The Institute

By Tony Myers

Published on Jun 13, 2008


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, shaving, body-modification, humiliation and reluctance. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence: please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued. Write me at:

This story is purely fictional and ties in with my other story: "Training my Diaper-bitch". If you didn't like that story, I'm pretty sure you won't like this one either.

All right then, if everything is clear now: Here you go.


"... found guilty on the charge of extremely indecent behavior in public. The court has taken under consideration that the accused pleaded temporary insanity and heard the motion of the defense attorney to reconsider the original sentence. The accused will have a choice of ten years in a state penitentiary or to enter a re-orientation program under court supervision. The program consists of a training period at an Institute for Behavioral Modification and after the initial training an appointed warden will supervise the accused as well as handle all of his affairs."

Great, his attorney had actually pulled it off. Steve Walker felt elation course through his system, it took him a few deep breaths to keep from cheering for himself. He had really gotten himself in a nasty situation. A patrolling police-officer had caught him fucking one of his regular pussy-boys too close to an elementary school. So, yeah, he hadn't paid attention to his location, all he had cared about was making his bitch scream.

As soon as he was brought to the police-station, he had insisted on his phone-call and dialed Peter Townsend's number. He asked him for help and Peter really had pulled through for him. Within an hour a very competent lawyer showed up, listened to his story, told him about the possibilty of a plea bargain instead of jail-time. Life was good. A couple of weeks listening to some psychiatrist about his abominal behavior should be easy to do, and after that he would make sure that his `handler' would know exactly who he was dealing with.

After the final verdict two guards led him to the holding-cell, accompanied by his lawyer who did his best to reassure him.

"You don't need to worry about anything, Mr. Walker. Mr. Townsend has already made contact with the Institute so everything should be ready for your arrival there."

Smiling contently, Steve stepped into the windowless room, joining another male already seated on one of the cheap plastic chairs. He would probably not even see the Institute - knowing Peter really was a blessing. And considering that Peter had taken in his little brother made him more of a family than the one who had adopted him. This would really go well.

Still smiling he turned towards the other guy in the dimly lit room, checking out the lithe frame and slowly taking in every inch of the delicious jeans-clad body sitting on a cheap plastic chair. Just what the doctor had prescribed. He looked very young, no more than 18 years old and had the exotic features of someone of Asian origin. Maybe his luck was already beginning to turn and the magnificent little creature was sent to the institute as well. He sat down next to him, inhaling the sweet scent the boy was giving off, his mind already going through each possible scenario of taking the younger male. Yes, he would definitely enjoy his stay at the Institute...

Before he had a chance to start a conversation with the younger male, the door opened and a broad- chested giant of a man came in. He wore the uniform of a nurse, carrying a tray with two tall, filled glasses which he set down on the small table in the middle of the room.

"I'm sure you would like to have a drink before going on your trip, gentlemen, because we will not be able to get you anything when you're on the bus."

Chapter 1

Ben, the nurse who had just served the drinks to the new inmates of the Institute, watched the two males emptying their glasses.

"It'll take about five minutes before we can prep them."He turned towards the other man.

"Right on schedule. I got everything already here, so as soon as the drug kicks in we can start."

Standing outside the holding-room, the nurses waited for the drug to take effect on the guys. The juice had been spiked with GHB and would make their job of preparing the delinquents for their new home so much easier, and the transport afterwards would be a piece of cake.

"Poor suckers. They won't know what hit them." James was really looking forward to finally be able to do what he had been hired for. He had worked for years in the developmental department of Townsend's Polymer Ltd. working on their most successful product, a synthetic that was as elastic as latex, yet porous and sturdy like rubber. When his boss approached him with the offer of utilizing the material in more `exciting' ways, he couldn't refuse and gladly agreed to do his first field tests in the disguise of a nurse.

They watched through the little glass window how the two men inside the little holding cell slid off their chairs, not able to control their muscles any longer.

"Okay, I think they're ready."

James picked up the large sports bag he had brought in from the car and walked into the small room.

"Let's start with Walker here first." Ben hefted the muscular man onto the table, ignoring his feeble attempts to say something.

"I'll get his clothes off, James."

While James pulled out the larger of the synthetic suits, Ben started to undress Steve, throwing every item he had worn into a large plastic sack. He wouldn't need his clothes for a long time to come.

"I'm ready if you are." James put on latex gloves, handing Ben another pair.

"We need to coat his whole body with this oil before we can put him in the suit."

Efficiently they spread the oil over Steve's unmoving body, turning and bending him to make sure to get every inch of skin greased up before they started to pull the rubbery suit over his feet.

"Make sure to keep the Velcro straps lined up at the back, Ben, we want the boys to be nice and tight in their new outfits, right?"

The larger man just chuckled at his partner and continued to slide the synthetic material over the limp body in front of him. He watched as James pulled the hood over Walker's head and attached it to the collar of the suit, pulling the straps tight.

"Okay, let's turn him over." With a satisfied grin, he looked at the figure lying prone on the table, completely encased in black material except for his groin. The suit was made to cover him from head to toe with a generous cut-out leaving his cock, balls and ass bare for easy access. It looked hot on the muscular guy they were supposed to take to his new home.

