controlled and face yet another punishment this evening. I follow the instructions on the watch and get through quite enjoyable lessons and even more surprising no more demerits.

I head off to prep and do my work as instructed but then my mentor comes to the prep room and says matron wants to see me. We knock and enter her room and I remember never to sit until told by the teacher or senior boy. Sit please boys, now it's come to my attention that your are rather hairy in the let's say lower region for a member of year 1. So to help you feel more part of your year we have decided you should lose this hair. I'm in total shock and want to say you can't be serious but just as I go to complain I think better of it as I really don't want more demerits. Now please undress completely and pop up on my bench, I feel really uncomfortable and very embarrassed. Keep your hands by your side and part your legs please. She then applies a special cream all around my penis area and groin, now roll over and she applies the same cream to my bum crack and back of my balls. Please stay still for a few minutes, during this time I feel a tingling and burning and wonder what the result is going to be. After a few minutes she towels me down and I'm in shock all my hair is gone, I look like a small boy again, not a hair to be seen, I want to cry. Matron says that's much better and I now look like a year 1 boy and my penis has shrunk and even that now looks like an eleven year old. Now go into my shower and clean yourself with soap, then redress and back to your dormitory with your mentor.

As we walk back Williams says I look so much better now and reminds me I am on punishment parade again tonight.

Back in the dormitory I see 2 other boys removing their clothes and see that these 2 are tonight joining the parade. Markus comes over and reminds my I need to strip and be on the line with my hands on my head in 5 minutes just like the other 2 boys. As I strip down I'm acutely aware that all the other boys will see my new hairless body and I can't think of anything more embarrassing. Trying to hide my front I go to the line and put my hands on my head, I look down and see 2 smaller boys next to me and I can't help but stare at their lower regions and see 2 boys with no hair and quite small dicks. I see them peak over at me and now they will see me also bald but for some crazy reason my dick is hardening and out of control. I'm horny and need a wank, but instead I'm about to get my bottom spanked.

The 3 mentors arrive to administer our spankings. John was first and you could see he was very nervous, he mounted the spanking bench and promptly received his one minute of spanking, then Brian was next and he surprisingly got a three minute spanking and was crying by the end of his spanking. Then it was my turn again, my mentor informed me that as this was my second time on parade the spanking would be increased to two minutes. I mounted the bench with a raging erection I guessed it would be gone shortly as Williams prepared to spank me again. Your going to learn Sears as the spanking started again, smack, smack and smack again. My mind switched off and I could only think through my dick, despite the pain it stayed hard and it made me try and hump the bench as Williams spanked me harder and harder. I was so close when Williams finished spanking me and when I returned to the line with my hands on my head my dick was raging. Williams came to me and said your out of control boy, that's disgusting getting an erection during a spanking, another demerit for you Sears. You need to learn to behave in this school.The mentors left and as the three of us stood naked on the line, all with red bottoms and me still with a rock hard erection. Then our leader Markus came over and he ran his hands over our bottoms one by one. Oh yes these are nice hot well spanked bottoms, then shockingly his hand wandered to my dick, keep your hands on your head boy. He then gently stroked my cock and said you look so much better bald like the rest of the boys. Precum started to drip from my dick, I felt so embarrassed being touched up by this dominant 11 year old boy. I have plans for you Sears. Right the three of you get dressed and get to dinner.after dinner I was back in the dorm and chatting to the other boys some who were really interested in asking about me and asking questions about my raging dick. Then it was back into bed and I so wanted to wank but resisted as I really didn't want another demerit and a further spanking.

The next few days I worked really hard, tried to obey and follow the rules. I was getting the hang of making my bed to standard and putting on my uniform and tie correctly, I was starting to fit in and being a good year 1 boy. I also started to make friends with the other boys in my year despite them being younger, I was chatting away to Michael and we were talking about the coming weekend. In this school Saturday mornings were normal classes but in the afternoon it was sports for all boys. All year 1 boys had to do a round island run, anybody not getting round the route received a demerit luckily for me it was easy to beat most of the other year 1 boys and I enjoyed the exercise.

