The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Dec 15, 2022


The Inheritance Part 8

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 16

Sam and I were dismissed from our abuse (400 ass blistering spanks for him and another 250 for me) to take a shower. I wasn't really sure why I needed one too. After all, Sam was the one getting fucked tonight. Still, Master left us with an order to shower together and be sure to clean well.

Needless to say, I didn't object.

The warm water started flowing and I followed Sam into the shower stall. His ass was still bright red from the spanking. I had no doubt mine was too; it felt like it was on fire. I didn't even think it was possible to take so many whacks to the ass.

I started to lather up Sam's back and worked the soap down to his ass. He jumped a bit when I made contact with his bruised cheeks.

"Sorry," I said, then rubbed very slowly over the sensitive skin.

"No problem. It'll be sore a while I imagine."

After Sam was clean, he helped wash my body, head to toe. The feeling of his hands over my naked body was quite erotic. If it wasn't for the chastity, I would have been hard as a rock by now.

"Patrick?" he asked. "Does this feel... weird?"

I had to consider the question a moment.

"Well, kinda. But not that much. It feels kinda natural, you know?"

"Man, that's what I was thinking. Ever think we'd be doing this together?"

"Fuck no," I said. "Never in a million years."

Maybe it was just the intimacy of the moment, but I felt obligated to confess to something.

"Sam, I should fess up. I saw you earlier this week... naked. And... putting on the jock strap."

"You did?" He seemed only mildly shocked, then just smiled. "That's okay. If I'd known you were there I would've put on more of a show."

We both laughed, not just at his comment but also the absurdity of the situation. His hands lingered a little longer over my naked skin, caressing my sore bottom and rubbing along my hole.

"Patrick, you think Master was right? You know, about us? Yearning for something more and all that?"

"I don't know, maybe. Did you enjoy watching us last night?"

"Hell yeah, it was hot. You took it so well. I'll try to give you a great view, too." He grinned wide and winked.

"Hah, thanks. I'd like that."

"Can I ask something else? You think we'll be told to do more... like with each other?"

I told him that I didn't really think about it. Although, truth is, I had. I'd been waiting for Master to order us to do play together, but wasn't really sure how I felt about it yet.

"I had Tony play my brother because it seemed like the easiest way to get him in on it," I explained.

"Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought too for mine. But I was talking to Evan and he seems sure that Master will make us do it. I guess I'm a bit nervous about that."

I tried to find reassuring words for my little brother, but didn't get a chance to speak them before we heard Master's voice bellow from his room.

"Boys, you almost finished? Get to it."

We quickly finished rinsing off and climbed out of the shower. We helped each other dry off and came back into Master's room.

The same chair Sam sat in last night was back in position, this time for me. I sat quietly, and with some difficulty given the state of my ass, and watched as Sam stood before Master.

"I've been looking forward to this all day, Sam," Master said as he pushed Sam to his knees.

As he did last night, Master stripped slowly before finally letting his cock spring free. Sam took the fat mushroom head thru his lips and played with it for a minute before slowing taking the whole rod in his mouth.

Master was again happy that he was quickly swallowed whole. He moaned in approval at each pass Sam's mouth made down his shaft.

I spent the next ten minutes watching my kid brother expertly suck the fat cock and wondering how he got so damn good at it.

Master held Sam's head firmly and started to pound his cock in deep. He gave Sam a face fucking that I hadn't been subject to and I got a bit jealous.

Master's ass cheeks clenched and he moaned loudly with each intrusion into Sam's throat. Finally, he pulled out and I saw his cock twitch as if near an orgasm. But, he wasn't ready just yet...

Master lifted Sam up on the edge of the bed on all fours, the tight, red ass facing us both. He purposely spread the ass cheeks open wide giving me a perfect view of my little brother's pink hole. He licked a finger and slid it inside easily. Then, a little more spit let a second finger enter his ass.

I was amazed at how easily two fingers could glide into Sam's fuck hole. My mind raced at the possibilities of my kid brother being a total slut or something. He mentioned before that he used to sneak around to hook up with guys. I just never guessed how often he must have done that.

Master finished fingering Sam and his hand brushed along the cock cage. Sam wiggled uncomfortably.

"I guess it is only fair you get release tonight too," Master announced. "And since you both took a good beating earlier, I will require nothing further for its freedom."

"Thank you, Master," Sam said with great relief.

As promised, Master flipped Sam over and removed the chastity device. Just as my cock had, Sam's erection grew quickly. Master grabbed hold of the raging rod and stroked furiously.

