The International School for Boys

By steve wood

Published on Dec 23, 2023


International School for Boys -- Part 3

5.30pm arrives and my so called dormitory leader approaches me and says "right new boy Sears your on punishment parade and you need to be ready for when your mentor arrives to punish you, you need to strip completely then get yourself onto the yellow punishment line, feet apart, hands on your head and nose touching the wall, then just wait there until your mentor arrives"

My heart is pounding and I really can't believe this is happening to me, my Father has sometimes shouted at me but never actually punished me. I'm not even sure what they are going to do to me, will I be able to cope and how much could the pain be? Come on come on Sears get ready or you will get another demerit to add to your growing total. I feel so embarrassed as I slowly remove my uniform, I fold each item away and I'm down now to underwear, " pants off as well Sears"shouts Markus and get yourself on the yellow line, hurry now. I drop my pants and add them to the pile, I feel so exposed, a 14 year old teen stark naked in front of all the other 11 year old boys. I walk to the end of the dormitory with my hands desperately trying to cover up, I stand on the yellow line facing the wall and again Markus is barking instructions, feet wider apart hands on your head and nose to the wall. I follow his instructions but feel ridiculous, very vulnerable, a bit scared of what is to come and for some stupid reason my dick is responding, oh the shame if I can't control that part of my body! Thank goodness I manage to keep some control but it seems to have a mind of its own as I stand waiting for my mentor and punishment to be administered.The minutes pass and still I stand here waiting, the other boys are chatting and laughing,lucky them. They are not standing here naked and vulnerable awaiting punishment.

Finally I here footsteps and I know it's the arrival of Williams, he enters our dormitory and says we have just one boy on punishment parade this evening it's our new boy Sears. He strides over to me and reminds me again that year 1 boys must follow the rules, learn and obey or face the consequences. Which is why Sears you stand here naked awaiting my correction. He gets close to me and tells me to keep my hands on my head, then as he speaks into my ear that it's time for him to punish me his hand goes under my dick and he flicks it a few times, what the fuck is he doing, he can't do that but I dare not move. The bastard knows exactly what he is doing as those few flicks make my dick respond and the control I thought I had is lost. A couple more flicks and my dick control is completely lost and I become as hard as a rock, yet more humiliation and embarrassment. Williams asks Markus to bring our the bench, I hear a dragging of something into the room.

Williams now informs me that in this school a graduated punishment system operates and with every set of three demerits a boy receives increasingly harsher punishments. I think Sears you better start behaving or you will find you have one really sore behind. So Sears the first punishment on the list is a one minute spanking on your bare bottom on the bench, just for your information with each set of demerits we will increase the spankings by one minute until we get to five. Then the implements change Sears so I suggest you start to follow the rules, learn and obey.

I'm still standing with my nose to the wall and my hands on my head and my dick rock hard and also touching the wall like my nose, I'm terrified and humiliated. Right Sears turn around and come over to the bench but keep your hands on your head. I have no choice but to turn around and show Williams and the other boys my rock hard erection. I see all the boys stare at me as Williams says to me are you excited by being punished Sears? Don't worry it's my task to spank you as hard as I can to make you learn the error of your ways and hopefully in your case,give you some self control!

Right Sears please be kind enough to mount this nice little spanking bench. It was a small bench with a centre leather padded middle that was angled forwards with 4 kind of side shelves. I was to be honest a bit confused and Williams said right Sears mount the bench please, place your knees here each side of the centre bar, then rest forwards and place your elbows flat here. Oh my god this bench is horrid, as I mount it and lean forward to place my elbows on the lower shelves I begin to realise it's purpose. I'm basically kneeling on this bench with my knees either side of the main bench support forcing my legs to part and also my bottom to feel like it's open, my torso is resting on the main central support and as I lean forward to place my elbows on the lower supports I can feel how it's basically pushed my bottom up into the perfect position to be spanked. So Sears you are now in position to receive your punishment as he runs his hands over my raised bottom completely exposed to him and the other boys watching.

So I'm setting the stopwatch to 1 minute and as soon as it starts I'm going to spank you as hard as I can continuously until the stopwatch completes the minute is that clear Sears, you can shout as much as you like but you must not attempt to get off the bench or I will get the other boys to hold you down until we are done.

I'm listening but in a world of my own, here I am a fourteen year old mounted naked on a spanking bench, with my bottom raised and my dick hard and squashed under me eager for action and about to be spanked by a 12 year old mentor, such awful things in this horrible school in just one day. As my thoughts run wild I hear a click as the stopwatch is started following by a serious smack to my bare bottom, before I feel the sting another smack followed by another one, my god this really does hurt and I try to move my bottom around to avoid the next smacks but Williams knows my moves and adjusts accordingly smacking harder and harder. I've never been spanked and decide. I really don't like it as yet more smacks strike my bottom. Smack, smack, smack they keep coming. It seems Williams really does know how to make this really hurt. I never thought a minute was so long until now as the smacks keep coming and tears start to form in my eyes. Then it was over as I slump into the bench, let that be a lesson to you Sears, follow the rules, learn and obey or be punished, you can remove yourself from the bench and return to the yellow line with your hands on your head. Then all the other boys can see your bright red and warm bottom which should remind them also to behave in this school. He gets Markus to return the bench to its place and tells me to contemplate at the wall for another 5 minutes then Williams leaves our dorm. As if I have not had enough for one day, standing here naked with a hot red bottom, our dorm leader Markus comes over and says yep Williams knows how to spank, then he reaches round and again flicks my dick which is always keen and eager and it quickly responds to his minor flicking. Again I'm rock hard and Markus says nice dick Sears looks like you're a real horny boy and you look great with a bright red ass. Pretty embarrassing coming from a dominant tough eleven year old leader of our dormitory. How can I possibly be subservient to this kid, but I sense he is more in control of the situation than me he then informs me the 5 minutes is up and I return to my bed. Get yourself dressed it's time for dinner and you don't want to be late and get more demerits do you Sears. I look at him and he looks me straight in the eye, we can discuss other matters that's needed in this dormitory later Sears, I see an evil grin and smirk and I start to wonder what he has install for me later....

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Next: Chapter 4

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