The Inspection of Boy Mikey

By Joseph Alexander

Published on May 17, 2023




Copyright © 2023 by J. Alexander

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

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I'm ten minutes away from your home and pull over to text you. Your response comes instantly with your house number. I knew the street name but you wouldn't give me the house number until now. This was your last chance to cancel. Had you not responded, I would have been ok. I know how nervous you are about inviting me to your home. You are so concerned that your husband might catch us. His husband has no idea of your need for submission but I do. I've often wondered what he would do if you told him about your desires.

I park at the curb and march to the door like a police sergeant. I don't knock or use the bell, I just walk in. Mikey, you're right where I told you to be - in front of the door, on your knees, and naked. You get a little panicked because I let the door hang open for a long minute. If someone was walking by, they could have easily seen you. What you don't know is that I made sure no one was walking by and I love the look on your face.

I shut the door and study you. You look nervous but I can tell by your erection, you're excited. I regard the items on the floor beside you, you have everything I requested ready and in the order I asked. I nod, and then ask, "Do you want to be blindfolded for your inspection?"

You shake your head and I think you've made a huge mistake. Blindfolding you would only heighten the tension and anticipation, but so be it. Next, I ask you to take my coat and hang it. You jump to your feet, take my coat and hang it in the hall closet. I watch, your closet is small and crammed with coats. Surely my coat will come out creased.

You return, your eyes are wide and you look a little scared. I don't know why you would be scared of me; we've been chatting online for a couple of years now. I say, "So boy, this is an inspection. I will get to know your body intimately. As we discussed, I will touch and feel and do whatever I want to do to get to know you. You will not do anything to stop me. You will not say a word unless I ask you a question. Do you get it?"

You nod, but I frown at you. "Yes, Sir." Your voice is a bit shaky.

I've been wanting this for a long time, but we could never make it work. Finally, you gave in and we both took a day off from work when you knew your husband would be away. I see you glance down at my pants, the tenting makes you lick your lips. That makes me smile.

I pick up the wet cloth that you have on a plate so it doesn't mark the hardwood floor and I wipe my hands clean. Starting with your face, I gently massage your skin. I feel your long thin nose, press my fingers into your dimples, and caress your temples. I run my fingers through your hair, getting caught in your curls. I feel your ears and tickle your lobes. Then I place a finger in your mouth. You seem surprised, why I don't know.

"Have you never been inspected before, boy?" I ask.

You can't speak with my finger running over your teeth and tongue, so you shake your head.

I feel around, even rubbing my finger across the roof of your tongue. I grin and say, "Suck it,"

You do, and I can tell you are an eager cocksucker.

"Boy, if you and your body please me, I will let you suck my dick. If you make me very happy, I might fuck you. But no matter what I do with you, you cannot cum. If you get close, do whatever you have to do not to cum. Tell me before it's too late." My face is inches away, my eyes locked on yours.

You try to say, "Yes, Sir," but it's hard to speak with a finger in your mouth.

I put a second finger in your mouth and fuck your mouth with them. You do not seem happy but you don't move away. Three fingers are tougher and you start gagging when I hit the back of your mouth. I pull out before you puke. Then I lean in and kiss you.

It's just a peck on the lips to see how you react. You look like you want more. I hesitate, only to keep you on edge. You don't move, so I kiss you again, pressing my lips hard against yours. Your lips are soft and you taste sweet. You're eager to kiss back and even start to reach to hold me, but I push your hands away.

I slip my tongue quickly into your mouth but pull it back just as fast. I pull away when you lean in to kiss me more. I smack your ass hard, "I'm inspecting you, boy, not the other way around. That includes your tongue."

I kiss you again but this time you don't attempt to slide your tongue into my mouth. I explore your mouth and teeth with my tongue, your tongue seems to tremble under mine.

I pull away and then I put both my hands on your neck, encircling it. I can feel you tense and swallow. Are you worried that I might choke you? I wouldn't, but we've never discussed choking play and you don't know me that well. I move my hands down your shoulder to your right arm and lightly massage your skin and muscles. I work my way down to your hand. When our hands meet, I interlock my fingers with yours. You grin and grip my hand back. I don't smack your ass as I should have, you are being assertive again by interlacing your fingers with mine. It felt good, so I let it go.

