The Institute Series

Published on Nov 18, 2023


The Institute: The Assessment

The Assessment

The foyer of the Institute for Sexual Synthesis was chic but businesslike. Alex, who had taken a seat on one of the chairs a while ago, was a bit nervous and tried to distract himself with his phone.

"Mr. De Groot? Mr. Kooistra will come and pick you up shortly," the receptionist informed Alex.

Shortly after this announcement, a tall, stately young man strode into the foyer with a sure step.

"You must be Alex," he said in a warm voice, as he walked towards Alex with his hand outstretched, "how nice that you could come." He shook hands with Alex firmly. "I am Luuk Kooistra".

"Errmm... Alex de Groot," Alex said, a little more uncertainly than he would have liked.

Alex took in the sight before him. He immediately understood why Tess had fallen head over heels for this boy. Long, handsome, dark blond hair in a modern but conservative hairstyle, bright blue serious eyes that looked out at the world from a long shaped, perfectly symmetrical face that, despite the warmth of his voice, was still a bit stern. Luuk Kooistra exuded a stoic kind of authority.

"Tess has told me so much about you," Luuk said as the boys walked together through the hallway to his office. "I hope mainly good things," Alex said. "I'm glad Tess has such good friends," Luuk replied, as they had arrived in his office. "Take a seat," Luuk said, pointing to a chair opposite his desk.

"I understood from Tess that you are struggling with your sexual identity. That you have sexual desires, but always encounter a blockage"

"Errmm.. Yeah" Alex admitted, feeling awkward talking about such intimate matters with this handsome stern boy, which gave him butterflies in his stomach.

Luuk looked intently at Alex for a moment, after which he leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head as if he had come to a conclusion about something.

"In my research, I often find that homosexual subjects are often attracted to me and sometimes even develop submissive feelings towards me"

Alex gets very hot and his head is bright red.

"Do you have submissive feelings for me now, Alex?"

- "Yes sir"

"Interesting." Luuk writes something in his notebook. "That's nothing to be ashamed of, just see it as part of the investigation. I approach this purely scientifically. Besides, I'm straight, I don't like boys. So if you're looking for a Dominant, you won't find it in me. But I can help you find what you're looking for, or help you figure out what you're actually looking for."

Luuk sat up again. "By the way, you don't have to say 'sir' to me, but you can of course if that makes you feel more comfortable."

- "Yes sir"

If there was one Dominant boy that Alex could easily submit to, it was this boy. The image of him lying over Luuk's knee appeared in his mind's eye. The desire for a spanking on his ass became overwhelming.

"Sir, if you put me over your knee for a spanking on my bare ass, I'm sure we can break through those blocks."

Alex was shocked by his own words.

A wry smile appeared on Luuk's face.

"It's good that you express your desires, Alex. But that's not how it works"

"That's how Tess must have felt towards me, it seems karmic," Alex thought.

Luuk looked at Alex with compassion. "Don't worry, with our methods we are guaranteed to bring out your real desires and the path to the fulfillment of those desires"

Luuk took Alex to the examination room. There was a kind of dentist's chair with all kinds of measuring equipment around it. It was warmer in the room than elsewhere.

"You have to undress for this examination"

- "Yes sir"

Alex remained stuck in a submissive role. He knew it was one-way traffic, but he didn't care. He wanted to be submissive to Luuk. He undressed completely. He wasn't ashamed of his half-erection. It only made him feel more submissive towards Luuk. It was a new feeling for Alex. Strangely enough, his submission felt warm and safe.

"Sir, why do I feel so submissive in Your presence?"

- "Good question. I don't know yet either. I appear to have that effect on boys and girls with latent submissive feelings. I am naturally dominant so that effect suits me personally for the girls. I think it's annoying for gay boys like you. Feel free to feel submissive, but know that I won't do anything with it."

Alex took a seat in the chair, after which Luuk applied all kinds of electrodes to his head and body. Everything was measured. Brain waves, blood pressure, heart rate. Finally, Luuk installed an instrument for phallometry. A kind of condom was placed over Alex's penis, with which the degree of his erection could be measured. That erection was complete at that moment, a fact that was politely ignored by Luuk.

"You will soon be exposed to a multitude of sights, sounds and smells. Some of these sensations are not so pleasant, others are. The algorithm will incrementally perform a positive feedback loop. This means that if the algorithm notices when you like something or touches you in some other way, you will be presented with more of those kinds of sensations. Everything is recorded and at the end, we know where your desires lie."

