The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Dec 23, 2022


The Inheritance Part 9

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 19

It was all a bit fuzzy to remember.

My hands and arms were tied tightly with rope behind my back as I knelt before all the other guys. I was kneeling center stage on the large ottoman and someone was standing just inches away from me. It was Brent. His massive cock reached firmly toward me, bobbing just inches from my lips. But every time I tried to lean in to lick it, I felt a searing pain on my ass like a thousand spanks with that damn paddle.

Brent reached down and grabbed my cock and balls hard. His grip was so firm that I couldn't even get hard. His evil laugh told me all I needed to know about his feelings. He was enjoying my torture. He wanted me to suffer. He squeezed my goods so hard that I thought he'd crush them. Then he slapped me across the face and yelled, "wake up slut."

So I did.

"Holy shit," Tony said, lying beside me in bed. "That was a fucking intense dream."

"No kidding," I replied.

"Man, I remember having some fucked up dreams like that when I was on chastity. That cage can do some strange things to your mind when you can't get your morning wood."

"Fuck, I know. I don't think I can survive another week with this thing on. I've never gone so long without jerking."

Tony and I climbed out of bed. I stopped to admire his body. Even though I was quite used to being around him naked at all times, I still couldn't help but stare at him. He was beautiful.

"Stop looking at my ass," he joked, breaking me from my gaze.

"Sorry... Sir!"

We laughed all the way down the stairs until we reached the kitchen. Brent and Kevin were already up.

"Some bitches are in a good mood this morning," Brent teased.

"Why wouldn't we be? It's a great day. Especially with no work."

Tony was right. Master decided to close the office on Fridays for a while. The slow economy was finally reaching even him. I was happy to have Tony around all day. I hated when he left and didn't come back until dinnertime.

"Plus," Tony continued to Brent. "Patrick had a super hot dream about you!"

I hit Tony on the shoulder and shot him a mean glance.

"Oh really?! Fantasizing about me, slut?"

"Not really a fantasy, Sir. You were abusing me. So... more like reality..."

Brent just laughed.

"Sir, can I ask you something?" I tried to sound sincere.


"Why are you so mean?"

Kevin and Tony became dead silent, as if that was the wrong question to ask.

"Mean? I'm not mean, slut." Then he leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "I am... exactly what Master needs me to be."

He pulled back and I looked at his face, which was flashing a charming smile. He seemed unusually sincere.

"Understand?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir. I think so. Thank you."

"Very good, let's finish breakfast and get to work. Master is expecting his guests around six tonight. Everything needs to be set up long before then."

After a quick breakfast, we started preparing for the party. We spent most of the day cleaning and rearranging chairs inside and out on the patio. Then we turned to making the food and drinks. Master was expecting around 30 people tonight, mostly colleagues. I wasn't really sure what the occasion was or why Kevin had told me the day before that we'd all be getting 'fucked good'.

By late afternoon, everything was ready. Brent handed us all very skimpy black rubber briefs and a formal bow tie. That was the extent of our dress attire for the party.

This was going to be an interesting affair.

A few guests starting arriving a bit early, just after 5:30. My job was simply to greet them at the door and escort them to the living room. I felt a bit embarrassed at my outfit, but none of the guests reacted as if it was out of place.

Just after six, a couple came in. One introduced himself as Alec, and his wife, Gloria. I have no idea why, but I became more self conscious being dressed like this in mixed company. She complimented me on being a 'very cute little boy' and started to mingle with the others.

Before long, the house was bustling with activity. I counted 26 guests, 19 of them men. Aside from the nearly naked boys serving drinks and snacks, it seemed like a normal party. That is until I hear Gloria starting to whoop it up on the patio.

I saw her rubbing Evan's chest and nibbling on his ear. Then she started fondling the boy's crotch, her husband looking on the entire time.

After a few minutes of making a bit of a scene, they were approached by Master. I saw him put his arms around his two guests and say something quietly. Then Evan led the couple back inside and they started upstairs.