I do the same with your left arm but this time, I do smack your ass hard when you try to hold my hand. I lean in, "I'm inspecting you, boy, not the other way around." I hiss. "Don't initiate anything or I will turn your cute white ass as red as a fireplug."

I move to your chest and start running my hands across your furry pecs. As I run my thumbs across your nipples, you take a quick breath. I do it again, a little firmer, and grin as you squirm. I don't say anything and move on to your rib cage. But before getting to your belly, I move back to your nipples and start playing with them. You make a face and so I get a little rougher and pinch them. You squeak and I guess you like it.

I don't really care if you like it or not, I like it and that's all that matters. I pinch harder because I like to hear you squeak. I let one go and then suck your nipple into my mouth. I flip my tongue over it and feel you tense up. I start nibbling and then biting. I chew until you yelp and pull back.

"I see you like that boy. Let me even things out."

I nibble your other nipple and work up to biting it until you yelp again. I smile as I step away and study you. Your small dicklet is hard and has a long string of precum hanging from it. I wipe it up and stick my finger in your mouth.

"Clean it."

You do, I wait. You're a good boy and say, "Thank you, Sir."

"Have you learned to like eating your cum, boy?" I ask.

"I'd like to taste your cum, Sir."

"But not the taste of your cum? You ate it for me two weeks ago but it took over a month of convincing." Recently, I talked Mikey into jerking off and eating his cum even though he hates doing that. But he's told me numerous times how he likes swallowing other men's cum.

Mikey frowns and shakes his head.

"Well, it made me very happy that you swallowed your load for me."

Your dicklet is dripping again. I wipe it up and feed it to you. You frown again but suck my finger.

I move to your belly and you redden some, you think you're a little chubby. I don't care, in fact, I like it. I start rubbing your belly all the way down to your pubes. I move up again and play with your belly button. You aren't happy about that but you don't stop me, you know better.

"Turn around, boy," I order. You obey.

I start with your shoulders and feel every inch of your back. I rub and almost massage your skin and muscles. You have some hair there too and if I had my way, I'd shave you. If you were mine, I'd have it laser removed.

I can tell that you like my touch, it sounds like you're purring. I notice your posture, you're no longer ridged. You finally start to relax, though you don't lose your erection.

I move to your ass. I grab, squeeze, and massage your fuzzy cheeks. Your ass is soft and cool to the touch. As I massage your cheeks you coo and even push your butt back toward me. You want me to do more, but I don't, not just yet. "Nice ass, boy," I tell you as I squeezed your globes hard. "Spread your legs."

You do. I pick up a rubber glove from the floor, the next item in line, and pull it on with a snap. I spread your cheeks apart and start rubbing a wrapped finger up and down your crack. I pick up the bottle of lube and grease my finger. "Time to feel your hole boy, don't move."

I start rubbing lube into your hole. It's tight and you huff out a breath. "Boy, for being such a slut, you have a very tight hole." I try to push a finger in again. "Relax, I'm going to feel your hole one way or the other."

I add more lube and push my finger halfway in. I have to hold your hip with my other hand to keep you in place.

"Bend over, put your hands on your knees,"

You do.

"This is one tight hole," I tell you as I move my finger in and out. "Soft and warm and tight." I push my finger all the way in, up to the knuckle and you huff out a breath. "This hole will feel great hugging my dick."

I add a second finger and again have to hold you in place. I move my two fingers in and out but never pull all the way out. I pick up the pace and start finger fucking your boy-hole. You're breathing harder now and so I fuck you faster, making sure to push my fingers as far in as they will go. I add a third finger without slowing, I just slide it right in and push all the way in.

"You little slut. You took three fingers without even a yelp! You must love being fucked boy."

"Yes, Sir," you say and I pull my fingers out fast and smack your ass as hard as I can. "That wasn't a question boy, it was a statement."

I stand up but put a hand on your back to keep you bent over. "Boy, you have such a pretty ass but it needs something, something to make it even prettier. I know, a little color." I say, pulling off the rubber glove. I spank your butt hard. You don't say anything after the first strike, but by number three, you're not happy. By number six, you start barking. I stop at ten and ask you, "You like being spanked, right boy?"

