The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Jan 7, 2023


The Inheritance Part 10

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 21

I spent another restless night on Saturday. My mind couldn't process all that I had done that day. I kept thinking back to when Sam and I were kids playing little league baseball. Or when we'd play video games until almost dawn. Or, we'd built a fort in the backyard or pretend we were cowboys.

And now? I just fucked and bred that same little brother.

Even worse, my mind turned to Sam's admission that he had always wanted this. I didn't even know what to think of him anymore. Would fucking my kid brother become a regular thing, I wondered.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think of Master's words regarding the inheritance. We were finally in the home stretch and so near a million bucks that I was already thinking of ways to spend my half.

Then again, if I stayed, would I even need it?

Master took Sam and me to his bed twice each that week. This time, we did not bear witness to the other's fucking. I was relieved. I didn't want to be sexual around Sam right now.

The chastity cages were back on, but I strangely got used to it. I didn't get overly aroused so the torture level was low from being caged. Well... except Wednesday night. My arousal level was off the charts and it came from an unexpected source, Brent being dominated.

Master sensed that Brent was getting too accustomed to his dominant role in the house and needed a reminder of his status. We were all gathered together Wednesday night to witness the lesson.

Master bound all of our hands behind our backs. It was, apparently, inappropriate for the rest of us to take too much pleasure in Brent's use as we were beneath even him.

Master led us to the basement and bound Brent's arms to a metal bar, then hoisted him into the air. His ankles were spread wide and shackled to the cold floor. Master smiled and smacked the paddle he was holding against his open hand. Brent didn't flinch.

Master gave Brent 50 spanks to his firm muscular ass cheeks. Then the paddle made contact with Brent's balls, lightly at first. Then twenty more hard whacks abused Brent's balls. Master repeated the cycle on Brent's ass and balls for nearly 30 minutes.

Even Brent couldn't hide his suffering. I took perverse pleasure in seeing the mighty Brent brought to tears at the hands of his owner.

Master's use was thorough and cruel. No part of Brent's sculpted body escaped abuse. His nipples were clamped and yanked unmercifully. His entire body caned or whipped. It was far greater use than I had been subject to or could even fathom.

Satisfied at the whimpering mess he had reduced his Alpha slave to, Master lifted Brent in a sling. His boy's hole was greased generously. Then Master pulled out a rather impressive dildo and showed it to Brent.

It was a long, thick, realistic cock and it looked strangely familiar. Brent's eyes widened as he realized before the rest of us what he was staring at. Master laughed.

"Yes, Brent, you know what this is, don't you?" Master teased.

He held the dildo along side Brent's cock and it hit me. They were nearly identical.

"I needed something special to use on my Alpha," Master said. "So I had his hard cock molded and replicated into this special dildo. It's time for Brent to know just how it feels when he is fucking someone."

Master slid the faux cock along Brent's greased hole and popped the head through the reluctant entrance. Brent couldn't hold back a moan.

"Yes, Brent, this is what it feels like when you penetrate one of my boys. Now I want you to feel your thick shaft open your own hole back up."

Master guided the dildo deeper, pausing after several inches. For as trained as Brent was, the intrusion into his ass was impossible to take without crying out. Then Master gave him more.

I stared in awe as Brent was split open by his own impressive manhood. The same fat rod that he uses to pound other boys was now turned on his own tight hole. He struggled to take it all.

"Now Brent, I seem to remember your last couple of fuckings were rather quick. You like to give my boys your entire cock swiftly, don't you?"

"Yes, Master, I do."

"And as their superior, you should be able to handle no less. Do you agree?"

"Yes, Master. I can take what those sluts can and more."

Master abruptly pushed the cock, every fat inch, deep inside Brent. Then he pulled out completely and pounded it full and deep again. Brent again cried out briefly then clenched his teeth, attempting to mask his discomfort.

Master continued to fuck Brent with the boy's own cock, fondling Brent's real cock and balls in the process. Then he took what looked like a feather duster and tickled Brent's cock. Master's Alpha slave squirmed in the sling, unable to escape the torture of pleasure.

"Don't shoot, Brent. That's an order," Master barked.

I'm not sure how, but Brent resisted an orgasm despite the intense pounding his hole was taking and the ticklish teasing on his cock and balls. Finally, Master stopped and stood back to admire his number one boy.

"Now boys," Master said to the five of us watching. "Despite all that Brent has endured, I want to demonstrate why he is my Alpha."

Master again just watched as Brent lay strapped in his sling, the fat replica of his own huge cock still rammed in his ass.