"Holy shit," I said to Tony. "Are they going to...?"

"Uh huh."

"And Evan is up for that?"

"Well, he is the only true bi guy in the house. So, he's a favorite among the couples at these gatherings. Well... we do have you now." He smirked.

"Oh fuck no, please don't tell me that."

"Ha ha, don't worry. Most of the couples aren't here for the fucking... just that slut Gloria and her boring husband, Alec. Still, there are a couple horny guys you better watch out for. I'm sure it won't be long until Mr. Winters asks for me."

Tony pointed out an older guy, easily in his fifties, talking to Master.

"Him? Really?"

"Yeah, I'm his favorite. He's harmless though. Isn't all that kinky. So, it's cool."

I suddenly started feeling like cattle at market. The whole thing seemed unsavory. Yet, Tony took it all in stride.

Sure enough, within ten minutes, Master motioned over to Tony and patted Mr. Winters on the back. I watched as Tony led the older man upstairs and felt a bit empty. I was just relieved I didn't have to watch it.

Brent had me circle the room, refreshing people's drinks. When I approached Master, he was in the middle of a lively conversation with a man about his age.

"Ahh, here he is," Master said. "Franklin, this is one of the new boys I told you about. Patrick, this is Mr. Osborne."

"Nice to meet you, Sir," I said politely.

"Hello, Patrick. My... you are a cute one."

I felt myself blush a bit at the compliment. "Thank you, Sir."

"And that," Master said, pointing across the room to Sam, "is his little brother, Sam."

"Ahhh, brothers. Has Andre gotten a hold of them yet?" Mr. Osborne laughed, along with Master, as if to a private joke that I wasn't privy to.

"Not yet!" Master bellowed. "You should act now before he does because you know how he gets."

Mr. Osborne looked me over a bit and smiled.

"May I?" he asked, clearly to Master and not to me.

"Absolutely, Patrick may be new here but he will not disappoint."

"Great, let me use your bathroom first, Philip... don't let Andre grab him!" The man scurried down the hallway.

"Patrick, Franklin is a very dear friend of mine. Are you okay with this?"

I was surprised at the question. I wasn't really sure how to answer.

"Yes, Sir, I suppose so. It is expected of me, right?"

"Well... yes, but Kevin told me about yesterday. I'm just worried about how you are adjusting to all this."

I hung my head in shame, embarrassed that Master knew of my failure.

"Now don't worry," he continued. "Kevin said you still did very well. And even if the construction guys were disappointed, I wouldn't have cared. It wouldn't have forfeited the inheritance."

I felt relieved at Master's words. Then, I saw Mr. Osborne returning up the hallway.

"Don't worry, Master, he will be very satisfied," I assured.

Master just nodded as Mr. Osborne returned. I took the man's hand and smiled.

"Care to follow me, Sir?" I asked.

I led the man into a vacant guest room and closed the door.

"May I help you with your tie, Sir?"

He nodded as I reached up and unraveled his tie. Then I unbuttoned his shirt and let him slip it off. I pulled off his undershirt and rubbed his furry chest. He wasn't as fit as Master, but he was still pretty attractive.

I peeled off my rubber briefs and let the man stare at my caged dick. He rubbed it gently, mostly out of curiosity it seemed, causing me to squirm uncontrollably.

"Sorry," he said. "Does it hurt much?"

"No, Sir, not hurt... it is just uncomfortable. And I haven't shot in almost a week."

"Interesting. Philip told me of your device. I tried to talk him into releasing you, but he wouldn't. Too bad, I would have loved to suck you off."

"I would have liked that too, Sir. How may I serve you tonight?"

"Can I just admire you for a while, my boy?"

"Um, well, sure. If that's all you want."

I stood for a few minutes as the man examined my body. He rubbed my chest gently and even tasted my nipples. He kissed down my chest until he got to my confined cock. He lifted the cage and sucked on my nuts softly.

"Fuck, Sir, that feels so good," I said, almost involuntarily.