You made me laugh when you responded, "Only by you, Sir." It was a good answer and I appreciated it.

"Stand up, let me check out your legs." I wipe my hands off on the washcloth, then I start with your left leg. I move both hands down from your hip, encircling your thigh, and then move back up. One hand brushes up against your taint and I must have hit your balls with the other because you yelped. I don't apologize but lie telling you I hadn't done it on purpose. I'm sure you don't believe it because I do it again.

I run my hands down one leg to your knee. Moving to the side I run them back up making sure to feel every bit of your skin. Your legs are a little hairy but that's ok, I like it. I rub down the second leg, making sure my hand bangs up against your balls again. I love the sounds you make.

I move down to your calves and give you the same massage movements. I think you are enjoying this because there is a long dribble of precum hanging off your dicklet. I stand, wipe it and feed it to you. I make you thank me.

There is only one part of you that I haven't inspected, well two really, I didn't touch your feet. "Boy, I'm not going to inspect your feet, I hope that doesn't upset you."

You say, "No, Sir." That earns you another hard smack. "I didn't ask you if it upset you, I told you I hoped it doesn't upset you." I smack you again and laugh. "I love when you mess up because I really like smacking your ass. It's a nice ass and feels better when hot." I caress your butt cheeks again. You push out a little which makes me smile.

"Slut," I say.

"Ok, hands behind your head, and do not look down. Face forward. Time to inspect your dicklet."

You are still hard and dripping. I wipe you and let you clean my finger. You seem more eager now to do that and I wonder if you are starting to like it. I don't ask but I might later when I get home. You have told me many times you don't eat your own cum but it seems you do for me.

I kneel in front of you and look at your dicklet. You are so hard. "Boy, do not cum on me, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." I see you take a peek at me even though you were told not to look down. I let it go, I could have spanked you again, worse yet, I could have stood and left right there. I give you a pass.

I pick up the ruler I had you get and measure your dicklet. I mark the ruler with the sharpie and secretly hope your husband sees the mark and asks why it's there. I stand and show it to you. The mark isn't as far down the ruler as you have told me, so I ask, "You told me you were longer, what happened? Has your dicklet shrunk from under usage?"

You make me laugh because you don't know how to respond. I drop the ruler and put my face close to yours. "I might let you measure me, just to prove you're dicklet is bigger. But it won't matter. My dick will be the one being sucked, not yours."

Again, you surprise me by grinning like it's your birthday and I just gave you a big box with a bow on it. I kiss you again, sliding my tongue into your mouth. I can't help myself and wrap my arms around your naked body. You get the hint and kiss me back. I feel your erection pressing against my hip, and for just a second, you grind into me. You drop your arms and start to hug me but then you stop when you feel my grip on your ass tighten. As we kiss, you push your hips in, I think you're trying to see if I'm hard too. I pull away and we both have to catch our breaths.

"Hands behind your back, boy. Keep your eyes straight ahead. Do not look down at me. The inspection isn't over yet."

I kneel in front and take a close look at your dicklet. I wipe the precum off it but instead of feeding it to you, I reach around and wipe my finger on your hole. I blow on your dicklet which gives you goosebumps. I take you in my hand and with a firm grasp, run my hand up and down a few times. I can feel you getting harder. I stop but don't let go.

"Boy, if you cum, you will lick every bit of your spunk up off the floor and then I will turn and leave."

"Yes, Sir. I won't Sir," you say.

I pump your dicklet again, this time rubbing your goo along the shaft, making it slick and pleasurable. You bite your lip and your head leans back.

"SIR!" You say and you even look down at me.

I let go. I should have stood and spanked you again for looking down, but I don't want to get up, I have one last thing to inspect. I turn my attention to your balls.

I take hold of both - they fit in the palm of my hand. "Your balls are very cute, boy. How do you like them to be played with?"

"Any way you want, Sir." How did I know you'd say that?

"You are such a slut, boy,"

"Yes Sir."

"And proud of it too. Nice." I laugh, still holding your balls. They are tight to your body but I gently pull them down and start rolling them around in my hand. They loosen as I move them and I can tell you like it. I have to say, I liked it too. But I have other things still to do so I stopped rolling them and start squeezing them. I squeeze them gradually until I can see you start to bend over.