Sam didn't even have time to yell out a warning before thick strands of cum flew from his dick. His body convulsed from the ecstasy of finally being able to shoot.

Master gathered up Sam's cum in his fingers and held it up.

"Now, what should I do with this boy seed?"

Sam paused a few seconds as he considered an appropriate response. My guess was that he'd ask to be fed his load. Man, was I wrong.

"Master, will you fuck me with my own load?"

"Very good, boy," Master said in agreement.

I watched in awe as Master spread Sam's load over that nice pink entrance and quickly pressed his cock head into it. The sight was incredible as Master took little time in impaling Sam fully. His ass barely struggled in taking it all.

Holy shit, I thought, my little brother really is a slut. And, I still couldn't believe his mind could think of such an idea as getting fucked with his own jizz.

Master turned Sam over again and back into a doggy position. This time I had a nice side view as Master's cock held firmly at Sam's hole. Without any encouragement, Sam moved his hips back to let the cock fill him whole. He continued to rock back and forth, fucking himself on Master's fat meat for a solid ten minutes.

Master flipped Sam over again and pounced on top of him, kissing him deep. They spent the next half hour fucking and making out. They ended up in positions I didn't even know were possible. But, Sam took it all naturally.

Eventually, even Master could not hold out any longer and gave Sam's ass one final thrust. His face showed how amazing it felt to breed my little brother. Then his cock pulled out, letting the seed ooze from Sam.

Master's fingers again worked inside Sam and he let them get soaked with the seed now filling my brother. Then he returned his grip to Sam's dick and jerked it back to full stiffness.

"Cum for me again, Sam. Now," he ordered.

On cue, Sam tilted his head back and moaned as another load sprayed across his chest. Master scooped up every bit and worked it back inside Sam's loosened cunt.

"I'm real good at reading my boys, Sam," he said. "And I can tell already that your ass was made for breeding. I promise you will get a lot of seed in there before I'm through with you."

"As you wish, Master." Sam sighed, clearly spent.

I would never look at my kid brother the same way again.

Chapter 17

Master didn't have us do much on Sunday. Maybe he was just letting us recover from the day before. He turned his attention back to his other boys most of the day. I think Kevin had the honor of being with Master that night.

We helped finish up more chores around the house and Tony gave me a more proper tour. The only area he wouldn't show me yet was the basement. That was being saved for Brent. I didn't take comfort in thinking of reasons why Brent would want to show us what's down there.

Monday came and Master went to work, along with Evan and Tony. Kevin left to do some errands for Master as well. That left Sam and me alone with Brent.

"Okay, sluts, today we're going to have some fun," he announced as he emerged from his room.

Sam and I both stared at Brent and what he was now wearing. It was a full, skin tight, leather outfit.

"I take it you like this?" he said, noticing our mouths agape.

"Yes, Sir," we said.

"Good, follow me." He led us down the stairs into the basement. Neither of us could believe what we saw. It was a near replica of the backrooms at the club during FetishFest.

"Master was so impressed with the setup," Brent told us, "that he had everything recreated down here just like you saw there. Down to every detail."

He was right. Each corner of the basement looked like a room at the club. The first area Brent led us to was the row of cages. He pushed me firmly against the cold steel and started fastening restraints at my wrists.

Before too long, my arms and legs were stretched wide and secured tightly to the bars. Then he did the same to Sam. A ball gag and blindfolds were put on each of us. I waited, pinned and helpless, unable to see or talk, for something. Anything.

Then came a smack. And a muffled scream. Then came another smack, only this one made contact across my chest. This time, I tried to scream out at what felt like a whip cracking against my bare skin. The process repeated for several minutes. Brent alternated between the two of us, each crack of the whip more painful than the one before. Then it stopped.

"Sluts, get used to the abuse. Master told me to test your limits and that's just what I intend to do. So whatever pain you think you've endured before is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you."

Brent's words caused my heart to beat faster, nearly through my chest. Brent was, to put it modestly, a bit intimidating. I wasn't sure if it was just an act or if he was truly as sadistic as he let on. Either way, I didn't want to cross him.

The whipping stopped and I heard movement from across the room, then approaching us. A warm hand reached up on my chest and grabbed a nipple. The fingers massaged my tight nipple roughly and it felt quite nice. Then my nipple was pinched and held in place.

The next thing I felt was something rubbing softly around the tip, but it definitely wasn't a finger. Then it closed down and pinched my nipple hard, very hard. I tried to cry out from the pain. Although I had never used one before, it wasn't difficult to figure that a nipple clamp was now firmly in place.

