The Instructor

By moc.loa@elehcimasoid

Published on Nov 17, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is a series of actual events. The names have been changed to provide anonymity. All subjects mentioned therein have been notified and readily agreed that no personal liability nor financial gain will be deemed necessary due the posting of the story.

All rights reserved.

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PART II The Instructor

It is Tuesday, the second day of class. As usual, the instructor is in the front of the class. He is gathering worksheets to pass out to the students. I walk through the door and take my seat at the front table. I greet the student sitting beside me and the one sitting behind. I ignore the instructor. He's standing there waiting for me acknowledge his presence. I simply chose not to.

The other students arrive and he begins the day's lesson. He starts by passing out the worksheets I saw him putting together several minutes ago. He arrives at my table. He hands a worksheet to me and asks if I would pass it over to the woman sitting next to me. I complied.

As he moves back to the overhead, I noticed his hand in his pocket. I couldn't help but smile. I knew exactly what was underneath those pants. Again, he's going over coursework and I am oblivious to the lecture. My thoughts are focused on what I wanted to do with and to this man.

Suddenly, I hear my name. Michele. I snap out of my daydreaming and answer. "Yes?" I wondered who called me? It was the instructor. He said he asked a question and called on me to respond. Oh so now he wants to play in class I'm thinking. I reply that I did not hear the question and could he repeat it. He does. I'm pensive. Thinking about the answer. Lucky for me, I already have an Active Directory environment that I designed and maintain. I rattle off the answer adding a great little work around solution at the end.

I knew he was impressed. I didn't do it to impress him; I did it to let him know that I am far from novice in information technology or anything else! My look also told him that he would regret challenging me in front of the class.

At 10am we had our first break. I waited for all the students to leave the classroom. I then walked up to the instructor and told him that he and I would not be eating lunch today. He was to meet me at his hotel. I asked him for his room number and for the room key. I told him that he could retrieve another key from the front desk. I also stated that I would be leaving class about 15 minutes before he released everyone for lunch. As I did not want my classmates to see me going across the street to the hotel. I didn't want anyone to ask to tag along. The rest of the morning I paid attention to the coursework.

It was now 11:45am. I close my book, whisper to my tablemate that I had an errand to run and that I would see her after lunch. I grab my purse and quietly leave the room. I hurry to the elevator. I need to go down the garage to retrieve my toy bag from the car. It's my portable toy bag. It has the essentials. A pair of wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, a paddle, hair brush, condoms, lube, a box of Fleet (laxative), my dildo, harness, and six pieces of rope. Two 3'; Two 6' and Two 12'

Once I have my toy bag, I walk out of the garage and proceed to walk across the street to the hotel. As I'm walking my thoughts drift to this morning's episode. Thinking about it just burns my biscuits all over again! Well, I've got a little surprise for my instructor. He will soon realize the error of his ways!

I enter the hotel lobby. I walk to the elevator and press the button for 9th floor. Club level I noticed. I slide the room key in slot for club access and the elevator door closes.

I step off the elevator on the 9th floor and look for the instructor's room number. I enter the room and survey my surroundings. Housekeeping has been there, the bed has been made. I walk to the bathroom and noticed that he does not have towels. Nor did housekeeping pickup the old towels. So I pick up the tele and ring Housekeeping. Asking for towels and castile soap if they have any.

I unpack my toy bag and arrange all the items on the desk. I then notice the instructors' suitcase. I decided to take a look. Hell, I WAS in his room. I open the suitcase then decide against looking inside. I recall noticing that his shirts were hung in the closet as I entered the room. Which makes since as he was in town for 10 days of training.

So I begin to look in the drawers. I wanted to know if he was a boxer or brief kind of guy. LOL..not that it made any difference to me. I intended to keep him naked when I could! One drawer after another I open. Nothing out of the ordinary. That is until the very last drawer. I discovered my perverted little instructor had a butt plug and his very own dildo!

I took them out of the drawer and laid them on the bed. It would be second thing he saw upon entering his room. The first would be my toys I lined up the dresser.