"Brent, cum for me now," he ordered.

We watched as Brent squirmed and twitched, his ass clenching the fake cock in his ass. He closed his eyes, concentrating on bringing himself over the edge with just a thought.

No way, he can't possibly cum without any contact, I thought and watched in disbelief.

But, amazingly, after a half minute or so, several shots of white cream oozed from Brent cock. I was in awe of the control he had over his body. The cum continued to run down his shaft and he let out a sigh of relief.

Master was obviously quite pleased. After Brent completed his amazing no-contact orgasm, Master again stroked the dildo in and out of the battered ass.

"Cum again, Brent, now," Master ordered.

I'm not sure how, but Brent almost immediately let several more strands of cum fly from his cock, this time high on his chest. Master milked all his boy's load from the twitching cock before turning to us.

"Now that is how you serve your Master."

Chapter 22

Friday morning had arrived.

We were mere hours away from finishing our service, or from staying for good. I still hadn't yet decided for sure.

Master sat Sam and me down to explain the terms of our ownership, should we choose to stay.

"Now boys, it would give me great pleasure to add you to my house permanently. But, I can tell you now it won't be easy," he started.

Sam and I sat quietly and listened to our possible permanent owner.

"You boys have proven that you are willing to do just about anything to serve me and I appreciate that. But, being owned is more than just following orders. I would require that you give yourself fully to me, mind and body. Understand so far?"

"Yes, Master," we said.

"Good. Obviously you would live here permanently, but you will continue to go to school and graduate. You will still be expected to become productive members of society. More than likely, I'd find something at the firm or one of the other businesses I'm invested in. I'm sure something will fit your area of interest."

So far, the terms seem pleasing. Sam didn't seem bothered by anything as well. Master continued.

"Your social lives would be significantly curtailed, as you will serve me during those times you aren't working or in school. I generally do not allow your friends to visit. Any activities away from the home would be limited and must be cleared well in advance. Your life will not be the same anymore."

I worried a bit at the thought of basically not having any friends anymore. I suddenly started to lean against accepting his invitation.

"Furthermore, if you choose to stay, you will each still receive your inheritance. It will go in a special trust fund. All of your other needs will be taken care of. All of my boys have a trust fund and I add money to each twice a year depending on their service. This will always be your money to keep, or as in your Uncle Teddy's case, to pass on to an heir."

"Now boys, you can, of course, choose to take the inheritance and leave. But there are terms to this as well. The trust fund stipulates that only a quarter of the money is available now. The rest is yours when you turn 25. Teddy and I agreed that you should not be tempted to blow through the money all at once. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," I said. Sam nodded in agreement. "That sounds fair, Sir."

"Excellent, now finally, by deciding to leave, our business is basically concluded. You will be asked to leave the house and to not return. You will also not be seeing my other boys again."

"Ever?" I interrupted, considering the idea of never seeing Tony again.

"Well, Patrick, I wouldn't say ever. But, it doesn't make much sense for you to keep a relationship with my boys. The circumstances don't exactly allow you to date one of them, does it?"

"No, Sir, I guess not."

I was crushed. All this effort and I could lose the one thing I wanted, probably more than the inheritance itself.

"Good. I know it's a difficult choice. So consider it carefully. Dinner is almost ready. We will discuss this again after."

He dismissed us to help put dinner on the table. My mind was wandering though. I was too distracted by the almost impossible choice before me. I don't think I said more than five words at dinner.

Then it was over. And Master called us all together in the living room. My time was up.

"Everyone," Master announced, "this is a very special evening. First off, I am happy to say that Patrick and Sam have successfully completed their two weeks of service.

"Accordingly, I am pleased to announce that the terms of the will have been met and Patrick and Sam have earned the full inheritance of $1 million."

Sam and I hugged as the others cheered. It was far more difficult than I could have imagined during my first trip to Master Best's office, but I, rather we, actually did it.

"Now that you are no longer bound by the terms of the will, I will extend an offer to you both. Stay with us and give yourselves to me. Patrick, what is your decision?"

I looked around the room, pausing at Tony, then to Master.

"I would like to stay, Master."

"Excellent. Get on your knees." I complied. He continued, "Patrick, do you give yourself to me fully and completely from this day forward to serve me without fail or regret?"

I hesitated briefly before bowing, "Yes, Master, I do."

"Look at me, Patrick. Are you sure?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Why do you choose this?"

I wasn't prepared for such a simple question. I froze for a few seconds before finally mumbling, "uh well, Sir, I want to serve."