"Stand up straight boy. You said I could do as I please down here, and that is what I am doing," I warn you.

I wipe the tip of your dicklet and smear the goo over your balls. Then I place both my thumbs, one on each ball with my other fingers behind them. I press down against my hands and feel them slide away. I capture them again and push on them. You bend again and cough out your breath. I press a little harder until you yelp and I let go. You suck in air.

"That was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Sir," You say as you catch your breath.

Before I stand, I give you a present. I lean in and kiss the head of your dicklet. Then I take you all the way into my mouth and give you one long suck. I stand and kiss you pushing all the precum I collected into your mouth. You take it and swallow, that makes me smile.

I step back and pick up the wet cloth, wiping my mouth and my hands. I drop that and pick up the wooden spoon I asked for.

"Boy, you looked down when you were not supposed to, you bent over when you weren't supposed to, and I'm sure you disobeyed me more than I saw. So I'm compelled to use the spoon. Keep your hands behind your back, spread your legs, and keep your head forward."

"Yes, Sir," You say, and get into position.

I'm not really into dolling out pain, though I do like a little spanking. But I think you are into some pain so I oblige but just a little. I smack your balls with the spoon but not hard. Just enough so you feel it. I smack your dicklet a couple of times too. Then I move around and smack your ass a few times. There I do hit a little harder knowing there's more flesh to soften the blow. I give your balls a couple more smacks until I hear you grunt, and then I drop the spoon to the floor and come around to face you. I get my face close enough to yours to kiss but smile instead.

"Boy, you passed the inspection. You have a very nice body and I'm very much attracted to it. If you want to continue, I would like to use you now. If you don't want me to use you, step back. If you do, drop to your knees and find that thing you've wanted to touch for so many years."

I don't know how you didn't break both knee caps, you hit the floor so hard. Your hands grab for my zipper. I stop you and take one hand and press it against my crotch. "Boy, you see how excited you make me. Slowly take off my shoes first and then my pants."

I think you're disappointed at first, but then you understand I too will be naked which is something else you have desired for a long time. You have a hard time going slow, you practically rip off my shoes. You fumble with the button on my pants, and I must help you. The zipper is easy, you have a lot of experience there, but you almost knock me over pulling the pants down my legs. I lift one leg, holding onto your head for balance as you pull the pants off. I switch legs and then I'm standing in front of you in boxer briefs. My erection straining to get out.

"See that boy? You made me leak, I have a wet spot. Lick it."

You smash your face into my crotch. I cannot believe how badly you want this. You lick and suck the spot.

"Pull my briefs off."

You do and my dick pops out. You grin seeing it.

"Before you do anything more. I want you to listen. I'm going to fuck both your mouth and your ass. If you make me cum by blowing me, you will have to get me hard again. And then the fuck will be much longer."

That makes you grin and you try to dive onto my dick.

"Wait, before you blow me, I want you to inspect my dick and balls as I did yours. No squeezing my balls, that's for sub sluts like you. And if you see my dick dripping, do not let it hit the floor. No wasting my precum. But first, get the ruler and measure me.

You are quick to grab the ruler and sharpie, placing the ruler on top of my erection. I help you and push it against my body. You put a mark on the ruler that is just slightly further than your mark. You're a smart guy and realize that the little push into my body made a difference, I didn't do that to you when measuring your dicklet. No matter, you're a boy and so you have a dicklet. I have a man's small dick. End of story.

You put the ruler down and take hold of my dick. You pump it a few times, smearing my precum over it. Then you kiss the head and take me into your mouth. You start blowing me but I stop you.

"My balls now, boy."

When you grab my balls, you notice they are shaved smooth. You feel them up, rolling them around in your hand. They are not as tight to the body as yours are but they're probably the same size.

"Lick and suck them. Be gentle," I command.

You are gentle and you lick my balls. Then you scrunch down under me, I spread my legs and you take one into your mouth. You suck my ball for a minute then switch. It feels nice and I hold you in place on the second one, not letting you stop.

"Both in your mouth."

