The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Oct 14, 2023


The Inheritance Part 2

Author's Note: This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 3

I took advantage of the showers at the bath house to get cleaned up. My hole was sore from the abuse it had just taken.

I spent about 15 minutes enjoying the warm water flow over my body. No fewer than five guys hit on me while I was showering. Figures, I thought. Now they all want to fuck me.

Tony was mostly redressed, with an open collar and sans tie. I'm sure it was the fucking that brought out the gayness in me, but I couldn't help noticing just how cute he was. He was taller and had a much more athletic build. Yet, he was a bit quiet and reserved.

"Patrick, we have to get back to the office," he said, rather officially.

"Okay, sure."

It was well after three o'clock when we got back to report to Mr. Best.

"Well?" he said anxiously.

"Done," I replied simply.

"Excellent. I knew you could do it." Mr. Best hooked the phone up to his computer and downloaded the video clip. He didn't watch it to confirm I was being truthful.

Instead, he handed it back to Tony. It was ready for round two. The only question on my mind was... am I?

"Okay, my boy, time for task number two," he announced.

"Right now?" I didn't mean to seem rude or abrupt, but couldn't hide my surprise.

"Yeah, sorry, it is mandated that we continue immediately following completion of a task. Please sit."

I did as he asked, worried about having to so quickly go out and fuck another stranger. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Okay, task number two," he read. "Having reached this level, Patrick has proven that he can get laid whenever he wants and be fucked by a complete stranger. Now, he has to prove that he can do the same with someone much more familiar to him. Patrick has to seduce an unrelated male friend or acquaintance and sleep with him within 48 hours of this reading. The friend must not be someone with which he has any prior romantic relations. The friend must be someone he has known a minimum of three years. Patrick cannot reveal the reason behind the affair, nor can he make any promises to the friend that could be construed as buying his affection."

It took me a minute to process the challenge before me. I could think of no one that would satisfy the terms.

"Any questions?" Mr. Best asked, sounding almost sympathetic.

"No, Sir, I suppose not."

"Good, then you have until 3:25 pm Sunday to consummate the relationship with whomever you choose. Good luck."

I left the office still with no clue who I was going to try to seduce. I had a few close friends that would qualify, but I couldn't possibly pick one of them. I think they were all straight. And even if they weren't, I'd risk killing a friendship. I had to think of someone else.

I took the rest of the night thinking through everyone I knew. I had nothing. I needed inspiration. Did it have to be a close friend, I wondered. It was three years, right? I needed some help with this.

I called Tony and even though it was getting late, he cheerfully answered. Mr. Best made it clear that if I needed anything from Tony, he'd be available to me.

"Hey, Tony, I need some help. You got a few minutes?"

"Yeah, sure, how can I help?"

"You got the exact wording on the task? I kind of forget. Maybe I should've written it down, huh?"

"Hmmm. I don't have it on me. I can go by the office in the morning and get a copy."

"That would be great, man, thanks. Can you swing by here after?"

"Sure, no problem. I'll try to get there as early as possible. I know you are under time pressure."

I didn't sleep any better that night. I wasn't any closer to picking someone and still had no idea how I'd seduce him when I did.

True to his word, Tony got to our apartment around 8 am. Sam said he had friends to hang out with that day, so I had the place to myself. I didn't really want him overhearing this conversation anyway.

We sat on the sofa and Tony handed me a copy of the second task requirements.

"Okay, yeah," I said, pointing. "See. It just says 'or acquaintance' so doesn't 'have' to be a close friend. Right?"

"Yeah. I guess. But Mr. Best can rule it invalid if you violate the spirit of the rule."

"Well, what the fuck is an acquaintance? That's pretty broad, right? If you mean close friend, then why not just say it?"

"Yeah, ok dude, I guess. You got someone in mind?"

"No clue," I laughed. "I'm just trying to expand my options."

"I wish I could help more, really."

"Shit, then I wish that I've known you three years," I laughed again. He only looked down quietly.

This was the second time that I suggested having sex with him. But, his reaction was totally different today. I'm sure it was the 'throw caution to the wind' attitude that the tasks were meant to foster, but I leaned over to kiss him. He turned away, shaking his head.

"What?" I said. "I'm sorry. I was sure you wanted that too."

He didn't say anything though.

I tried again. This time he let our lips make contact as he squeezed his eyes shut tight. But, he didn't pull away. I pressed my lips deeper into his and hoped he would reciprocate. Finally, he did.

We shared a long kiss. So long, it seemed, that time nearly stood still. It was incredible though. And it confirmed what I had suspected all along. He had to be gay.

He finally broke our lip lock and began to apologize.