Brent rubbed the other nipple and I waited for the inevitable. Soon, another sharp pain shot through my body as the other clamp was in place.

He left me alone but I heard the commotion next to me. Sam was being outfitted with the same method of torture. I heard a loud moan from Sam as he was trying to cry out. Then I felt a hand glide down my chest and grab on to the chain dangling at my belly button.

I shot of pain coursed through my body as Brent pulled on the chain. And then again.

"There you go, slut," Brent teased. "Feel good?"

He gave it another firm tug and I nearly passed out. I knew the answer to his question was 'fuck no' but he wouldn't have liked that response. Instead, I nodded in the affirmative. He pulled again, and laughed at my torment.

After administering the same treatment to Sam, Brent was apparently ready to move on to his next form of abuse. I waited in great discomfort as a hand finally cupped my balls as they dangled from the chastity cage.

Something was now firmly squeezing my balls and when the hand let go, a heavy weight pulled my nut sack down with it. It felt like a bowling ball had been anchored to my nuts.

After Sam got his balls anchored too, Brent admired his work. He told us how it looked so painful (which it was) and how we finally looked like the true sluts we truly were.

"Okay, pigs, I'm going to grab some lunch," he announced and I heard him trot up the stairs.

I panicked at not being able to move, yet I had nowhere to go. I was firmly restrained with my nipples on fire and my nuts being stretched toward the floor. I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

The minutes passed as slow as I could ever remember, before I heard the familiar sound of steps descending into the room. I prayed that Brent would release me soon. I was shaking and whimpering. I could feel tears gathering around my eyes under the blindfold.

Suddenly, the blindfold was ripped off and I saw Brent looking me over carefully. He removed the ball gag, but I dared not speak until told to.

"How does it feel, slut? Want more?" His tone was a bit softer. I considered telling him what I thought he wanted to hear, but I was too weak.

"No, please, no," I begged. "I can't take anymore. Please take them off."

"I'm disappointed, but okay then. This will hurt quite a bit," he warned, reaching for my nipple clamps.

Hurt? How could it hurt any more, I wondered. Then he slowly took off the first clamp. I never felt such pain in my whole life. I couldn't contain my screams. He reached for the other nipple and I shook my head violently.

"Well, what will it be, slut? I have to take it off eventually. It'll only hurt more later."

He stuffed the ball gag back in my mouth to contain my screaming as he slowly pulled off the second clamp. I had no idea why removing the clamps could hurt ten times more than having them on. I did finally get some relief as the weights were removed from my balls. I was still trembling from my ordeal.

I looked over to Sam, who was still bound as I was. Brent took off his blindfold and removed the gag, then asked him the same question.

"How does it feel, slut? Do YOU want more?"

Sam didn't appear to be in as much discomfort as I had been, or else he hid it well.

"If it pleases you, Sir," he said respectfully.

"Good, boy," Brent said. "See... this is how a slut should take abuse."

He patted Sam affectionately on the cheek and then gave a gentle tug on the chain attached to Sam's red nipples. He then turned his attention back to me. He removed my restraints and turned me to face the cage. Then the restraints were put back in place.

Brent smacked my exposed ass cheeks and moved off to get something from the far table. When he returned, I felt a smack against my ass. It almost felt like his cock.

"Okay, slut, I'd really like to fuck you, but Master says you're off limits for now. But, he still wants your tight hole worked."

I felt something rubbing along my hole. It was slick, like covered with lube. Then it started to press inside me.

"This is a medium sized butt plug, slut," he said as the object moved inside me. "We'll work our way up to the large plug soon."

The plug finally reached the widest part and my hole reluctantly opened wider to take it. I tried to relax and take deep breaths as the girth was overwhelming. And this was only the medium plug, I lamented.

With a sudden pop, the plug slide fully inside me. My sphincter closed suddenly and firmly around it. The sensation was mind blowing. My ass had never felt so full.

"Good, boy. Let's leave that in there a while so your tight boy cunt gets stretched out."

I was able to move my head to the side to see Sam. Brent was now rubbing up my brother's chest. Then he squeezed the nipple clamp and released it. Sam didn't hide the pain so well this time as he cried out. Then the second nipple was freed.

"Good slut, now let's see how this feels..."

Brent moved into Sam's chest with his mouth and started to suck furiously on a swollen nipple. Sam thrashed around against his bindings in agony. Then Brent worked the other nipple just as hard. Once that was finally over, Sam spoke.

"Thank you, Sir!"