Mr. Osborne pushed me firmly to the bed, face down and firm bubble butt pushing slightly into the air. He rubbed his hands across my ass cheeks and up my back, stopping to grip my shoulders.

"Patrick, you are so tense," he observed. "Here..."

I moaned in delight as he started to massage my shoulders and back. I felt all the tension from the past week escape my body. His magic hands worked firmly to my lower back. I never felt so relaxed.

After my lengthy massage, he leaned down and starting kissing my back, working his way up to my neck.

"Patrick?" he whispered. "Would you mind if I fucked you?"

"Mind, Sir? I'm here for whatever you want. Why do you ask?"

"Well, for any of the other boys here, I probably wouldn't. But, you're different. You're special. And honestly, you don't belong here."

"It's only two weeks. I don't really have much of a choice, Sir."

"Yes, yes, I know about the will. But, you are already thinking of the future. I don't want you to do anything you'll regret."

"I appreciate that, Sir, I really do. But it's just two weeks." I rolled over to see him now completely naked and quite erect. "Sir, if you would like to fuck me, I think that would be nice."

Mr. Osborne's long, slender cock slid inside and again I had cause to moan in delight. My relaxed state made the sensation of being fucked more enjoyable.

He rode my ass slowly, his hands groping my chest the entire time. His pace quickened and my ass squeezed his shaft, trying to milk the seed into me. Finally his cock yielded its sweet creamy load and my ass felt full.

"Such a perfect boy," he said. "Thank you."

"My pleasure, Sir."

"Two weeks?"

"Yes, Sir." I laughed. "Two weeks."

Chapter 20

We returned to the party to see that Brent had become the center of attention.

He was dancing seductively for the remaining guests. The gyration of his hips was mesmerizing. Soon, the tiny black rubber briefs were ripped down revealing his impressive manhood. The crowd howled in approval.

I just shook my head in disbelief. Master sure knew how to throw a party. I soon found Master talking with Sam and another gentleman.

"Patrick, you are back. Excellent. Come here. I want you to meet Mr. Broussard."

The man smiled. "Call me Andre. Please."

"Nice to meet you, Andre... Sir."

"I was just admiring the beauty of your little brother," Andre continued. "You are just as lovely. Magnifique!"

"Thank you, Sir. You are too kind."

"My friend here," Master interjected, "is quite fond of brothers. In fact, he's been trying to get you together all night."

"Together?" I muttered.

"Please, sit boys," Andre invited. We accepted and sat across from him and Master.

"How are you enjoying the party, Sir?" Sam asked.

"It is so much fun. Merci. I love Philip's boys. Especially you two!"

"They are both doing wonderfully," Master added.

"Oui oui. Yes I am sure they are, Philip. Tell me boys; do you like fooling around together?"

I felt a bit uncomfortable at the question.

"No. Not really, Sir. I mean we've never..."

"Never? Never shared brotherly love? Such a travesty!"

"It's not so common here, Sir, I think."

"Pfff. It's common everywhere. It's completely natural. Do you find your brother attractive?" he asked me.

"Well, I guess. I mean, sure he's cute. But..."

"But nothing! He is very sexy and you two would be very sexy together. Kiss him."


"Go ahead," Master said. "Humor my friend."

I just looked at Sam and he shrugged his shoulders. I leaned over to him and moved my lips to his. I squeezed my eyes shut and let my lips brush against his. We held the lip lock a few seconds before disengaging.

"No, no, no. How sad!" Andre lamented. "Tell me boys, do you love each other?"

"Well, yeah, of course," I said. Sam agreed.

"Then kiss like you love each other greatly. Go on."

My lips again met Sam's as we shared a more passionate kiss. For a minute, I didn't think of it as kissing my little brother. Our embrace pleased Andre.

"Bravo!" he said. "Much nicer. How did that feel?"

"Okay, I suppose," I said. Sam added that it felt "kinda nice."

"Excellent, I would very much like to see you make sweet brotherly love to Sam," Andre said.

"Right now?" I wasn't really prepared to deal with this just yet and Master noticed.