"No, no, I can't. Sorry, I can't," he said. "And neither can you. This isn't what you are supposed to be doing."

"I don't care about the stupid tasks right now, Tony." I was being sincere.

"Please, no, this isn't the right time." He was almost whimpering. Fuck, what had I done? Now, I felt like shit.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Finish it," he said simply.


"The list. Finish it. Then maybe you'll agree to..." He didn't finish the thought.

"Agree to what??"

"I can't say. I'm sorry. Please just finish the list. Do what you have to. Just do it."

I had no idea how to take his sudden urgency. Why was he so invested in the will? Still, I had gone too far. And he was right that I had other things to accomplish today.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll get to it then. I'll think of someone."

He just nodded and smiled. His smile was so cute that I had to resist the urge to kiss him again. But, I had to focus.

"Don't you know someone at school?" he offered.

"I don't know, not really. No one I've known more than three years."

"How about work?"

"Nope. I've only been doing some part time work there the last three months while my school load is light.

"Damn. Well, how about your brother's friends?"

Then it hit me. Yes. Of course!

"You're a genius," I shouted out. Without thinking, I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He recoiled a bit.

"Damn. I'm sorry," I said. "I couldn't help it. You may have saved me though."


Chapter 4

Rather, Ryan Fisher, aka Fish to his friends. He's been friends with Sam since middle school. We would all hang out on weekends together when in high school. We haven't talked much in the last year or two. But, I was sure he'd still qualify. The best part was how he used to act around me. I always got that "vibe" from him. But, I never acted on it. Until now.

Of course... it was a huge fucking risk.

He was still more Sam's friend. And, successful or not, it could get back to my kid brother. How would he react?

I was desperate though. It was either him or one of my close friends. And if I picked someone more random that I barely knew, it could be voided. So Fish it was. I hoped.

Tony had other things to do, I'm sure, so I told him that I could handle it from here. I apologized again for my advances.

I left a message for Fish on his cell and at home. I worried that he might be out of reach today. I waited a few hours and still no returned call. Around 4:30, I left him another message but tried to not sound as desperate as I was.

It was after 6 o'clock that my phone rang. It was him.

"What's up, Patty?"

"Hey, Fish, how goes it?"

"You know, man. Same shit and so on. Your messages sounded kind of important. Something wrong?"

"No, man, I just called `cuz I got some tickets from work for the baseball game tonight. I have an extra ticket so I thought of you."

Okay. I was lying. But, I had to think of a good reason to call on such short notice asking to see him. If it came down to it, I'd find some tickets online and actually go to the damn game.

"Umm. Sure. Sam didn't want to go?"

"Nah. He's busy today."

Oddly, he just laughed. "Uhh, yeah I guess he is. Isn't the game starting soon?"

"Yeah, like an hour. It might be pushing it to get there on time. So, you up for it?"

"Well, I'm not ready yet. You wanna stop by here in 30 minutes?"

"Perfect," I said.

I hung up and tried to figure out how I was going to make this all work. Tony was on call so I knew he'd be ready. I arranged to pick him up in 10 minutes. He even offered to find three good tickets to the game.

I had no idea how I was going to work him into the equation though. Even if could seduce Fish, there was no way he'd let me record it too. It was starting to give me a headache.

I headed out of my place and it was raining pretty hard. Luckily, the rain worked to my advantage. I picked up Tony and he said he just called and the game was postponed.

Finally, I had a plan.

"Alright," I told Tony. "Here's the deal. You wait in the car. I'll send you a short text if we are about to get it on. You just have to figure out where we are in the house. I'll leave the blinds open."

"Holy shit, that's illegal man. What if I get caught?"

"You work for the best lawyer in town. You'll be okay. It's the only way, okay?"

He nodded. Again, I was impressed that he'd agree to almost anything I suggested.

He ducked down as I got to Fish's house and as I went to the front door.

"Patty, did you hear? Got rained out," Fish said.

"No way, really?" I tried to act surprised. "I thought it would pass."

"Well, come on in anyway. We can catch up."

The rain hadn't let up at all. In fact, I was pretty soaked. I took the opportunity to take my shirt off and lay it over a chair to dry. It was mostly for his benefit.

He got a couple of beers and we sat out in the screened patio talking about old times. His folks were pretty well off. They traveled a lot. Luckily, they were on a cruise. I couldn't have planned it any better so far.

I casually pretended to check some scores on my phone. Instead, I sent Tony a quick text: maybe soon...patio

"So Patty, you been getting it on with the hottie co-eds or what?"

I laughed a bit, happy that the subject was turning towards sex. "Nah. Not too much. All the frat guys are taking those."

"Fuck, too bad, man."