I decided that my instructor needed to be taught a lesson about respect and obedience. His impertinent behavior had earned him a good lunchtime spanking. I intended to make sure that if he sat down during the afternoon lecture, he would certainly think twice about calling on me again! Not that I mind participating in class, but he knew I wasn't paying attention.

I remove my skirt. All that remained was my halter top, thongs and high heeled sandals. I love heels. Particularly sandals. I like to watch feet and shoe fetishist stare at my toes and shoes. You can always tell those who have that particular fetish. They comment on the color of the nail polish, or the beauty of the shoe you're wearing. If you move your toes while they are staring, you can see the intake of breathe. The excitement that courses through them. Ah, such small nuances can incite wonderful reactions in people!

Suddenly I hear the electronic lock of the door. My instructor has arrived. He walks in the door, further inside the room and notices all the things I have on the dresser. I flash a wicked grin and simply state, " Get naked bitch!" He turns red and immediately begins to unbutton his shirt. Then his slacks. I noticed that he wasn't wearing underwear. I chuckle and asked "why do you even bother to pack undies if don't wear them?" It was more a rhetorical question. He knew better, thus he made so comment. Once he was naked, I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor.

He immediately dropped to his knees. I walk over to him, bend down and whisper in his ear, " so you wanted to be a smart ass this morning. You thought you would catch me off guard and ask me a question when you knew I wasn't paying attention to your lecture" I noticed his huge cock getting stiff as I was talking. I raised my foot and started tapping his balls with the sole of the shoe. Using his shoulders to balance myself. His cock became rock hard. Precum started dripping on my toes. I smacked him across the face. It wasn't terribly hard, but hard enough to leave an imprint. He is white after all! LOL..Lots of things show well on white skin. Even tanned white skin.

I order him to clean the mess off my toes. Once he does, I pull up chair and order him crawl over to me. I pick up the wrist cuffs and secure them on each wrist. I do the same with the ankle cuffs. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. It's housekeeping with t towels that I had requested 15 minutes prior. I continue to sit in the chair and tell my soon to be bitchboi to answer the door. His look is priceless. It conveys, Ma'am I can't. I'm naked! I laugh and answer verbally. "Just stand to the side and take the towels. Make sure you give them a tip."

He retrieves the towels and places them in the bathroom and returns to me. I tell him to lie across my lap. I made sure to put his cock between my knees. I pick up the hair brush. Running the bristles across his ass. I begin speaking to him: "steven, you really pissed me off this morning. And when I feel as though I have been wronged intentionally, I have to correct the situation. In order for me to correct the situation, you must be punished. Therefore, I'm going to spank you. You will receive , 10 swats from my hand, 12 swats from the hairbrush and 20 swats from the paddle. You will count every swat. If you lose count, I start over. Do you understand?" "Yes Ma'am" he replies.

I commence his punishment. I put down the hairbrush and start with my hand. One, two, three swats. He moans. I feel the precum dripping on my calves. "steven, your clitty is dripping on my calves. You will have to clean up your mess when your punishment is over". Four, five, six. I continue the ten slaps with my hand. Steven is counting each one. I can feel his rock hard erection.

His ass is nice and pink now. The sight is making me quite excited. I know this is punishment for him. But damn, he has such a nice ass! I glance at the clock. Realizing that we only have an hour for lunch. It is now 12:12pm. I pick up the hair brush once again. I begin to strike his ass. The first two were relatively light. I increase my swing. "three" he can barely get it out. It was rather garbled between his moans. By the 8th swing, his ass is turning red. I continue this until the 12th swat. My instructor is now squirming in my lap.

In a sultry voice, I advise him that he has 20 more swats to go and his punishment will be over. I put down the hairbrush and pick up my oval shaped leather paddle. "One, two, three" he counts. He's begging me to please stop. "Ma'am, I'm sorry. I will not ever try to embarrass you in class. Ma'am my ass will be sore this afternoon. I will not be able to sit" I laugh and say, "that is the objective, my dear bitchboi. Now shut the fuck up or I start over!" I'm down the last three swats. He is a blubbering mess. I make sure to raise my arm high in air. SEVENTEEN" he yells. "EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN" I pause, allowing him to catch his breath. My last swing came from California to Cleveland on his ass. TWENTY!" he screams. His ass is nice and red. I can see welts from the paddle imprints on his ass. Steven is in tears now. I look at the clock. It's 12:36pm.