"Andre," he interrupted. "It is already very late. Maybe we can continue this when there is a bit more privacy. How about after dinner tomorrow?"

"Very well, Philip. I can wait another day for such a beautiful thing as these boys making love."

Master escorted Andre to his car, leaving Sam and me behind to stare nervously at each other.

"Are we really going to do this, Sam?"

"I don't know, I guess so. We expected it, right?"

My heart rate had probably doubled in the last few minutes. I could think of nothing else the rest of the evening. Luckily, most of Master's guests had left. Brent said that we could leave most of the cleaning for the next day.

I went to bed but couldn't fall asleep. My thoughts kept turning to my little brother. After staring at the ceiling for over an hour, I finally drifted off.

My anxiety only increased on Saturday. After all I had done to this point, I couldn't just blow the inheritance over this one thing. Plus, I'd be blowing it for the both of us. Was that fair to Sam?

That afternoon, Master called me into his study.

"A little nervous, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm not sure I can do this. It doesn't feel right."

"Hmmm. Well, I can understand that, but it's not like you'd be the first to do such a thing."

"I know, Sir. Is there any other way I can please you?"

"Well... not complying would be a violation of your submission to me and, of course, for the will. It would take quite a bit of discipline to make up for that. I would probably have you in the basement with Brent all week, day and night."

I trembled at the thought.

"Sir, that would be difficult."

"Don't forget that, per the rules I explained when you got here, that Tony would be disciplined just the same. He would be subject to the exact same use."

I thought of Tony and how mad he'd be at me if I put him through that abuse. I was almost willing to do it myself, but this changed everything.

"I will proceed tonight, Sir," I said reluctantly.

"Good, boy. You are excused."

I turned to leave, but Master stopped me just short of the door.

"Patrick," he said sternly. "For future reference, your use here is not a negotiation. I would expect that we never have such a discussion again. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," I said meekly, like a small child that had been scolded for talking back to his parents.

I left and told Sam that we were still on for later. He said it was fine. There was nothing to do now but wait.

By seven o'clock, dinner was finished and the house was clean. The doorbell rang and I knew who it would be. It was Andre.

"Philip! How are you this evening?" he asked when greeted by Master.

"Very good, my friend. Looking forward to tonight?"

"I have thought of nothing else all day."

Master laughed and called us all together in the living room.

I stood before Master as he reached down and removed my chastity cage. My cock sprang happily free and quickly hardened.

"He won't last ten seconds in Sam without bursting," Andre mused.

"You're probably right. Sam, on your knees," Master ordered.

"Mmm mmm, yes. Very nice," Andre commented. "Take your place at your big brother's feet and suck his dick. Please."

Sam looked up at me with a strange look in his face. Where I expected to see hesitation, I found eagerness. I think he was looking forward to giving me a blow job.

His mouth quickly wrapped around my dick and the pleasure shot through my whole body. I moaned in delight as Sam skillfully worked my entire shaft. It was the most intense feeling I'd ever had. I'm sure the chastity was responsible for most of it.

I looked down to witness Sam's masterful worship of my dick and his eyes met mine. I've always loved that look a guy gives you went he's sucking you off. But for it to be your little brother, it is another thing entirely.

My aching dick couldn't take much inside his warm mouth. My backed up load was pumping my dick full and needed out so very badly. Master knew I was close, of course.

"All over his face and chest, Patrick," he ordered.

I quickly pulled out, no sooner than the first two ropes of semen ripped from my slit. The first drenched his lips and the next flew up to his forehead, then slowly dripped down his nose. Several more shots covered his cheeks then down his neck, then finally over his chest.

I almost collapsed from the ecstasy of my orgasm. It was easily the hardest I had ever cum. When the last of my load was out, I looked down to Sam. The coverage of my seed over his face and body impressed even me.

"Excellent!" Andre yelled, clapping his hands. "How does it taste?"

I licked the jizz from Sam's lips and that which was dripping off his cheek. "Mmmm," I said.

"Share it with your brother," Andre suggested.

