The Institute

By Tony Myers

Published on Jun 18, 2008


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, shaving, body-modification, humiliation and reluctance.

If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence: please leave now.

I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Write me at:

This story is purely fictional and ties in with my other story: "Training my Diaper-bitch". If you didn't like that story, I'm pretty sure you won't like this one either.

Chapter 2

The three men made their way back to the observation room, still talking animatedly about what the Judge planned to do with his son. Throughout the whole conversation over lunch it had become clear, that the Robert's wife had done her best to raise the boy in almost solitary confinement in order to protect him from her ex-husband's depraved machinations. She had not immediately filed for divorce when she caught him fucking the pool-boy; knowing that a divorced mother would never be accepted as a fitting adoptive parent, she had waited until she was approved and then blackmailed the Judge into signing by threatening to publish photos about his `secret' which would have ended his career.

His little stunt with the pool-boy had cost Thomas a lot. His marriage, over half of his wealth and the chance to help raise the adorable little Asian boy that was brought into his family. It had taken him years of careful preparation to finally set up his wife to where she was now. And the boy was his. His timing had been perfect. The boy would be signed over to him as a minor while tomorrow he would be an adult. And by the time he was done with him – a consenting adult.

He looked at the boy hanging in his restraints, shivering from fear and decided it was time for `Daddy' to take care of his boy.

"All right, let's do this."

Matt returned to the holding room, loudly snapping on his gloves to make sure the boy heard him.

"Well, boy, we found your dad and he will be here any minute."

"I... Thank you, Sir."

"I want you to understand your position though. Even if your father agrees to become your care-taker, all he can do for now is being here to help you along your training. He cannot interfere with the procedures, or with the schedule. He will have to comply with the court-orders. Although we can allow him to take over some of the duties the nurses, me or the instructor would perform. If he is willing to do that for you."

Hearing this made Kuan sob again. He didn't know his father at all. His mother had forbidden any contact with him, telling him that his father had no interest in being burdened with a whiny little boy like him. She had always made sure he knew how disappointed his father was with him for being a small delicate boy instead of a muscular jock and that he had left them because of that. He had been kept in the house, surrounded by tittering old ladies teaching him in the most conservative ways, protecting him from any outside influence. He had grown up with the knowledge that only his mother loved him, that he was her most precious son and she would do anything to prevent anyone hurting him like his father did. And he, good boy that he was, never questioned her and did his best to be the son she wanted.

His sobs became louder again, he was oblivious to Matt watching him intensely, trying to find the right moment to bring the Judge in. Kuan was scared, afraid that his father would still reject him, and that he would never see his mother again. He didn't know what the police had done with her, he didn't know what was happening and why he was here, nobody had told him anything.

"Your father is here now. He has been briefed on your situation, so I will leave you alone with him for a few minutes before we proceed. Be a good boy now."

Kuan heard the door opening again, a few muted words were exchanged and then somebody walked closer to him. He could feel heat radiating from the other body, telling him someone was standing really close.

"Hello Kuan." And with that he felt himself enveloped in a tight hug, almost swallowed up. His body sagged with relief, as much as the restraints allowed him, fresh tears coming forth, glad that he was being held by his father. This was what he had been craving all his life. The feeling of having a father who loved him.

"Daddy... I..."

"Sshh, boy, it's okay. I'm here now. I'm glad you told them to call me, so that I can be here for you."

Thomas pulled the delicious body closer into his own, savoring the feeling of the lithe figure against his. And damn, did the boy look sexy in his latex suit. All wrapped up and only his little dick exposed. He loved it. He definitely needed to get one with an even tighter fit. His hand started to wander over the boy, feeling him up until he reached the exposed crotch. His boy really was a boy. His prick was tiny, almost non-existent, about three inches long – a perfect clit – nicely deformed by the obscenely large catheter protruding from it.


"Everything is alright now, Kuan." His hands moved again, only to stop at the tight ass and stopped there.

"Kuan, the doctor will come in now and he told me that they will have to do an exam. It's nothing to worry about; I'll be there with you the whole time. Nothing will happen to you, understand? I'll never leave you."

Kuan nodded, still slumped against his father, exhausted by the day's events.

"Good boy. Now, let's do this and then we will have time to talk."

At his signal, Ben came in to open the restraints and he picked up his son to carry him into the medical examination room.

"Oh, here you are. Wonderful. First we need to take the boy's protective suit off, and then get him cleaned up."

He felt hands tugging and pulling at the tight material covering him, taking it off, exposing his pale skin.

"Daddy...?" He tried to pull at the hood but his hands were stopped.

"No, son, the hood has to stay on, we don't want anything to get into your eyes and make you hurt."

He was being lifted again and placed into some sort of tub, where his hands were cuffed to the sides. A lid was placed on it; just leaving his head stick out.

"You'll have to soak for about half an hour, boy."


The Judge could tell that the boy was scared and sat down beside the tub to stay close to his boy.

"I'm here and I'll stay with you. I promise." He took a medium-sized jar from a trolley, filled with his own cum. He had jerked off over the last few days and saved his juice just for this. He dipped two fingers in, coating them with the slippery liquid and brought them to the boy's mouth.

"Open up."

Hesitantly the boy opened his dry lips, unsure why he had to do this. He felt something weird tasting enter his mouth deeply, almost making him gag.

