The Inn

By J Dot

Published on Jul 8, 2024


My name is Jack, I met Pete yesterday in a hallway at the Inn where I work as a painter. We are both gay big fat men who wear panties sometimes. I am in my upper 50's, he is in the low 50's. We both have penises in the 3 and a half inch to 4 inch range, he is uncut, I am cut!

I awoke first, it took me a second to realize where I was, in an Inn room, laying in bed with a sexy fat guy! We sucked each other off last night. I got up and went to the bathroom. I started the coffee machine going and returned to bed, sitting up looking at my counterpart.

I looked under the sheets to see his panties with just a hint of a tent in them. I moved myself as slow as I could to not wake him til I was at my objective. I moved my head down to his groin, and slightly moving his panties, I locked my lips around his growing erection.

The head of his penis was already pushing open his foreskin when I started. Damn, I thought, I love playing with foreskins!

I start to suck on him as he stirred some, moving his big meaty legs and thighs. I ran my tongue over his pee slit, as I went, that seemed to make him stir some more.

All of a sudden the covers moved and I looked up, with his cock in my mouth still, he was looking down at me smiling. He let the covers back down for a few seconds while I kept up my playing. The next time he moved the covers, I looked up at him and he took my picture with his phone.

I'm not sure how good the shot came out, being under the covers and it didn't look like his hand was that steady.

"Mmmmm!" He sighed "Feels good!" He put his hands to his breasts and was playing with his nipples. He couldn't reach me to play. I took his cock out of my mouth to lick his balls, I smelled his body odor which turned me on even more.

I didn't stay long at his balls before moving back to his cock, I took it all in my mouth, so that my lips were at the root of his penis. He kept growing and hardening.

"OOOOOOHH" he groaned louder and I felt his body spasm some, I knew I was going to get a mouthful soon. I put my hands up onto his ample tummy, caressing the fat there. He lowered one hand from his breasts and held onto my hand, his fingers entwined with mine.

"Oooh yyyeess!" He moaned and his hand tightened on mine reflexively, as his cum burst into my mouth! I swallowed it all tasting his saltiness, and loving it!! I love cum!!

There must have been three or four ropes of cum bursting into my mouth. As I kept my mouth on him, he started to pull his hand back, but I kept his hand in mine. He started to soften in my mouth, and I let him out of my warm wet confines.

I kept my head down there for a few moments watching his cock retreat. It was very interesting. He pulled his hand again, so I let it go. I returned his panties up and over his groin. Then moved my big body up even with him. He turned his head to the side, looking into my face, "Thank you" he said quietly.

"Oh you're more than welcome!" I responded

He started to move his big body to the side of the bed to get up, and I moved also to get us each a cup of coffee. "How do you like your coffee?" I asked.

"Cream, two sugars" he said as he got to his feet and went into the bathroom. He didn't bother closing the door behind him as I heard his pee hitting the water in the toilet. "Mmmm" he moaned.

He got done and came out. I handed him the cup and he leaned forward and briefly pressed his lips to mine.

"Mornin" he said, smiling at me. "What a wake up!"

"Glad you liked it!" I responded

We both sat down at the little table, sipping our coffees. "So where are you painting today?" He asked.

"Well, I finished this hallway yesterday, I might be in a couple of rooms painting, since we're not full. Not really sure..." I replied

"Hunh, well I'll be stuck in the conference room, listening to some droll speaker talk about something I couldn't care less about."

"At least you get breakfast and lunch served up for you!" I replied

"What about you?" He asked

"Well we get lunch for free, I'll probably zip down to the store before work and get a breakfast sandwich. You've already given me any nutrients I might need!" I returned smiling...

He smiled back at me. "So, sometimes touchy subject, are you out as gay?" He asked me.

"Well, probably not the way any gay person would think. I don't hide it, necessarily, but I don't broadcast it either. I know my co-workers, don't really appreciate gay men, or women, for that matter. I don't come right out and say I'm gay, I just don't respond to their comments."

"So that would be no" Pete replied

"I prefer not to label it, maybe that's hiding it, I don't know. When you came on to me in the hallway, I didn't retreat any, right!?!" I responded.

"I just don't know that its any bodies business but mine and whoever I happen to be with." I added

"Makes a certain kind of sense, I guess. I don't get up and broadcast to everyone in this conference that I'm gay. Some of my friends know and either are for it or don't care, any others I don't need anyway." He said

"Exactly!!" I said "I don't broadcast that I prefer fat men over any other, I don't broadcast that I am REALLY into fat men in panties or any other lingerie they may be wearing!"

That got him stirred up. "You don't mind if they wear other things like panty hose? Nighties? Bras?"

"Nope, not only do I don't mind if they do, I like it! I have put on nighties before, I like how they feel. I have put on tights before, like how they feel. I've put on one piece women's bathing suits, and love how they feel."