Master stared at me intently, as if trying to peer inside my soul. Then he looked at Tony, and back to me.

"Who are you staying for, Patrick?"

I froze again. "You. Sir?" It was more a question than a statement.

"Tell me, Patrick, what was your decision before I told you that you'd likely not see Tony again if you left?"

"Well... I guess I was leaning against staying, Sir. But I hadn't made up my mind then. I have now. I wish to stay."

"No. Your answer was no. I could see it in your eyes then and I can now. How can you serve me if you are only staying to be close to him?"

"I don't know, Sir. Does it matter?"

"Asking that question tells me you aren't ready. So, you aren't staying."

I looked at Tony and started to freak.

"Sir, please, let me stay. I'll do whatever you want. Beat me. Fuck me. I don't care. I don't want to lose Tony. Please, Sir. I love him."

I couldn't believe the words actually came out. But they were true. Tony couldn't hide his smile.

"Tony, come here," Master ordered.

Tony knelt beside me at Master's feet.

"And how do you feel, boy?"

"Master, I would like him to stay too, of course."

"Well, he isn't. So what about you?"


"Do you wish to stay?"

"What? I don't understand, Sir."

"Tony, you're not a prisoner here. You gave yourself willingly to me, but if you have changed your mind then I will release you."

"I don't know, Sir. You know I love serving you and have never given you cause to doubt that."

"I know. I'll make it simple for you, Tony. You have to answer one question. If you love Patrick too, then you should leave with him. If not, then stay with me."

Tony paused to think then looked at me. He smiled wide and I knew what he was going to say. I was overjoyed.

"Master, I love him too."

Everything that happened after that was a blur. My heart started pounding and I couldn't resist showing my joy. I kissed Tony and hugged him tight. I didn't want to let go.

Tony and Master were talking but I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't stop thinking of Tony and what he was giving up. He thanked Master for his care. I finally snapped back to reality.

"Then it is settled," Master said. "I hope you are happy with your decision, although I am saddened to lose either of you."

Master released me from my chastity for a final time. Tony and I sat back on the sofa. I had almost forgotten about Sam.

Of course, Master hadn't.

Chapter 23

"Sam, come here."

My little brother stood before Master with his head bowed.

"Sam, and what do you choose?"

"I wish to stay, Master."

"And why do you choose this?"

"Sir, I feel I was born to serve. These past two weeks have only confirmed this to me. I wish to explore these desires further in service to you and this house."

"Very good, Sam. I had a feeling you'd be the one that stayed. I will gladly take you as my own."

"Thank you, Master. May I ask a question though?"

Master gave a single nod.

"The rule of not seeing others outside the house... does that apply to Patrick?"

"Of course not. He is your brother and you will still see him often. Of course, the needs of this house will come first."

"Thank you, Master. Then I hope to serve you well."

"I'm sure you will, Sam. And I am pleased to say that you have earned a reward for your decision. First of all..." Master reached down and removed Sam's chastity cage.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Now, Evan, you have had your eye on our newest addition the longest, so you may begin..."

Evan climbed on top of Sam right there on the sofa, pushing him forcefully into the cushions. Their lips met and they shared a long, slow, passionate kiss. Sam's hands couldn't stop groping Evan's huge pecs while their tongues danced in and out of the other's mouth.

Evan lifted his biceps to Sam's mouth and let my brother worship his muscles. Sam kissed both bulging biceps rapidly. Then he made his way down to Evan's wide nipples and sucked them firmly. Sam was clearly enjoying his new found freedom to serve Evan.

As they returned to kissing, Evan was grinding hips into Sam's lap and stomach. Sam leaned back and moaned loudly, then let out a sigh. He looked down in shock.

"I'm sorry, Master," he said with a sheepish grin.

Evan moved away, showing off Sam's jizz which was now covering his midsection. Sam must have fired off a huge load because the seed was dripping from Evan.

"It's okay," Master said. "Time we share you anyway."

Brent reached over and picked Sam up, then threw him on to the large ottoman. Brent's mouth went straight for my little brother's nipples, sucking and biting hard.

Sam started to thrash about until Evan's firm grip pushed him back into the cushions. Then Evan's cock made its way to Sam's lips and pressed deep inside. Not to be left out, Kevin climbed up at the foot of the ottoman and lifted Sam's legs high. Then he started fingering Sam's pink hole deep with lube.

Sam appeared to be in heaven, being used by his new housemates all at once. He moaned at each insertion of Kevin's fingers and squealed with each bite of Brent's mouth. And, of course, it took a great bit of effort to take Evan's fat cock in his little mouth.

