The Institute Series

Published on Nov 18, 2023


The Institute: The Dominant

The Dominant

In the meantime, every Slut in Alex's group had met his or her Dominant. Just Alex not yet. He looked a bit lost. Beau, who let his Dominant touch his leathered butt while cooing loudly. He noticed the lonely Alex and broke away from his Stud to join Alex.

"Come on! Your Stud will probably come soon," Beau tried to cheer Alex up. "And otherwise I have my old Alex back: a hot dominant guy"

Alex laughed and asked, "Can you get us something to drink?"

Alex stared dreamily into nothing, imagining what his Dominant would look like. He was rudely interrupted in his reverie when he felt a warm breath on his neck and a hand groping his ass. There was someone behind him.

"Ah, here is finally my own slut," said a young boy's voice in his ear.

"Uh, Jordy, dude, have you finally found your match?!" Luke shouted from further away.

Alex turned around and came face to face with a much younger and slightly smaller version of Luuk. The kid looked good, his full leather outfit looked really hot. But Jordy lacked something his older brother had: the stoic, authoritarian aura that made Alex weak in the knees. Instead, there was mostly swagger. Alex couldn't possibly submit to this brat, right? Alex looked at the number on the button the boy was wearing: a blue 111, the same as his red 111. So it was indeed his match, his Dominant assigned by the Algorithm.

His old fears surfaced again and panic tightened his throat. "Air, I need air!" Alex thought and ran out the nearest door.

Beau watched in amazement with drinks in his hands and followed Alex outside.

"You can't do this!" Beau admonished Alex.

"How could I ever submit to such a brat?" Alex asked aggrievedly.

Beau pointed to a low wall "Sit down and calm down"

When Alex had sat down, Beau took a seat next to him and gently stroked his arm: "He's a very sexy guy."

"Yes, that's true," Alex admitted, "but he's so direct and so banal. I'm not having it."

- "The Algorithm has not been wrong so far. When I look at your assessment, Jordy has everything you could want in a Stud: young, tough and Dominant."

"It's all true, that does make me hot. Yet..."

- "I think it's your pride that's getting in the way here. You're too proud to submit to a boy younger than you. I think you would have submitted to his older brother three times already if he would let you. Which, by the way, he doesn't do."

"Yes, but Luuk has that calm authoritarian attitude Jordy doesn't have that"

- "The only thing Jordy doesn't have is Luuk's unavailability. That makes Luuk so safe for you to swoon over. It'll never amount to anything anyway. Jordy, on the other hand, can give you what you really desire. But no, you didn't give that boy any chance. Give the guy a fair chance. Don't stand in the way of your own happiness!"

After that sermon, Beau strode back inside muttering "hopeless."

Alex reflected on everything that happened. Then turned his gaze to look what was happening inside the building. There he saw how upset Jordy was. His older brother had his hands on his little brother's shoulders and was talking to him. Jordy visibly calmed down and straightened his back again.

Luuk now walked outside with angry steps, towards Alex. He towered over the sitting boy, looking very angry with his arms folded. It looked very intimidating.

"I'm really pissed off at you Alex de Groot. You publicly humiliated my little brother. I won't accept that."

- "Yes but.."

"No `buts'. I'm tired of your games"

"But listen Luuk, you are usually so calm and confident, your brother was all swagger. I don't know if I can do this Luuk".

Luuk's facial expression softened slightly when he decided to take a different tack. He took a seat next to Alex."

"Jordy was just a bit enthusiastic. He had to wait so long for a match. If the Algorithm assigns Jordy to you as your Dominant, you can rest assured that Jordy can give you what you need, what you deserve, what you desire."

Alex looked a little unsure.

"I assure you that Jordy is the calm and controlled Dominant you desire. No matter how young he is."

Alex still looked a little unsure.

"Do you actually still want to be submissive, Alex?"

- "Yes, very much indeed.."


- "I'm hot for you."

"I can't offer you anything in that regard. My little brother has a lot to offer you. How do you actually imagine your submission? You're hot for me. Let's imagine for a moment that I would be your Dominant. How do you envision that?"

- "Errmm, I'm actually afraid to say that out loud"

"That's one of the problems. But I know your assessment. I can tell you what you would like"

Luuk thought for a moment.

"Do you want to crawl for me?"

- "Yes sir"

"Call me Master"

- "Yes Master

"Do you want to lick my boots"

- "Yes Master

"Do you want me to spank you now?"

- "Yes Master

"Do you want to suck me?"

- "Oh yes Master"

"See, you can express your desires. But you know I won't let you crawl. My brother, on the other hand, WILL make you crawl. I just think you're too cowardly. I ask you again, do you really want to be submissive?"

Alex was insecure, but this little role-play had turned him on.