This takes some doing but since you're a slut, you get both my balls in your mouth and gently wash them with your tongue. You are making me feel so good, and the sight of you sucking my balls makes me coo.

"Ok, boy, enough. Stand up." You gently release my balls and stand in front of me. "Do you like my dick and balls, boy?"

"Yes sir."

"Remove my shirt."

You unbutton and take off my shirt. I walk over to the sofa and sit. I tell you to crawl over and make me happy. You drop to your knees and crawl to me, your eyes laser-focused on my dick. As you take me into your mouth, I say. "Nice and slow. I've waited too long for this to have it over in thirty seconds."

Finally, you are sucking my dick. I lean back and let a pro blow me. You are so good at it that I want to blow a load right then. When you get me close, I stop you.

"Stop but keep my dick in your mouth." You do but you're an evil slut and start moving your tongue on the underside of my dick. I know what you are trying to do. "Stop it, boy! Just hold me in your mouth. Feel your dicklet. If you're leaking, wipe it up. You can either lick it up or lube yourself."

You do and choose to lube your hole. I assume you are hoping to get fucked.

"Nice and slow boy." You start to rock on my cock and I put my head back and enjoy your expertise. I notice you move one hand below and then move it to your butt, you must be leaking a lot. "You should gently play with my balls as you blow me." You use your other hand to take hold of my balls and massage them. I tell you to lick and suck them, mostly because you have me so close to cumming. You're a good cocksucker, you're also a good ball licker.

You suck my balls for a few minutes then get back to your prize. You are doing a great job and now I have to decide. Do I shoot my load now or stop and wait? I worry about how much time it will take to recharge but to hell with that, this feels too good not to cum. I take hold of your head and help you get the perfect rhythm bobbing on my dick. A second later, I blow a huge load in your mouth.

"Don't lose any." I pant.

When my orgasm starts to subside, I look down at you. You're hungrily sucking and swallowing your prize. You're so focused on swallowing my cum that you don't see me looking at you.

"Don't take me out of your mouth. Just hold me on your tongue," I order you. I wait a moment longer to fully come down from the high and say, "You are a good cocksucker. Did you like the taste of my cum?"

You nod fast and smile, you look so cute with my softening dick in you your mouth.

"Well, boy, it was worth the wait. I'm very happy that you finally got your wish to suck my cock," I say as you move your hand from your dick and wipe it on your hole. My dick starts to grow, thinking about that precum-lubed hole. "Get me hard boy."

You start up again, slowly sucking my dick. You suck hard but not fast as my dick hardens. When I am fully hard, you pick up the pace. You are a true cock slut, you suck me like you want to swallow more cum.

I stand and push you off. I tell you to wait and go over to the supplies you have laid out for me. I pick up the condoms, lube, and a wet cloth, and walk back to you. Standing in front of you, I hide one condom in my palm and rip open the package from the second. I figure out which way it rolls on then put the condom in your mouth.

"Boy, I know you only fuck safe, so you will put that condom on my dick for me. But you cannot use your hands and you have only ten seconds. At the count of ten, I will flip you over and start fucking you with however you have the condom on me. If you are not able to put it all the way on and it falls off while I'm fucking, it'll be your fault. Ready?"

I say go and you plant your mouth on my dick. Your tongue and lips are frantically working to get the condom in place and then rolled on. You miss and start again. It slips off but you don't stop trying to roll it in place. On the count of ten, I pull away from you. The condom is only half on. I tell you that you did a great job and that the condom will hopefully stay on, or maybe even get rolled down further because your cunt is so tight.

"Lean over the side of the sofa, boy. It's time to get fucked." You make me laugh at how fast you jump into place. You are one horny sub. But then you turn and look back at the condom half hanging off my dick.

I put some lube on the condom and then move behind you. I push your head to the sofa so you can't see me and I roll the condom all the way down my shaft. I wouldn't fuck you raw. You may not have known but we are both strict about being safe.

You told me you have never been fucked raw and you wonder if it feels any different. I know it does, for both the top and bottom, but it's not worth the risk. I hope someday your husband changes his mind about fucking and he barebacks you at least once, though I secretly wish it was me who gets to bareback you oneday.