"Suck my fingers clean, boy, that way you know I'm still with you. This is something special just for you."

Unable to do anything else, he complied. He started sucking on the fingers, his tongue moving around them, making sure to get every bit of the strange tasting stuff of his dad's fingers. While he was feeding his boy with cum, Matt came over with a tray to show Thomas.

"So, which one do you think we should use?"

Five different wand-like devices were on the tray, each one more devious than the other. They all consisted of a thick metal wand that could be inserted into Kuan's little prick, a flexible tube that would go all the way into his bladder to control his piss, and several stim-pads connected to it with special wires which would allow a permanent use inside the body.

"I think we will take this one, considering what we have to work with." The Judge pointed to the biggest one, a four and half inch wand which would stick out obscenely from the tiny dick, the tube connected with a locking joint that could be manipulated into any position and make the boy's clit stay in any position he wanted. There were two electrodes connected that would be attached to his testes and allow for remote-controlled stimulation, another one would sit against the base of his cock and the last one would be grafted to his prostate. The tube itself was held in place by several piercings to prevent accidental removing, and it would make the boy look absolutely like the cum-slut he was about to become. The device would allow the Judge complete control of his son's erections, he could control ejaculation and of course the bladder. The modification would require a major surgery, one that Matt had by now perfected.

"All right. As soon as we get him out of the tub, we'll start. I got everything prepared."

Kuan didn't really know what they were talking about, he was only aware of the fingers he was sucking on.

"That's enough for you right now, son, we'll get you out of the tub now." He felt the liquid drain away and the lid being lifted. He had no idea that he had just been permanently denuded, there would never grow another hair on his body for the rest of his life. His little cock looked even more pathetic without the protective covering of his pubes and his sac was almost hidden completely by his small dick.

He was being lifted onto a cold metal surface and strapped down. He tried to say something, but a plastic mask was placed over his mouth before he could utter a word.

"You'll go to sleep now, boy, and the nice doctor here will look after you. I'm going to be here as soon as you wake up. I love you, boy."

It was the last thing he heard before he fell unconscious.

"He really has no dick and balls, Matt; I think you need to enlarge those balls. I want them to be as big as possible. Something to make up for this little stick."

Both men were manipulating the bare genitals of the boy, deciding were the piercings would go and what else needed to be done.

"You want me to put rings in his crack like I did on Baby?"

"Yeah, I want his pussy to be easily accessible; it's the only thing that is of normal size on the kid. It's about time that I stepped in, my ex-wife really managed to fuck the boy up." " Alright, I'll let you know as soon as I'm done."

The Judge left the room to let Matt begin with the surgery. Peter was waiting for him in the dining room again, sitting at the table with his arm inside his boy's hole. He was fisting him roughly, punch- fucking him deep into his guts. The little bitch was having a hard time staying on his toes and fingers, but still enjoying himself if the slutty moans he made were any indication.

"Everything going as planned, Thomas?" Peter never let up, driving his fist in and out in a steady rhythm.

"Yes... do you want me to come back later?" He motioned to the bitch-boy with an arm up his ass.

"No, stay, my little slut just needs some of Daddy's attention. I always fist him around this time to prepare him for his afternoon plug."

Townsend nodded towards the table were a gleaming metal plug with a four inch base was waiting for its hole.

"Did you tell Matt about his surprise yet?"

"No, he has no idea Steve is here. I thought we will show him after the surgery, so he can take all night and think about what to do with his boy."

"He'll like that."

Hours later, Matt came into the study were his friends were waiting for him. He dropped down on a chair, taking the glass with Scotch, Peter was handing to him.

"Everything went very well. The insert is in, we started to induce the swelling of his balls, and the piercings are in place. We'll keep him down for most of the time so he can heal. We also put his nipple stretchers in place, so in a few weeks he should look just the way you wanted him. Congratulations, Judge, you got yourself a boy."

He looked a bit tired, but his friends could tell he was satisfied with the results of his work.

"Well, Matt, the day is not over yet, I told you we have a surprise waiting for you."

"Oh right, I almost forgot. So, what is it?"

"Why don't you come and see for yourself." Thomas got up and started towards the door.

"I don't really feel like moving right now, but I have to confess, my curiosity won't allow me to stay here."

Laughing all three walked down the hall to the second holding room. They opened the door to reveal a muscular figure hanging from chains suspended from the ceiling.

"Happy birthday Matt."

"Wow... I... is that who I think it is?" He walked closer.

"Yes, we decided that you should have him for all the things you have done for us over the years. Go ahead, touch him all you want. Right now he can't hear or see us, so feel free."

"Oh my god, he is perfect. Just look at him. Can you imagine how magnificent he will look with a few modifications? Just the size of his cock is enough to make me drool." He patted the flaccid member in front of his face.

"And this ass, it's so inviting, imagine him all open and eager to get fucked. I'm sure I'll spend the rest of my life just fucking him senseless."

His hands were all over Steve's crotch, manhandling his balls and dick, Thomas and Peter could tell he was already thinking about what he wanted to do to his new toy.

"I'll turn him into the perfect fuck-slut. Let's put him down for tonight, so I can play with him tomorrow."

The smile on Matt's face said it all. They had found the perfect gift for him.

Next: Chapter 3

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