The next scoop of cum settled on my tongue as Sam's lips moved forward to meet mine. We exchanged a deep kiss and I allowed Sam's tongue to reach into my mouth to get at my load.

I finished cleaning my load off Sam and shared most with him.

"Sam, come here," Master ordered.

Master reached forward and freed Sam from his cage.

"Do not shoot until after your fucking, Sam," he ordered.

Sam sat and put his hands behind his back to resist the temptation to jerk. Master ordered me to sit back on the sofa beside my brother and told the others to stand.

"Andre, it may be a little while before Patrick here is recharged and ready for the main event. So, I figured we'd have a little fun first."

"Sounds grand, Philip!"

"We are going to do one of our group exercises that reinforces the hierarchy in the house. It is basically group sex except that a boy is only allowed to suck his immediate superior. When fucking, we will start with Brent taking Kevin and then Kevin taking Evan, and so on."

I got quite excited at the idea of finally getting fucked by Tony. Unfortunately, Master added that it was only going to be the four of them. I was to just watch and get horny. I was again denied what I craved the most.

"I'm going to add a twist tonight, boys. When you are ready to shoot, I want the loads on Sam. Proceed." Master clapped his hands once to spur his boys into action.

Kevin knelt down before Brent and started sucking the massive cock to life. Evan spread out on the floor and leaned forward to swallow Kevin's rod. Finally, Tony got down on all fours over Evan and began to pleasure his thick tool.

The sight of the four sexy boys all engaged in oral sex was beyond erotic. Even though I had just shot a few minutes before, I was already starting to stir.

The group blow jobs continued and soon every boy was rock hard and dripping. Not surprisingly, Brent was the most physical and grabbed Kevin's head as he was sucked. He pounded Kevin's mouth hard, muffling the deep moans. I wasn't sure if the moans were from servicing Brent or the expert cocksucking performed by Evan.

Brent finally broke up the action by lifting Kevin up on the ottoman. His cock pressed into his subordinate and his hips fired quickly. Brent's balls smacked furiously against Kevin's ass until the huge cock could take no more. He pulled out and turned to Sam. A few more quick tugs and his huge load was deposited all over my little brother.

After every drop of semen was transferred from Brent's cock to Sam's face and chest, Brent plopped down on the sofa to watch the other boys.

Kevin was now in position between Evan's legs. Kevin moaned as his cock worked deep inside the muscular boy's ass. He stroked Evan's thick meat as he plowed the tight hole. He turned to Tony and smiled.

"You don't have to wait til I finish, boy. Get up there," he ordered.

Tony mounted Evan's cock while Kevin was still fucking him hard. Tony bounced up and down on the thick shaft. His face showed the struggle of taking the impressive girth.

Kevin continued to fuck Evan while guiding Tony's hips up and down on the boy's cock. Finally, Kevin turned to Sam and added his thick creamy load to that put on him by Brent. We were left to watch Tony riding Evan's cock.

It took several minutes for Tony to be able to take the entire rod. But once he was able to sit fully on it, he didn't stop riding it in long, hard strokes.

It was the first time I had actually seen Tony getting fucked and it was all needed to be fully stiff again.

Evan nodded to Tony and the two boys jumped up in front of Sam. Sam closed his eyes just in time to miss the two streams of cum flying to his face. Both boys delivered shot after shot of thick seed over Sam's face and then down his chest.

Once they finished, we all marveled at the sight of my little brother. He was completely soaked in the cum loads of the four older boys.

Master ordered him to stay plastered in semen as he lay down on the cushions. My cock was now rock hard and I continued to stroke lube up and down the shaft. I knew what was coming next.

"Okay, Patrick, you seem up for it now. Let's get to why we are all really here."

I moved over to Sam and leaned on top of him. My lips met his again. This time I tasted the combined loads of Master's other boys on his sweet lips. I licked them and his chin clean then shared what I could.

I stared into Sam's eyes, still nervous at what I was about to do. I wasn't really in the mood for any more foreplay. If I was going to do it, I was going to just get it over with.

