The International School for Boys

By steve wood

Published on Dec 22, 2023


The International school for boys -Part 2

As I leave the head masters office having said good bye to my Father and given him the clothes that I came in, I can't help thinking that this is going to be a tough time for me. Now dressed in this stupid school uniform and made to start my senior school time back in year 1 and to top it all having to have a 12 year old boy from year 2 mentor and monitor me was quite shocking. I hear Williams yell at me to hurry up as we have to go to the technical team before I get you to your first lessons.A short walk later and we get to the room.

We enter a room marked "tech team" and I wonder why Williams has brought me here? Then he informs me why we are here. In the past and before the school bought new technology it was impossible to keep track of boys in the school they could go missing in school, take a dangerous walk around the Island and lots of paper was needed to provide school programmes, schedules etc. But now the school operates everything via a wrist watch which will be placed on your wrist and which is not removable until you leave the school, another bracelet is placed on your right wrist as this helps to control your behaviour. As you are slowly finding out, in this school everything is controlled, you follow the rules and all will be well, disobey and as I told you, we have correction and discipline procedures that you will experience. So our tech guy here is Michael and he will now fix the watch and the bracelet to your wrists, they are comfortable to wear and all boys in the school have them. With that horrible message in my ears Michael takes my wrist and I hear a click as first the watch is fixed permanently to my wrist followed by the bracelet to my other wrist. Now your locked into the system, any teacher or senior can now find out exactly where you are in school.Also you your school lessons and sports programme you can find on your watch, all timetables are also available via the watch and finally a couple of unique extras, demerits can be issues via your bracelet, from my watch I can send you a demerit which will vibrate on your bracelet and a not only a box will light up on your watch but also on your chart in the dormitory. So almost every time you don't do as your told I or any senior boy or teacher can demerit you and as you know when you get 3 you will be on punishment parade that evening. Great system don't you think? Don't think we are picking just on you, all boys in each year are subject to this control, but as you go through the school your responsibilities to mentor more junior boys changes each year. One final warning, the school takes very seriously its responsibility to develop boys sexually and at a pace that suits boys in each year and to not allow sexual activity to disturb your education or become a distraction. Therefore the bracelet also indicates via my watch, any time you attempt to let's say play with yourself for some pleasure which in year 1 is not allowed except under supervision. Any indication that you don't refrain from such activity will send a demerit to your watch and chart. The school rather encourages boys learning about and building relationships and if these are formed some oral pleasures are permitted and these little pleasures do not show up on your watch or bracelet. To be honest I can't believe what I'm hearing, I'm stuck in this school, wearing a stupid uniform, being mentored by a 12 year old kid and now I'm told the one pleasure I have is being controlled by technology! I'm not sure I can refrain from wanking something I have loved to do numerous times a day when I was at home. On the other hand not sure I want to risk the demerits for doing it, I'm already feeling horny and so want those few minutes of pleasure. Or I have to work at building a relationship with a boy from my year and we can then get away with some oral fun, all sounds a bit crazy to me. Getting off with another boy could kind of be ok but these boys are much younger that me, would any of them know about such pleasure or be interested in doing it with me I wonder? I'm kind of day dreaming about working on this when I feel a buzz in my wrist, I look at my watch and see a demerit light up. I hear Williams bark at me that I was day dreaming and not listening to him. It's my first demerit and I need to buck my ideas up and pay attention to him. Again he reminds me that I must obey him and be more attentive and follow the rules. He assures me that in time I will love this school but in year 1 you learn to obey, work hard or face the consequences.

Now check your watch and see what class you should be in, it's English class and this will be my first time with my fellow students, we arrive 5 minutes after the start of the class and my bracelet vibrates again. What now I wonder, then Williams informs me that such demerits are automatically delivered via the system, if your late to any class or leave early without permission a demerit will register, clever way to ensure your on time don't you think Sears? Williams wishes me well in class and he will return at lunch time to show me around and help with the lunch routine.But before he leaves he tells me that he thought he was the unlucky boy in year 2 not to have a boy to mentor in the autumn term but now I have arrived he is so happy to be mentoring me. So lucky to get an older boy to mentor I really look forward to the days and months ahead looking after you. So see you at lunchtime, with that he was off to his own classes.

I look around the room 11 boys all looking at me wondering who I am. Mrs Roberts the English teacher welcomes me in and I see the only desk is in the front, I would rather be at the back but take my place in the front. Shit the bracelet vibrates again and I can't think why this time, stand Sears until a teacher or senior boy tells you otherwise, it's a mark or respect. I think you were told this already Sears but pleas now sit. Please inform the class who you are. So I stand turn around and face 11 year 1 boys who are all smiling at me, I'm Stephen Sears and I started this school today. Due to missing school due to illness I have been put back to year 1 and in your house and class. I have the last bed in the dormitory. My bracelet vibrates again, what this time. I look at all the other boys in just grey jumpers, fuck I forgot to take my blazer off in class. In just a few hours in this school I have got enough demerits for my watch to be indicating punishment parade at 5.30pm. Williams messages me that he is sorry I have quickly got so many demerits but is not surprised and he will see me tonight for my punishment, what a crap start to this school.