I tell my instructor to assume the slave position. He removes himself from my lap. I point to my calve. He begins to lick the cum off my leg. I then hold out my hands. He kisses each one. I raise his chin so that he is looking up at me. His eyes are red from his tears. I bend down so that my mouth was millimeters from his and I say, "the rest of the afternoon, you will have a very vivid reminder of your mistake. Now get up on the bed on all fours." Steven did as instructed. I picked up the butt plug and lube.

With my left hand, I begin to massage his balls. He arches his back at my touch. He lets out a deep, low moan. His balls are heavy. I know he wants release, but that shit ain't happening this afternoon. Sonny boy will suffer before I allow him that bit of pleasure. I continue to massage his balls. With my right hand, I flip open the top of the lube. I squeeze a generous amount in the crack of his ass. I use my mouth to close the lid on the lube. I rub the lube between his ass cheeks with my fingers. He moans a little louder.

I decided that I wanted to make him beg me for release. I start to stroke his lovely cock with my left hand. I used his precum for lube. While I'm stroking him with my left hand, I insert the plug with my right. No hesitation on my part. I pushed it right in. It went swiftly past his sphincter and deep within his anal cavity. He shudders. I knew it was from both sensations. The stroking of his cock and being filled by the butt plug.

I suddenly stopped stroking his throbbing cock. He begs me for release. I ignore his plea. I then tell him, "my dear slutboy, do not move. I have to wash my hands." I walk away to rinse my hands. I look at my watch 12:52pm. Damn, time sure does fly by when you're having fun. I realize that I have all of 5 minutes to finish with him, dress and hustle back across the street.

I exit the bathroom, walk to the dresser and retrieve two 12' pieces of rope. I quickly fashion a waist harness for him. It was needed to hold the butt plug in place. I made sure to leave his cock and balls unbound. After all, he would have 4 hours of lecture. And I would not want bind him for such a long period of time. Now that the harness was completed. I order him off the bed. He assumes the slave position.

I ordered him to kiss my hands once again then my feet. I bent down and kissed him on the top of his head. I told him he was a good boy. And that if he made it through the rest of the afternoon without pissing me off, I would think about allowing him to cum after class was over. I dressed quickly, grabbed his room key and headed back over to class.

I walked into the classroom 5 minutes late. All the other students were already seated. My tablemate tells me that the instructor has not returned from lunch. I chuckle and tell her, may he was tied up somewhere.

About 10 minutes later, in walks the instructor. He is taking slow, deliberate steps. The class starts to grill him about being late. He apologies and explains that he had a personal matter to attend to incident during lunch. It ran a little over the allotted lunch hour. He assured the class that it would not happen again.

I sat there staring at him with the biggest grin on my face. My tablemate whispers, "Michele, does that look like a hand imprint on the side of the instructors face?" I glance over at the instructor, then back to my tablemate, and I say, "you know Sarah, I do believe that IS a hand imprint on his face. I guess his personal issue was indeed VERY personal huh?" Sarah and I burst out laughing. So much so that it caused the other classmates to look at us and ask what was funny. I reply nothing and apologized for the disruption.

Steven begins the afternoon lesson. About 1 hour into it, he decides he wants to sit down. Without thinking, he plops down in a chair. Suddenly, he yells "OW!!!" The entire class looks at him as if something is terribly wrong. That's my cue. " Excuse me, steven, but is everything okay? Is there something I can do for you? Do you need ANYTHING?" I asked that last question with a wicked grin.

Steven replies, "No, I'm okay, I just sat down too hard in the chair. I injured myself a while ago and I the chair just reminded me of that injury". I smile and reply that I understand. Recent injuries can be a bitch. He smiles every so sweetly and responds " Ma'am, that is so true. Injuries tend to remind you not to repeat the same, idiotic thing you did before". The class echoes the same sentiment.

I'm going to enjoy the rest of my training class!

To be continued.

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