James snickered at the sight of the restrained body, wishing they had permission to play with him some more. But their orders had been very specific: No playing, just dressing them up and prepping them for the trip. It made him wish once again to have the type of money his employers had, to be able to afford a toy-boy like the one he was currently working on. Well, maybe one day soon...

Ben had already started to tighten the Velcro straps along both legs and began on the arms. He didn't want any surprises on their trip back to the Institute and made sure the suit was on as tight as possible.

"If you get the straps on his back and attach his arms, we can turn him over again and I can put his cath in."

The other nodded and moved to secure Steve's arms to a metal waist-belt, making sure the cuffs were firmly attached around the latex-covered wrists.

"All done."

The tall nurse easily flipped his `patient' over, parting the unresisting legs to have better access to his crotch. He pulled a sealed package out of his bag and carefully opened it.

"Have you ever seen this done before, James?"

"No, can't say I have. What is this for?" The smaller scientist curiously leaned over Walker's body, making sure to have a good view of what the nurse was doing.

"It's a catheter, inserted into the urethra until it reaches his bladder. We control urination with it. Normally we apply an anesthetic before we push the catheter in, but the boss said they need to feel that it is inside of them. So all I do is squeeze some lube down his urethra with this syringe and then push the tubing in."

He took an ominously large looking syringe out and carefully inserted the large needle into the piss-slit, pushing it deep down into the penis. He pressed down on the plunger until the barrel was completely emptied, droplets of clear liquid running out of the slit.

"Now this is a rather large Foley-catheter, used as punishment. It has a half inch diameter and will cause constant discomfort when placed. Just what we want."

With a big smile on his face, Ben took Steve's penis in one hand and slowly started to push the lubricated tube into the dripping opening on the tip.

Fascinating, James thought as he watched the thick plastic tube disappear deeper and deeper into the man's shaft, seemingly making it appear thicker as it went in. He could really get into this. Maybe he should try to incorporate the catheter as a permanent part of the suit. His brain was already trying to come up with a solution to his new idea. By now, Ben was injecting sterile water into the tube that would inflate the balloon keeping the catheter in place.

"Okay, James, let's get the Roberts' boy done."

He went to get the gurney they had left in the hall and helped James to hoist the drugged man onto it.

The little Asian guy was a lot easier to get on the table and Ben wasted no time starting to cut off his while James prepared the second suit.

When he had reached the boy's thighs he was forced to pull the scissors away for fear of cutting the boy.

"Will you look at that, James? These jeans are so tight I can't even cut them. Help me take them off, will ya?"

"Sure." James set the suit aside and turned around to unbutton the boy's fly.

"God, you're right. I can't imagine how he managed to even move in these."

Finally he had the last button open and peeled the material to the side.

"Y-Briefs. Never thought I'm going to see these on a grown guy." Ben chuckled at the sight of the tighty-whites on the tanned skin. The briefs were so tight on the slim figure that his balls and dick were almost brutally pressed against his perineum.

"I think we got a weird one here. Nobody would wear underwear that tight." James commented.

"Maybe we should take that off intact, I'm sure the bosses would like to see that."

"You're probably right."

They pulled the tight briefs down the slender legs and began rubbing the young Asian down with the oil. It was much easier to put the rubber suit on the boy; he didn't weigh nearly as much as Walker.

"Okay, let's load them up and get them to their new home. I'm sure they are already anxiously waiting there for them."

Laughing they laid the kid on top of Steve and rolled them out the courthouse to their van. Yeah, this was really an interesting job.

When Kuan came too he couldn't see anything. Everything was utterly dark, no sound could be heard. He tried to move but couldn't, he felt like something encased his body, preventing even the slightest move. What had happened?

The sound of a door opening and closing made him try to turn towards it, but was unable to do so.

"Ah, I see that you're awake. Welcome to the Institute, Mr. Roberts. We've been waiting for you. I'm Dr. Matt Jackson and will supervise you while you're being processed in."

Matt walked around Kuan Roberts, standing in the middle of the room; a leather harness around his torso was attached to the ceiling, keeping him upright. Yes, this definitely was a nice firm ass and a cute little cock, the Judge was one lucky son of a bitch to have gotten this one.

"Kuan, we will shortly begin preparing you for your medical. Then tonight we will have your induction ceremony and one of the potential wardens will choose you as his boy. After that your training can begin."

Kuan was scared. Nobody had told him what would happen when they had arrested his mother; he was just put in that small room and told to wait. It had seemed like he spent hours in there until they brought in another guy who had stared at him the whole time. He had actually been glad when some guy in a nurse outfit had brought him something to drink. And after that: nothing. Until now.

He tried to fidget, showing his discomfort, while the other man talked to him. What was going on?

"You might not know, Kuan – you don't mind me calling you Kuan, right? You were brought here, because the police found large amounts of drugs at your mother's house. The court was sure that you have been involved in her drug-dealings as well, but because of your age they decided to send you here instead of a jail."