"Yeah, it keeps me pretty horny around there, just seeing them all. I usually get relief anywhere I can find it."

"I hear ya. I kind of wish I would've gone to school just to prowl. Ya know?"

I tried not to laugh too hard. "Fuck man, with your grades? You got the looks remember? Not the brains."

I didn't want to be too eager especially since we were only starting our second round of brews. Still, I thought I'd test the waters a bit. I purposely stretched my torso, letting Fish get a good look at my chest and my pits. I pretended not to notice but he was definitely scoping me out.

I was feeling bold so I stood and tried to wring some water from my shorts.

"Damn, I got soaked. Mind if I take these off a bit?"

He gave me a rather thoughtful look then simply said, "yeah sure."

I slid the shorts off and made a point to walk to the other side of the patio to hang them over a chair. I looked outside the screen to see if I could spot Tony. The poor bastard was probably getting soaked. There was just enough cover from trees where we were that I figured this would be the only place he could record the video. I had to keep the action on the patio.

I walked back to my seat and knew I was at least semi stiff. My boxers had to reveal that much. I made sure to accentuate my goods as I sat down. What I lacked in subtlety I made up for in style. Fish was still looking at me strangely.

"Did Sammy send you over here?"

"Huh? No, why?"

"Never mind. It's just weird."

"What's weird? You want me to go or something?"

"No, no, it's just that... well, why did you come over here? Seriously, did Sammy send you?"

I had no idea why he thought Sam would have put me up to this. Damn, maybe he talks about me with Sam, I thought. Or, at least, I hoped.

"No. He has no idea I'm here." Then, not trying to not catch myself in the lie I added, "I didn't mention that I was going to invite you to the game."

"Uh huh. Where are the tickets?"

"Huh? Uh, in the car. Didn't want them go get wet."

"What section were we in?"

"I don't know. They're not mine. I just got them from someone at work."

"Good seats?"

"Okay, I guess."

"I'd love to know where. Can you go get them?"

Okay, he had to know something was up. Why else would he press me on this?

"What's this about, Fish? You don't believe me?"

"Nah. It's just pretty fucking weird you show up out of the blue, today of all days."

I tried to think of the importance of the day and came up empty. I was getting weary from the exchange though.

"Well, why do you think I'm here?"

"The same reason you're almost naked right now," he said flatly. "Take them off."

"Take them... what?"

"That's what you want, right? Take them off or go home. Now."

I was actually paralyzed. You'd think this was a good thing. But, was it? Still, it was an opening that I needed. I stood back up and slowly lowered the boxers to my ankles.

"Happy?" I asked.

He looked over my naked body, especially my cock, of course. I was almost fully hard now. There was no hiding my intentions anymore. I prayed that Tony was recording this.

Fish stood and started to the patio door. I panicked.

"Wait. Where you going?"

"Well, it seems pretty obvious. You don't want to take this to my room?"

"Can't we stay out here? I like it."

"Out here? Seriously?"

"It's private enough," I said, anxious to get his mind on the real reason I was here.

I reached out and lifted his shirt over his head. Then I leaned down and flicked his nipples with my tongue. It at least stopped his advance to the door. I moved my tongue back up his chest and neck until I reached his lips. I kissed them gently and waited for his response. There was none.

I pulled back to that same suspicious look on his face. I desperately wanted to know what was going through his mind right now.

"What's wrong? You look like you don't want this," I said.

"I don't know what to think, man." He looked around, scanning the outside the patio.

Did he know he was being recorded?

"Fish, please, I need this. I've wanted it since we were young. It's just taken until now to finally have the nerve to act on it. Please let me stay."

He gave me one more look of curiosity then smiled and shrugged.

"On your knees, queer."

I obeyed.

Fish undid the fly on his jeans and lowered them to the ground. I admired the rather sizeable bulge in his briefs. I hoped that he was mostly hard because if that was just his soft cock then I was in trouble.

"Get to work," he ordered.

I reached up and massaged his impressive package. Each stroke with my hand resulted in greater firmness in the briefs and a noticeable growth. Holy shit, I thought, he wasn't done growing.

I stroked his cock through the briefs and moved my lips to where his balls were nestled. I massaged the sack with my lips and tongue. Fish responded with a loud groan. His cock responded by growing even larger. His cock head had no choice now but pop through the top.

I was worried and yet strangely curious at just how big it could be. Finally, I grabbed the sides of his boxers and pulled them to his ankles. His huge cock sprang out and I just stared at it.

It was fucking huge. If I had to guess, I'd put it modestly at nine inches. My ass started to hurt just from me looking at its girth.

"Fuck, Fish, you're huge."