- "I would love to, but"

"No buts, you indicate that you want to be submissive. Then be submissive. Jordy does know how to handle you."

Luuk felt his crotch with his right hand.

"I'll tell you what I want. I want to be able to fuck Tessa undisturbed tonight. That's not possible with a cranky cock-blocked brother next to me. What I want is for you to be fucked hard by my brother tonight as he lets you scream like the slut that you are"

Alex felt his cock throbbing in his tight pants after this sex talk from Luuk.

"Ah, good, I see my pep talk warmed you up. Realise that you can have all of this, tonight. If you really want that"

Luke took a deep breath.

"During the assessment, you asked me to spank your ass. That would supposedly help to break through your blockages. I thought that was nonsense at first, but now I think that if you get a spanking from the right Dominant boy, it could indeed work. I believe Jordy is the right Dominant boy."

"I just spoke to Jordy. I convinced him that a spanking on your bare ass could significantly improve your behaviour. He is willing to take you back as his submissive if you go in now and apologise to Jordy. Then you'll humbly ask Jordy for a spanking on your bare ass. Maybe Jordy will give you another chance. If you're lucky, you'll go over Jordy's knee for a very harsh spanking. In front of everyone present."

"Publicly?" Alex asked anxiously.

"Yes publicly. You publicly humiliated my brother, so you will also have to be publicly humiliated."

Luuk's expression softened when he looked into Alex's scared eyes. He put an arm around the boy's shoulder.

"You should see this as a rare opportunity to break through your blockage. Put your pride aside. Go inside. Apologise to Jordy, ask him for a spanking and accept the spanking. Deep down you know very well that you deserve that spanking. You know you need it. You know you long for it."

Luuk looked silently into Alex's eyes.

"And who knows, you might break through your blockage and submit to Jordy. Then you finally arrive at that part of yourself that you have been looking for for so long."

Luuk looked at his watch.

"That, or the other option I have for you. I ordered an Uber. He'll be here in ten minutes. You can then leave quietly. But if you choose to do so, the Institute is over for you. I never want to see you again. That's your choice. Is that clear?"

- "Yes Luuk"

"Okay, I'll see you in ten minutes inside, or never again."

Alex is left behind in despair. Inside, Jordy is standing by the window. He stood with his arms crossed. He peered outside with a serious look on his face, but probably couldn't see much, it was dark. Alex could see Jordy clearly from the dark. He looked so stern and serious and also so sexy...

Just like before, during the assessment with Luuk, he had a vision of himself lying over Luuk's knee to receive a spanking. But this time he saw himself over Jordy's knee, not Luuk's. This time it really could happen. It would not remain a dream, like with Luuk. It would be real.

The thought made his fear return, but the same thought also made his cock stiffen.

There was little time left. "Let me follow my dick's advice this time," Alex thought and walked inside.

The room fell silent when Alex entered. Jordy was still standing near the window. He looked sternly at Alex. He walked silently to a wide sofa placed on a small stage. Jordy sat in the middle seat. His legs open wide, his arms crossed. He still looked sternly at Alex.

"He looks so tough and hot like that," Alex thought, but he also found it frightening. He managed to turn his feelings of fear into excitement. He didn't know what to do exactly. He shuffled towards the sofa with his head bowed. When he arrived at the sofa, he knelt at Jordy's feet.

"Jordy, you were my rightfully Algorithm-assigned Dominant and I failed you. I humiliated you in front of the entire community and you don't deserve that. For that, I sincerely apologise."

"I accept your apology," Jordy says measuredly. "As a Dominant, I deserve respect, even though I am younger than you."

"Yes Sir"

Alex's cock swelled further at the feelings of submission to Jordy. Previously he felt uncomfortable with these feelings for Luuk, but now he felt free to lose himself in his submissiveness. It had even become a necessity now, he deeply desired that Jordy would accept him as his submissive again.

"I know that I no longer deserve to be Your submissive. Still, I would like to ask You to give me a chance to do penance. I'm so ashamed of what I did to you, I think I need a good spanking on my bare ass. Would you like to spank my bare ass here and now, Sir?"

"I will decide whether you deserve to be my submissive or not, Alex," Jordy said sternly.

Jordy patted his leather-clad legs and said curtly, "Pants down and over the knee!"

When Alex pulled down his pants, his stiff cock fluttered out. When he draped himself over Jordy's lap, Jordy caressed his buttocks surprisingly tenderly. Jordy grabbed Alex's stiff cock and positioned it for easy access.