"Wow!!" He responded, his eyes wide

"Yup" I replied " I guess we better shower and get ready for our work."

"Are you coming in with me?" He asked

"If you want" I responded "After hearing all that! Usually don't share that kind of information!"

"I'm glad that you're that comfortable to share, and yes I want you in the shower with me!"

Pete turned on the shower to get the water warm and then started to take off his panties. I stopped him. "Nope I want to see you in wet panties!" I said.

"Oooh how naughty!" He looked at me and smiled. Into the shower we went, with our panties on. As the water rained down on us, hitting our heads, chests, large tummies, eventually our panties got wet. I ran my fingers over Pete's wet panties, feeling him up! He did the same to me.

I would have gotten my panties wet anyway, without the waters assistance, as he ran his fingers over mine.

"Not that I want to, but we don't have time to keep playing." I told him

I took his panties off, grabbed the soap and started cleaning him up. His hair, what there was of it, his face, neck and so on down his big body! He then did the same with me

"So!" He said looking in my eyes "You really like seeing a big guy in other things, more than just panties?"

"Yup! Whatever they want to wear, it's not about looking like a girl or looking pretty, its about the feel on their/my skin!" I replied.

He gave me a different kind of look, then pulled me into his arms and we hugged. He pulled his head back and pressed his lips to mine in a deep kiss!

We got rinsed off and toweled dry. I put on a slinky black jock strap and my painter whites. He put on a pair of lavender panties and on went his business suit.

"Til this afternoon?" He asked

"Sure! I'll be here!" I replied and out the door I went. I clocked in at the normal time and went about painting at various rooms throughout the inn. I kept thinking of my hulk of a guy and how good we were together.

Obviously he was thinking of me too. I got a text from him before lunch with a picture. It was the one of me under the covers, with his cock in my mouth. It was surprisingly not blurry! It made my penis stir, just thinking about it. I had to go into a bathroom and drop my pants to take a picture of the dampness on the front of my jock. I sent that back to him!

I got another text after lunch from Pete, the front of his lavender panties tented and a little wet in front were shown! I loved it! I went into a bathroom and took a picture with my penis out, showing him how turned on I was! I sent that to him!

He sent me an emoji of a smiley face with hearts where eyes normally are! I could hardly wait for four o'clock to get here! I got my equipment cleaned up by three thirty and was raring to go.

I checked out as soon as the time clock would allow and beat feet for the room. Pete was there inside the door waiting for me! He had put on a lavender baby doll top to match his panties!

I got inside the door and pulled him into a big hug! I could feel his big body, as he sighed, in my arms!

"Were you afraid I wouldn't be aroused by you in your lingerie?" I asked

"I was, even though you said it didn't matter, I still wasn't sure!" He responded "I have been told that before, and when I wore something for him, he went off the rails!"

"What a shmuck" I said "Well that isn't me!! I love the look! And the feel of you in this!" I ran my hands over the back of his top and panties while I had him in my arms!

"Mmmm" he moaned in my ear.

"I want to feel you properly!" I told him, as I dropped my arms and started pulling off my painting clothes.

"Do you want to wear something too?" He asked "I have another top and panty set with me, if you want."

"I would love to!" I replied. His face lit up at that response. He turned and made his way over to his bags, I watched his big body move with his top and panties on. His body looked so hot to me!

He reached in and pulled out another baby doll top and panty set, this one in pale pink! "This is the only other one I have with me!"

"That's perfect!" I replied "I would love to wear that for you!"

He brought the outfit over to me. I went into the bathroom and put the baby doll top on. I then dropped my jockstrap and put on the pink panties! The whole outfit felt so good on me! The material on my breasts as I ran my hands over them, and on my big stomach! The panties were already getting a little damp in front!

I walked out of the bathroom to Pete! He was standing there just staring at me in the pink attire! "I love the look!!" He giggled "You look so good, and you look happy to be in it!!"

"I AM!!" I replied "This feels magnificent! Its been way too long since I have felt this way! Thank you !!"

He wrapped me in his big arms, as I walked to him! It felt so good, to feel his big body against mine in our flimsy lingerie! To feel his hands running all over me, and to feel him with my hands. We pressed our lips together in a deep kiss and started chasing tongues around!

Eventually breaking the kiss, and eventually breaking the hug. I walked over to get a glass of wine. Pete had already poured two glasses for us, on the side table. I picked it up, gave him his, and lifted the glass in a toast. "To us in lingerie!!" I said. He lifted his glass to, and we sipped our wine.

"You're getting a little damp in your panties, aren't you!?!" He said

"I am!" I said "How did you know?"

"Because so am I!" He replied and he reached down pulling the hem of his nighty up so that I could see his panties. Indeed, they were wet!!