"You changing your mind, slut?"

"No, of course not. I want it inside me. May I service your cock, Sir?"

He just nodded in approval.

I knew I was well on my way to satisfying the task, but figured I was going enjoy this one more than my encounter yesterday. I admired his cock a little longer by stroking the length of his meat slowly. I wasn't sure yet how I was going to take this in the ass. I could barely handle the guy at the bath house and Fish was much better endowed.

"Show me how good a cocksucker you've become, Patty." He was getting into the domination role and clearly enjoying it. He smacked my face with his fully hard rod.

I grabbed it again at the base with my hand and sized it up with my lips. Damn, it was almost too big for this hole. Still, I managed to work the fat cock head in my eager mouth, swirling my tongue around the slit.

Another moan from Fish let me know he approved so far. I went down a few inches and let my tongue work down the shaft.

"You like the taste, queer?"

I pulled the cock from my mouth long enough to say "Yes Sir, very much," then continued sucking.

"Yeah. I thought you might like that taste. Be sure to taste every inch."

I was happy to comply. His cock was magnificent. I pulled it out and gave each side of his shaft a long slow lick. My tongue gathered up all it had to offer. I couldn't quite place the taste though. It was more than just musky. It tasted like it hadn't been washed in a few days.

To my surprise, it was turning me on more with each lick.

I went back to sucking his cock, focusing on taking it as deep as I could. I had no chance of taking the whole thing, but I took as much as I could before nearly choking on it.

Just as I would stop going down on it, Fish would move his hips forward enough to push it in further. I didn't resist.

I sucked him off another ten minutes before he led me to a patio chair. He leaned back and let his cock stick straight in the air, rising to an unbelievable height.

I remembered my fucking the day before without lube and began to worry. There was no way I could take that with spit alone.

"You got lube, Fish?"

"Yeah, bedroom nightstand. Go get it."

I quickly found his room and went to the nightstand to get the lube. It was already sitting out, cap open. I brought it back to the patio and Fish was still in the same position, ready to open me up.

I took a deep breath as I applied as much lube to his hard cock as I could. I rubbed the rest along my hole, praying that it would be enough.

I climbed up and moved in to position my tight entrance over his cock. I lowered myself enough to feel the cock head rub along my hole. Then I went a little farther. The cock head tried to pop through my tight cunt with little success.

Fish steadied his cock with one hand and reached up with the other to my shoulder. His firm grip helped lower me even more. Finally, the head pierced through with such intensity I had to scream out.

Fish just laughed at my struggle.

"Come on, slut. Take my fat cock. Ride it like you always dreamed about."

I was eager to comply. Soon, I found myself riding slowly up and down his hefty shaft. His fat cock widened my fuck hole more with each pass. I could only take three or four inches at first. Fish didn't object initially. Then came the order.

"Take it all, bitch. I want it balls deep. Now."

I held my breath and let the cock slide deeper into my aching hole. His manhood was proving to be too much. I moaned in protest. I couldn't take the last inch or two.

"Look at me, Patty."

His stare was all business. His voice was firm.

"All of it. Now, bitch."

I pulled back up a couple inches and then returned to my difficult descent. This time, I ignored the pain and sat fully on his cock. I let it fill me up like I've never been filled before. My moans had to have been heard by the neighbors. Fish didn't care.

"Good, boy. Now enjoy it."

With that, I resumed riding the length of his cock. This time, each trip was the full nine plus inches into my ass. The feeling was intense. Enjoy it, I did indeed.

I have no idea how much time passed with me just riding his cock, but I didn't want it to stop. It was the most incredible feeling I'd ever had. After a few minutes, I was riding it hard and fast. It was, perhaps, more than Fish could handle.

He moaned loudly a few times then grabbed my waist. He pushed down and held me as I was fully impaled with his meat. I felt his body twitch and waited for the inevitable.

I had no trouble telling when he shot. I felt the cum blast inside my ass. The sensation of being bred with his seed was more than I could take. My balls tightened as my cock began to spew cum all over his chest. I hadn't even touched my cock once since I started riding Fish but yet I was cumming as hard as I ever had.

I let both our cocks empty before I slowly pulled off Fish. I leaned down and kissed him deep.

He smiled and sighed deeply.

"Fuck. What a day," he exclaimed.

"What is today?" I was too curious to let it go this time.

"Nothing in particular. Just a day I always hoped for. Thanks, Patty."

I was satisfied with not only successfully fulfilling the second task but also from doing something I used to fantasize about. I never would have acted on it without the extra push from the will.

Thanks, Uncle Teddy.


(Give me a week or two for the next installment. It's proving to be too hot to even write!)

Next: Chapter 3

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