The Institute

By Tony Myers

Published on Jun 27, 2008


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, shaving, body-modification, humiliation and reluctance.

If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence: please leave now.

I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued. Write me at:

This story is purely fictional and ties in with my other story: "Training my Diaper-bitch". If you didn't like that story, I'm pretty sure you won't like this one either.

Chapter 3

The first thing Steve noticed was the darkness. He was laying on a flat surface and he could feel heat from above - it almost felt like sunlight. He remembered drinking something yesterday in the courthouse and after that: nothing. He had been awake when somebody was touching him, then a prick of a needle and he blacked out again. Something very strange was going on here.

"Ah, you're awake, Steve?"

At least his hearing was back. And the voice somehow seemed familiar to him.

"You were really the last person I expected to find here."


"The one and only, Steve."

"What the hell is happening here?"

"Well, you were brought to the Institute, and we are about to process you in. You haven't been in touch for a while, so I couldn't tell you that I accepted the court's invitation to help with the boys here. Imagine my surprise when they told me that you have been admitted here."

"Process? What is going on, Matt?"

"It seems you have been a bad boy, Steve, and now you're here. But don't worry. We'll get you all prettied up for tonight. Aren't you excited that over twenty potential wardens are going to be here to apply for you? So many people are interested in taking you into their care."

Steve tried to process what he was hearing. He had no clue what Matt was talking about.

"Matt, you need to help me, please! I don't know what is happening here; I was only supposed to be here for some therapy-sessions or some such thing. What is going on? Please tell me!"

Matt went over to the restrained figure on his surgery table and gently patting the hooded head.

"Everything will be okay, Steve. We are going to prepare you for tonight when all the people that are interested in you will come, and apply to become your warden. I'm sure the court told you that someone will be appointed to be your handler and will take care of you after your training is completed, right? Well, we think it's better if the warden accompanies you during your training, making sure that you learn all the right things, and it will help him take care of you after you leave here. We only want what is best for you."

"But I...?"

"No buts, Steve. You agreed to this program and all of us here will help you through it. There will be a lot of people you know here tonight; we all care about you. I hear that even Philipp Myers will be here. Imagine, he is coming all the way from New York to apply for guardianship of you. I didn't know you even knew him."

"Myers, that perverted bastard? Matt, please, he almost raped me once. Don't let him near me!" He sounded frantic now.

"Well, there is not really anything I can do right now. When you're done here he will take you with him and out of our jurisdiction. What happens with you will be entirely up to him, I'm afraid."

"Can't you get someone else? Someone I know? What about you? Can't you be my warden?

"You seem pretty scared of this guy... "

"He is a sadistic bastard, Matt; I heard he has tortured some of his lovers to death. You need to help me, please?"

He really liked to hear Steve begging.

"I don't know... I never thought about that. I'm not sure if I have enough time to take on such a responsibility."

"Please, Matt, I'll do anything you want, just don't let him take me." He was almost sobbing now.

"I guess I could talk to the Judge and find out if I could do this. Why don't we get you started and I'll see what I can find out, okay?"

"Anything, Matt, anything you say..."

Yes, this was exactly what he wanted to hear from the tall muscular man in front of him. He would enjoy transforming this hunky muscle jock into his cum-slut. He would turn him into every Dominant's dream-bitch, making him crave cum in every opening of his body, every second of the day.

"Okay then. For now, you're going to be put you into this medicinal bath, and while you soak, I'll try to talk to the Judge."

A bit relieved that Matt would help him, he willingly let himself be lifted off the table and situated in a cold tub. He never said a word about being cuffed into it, nor did he say anything when they attached the lid around his neck. Matt was here and that was all he needed to know right now.

"He seems about ripe, don't you think?" Thomas asked Matt when he joined him in the observation cubicle. It allowed them to oversee the treatment room and keep an eye on the boy.

"He sure is." Matt chuckled. "The threat about Myers worked like a charm. Trust me; he'll sign all the release forms without looking at them. Even if he could."

Both men laughed at that. The boys would stay blindfolded for most of the time, as well as wearing ear-plugs. Only being allowed to hear the voice of their master would help them to better relate to their new situation.

"Did you check on your boy already?"

"Yes, I spent the last hour with him, you did a great job. It looks like there won't be any scaring from the surgery, his tits are coming along nicely, and the rings you inserted in his crack are wonderful. I didn't know you could put something that big in there."