Alex was given headphones, virtual reality glasses and an oxygen mask. Luuk withdrew behind a screen.

The sensations started. Quite neutral at first. A spring meadow that smelled of freshly cut grass, A freshly baked apple pie. Later erotic images came. First women, but soon they disappeared to make way for men. The men became younger and less muscular until he started seeing more and more images of young men who met the twink ideal. On the men he also smelled a pungent odour of sweat, the sweat odour remained, but changed with each new image, it became more and more bearable as the images moved more towards the twink boys. At one point, Alex even found the smell arousing.

The algorithm then examined all kinds of fetishes. It eventually zoomed in on guys in leather, spanking and oral sex.

The concrete images transitioned into abstract images that followed each other in quick succession. Alex did not understand the images, but he noticed that they were affecting him more and more.

Then the world became black and silent. Luuk took the headphones and the virtual reality glasses from Alex's head. "Well done. While I free you from all this stuff, the algorithm can come to a recommendation."

Dressed again, refreshed and recovered from all the sensations, Alex sat opposite Luuk again. After the overload of sensations during the examination, Alex was relieved to now have less submissive feelings for Luuk. Luuk read the results on a screen and turned the screen so that Alex could also read along.

"You clearly have a preference for twink boys in their twenties. You have an obsession with leather, spanking, dominance/submission and oral sex. Despite the feelings of submissiveness you previously experienced, the test shows that you have quite a dominant tendency. However, we cannot deny that there is an important undercurrent of submissiveness that has not yet been explored by you. There is a major blockage to this. Your ego does not allow you to be submissive"

Alex sighed, "I actually knew that, but what do I do about it now?"

"The easy way is to just recognize that you are mostly dominant and focus on that. Dominance is going well for you. It will be much harder to get to the submissive layer. It could be worth it. The choice is yours."

- "That's all well and good, but how do I learn to accept that I am only dominant or how can I become submissive?"

"The Institute can also offer you a solution there, but you must first sign a confidentiality statement"

"Why a non-disclosure agreement?" Alex asked a little suspiciously.

- "To protect the privacy of all participants in our research."

"OK, I'll take a look into it."

"Read carefully," Luuk admonished Alex. Finally, Alex signed the non-disclosure agreement.

"Good, now that that has been arranged, I can give you full disclosure," said Luuk.

"The Institute originated from a group of girls who liked to have sex with dominant boys, but who did not like the stigma of 'slut' that was linked to girls with free sexual morals. They didn't mind being a slut, on the contrary! But they were sick of the hypocritical social condemnation. They organised sex parties with dominant boys who promised to remain discreet. Hence the confidentiality agreement. Some of the boys were bisexual, the girls agreed that submissive gay boys were also invited to meet the needs of the dominant bisexual boys. The girls thought it was hot to see boys playing with each other."

Luuk took a sip of his coffee.

"One thing led to another. There are now dominant gay boys as well. This resulted again in a large influx of submissive gay boys. Ultimately, the Institute became quite extensive. This allows us to make a precise selection of specific fetishes to group people during our meetings. The assessment you took just now gives us the information to match you with like-minded people."

"I have a key question for you. Do you want to continue with the Institute to learn to accept your dominance or to get to know your submissiveness? If you don't want to continue with this, no problem, but remember the statement you signed"

- "What if I want to move on?"

"If you want to move on, you have to make another choice. We have two groups: the Studs, which are the dominant boys, and the Sluts, which are the submissive girls and gay boys. You are very welcome in both groups. The Studs can take you to great heights of dominance, you would make a lot of submissive gay boys happy if you joined the Studs."

- "Mmm, sounds good, but that looks too much like what I already have"

"Maybe, I do not quite agree, sexual life as a Dominant can give you a lot of satisfaction. However, if you go for the Sluts, it will be a much more difficult path. I have seen the blockage to your submissive feelings in the analysis. It is solid. I can't help you with that. But the Sluts might be able to do that. The choice is yours"

- "I think I'll go for the Sluts, this problem has been going on for me long enough."

"Perhaps a wise decision, but also a bit of a shame. I think you could have been a great Stud. I can't help you here anymore, I'm handing you over to the Sluts. You are in good hands there. They will tell you more."

Next: Chapter 3: The Sluts

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