Drugs? His mother? This couldn't be. His mom would never do that. She was almost paranoid that someone would have a bad influence on him, she even home-schooled him. And she certainly wouldn't have anything with drugs. His tutors were all middle-aged pudgy women with flowery dresses. Most of the time he had been treated like a 9-year old, they wouldn't even let him leave the large house they were living in, only occasionally he was allowed in the yard and even then he always had a tutor to accompany him.

Matt absolutely enjoyed looking at the rubber-encased boy, shivering from fear. He would really love to get his hands on that one and hoped that the Judge would give him some leeway on the treatments.

"Now I'll take out the gag and you will have to answer a few questions for us. The other members of the board will be here in just a few minutes and then we'll start. I'm warning you though right now, do not talk, only answer the questions we have and be honest about it. We'll know when you lie."


"Kuan Roberts, Sir." His voice came out shaky.


"I'll be 18 tomor... aargghh." A painful slap on his naked ass made him yell out.

"I didn't ask you how old you will be, I asked you how old you are. Let's try again: Age?"

"Seventeen, Sir."

"It's written here that you lived with your mother, what about your father?"

"My mom divorced him right after I got adopted, Sir."

Matt really liked how the boy added a respectful `Sir' at the end of each answer. That would save a lot of training, and they might be able to proceed with this boy at a much faster pace.

"Does he know you're a convict now?"

"No, Sir. I wasn't allowed to have contact with him."

"Well, seeing as you are still a minor, do you want me to get in touch with him?"

"Oh yes, Sir, please tell my dad what has happened." The boy was crying now.

"I think it would be best if we stop for now, and I'll try to get in touch with your father. He might want to know what his boy has been up to..."

"Sir... I... aargghh..." Another slap on his naked ass.

"I told you to only answer my questions. Nothing else, got that?"

"Yes... Sir..." His loud sobs were the only thing heard after that.

Making sure the boy could hear him closing the door, Matt left the room to join the Judge in the observation room.

"Tom, you are one lucky son of a bitch. Not only is he legally yours, he's also highly trainable." He laughed while watching the miserable boy through the two way mirror.

Roberts had his cock out and continued to slowly stroke it.

"I bet you, he's never had anything up his ass before, Matt. Whatcha think?"

"Hell, he probably never beat off in his life. Did they show you what he was wearing when they caught him?" Sitting down next to the Judge, Matt felt his own prick hardening, pushing against the front of his pants. He really needed to get off soon or his dick would explode.

The Judge carefully spread the pre-cum leaking from his slit over the fat bulbous head of his thick eight-inch cock. He didn't want to cum, from now on he would save his precious man-juice for his little virgin boy.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"We just leave him hanging in there for now and eat lunch. Peter should be here soon, and we have a surprise for you..." Smiling the Judge stuffed his meat back into his pants and got up.

"A surprise? What do you mean?"

Smiling, the Judge went to the door, not about to tell Matt anything about Steve. He and Peter had worked really hard to keep the new inmate's identity a secret from the perverted doctor. They both knew he had shown interest in Walker, but had never really followed up on it.

"We might just show you after lunch."

They arrived in the dining area of the Institute, a lavishly furnished dining-room just for the `instructors', as the boys wouldn't need any tables or chairs to eat at. They would be fed in the training facility.

Peter was already sitting at the table, sipping on a drink while waiting for them.

"So how did it go, gentlemen?"

"Perfect. The boy is here and waits for his `Daddy'... He is really anxious to meet him." Thomas Roberts sat down, a lecherous smile on his face. Yes, he would take care of his boi real soon... While the two were talking, Matt went over to the corner where Baby was cuffed to the wall.

"Look at you, Baby, you get prettier every time I see you." The younger Walker boy was naked except for his ever-present bulky diaper around his middle. He was squirming uncomfortably, moaning behind his gag.

"Something bothering you?" Matt leaned closer, faking concern.

"He's been bad again. You know how little boys are. I haven't drained him this morning and his pussy is packed and plugged. I think he desperately needs to go."

"Are you planning on potty-training him?"

"I don't see the need. Look at him, even though I made him come with me, wearing nothing but his diaper, his clitty is hard. He is such a slut."

Peter got up and went over to his boy while pulling latex gloves over his hands.

"Do you want to go, Baby?" A frantic nod from Baby showed how badly he needed to relieve himself. Peter turned the boy around, carefully pulling the back of his diaper down, exposing a large three inch in diameter plug. He started playing with the base, teasing Baby's opening until it twitched uncontrollably and then pulled it out in one quick move. Quickly he pulled the diaper back up, turned the boy again and removed the gag.

"Anything you need to tell me, Baby?"

"Daddy, my naughty boy pussy needs to poop in my diaper." Ricky's voice was shaky, he desperately tried to hold in the eight melted logs of Crisco that Peter had stuffed in his hungry ass.

"Well done, Baby, go ahead."

With a groan Baby let go and filled the padded bulk around his waist.

"Good boy." With a satisfied smirk Peter patted the boy's ass, removed the gloves and dropped them in a waste-bin.

"I think we are all ready for lunch now..."

Next: Chapter 2

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