Brent spent another half hour playing with Sam, getting rougher as he went. Each time, Sam thanked him and asked for more. I was impressed and a bit jealous again. He took everything so well. I felt like a failure in comparison.

Brent only came back to me when he wanted to check on the plug. He'd pull it out slowly to see how my hole was taking it and then pop it forcefully back inside me.

"Hmmm, slut. Looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow to use the large plug."


Chapter 18

True to his word, Brent again led us into the basement on Tuesday. And then again on Wednesday. Each day was the same. More abuse with the nipple clamps and the ball weights. I wasn't doing any better at taking the abuse. Each day I begged to be released as soon as asked.

By the third day, my ass opened eagerly around the large plug and allowed the increasing width to fill my insides full. Brent was pleased that I was finally taking the large plug. But, Sam was still his favorite to play with.

When Master got home on Wednesday, Brent gave him a detailed report on how each of us had done. As a reward for his good work, Brent was allowed to play with Sam and me until late that night.

I didn't sleep well at all.

I awoke Thursday expecting another brutal day at hands of Brent, but instead got a surprise. It was Kevin that greeted me at breakfast.

"Heya, pig," he teased. "I've got plans for you two today, hope you're not heartbroken to be taken away from Alpha."

I was, in fact, relieved.

Kevin had us dress and a car was brought around for the three of us. We arrived at the condo that I previously thought belonged to Tony. I guess I should have known better then, considering how upscale it was.

The condo was, as Tony explained to me, one of several that Mr. Best owned. Tony was allowed to use it as "his place" during my first four tasks. This one was Master's favorite, though, as it was just across the street from the office. I suppose it was a good place to bring his boys for his own 'afternoon delight'.

When we walked inside, there were two construction workers laboring away in the living room.

"Okay, pigs, we're here to help clean up and assist with the remodeling," Kevin explained.

Sure enough, we spent a rather boring day clearing out old carpet and disposing other construction materials. It was really just meaningless work, in my opinion. But, I guess it was easier to use us as free labor than to pay someone else to do it.

By the end of the day, I was tired and sore. I was looking forward to getting back to the house, even though I wasn't sure what abuse might be waiting for me there.

The workers had packed up their tools and were off chatting with Kevin while Sam and I waited patiently. I couldn't quite make out all they were discussing, but I picked up a few bits.

"Okay, good job..." Kevin complimented. "Which one do you want?" I overheard.

Kevin motioned us over and had a smirk on his face. He reached down and unbuttoned my shorts, then he gave them a tug to fall to my ankles. He did the Sam and we soon were standing there naked.

I was confused and embarrassed, standing in front of the two strangers in the buff. A rather disturbing thought went through my mind. Wait, are they expecting...?

Kevin quickly confirmed my suspicions.

"Pigs, part of the payment Master has arranged with our friends here is your unlimited use today. You will submit to them fully. Understood?"

Sam and I stood there in stunned silence. I noticed one of the beefy construction guys rubbing his crotch and checking me out.

"UNDERSTOOD?!" Kevin repeated.

"Yes, Sir," we said.

The one worker grabbed my arm and led me into a bedroom. Sam was led by the other to different room. The door closed behind us in the same room I woke up in after my night at the club.

I looked up at the man's bearded face, which was flashing a wide grin. He pushed me to the floor.

"Get to work, faggot."

I undid his jeans and lowered them and his briefs to his ankles. His cock rose quickly from the jungle of thick pubes. I leaned it to get to work but the smell hit me before I got closer than a few inches.

His cock and balls had a strong musk, more intense than anything my nostrils had ever experienced. It was overwhelming. I hesitated. The man impatiently grabbed my head and pulled me the rest of the way forward, his sweaty cock and balls rubbed roughly over face. I pulled back enough to now take his thick rod into my mouth.

The man wasn't in great shape and was far hairier than any guy I'd seen naked before. If I had to guess, I'd say he was in his late thirties. And that smell...!

I nearly gagged on the man's thick six inch meat, but not from the size, of course. The 'man smell' became a 'man taste'. The sweat and other bodily juices were intense. It made sucking him off very difficult. I'm pretty sure I was doing a lousy job blowing him.

Luckily, he wasn't too interested in the foreplay. He kept mumbling about how he was about to 'fuck my faggot ass' and 'bred my bitch hole'. I didn't really want this guy to fuck me, but I figured it was part of the deal. I did pretty much the same in the other tasks, didn't I?

The man pulled me up and pushed me against the wall, my face forced against a picture. He didn't give a shit.