Even though you've been self-lubing, I add lube to your hole, sliding a finger in. You're not as tight as you were, I guess you've relaxed some. I add a second finger and finger fuck your hole. I love to hear the grunts and gushes of breath coming from you.

After a few minutes, I remove my fingers - wiping them on the cloth which I deposit on your back. I press the tip of my wrapped dick to your hole and ever so slowly enter you. I feel you squeeze down, probably hoping to move the condom further down my dick. I take one of your hands and let you feel my dick, you notice the condom reaches the base and suddenly your hole isn't squeezed like a vice. I push your hand away and start pushing in. I don't stop at all until I'm balls deep. You don't struggle at all since you frequently take much bigger dicks up your ass. But even though you're a slut, you feel tight and warm on my dick and I start to fuck you. I go slow at first but pick up speed and get into a nice rhythm. Now I'm glad I came in your mouth. I would have cum too fast if I hadn't.

After a few minutes of fucking your ass, I start pulling all the way out and then shoving it all the way back in. It makes you grunt when I slam into you which drives me crazy. I love knowing that I make you grunt.

There is one benefit to a condom - well two really. The one I'm thinking of is that it reduces the sensation and so lets me fuck a lot longer than if I were barebacking you. I keep fucking you, fast then slow, hard then with just my dick head, then slamming into you again. I work your cunt over pretty good and when I'm just about to cum, I stop. I pull out.

"Boy, I want my cum inside you, but then you'd have to suck my cum out of the condom." I pull the condom off and wipe my dick with the cloth. "Lie down on the floor on your back."

You do and I straddle your chest. I feed you my dick and then pull it out. As I'm doing this, I'm also playing with your dick with my hand. I keep it up some until I am so ready to blow. Before I do, I turn and slide a condom on your dicklet.

You hadn't seen me open two packages, but I did. I put my dick back in your mouth and tell you to use your tongue. Not long after, my first shot of cum hits the back of your throat. I start pulling out on the second shot, so shots three, four, and five splatter your face. As quickly as I can, I scoot back, and since I still have your dick in my hand, I point it and sit down on it. I've already lubed my ass and you slide right in. I only have to ride your little dicklet a few times up and down before you start shooting your load. I feel your dicklet pulsing and pulsing. Your eyes are closed and you're biting your lip. I keep riding you until your orgasm passes and your breathing slows.

The look on your face, which is covered with my cum, is precious. It's hard to explain the ecstasy of both the surprise that I sat on your dicklet and the satisfaction of an unexpected orgasm.

I pull off you and lean over you. With my dick, I push the cum from your face into your mouth and tell you to swallow. I really did want my cum inside you and you swallow without being asked. When most of it is gone, I use the wet cloth to clean the rest of your face. I stand and help you up, your smile couldn't be any bigger.

"Don't take that off yet," I point to the condom hanging from your dicklet, it's filled with cum. "and help me dress."

"You find my briefs and I step into them "Kiss it before it goes home." You do more than kiss my dick and then pull my briefs up. You help me with my pants, shirt and then shoes. You get my coat for me and I leave you standing right in front of the door. I pray no one is walking by and got lucky, no one was.

Just before shutting the door, I tell you to take the condom off and swallow its contents. I don't wait to see you do it, I assume you will since you are an obedient boy.

I text you later to see how you are. You're still high from the meeting and ask when I will come back. I ask you if you enjoyed the inspection, "Fucking awesome." Is your response.

Later that night, I check the chat site we use and see that you are logged on. Before I can reach out, you send me a note. "I was hoping you'd get online. I have to tell you that was the most awesome thing I have ever experienced. No one has ever touched me as you did. I was so nervous at first but you made me feel so great. It was like getting a massage. Thank you!"

It makes me smile that you said that. I knew you'd enjoy it, most boys like to be inspected, even if they're worried about not having a perfect body. Maybe what I should tell you is that I loved the experience too. It makes me harder than anything to have a man let me do what I want to him. And even though I do nothing extreme, the fear in a boy's eyes excites me.

"You're welcome, boy. Did you clean out the condom as I asked?"

"Yes, Sir"

"And did you like it, boy?"

"No, Sir."

"Then I've done a good job. I hope to inspect you again someday." I tell you and really mean it.

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