"Well, it is a bit tricky, but the result is worth it. He won't be able to clench his cheeks together anymore, and they're deep enough that you can easily strap his balls backwards to them; there is no danger of tearing when it's healed. Did you like the little addition to the wand? I thought you might like it. I couldn't show you before, but I used the wand with a broader tip, which makes his head much thicker. It stretches it out very nicely. We put one like that in Baby, and he really likes it. It reminds him that his pathetic clit is not going into anyone or anything ever again. I mean, nobody would let anyone with a deformed head like that near them."

"I do like it. On a tiny prick like that, it looks really good. And my little boy will never use his clit without my supervision anyway. Not that he gets to use it for penetration in the first place. That's not his purpose."

"Did Peter show you the room which he set up for the two of you? He had so much fun planning it, he should really consider becoming a consultant for that."

"Yes, he really is gifted. As far as I can tell, there is nothing missing. We have everything from a potty to a `horse', perfect for my little boy. He'll love it."

A tiny beeper sounded, indicating that it was time to get Steve out of the denuding bath. He would look marvelous without all that nasty hair on his body.

"Well, it's time to take care of my boy, I'll catch you later on tonight, and this will be a long one for me."

"Good luck, Matt and have fun."

Thomas watched his friend go back to take care of his new toy, thinking about how lucky they all were to have been able to pull this off. It had been a masterstroke and the result more than made up for the years of planning. They had built the place on a huge property that had taken them a fortune to assemble, and it had taken time and plenty of careful consideration to start a small village of like- minded people in the life-style. The town was owned and operated by dominants, all more than eager to live their roles on a day-to-day base. They had stores, schools, restaurants –everything a place like this needed, it offered a wonderful opportunity for everyone interested to work and live with the added benefit of being able to include their sexual preferences into their way of living. And it made humiliating the little bitch-boys so much easier...

"I'm back, Steve."

"Matt? Did you hear anything?"

"Well, the Judge said he would forego the induction tonight, if you sign a release saying that you want me to become your warden. Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Hell, yes, thanks Matt; I don't know how I can ever make that up to you." He almost cried, relieved that his friend was able to help.

"Alright. I'll move your hand to where you need to sign, and that will be the end of it."

"Wouldn't it be easier if you just take this thing off my head?"

"Sorry, Steve, regulations. For now we have to follow the rules."

He guided the boy's hand to the papers, watching as he signed several release forms that would allow him any type of body modification he wanted done to his boy, it granted him the ultimate control over his new slut. Life was great.

"Okay, now I'm going to give you a little shot, Steve, so don't be surprised."

"A shot? What for? I've all the..." His voice trailed off, the powerful sedative quickly taking effect.

"Well then, let's begin." He motioned for the two nurses to take him to the operating room, while he got himself ready to start the procedure.

While Steve was being prepared for his surgery, Matt went over everything he needed. He had to pay an outrageous amount to get his supplier to modify a wand to his specifications, one that would accommodate Steve's long foreskin. It had been one of the things that had intrigued him most, seeing that Steve was uncut. Not being circumcised made the head so much more sensitive, something he definitely needed to explore and research more in depth in the near future.

Steve would probably not like getting permanent tubing, but he really didn't have any say in the matter considering his current situation. He would need to learn and accept that all his rights had been stripped away from him and he was completely at Matt's mercy.

The wand he had chosen was about three quarters of an inch in diameter and would stretch his dick just enough for him to insert his finger in it. The first two inches of the tip of the tube were not solid; it just consisted of four metal-bars that would allow Matt to finger his boy's urethra, something he loved to do, as it never failed to shock his boys. The strange tip then merged into the normal solid tubing all the wands had, complete with the locking joint and valve. It would only stick out of the penis for about half an inch that would allow him to fasten a metal crown on top over which the foreskin could be stretched and locked. A nice lockable stirrup piercing would keep Steve's foreskin in place, and the boy out of trouble.

The stim-pads would be placed against the prostate, his testicles and the root of his dick. He also considered putting one into the soft fold of the foreskin, and another one in the glands. The pads were so tiny that no matter where they were inserted, they would not be felt. The battery that would send the powerful currents to stimulate the boys was hidden in the tissue of the perineum. Each set was rechargeable with an external charging device that would be strapped between the boys' legs for a few hours every other week, a bit of an uncomfortable procedure where they would have stay in place while the charger was plugged in.

He also had a heavy set of nipple-trainers prepared; something his bitch would wear permanently over the next few months. He wasn't sure what to do with the scrotum, yet, he wanted the somewhat small testicles to be enlarged to a workable size. For now he would just induce the permanent swelling and infuse the ball sac during Steve's recovery period. There was always time to come up with something new and exciting for his boy, seeing how they were in this for the long run. With a smile he went into the room next door where his pet was waiting for his treatment, something he really was looking forward too.

Next: Chapter 4

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