Mrs Roberts is looking at me and reminds me to concentrate, I focus as I don't need more bracelet vibrating!. She then requires us to study 50 words and that we will learn their meaning, construction and to spell them correctly. We spend the next hour working on these words and finally the class ends without further demerits, for tonight in prep, our watches will sound the words and we will write the words spelling them correctly on the screen provided to each desk. Any boy failing to get 45/50 will receive demerits so I expect good results boys! Williams arrives to escort me to lunch, this time I don't forget and put my blazer on before leaving the class. I see your learning says Williams with a smile. See it's easy really but if you ever forget that nice bracelet will vibrate and help you remember! He shows me the canteen, where I collect my food, where to return the tray and where the bench is for year 1 students. A small reminder that should you forget to return the tray you will feel a small vibration on your wrist he says, with that horrible smirk. Also please eat quietly with your fellow year and house mates, we don't want to hear a rabble over here or else! That will be yet another vibration on your wrist so be warned my friend. He is really not my friend and i really feel like I hate him. My watch indicates the end of lunch and I return the tray as previously told.

Over lunch I talked to a boy who's name was Markus, he was for his age quite tall and muscular and with a stern but quite nice looking face. He told me that he joined the school with the others at the start of the year in September, he was from Yorkshire and his Father was a director of an international bank, hence why I'm in this school. Glad you have joined us Stephen as 12 makes it easier to manage our dormitory. Just so you know I was appointed our dormitory leader and I expect you to do what I say as it's our job to look after the dormitory and it's my job to see it's done or I get demerits,and that not going to happen! Do you understand me Stephen? I was rather shocked that now a 11 year old in year 1 was telling me that he also was going to order me around! Just in case you don't follow my rules as leader I can ask my mentor to issue you with a demerit should you not do as I say. For some stupid reason I nodded and said yes to Markus who for somebody so young had a pretty domineering manner about him. It's fair to say that even though he had a nice face and body he was not the one to try and form a relationship with! Williams returns and walks me to my next class which is science, on arrival he bids me farewell and he will be waiting for me at the end of class. I enter class remembering to remove my blazer and stand until told to sit. Shit I'm becoming like a robot and doing what I'm told, but pleasingly no vibrations to my bracelet thank god.

Class is easy as it's one of my favourite subjects and at the end of class Mr stokes gives us notice of the prep we must do later. We are dismissed and I remember my blazer before leaving class. Williams is waiting for me. That's classes over for today Sears so it's back to your dorm, I'm going to teach you about making your bed in the perfect way. We get back to the dorm and all my fellow students are back. Williams strips my bedding off and then shows me how it's made again. Together will will make it twice more then you are on your own. If tomorrow, at inspection, I find one fault you will enjoy a vibration via your bracelet and you know what that's going to mean. We strip and remake it and I think I'm getting the hang of it. One more time and I have my bed perfectly made, I hope I can still remember in the morning. Williams then gets the other boys attention, gentlemen you can see from our nice punishment chart that we have our new boy Sears with a number of demerits, so gentlemen tonight we have a punishment parade. After prep please come back to the dorm and we can deal with Sears as required. Markus as leader please make sure Sears is ready at 5.30 and on parade, I will come between 5.45 and 6 to administer the punishment. Now off you all go to prep and be back in the dorm at 5.30 he says looking at me with a smug grin.

At this point I'm pretty scared and very embarrassed at the thought of what is coming my way, nobody has told me what happens but it sounds horrid, with all 11 other boys seemingly eager to watch. I follow the boys to prep, my head is spinning with fear but I remember to remove my blazer and get through my science prep without difficulty.. But now it's spelling and with my mind wandering to what's going to be my fate at 5.30 I'm really struggling to spell the words being spoken to me via my watch. I know I'm getting lots wrong but it's hard while thinking only about a punishment parade that I don't understand and now words I can't spell. Eventually the spelling test is complete and the prep end buzzer in my watch indicates it's time to return to the dormitory. My heart is pounding, I feel sick and I want to run away. Then I feel the vibration in my wrist, fuck I forgot to put my blazer back on, another demerit applied. I return with the other boys to our dormitory and they all seem to have a smirk on their faces. When I get to my bed and return my things to my cabinet Markus is heading to my bed. Ok Sears you are on punishment parade and you must be ready and on the yellow line by 5-30pm. This is what you must now do...... part 3 to follow.

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