Michael was becoming a good friend and I enjoyed chatting to him, I was asking what happens after sports afternoon. Oh we get free time until dinner then we are allowed to play games together, then we have dinner, afterwards a special treat we can watch TV for an hour before changing for bed. I see on my watch that lights out are later on Saturdays and we get an extra 30 minutes. Michael was asking me lots of questions and then asked me if I knew what happens in the extra 30 mins before lights out. I had no idea and just thought it was extra time for ourselves, Michael who had been in the school since the start of the year explained that this extra time was when we went to our Mentors to thank them for looking after us and being a shoulder to lean on. How do we thank them I asked, oh you will soon find out just accept it and do as your asked or you will get more demerits and almost certainly a very sore bum next time your mentor spanks you. So at 8pm all 12 of us are in our pyjamas and our leader Markus tells us to line up and he escorts us to our mentors dormitory. Once inside I see all the mentors are on their beds in pyjamas and each year 1 boy heads to their mentor. I follow suite and go to Williams who greets me smiling. I see each of my fellow year 1 boys get on their knees and the mentors have swung their legs around and are sitting on their beds with legs each side of the boy in front of them.I'm like the others on my knees looking up at Williams, he says I have been so looking forward to this evening having missed out all last term with no boy to mentor. This is our reward time for looking after you and you will now reward us for our efforts. As you know none of us are allowed to wank in this school but you will now pleasure me as a thank you. I really did not understand what he was talking about until he pulled the string on his pyjamas opening them up, I'm on my knees looking straight at his dick. He tells me to hold onto the edge of the bed with both hands and not to let go, he then eases his body forward and my face if right in his groin, we have 20 minutes now and Sears it's your job to thank and pleasure your mentor. You keep your hands holding onto the edge of the bed as your not allowed to touch yourself. I can't really believe what's happening to me, I look around quickly and see all the other boys in the same position as me. Then I feel Williams hands get hold of my head and pushes it forward until his dick is resting on my mouth, open your mouth Sears, his dick is getting bigger and it's rubbing across my lips. Then he slaps my face and says open, I do as I'm told and instantly feel his hardening dick slide into my mouth. This is crazy I'm 14 and on my knees with a 12 year olds dick in my mouth who is controlling me, I can smell the musky dick smell as my mentor Williams pushes my head down onto his hard dick, I feel it sliding to the back of my throat and my nose is now right up to his body and I feel his small bush of pubic tickling my face. He is so lucky having his yet mine was removed.I have never had anybody's dick in my mouth before nor have I ever thought about it, but now my mentor is slowly pushing my head up and down on his dick. Out of control my own dick has gone rock hard. Now Sears it's your job to suck and pleasure my dick as a thank you. If I feel any of your teeth I will demerit you and take pleasure in spanking your ass very hard. Now get to work Sears and suck my dick, keep your hands holding the bed, I do as I'm told and start to suck. His dick is surprisingly big and although it's really hard it has a soft skin, as I'm sucking he instructs me to use my tongue. This is all so new to me but Williams starts to moan with the pleasure I'm giving him, don't worry Sears over the coming weeks I'm going to teach you to be the best cock sucker in year1. Your going to love Saturday evenings when you come to give me pleasure, if your good I will even consider being more gentle when I have to discipline you, that could be a nice reward for you. Now get to work Sears suck harder and when my dick is deep in your mouth you lick my balls understood! He pushed my head right down and now my tongue can lick his balls, I lick and lick as his dick is deep in my mouth. Williams is moaning with pleasure and I let one hand go and immediately get a slap on my face. Keep holding onto the bed and just focus on pleasuring my dick boy. This in future is your Saturday night job, kneeling and sucking my dick and lapping your tongue on my balls. You have 5 minutes left boy and I expect to cum or I will demerit you, now get to work. Fearing a demerit I bob my head up and down and really suck his dick harder, his dick is throbbing in my mouth and I hear him moaning as I'm working away. God I so want to play with my cock which is throbbing away and dribbling a little precum as I work harder on his dick. In the background I hear moans of pleasure from the other mentors and yes yes yes as the year 1 boys are bringing their mentors to that special moment as they cum in the mouths of their year 1 boys. I'm still working away to try and get my mentor to cum, one minute left Sears work harder boy, I suck and lick and I feel his cock expanding in my mouth. Then a buzz on my wrist, it's a demerit and he pulls his big dick out of my mouth. You failed to make me cum Sears and time is up that's why you got a demerit unlike your mates around this room who have been much better than you. Now rock back on your legs and put your hands behind your back. He stands in front of me and starts wanking his cock right in front on my face, he mounds and very quickly I see his dick throb followed by a moan of pleasure as he cums in my face and I feel spurts of cum run down my face. I feel used as he demands me to clean his cock, he pushes it back in my mouth and I suck and clean his softening dick. Next time you must and will do better Sears and don't think your ass is not going to pay for your pathetic effort today. Now join the other boys in a line, they all look flushed red in the face, some licking their lips having had their mouths filled with their mentors cum. We stand in line, 12 boys all feeling horny with various sizes of erections sticking out of their pyjamas with no chance to satisfy its need. One of the mentors now escorts us back to our dormitory and bed, lights are turned off and I think of my hard dick that's still like a rock, dare I wank and take the demerit I wonder,Just as I'm seriously thinking about taking the demerit I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look around to see who it is .......

Next: Chapter 5

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