I pulled up the hem of mine and showed him how wet I was!

We laid down on the bed and started running our hands over each other, feeling breasts, tummies, love handles, anything we could reach!

I got my big body up on all fours and turned around, crawling down his body! I put my mouth to his toes, taking one toe into my mouth, licking it, moving my tongue all over it, then onto the next.

My hands were busy either massaging his feet or on his legs, feeling his fat calves. I heard a light moan from Pete as I kept it up. Once I got done with one foot I maneuvered over to the other.

He eventually moved his hands to caress my legs and my ass! He put his mouth on my toes too, I could feel his wet tongue around each toe. Our big bodies were mashed together!!

After a few minutes or more, of this, I moved up his nice fat legs, trying to caress every inch! Every inch I moved up his body, I could more and more feel the fabric of our lingerie!!! It was heaven!

"God I love how this feels!" I moaned "all of the sensations of our bodies and lingerie!" I had moved enough that at my face was his panty covered crotch. His panties were wet from his pre cum. I stuck my tongue out and lapped at the material!

"Mmmm!! Feels so good!!" He sighed as I continued licking his panties. He started playing with my ass in my panties, feeling the fat and the silky panty fabric! I pulled at the panties, and finally moved them to the side enough to pull out his penis. There were no pubic hairs as he and I both were shaven!

I pulled at his foreskin, moving it up and down over his growing inner pole! I stuck my tongue out tasting his, pre cum and inhaling his scent! I then dropped my warm wet mouth over his growing cock. I wanted to taste him so bad!

While I was taking him in my mouth, he managed to wiggle his hand in between the panties and my fat ass cheeks! He started running his fingers up my ass crack. I squirmed some and ended up pushing my crotch more into his face!

"Oooohhh!" I moaned around his cock in my mouth. "Mmm!!" And then he found my hole, rimming it with his finger! I couldn't get my hands under his ass to do the same, but reached for his balls to play with them!

"Mmmmm!" He groaned from his muffled mouth! Its a wonder he could breathe with my pantied crotch smothering him. All of a sudden he put pressure on my hole, and I felt him enter me!

I pulled my mouth off from his cock! "OOOHHH MMY GGOODDD!" I cried out as quietly as I could. I lifted my crotch as much as I could with his finger buried in my ass.

I grabbed his cock again, the helmet now bulging out of its sheath! Instead of putting it back in my mouth, I moved back down his body just enough to lick his balls, they had a certain taste to them, of his sweat and musk. I had to play with them for a few minutes.

Taking them in my mouth, sucking on them, licking them!

Pete moved my panties aside and started sucking on my already hard and leaking penis. He took me all the way in, his chin hitting my fat pad, his nose hitting my balls.

"Mmmmm!!" I groaned around his balls. That groan gave him a vibration at his balls and he groaned back! "Mmmmm!!"

I reluctantly moved away from his nice balls, and then back to his beautiful cock!! I was squirming my body against his in the nighties, it was feeling so good, then as I moved more, his nighties started moving up his body, as I moved up.

I started bobbing my head on his cock again, running my hands on his big hips. He started moving his finger in my hole, fucking me with it! I wanted him to fuck me in the ass so bad, but we were already past that point!

I got that familiar sensation in my balls, I lifted my mouth off his cock just long enough to let him know! "Oooohh gggoodd I'm ccummming!!!" And I put my mouth back on him as I sent rope after rope of cum into his mouth and down his throat. He took it all!!

I then felt him expand a little as he moaned and shot his seed into my mouth! I took his load and swallowed it all. Mmmm, that tasted good!! He pulled his finger out of my ass, it left an empty feeling!

I started to get soft in his mouth and he let my penis out! "OH GOD THAT WAS SO GREAT!!" He said out loud, "I've never cum that much!!"

I let him out of my mouth, licking his tip for any residual cum. "Mmm me neither!" I pulled his panties back into place, he did the same for mine! I buried my face back into the panty front for a few seconds, loving the feel and his fragrance.

I turned myself back around but still lower down his body, as I continued to run my hands over his big stomach and lingerie covered chest.

"It was a great idea to bring these baby dolls along!" I told him.

"They usually just sit in my suitcase, never to be brought out, but sometimes I do wear one when I'm relaxing in my room." He replied, sighing from my caresses.

"Well not in this instance" I smiled up at him! I continued my running my hands over him as he did the same with me. The material rubbing against my skin as he went.

I worked my way up til we were even and we pressed our lips together in a long kiss. Our tongues did a brief dance before we pulled our mouths apart.

"I could get used to this!!" I said

"Sadly, our conference is over after tomorrow" he said with a sadness in his voice.

Well, we'll just have to share contact info and try to meet for a weekend or more, here or there, for more panty/lingerie fun!!

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