"Your boss says I can't use the bed so I'll just have to fuck 'ya right here, boy."

He spread my legs wide and pressed me harder against the wall. I felt his dick slide up and down my ass crack. Luckily, Kevin left some lube out for him and he actually decided to use it.

His slick pole now started to push inside me. It went in easily, thanks to my recent work with the butt plugs. He gave it only one slight thrust and was inside me completely.

I let him do his thing without much complaint or further encouragement. He lifted me off the ground a bit as his cock pounded my hole. He continued to talk dirty, too.

"You like this, faggot? Do 'ya?"

"Uh huh," I said plainly.

"Come on, boy. Tell me how much you want my man meat."

"I want your cock in me bad, Sir," I said, with little emotion. "Please fuck me harder. Yes. Yes."

I heard moaning from the other room and could now easily recognize it as Sam. He was getting into it a lot more than me.

"Come on fag!" my impaler yelled. "Do something for fuck's sake." He pounded on the wall in frustration.

A couple seconds later, the door opened and Kevin peeked in.

"Everything okay in here?" he asked.

"Nah. Your little whore here is as much fun as fucking a sack of potatoes. I want the other one."

I guess I was supposed to feel insulted, but I didn't really care. Kevin looked concerned though.

"Well, I can't do that," he reasoned. "Sam is obviously taken."

"Well, your boss said I'd get a good fuck for half off. This isn't worth that kind of coin, boy."

"How about I help make it worth your while, okay?" Kevin took off his shirt and slid off his shorts. The man stopped fucking me long enough to check out Kevin's slender, naked body.

"Not bad, boy, what you got in mind?"

Kevin climbed up on the bed and leaned back against the headboard. He motioned me forward.

"Patrick, come up here and suck my dick."

I crawled up over the bed and leaned down over Kevin's hard cock. Compared to the one I'd just been sucking, he had the greatest cock ever. I happily went down on him, sucking and licking every inch.

"Oh fuck yeah," the worker said. "That's hot."

"Mmmm. Feels so good too," Kevin said. "Get up here and fuck my bitch while he sucks my big cock."

Reenergized, the man got up on the bed and straddled me from behind. I felt his shaft push into me and his thick pubes rub around my crack. He fucked me hard for several minutes while I continued my blow job. Kevin provided all the dirty talk the man would need.

"Oh yeah, that's it. Fuck my bitch harder. The little cunt needs your fat cock inside him. Let me know when you're about to breed the little fucker. I'll pound his face while you fill him up."

The extra motivation must have done the trick.

"Here it comes, bitch," the man yelled.

Kevin grabbed my head and fucked my face hard. I felt the man's load empty into my ass. Suddenly another load was being shot inside me, except this one was Kevin's seed. The cum shot deep into my throat, but I swallowed it all eagerly.

"Very nice, boy," the man said as he pulled his pants back on. "Tell your Master we're good."

"Glad you enjoyed it. Look forward to doing it again," Kevin said and let the man leave before looking down at me in disapproval.

"I'm sorry..." I started to say.

"Don't worry about it," he interrupted. "I think I caught you by surprise with that one. I'll tell Master you did well."

I was surprised how compassionate Kevin was. I could imagine what Brent would have done if he were here instead.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm glad I didn't screw it up. I'd hate to lose the inheritance over that. I owe you one."

We laid in bed a bit longer and listened as Sam and his partner were still at it in the next room. I was still horny but the chastity made that moot. So, I just put my head on Kevin's chest and closed my eyes.

"You're doing fine," Kevin reassured me. "Just try to be livelier tomorrow night. I imagine we'll all get fucked good at Master's dinner party..."


*Author's note: Glad you survived the longest part yet to the story! Please keep the comments coming. Only 2 more parts left!!

I gather that a lot of you are getting personally invested in my characters. I appreciate that you don't want them to get hurt. Please remember that this is TOTAL FANTASY though. I wouldn't wish any of this on anyone but an experienced pain pig!

Plus, I promised a surprise last time, so here it is. Part 10 is the conclusion to this particular storyline. But, I plan to pick up the story sometime next year for a "Season 2"!

I still promise resolution to this season though. I don't think you'll be disappointed. There won't be a cliff hanger or anything! Promise :)

I am also setting up a new mailing list for people who want continuous updates. If you want an update on every part that gets posted and you want me to save your e-mail for when season 2 goes up next year, you MUST e-mail me and say you want on the mailing list. Just a random comment won't do it. You can always opt-out later if you wish.

Now go clean up. You made a mess!

Next: Chapter 9

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