"That's a plus for you, slut: a stiff cock when you go over a Dominant's knee for a spanking is a compliment to the Dominant"

Jordy teasingly stroked Alex's cock, which was already leaking precum, Alex moaned softly. Then came the hits on his buttocks. Alex was grateful that Jordy built up the spanking slowly. At that moment the spanking felt wonderful. He felt a pleasantly warm glow in his buttocks. If Jordy was really angry, this sensual spanking did not show it. The fact that the spanking was public was not actually a humiliation, after all, he was among more or less like-minded people. He saw people watching with fascination as he received his spanking. Beau's Dominant looked mesmerized at the scene on the sofa while he was already slapping Beau's leather-clad ass, who willingly held out his ass to the dominant boy.

Jordy whispered in Alex's ear "I'm going to step up the spanking Alex". The blows became more intense. The spanking became unpleasant. "I have to persevere," Alex thought. The intensity of the beating became more and more intense. It hurt more and more. His body started to resist. He squirmed over Jordy's lap.

Jordy paused the spanking for a moment, gently caressed Alex's glowing buttocks and whispered something in Alex's ear again: "Try to relax." Jordy pulled his finger through Alex's ass crack. A shiver ran through Alex. "Submit yourself to me," Jordy whispered in Alex's ear. Jordy saw how Alex's cock became stiff again after his last words.

Jordy really gave a good beating. It hurt a lot, but Alex repeated a mantra in his head "I submit to Jordy". The blows kept coming, but the mantra started working. The pain was replaced by a feeling of warmth and security. Alex had submitted to Jordy in body and mind. His body relaxed and he felt a blissful peace in his mind. He, Alex, didn't need anything anymore, he could leave everything to Jordy. Jordy was the boss, Jordy decided.

Jordy saw the trance Alex was in. He had successfully broken the ego of the proud and tough boy. He had freed Alex so that Alex could be who he really was: a boy who could submit to Jordy, free to sexually serve the 18-year-old boy.

Jordy helped Alex off his lap. Jordy sat down with his legs apart again and pointed to the spot between his legs,

"Kneel before me"

"Alex, I have decided to take you back as my submissive. As a sign of respect, you must from now on address me as 'Master'"

"Yes, Master, thank you, Master"

Alex's cock became stiff again.

"I see that you appreciate our new level of formality. As a reward, you may suck my cock"

Jordy took his well-sized cock out of his leather pants. The thick pleasure rod was fully erect and some precum was already leaking out.

Alex took his Master's cock into his mouth. He perceived all smells and tastes intensely. The smell of the leather of Jordy's pants. The wonderfully salty taste of the precum. And then the smell in Jordy's crotch. It was the same smell that made him so horny during the assessment. It was the scent of his Master. The Algorithm had led him to where he needed to be: here kneeling in front of his young Master, with a red spanked ass, while he was sucking the Dominant boy's delicious cock. This was his ultimate fantasy, which he had previously confessed to Tess. It was no longer a fantasy, it was reality.

Alex had lost all sense of time and space. This was a timeless moment of gratitude and submission. The universe had narrowed down to just his Master's cock and the pleasure the thick sucking rod gave him. Alex could also afford to lose himself in this state of bliss: after all, Jordy was in control of everything.

Jordy looked satisfied at the end result of his efforts. The once proud, tough and dominant boy now sat meekly on his knees giving him a blow job, in front of the entire community. The humiliation of the debacle earlier that evening had completely disappeared. In fact, upon his debut at the Institute meetings, he firmly established his Dominance and Authority, despite his youth.

. Jordy had tamed the tough, stubborn Alex and made him his slut. What the Algorithm had presented him with had been quite a challenge. But it had been worth it. It was easy enough to dominate ordinary twink sluts. But this boy turned him on much more: a masculine, tough boy who wanted to be submissive and a little more feminine for him.

It had taken some effort to get Alex to do this. But he had succeeded. Well, to be fair, with the necessary help from his brother Luuk.

That reminded him of his responsibility as a Dominant. Alex was sucking him with dedication and his cock was already starting to throb. The evening was still young, and a lot had still to happen. It was important that he kept his head cool and his balls full of cum for the time being.

Jordy gently pushed Alex's head away from his cock.

"That's okay boy, you'll get more of this later."

For a moment, disappointment appeared in the eyes of the boy beneath him. But soon adoration appeared in his slut's eyes.

Alex was shocked when Jordy removed him from the only object that made up his universe at that moment: his Master's cock. Disappointed, he looked up at Jordy. His young Master's face was calm and controlled. Alex felt at that moment the same aura of subdued Dominance and Authority in Jordy that he had previously perceived in his Master's older brother, Luuk. Alex realized that he didn't need the unavailable Luuk at all. Jordy could give him everything he longed for. He looked up at Jordy with gratitude and admiration.

Jordy grabbed Alex by the chin and raised him up to rest his head on his shoulder so he could whisper another message into his submissive's ear:

"Now I can rightly, say to you: Ah, here is finally my OWN slut"

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