I spread his legs and rubbed some more lube along his beautiful pink hole. I was reminded of that first night Master took him as his own and how easily he fingered that hole. I pushed a finger inside and Sam responded with a slight squirm. I slid another finger in, just as Master had, and it was accepted eagerly by his ass.

I shook myself out of the fog I put myself in by just fingering my kid brother. It was time to do the dirty deed.

I stroked my dick a few times slowly and pressed the head up against Sam's hole. My heart was beating so fast that I was slightly light headed. My cock hesitated at the precipice of my brother's sweet hole.

Finally, Sam reached down and squeezed my hand. Then he nodded to me.

"Do it, Patrick. Please."

"You want it?" I asked tenderly.

"I've always wanted it."

"What? I don't understand..."

"Patrick, I've always wanted this. Even before the will. I was too ashamed to ever admit it. I'm not afraid anymore to say it. Please fuck me."

A surge of adrenaline shot through me as I again looked down at my swollen cock head, poised to enter my little brother. Then I slid it in.

Slowly at first.

Then deeper.

It felt so fucking good.

I could tell by the look on Sam's face that he was enjoying it too. So I pushed even deeper into him, letting the warmth envelop my dick. Sam's ass contracted to grab my cock as if trying to pull it in even deeper. I slid the shaft out and back in a few times, testing the limits of my intrusion.

Then in one quick stroke, I filled my little brother full with my cock.

I tried to not look down as it still felt wrong having Sam be on the other end of this incredible fuck. But, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I pounded him harder and faster. And each time, he begged for more.

Having just cum less than an hour ago, my stamina was very good. And I didn't want to stop. I just kept pounding my hips into him as I looked straight ahead.

Finally, Sam's moans got louder and quicker. I looked down and his dick was twitching. I fucked him harder and watched as his dick bounced around uncontrollably.

"I'm gonna... gonna..." he yelled. His balls emptied in a glorious volley of semen across his chest, combining with the loads of the other guys now drying on his smooth skin. I held my dick firmly inside him as the last few ropes of jizz landed near his chin.

I realized that I was quickly approaching another orgasm myself. I looked to Master for instruction. "On him?" I whispered.

He paused to think then finally ordered me to do what I never imagined I would.

"Go ahead and breed him, Patrick."

Just that simple instruction was enough to send me over the edge. I let my cock settle deep inside my little brother and I let our family seed fill back inside him.

His tight ass milked every last drop of seed from my dick and I let it linger inside him to make sure he was full. I pulled out slowly to enjoy every last second inside Sam.

I finally collapsed beside him filled with a mix of ecstasy and shame. I wasn't sure which was worse, having fucked my own flesh and blood or having enjoyed it so much.

I heard Andre and Master talking, but I wasn't really paying attention. Sam and I just laid there until the room cleared out.

Master came back from escorting Andre out and sat beside us.

"Very well done, boys. You have pleased me. This is the last major thing I expect of you during your time here. The inheritance is as good as yours."

"Thank you, Master," we said together.

"I will allow you to be free from chastity tonight, but I expect you to not shoot again."

"Yes, Sir."

"We have almost a week left and I look forward to taking you each several more times. We shall have quite a bit of fun, I imagine. Then, of course, you will have a choice."

I looked over at Sam and he smiled.

"That choice, Sir?" he asked.

"Yes, Sam, I'm sure you know. The will requires only two weeks of service but I am sure now that you would make fine additions to my house permanently. We can discuss the details later. But, I will want your choice Friday night after dinner."

I started to consider Master's words and what I told Mr. Osborne.

Only two weeks, I told him.

Now, I wasn't so sure.


**Author's Note:

Be sure to come back for the exciting conclusion to the story. I would also like your feedback on this part and what you hope happens to Patrick, Sam and the others.

Also, if you have not already e-mailed me and asked to be on the mailing list for future reminders (Season 2 coming next year!), please do so now. I won't add you unless you specifically state it.

Next: Chapter 10

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