I was beginning to reconsider Sam's relationship with Evan. Whereas I once looked at it as that which I shared with Tony, I now realized it was something totally different. Evan pounded Sam's mouth deep with a fury and his look was primal. Evan viewed Sam as the total slut that his new sub was quickly becoming. And it seemed that Sam wanted nothing more than to be used like that.

Evan let my little brother struggle on his fat meat for a few minutes longer before finally laying on the cushions. Brent and Kevin got up and lifted Sam into the air. Brent was carrying Sam by the arms while Kevin held up Sam's legs. They carried Sam into position over Evan's rising cock. Then started to lower him.

Evan stroked and held high his stiff rod as the others lowered Sam slowly to it. Sam's fuck hole landed at the tip of Evan's fat cock. Brent and Kevin continued to lower Sam until they heard him moan at the insertion of the huge tool.

They continued his descent until Sam's ass was pressed fully around Evan's rod. They lifted him to let Evan's cock withdraw, then guided him back down slowly. Their pace quickened and soon they were bouncing my little brother up and down on Evan's cock in a frenzy.

"Ahh, fuck, ahh, fuck," Evan moaned as he laid there, allowing his mates to pleasure him with their new fuck toy.

Sam wasn't complaining either. His eyes were closed as he moaned softly.

"Okay, boys, I want three loads in our new one. Evan first," Master ordered.

Brent's muscles flexed as he easily handled Sam's descent. He bobbed Sam up and down as quickly as he could.

"Fuck, I'm cumming," Evan yelled. His body shook from the orgasm, as he filled my kid brother with the first load of boy juice.

Brent and Kevin let Sam fall back into the cushions. Kevin climbed on top and started to kiss him.

"I've been waiting for this for two weeks, pig," Kevin said, then pressed his lips back onto Sam.

Kevin's cock head moved along Sam's hole. His hips guided it swiftly into Sam.

"Damn, pig, I can feel Evan's seed in your hole. Your cunt is so moist."

Kevin fucked Sam hard. And he talked his way through most of it.

"Yeah, take it pig. Take my fat cock. Get used to this, boy. You're the new house fuck slut. You need another man-load inside you, don't ya, you little fucker? Here's my seed, pig..."

Kevin's ass cheeks clenched and his hips held firmly into Sam as his load was pumped deep inside. As he pulled out, I could see the combined loads of Evan and Kevin dripping back out of Sam.

Then it was Brent's turn.

Brent stood beside the ottoman, hands on hips. His monster dick was rock hard and leaking.

"Okay, slut, if you want it, slide back here and get it."

Sam inched his way slowly, backing into the tip of Brent's huge tool. Then he pushed his ass back slowly, trying to impale himself on Brent's cock. Despite two fuckings and breedings and a hole that was now sloppy with two cum loads, he still struggled to take it.

One more thrust by Sam caused him to gasp. He let the cock head pop into him. His hips rocked back slowly as he tried to take more and more of Brent's cock.

Brent was content to let Sam do all the work.

Sam fucked himself on Brent's rod, harder now, and with louder moans of ecstasy.

"That's it, slut, take my cock. It's finally yours. Show me how much you wanted it."

"Mmmmmmm... ahhhh," Sam yelled as he tried to take the entire length of Brent's meat.

Sam was totally stiff again. He reached down to stroke it, but was interrupted by a single, punishing smack to his ass.

"Don't fuckin' touch your boy dick, slut," Brent ordered. "Fuck yourself. Take my seed. Milk it out of me now."

Sam pounded himself on Brent's cock as fast as he could muster. Brent yelled out that he was close. Sam fired his hips back. Brent moaned as he delivered his load to the cum dump that was my little brother's ass. Sam made sure to milk every drop of seed from Brent and then collapsed into the cushions.

His wrecked hole was oozing jizz as the other three boys had overloaded him. He seemed perfectly content at having become the new house slut.

And while I was pleased at the choice I had made, I was a bit jealous at the attention. But I had Tony now and that's all I really wanted.

Sam seemed to be right where he belonged. And I was happy for him too.

Chapter 24

Master had us all shower and meet downstairs for the send off.

Tony and I were dressed now. We were no longer owned. I was pleased to have the freedom to wear clothes again, like a real man.

"It's time we said goodbye to Patrick and Tony," Master announced. "I'm truly saddened to lose you. But, I know you will be happy together."

"Thank you for everything, Sir," Tony said.

"I have a special surprise for you two," Master said. "I am sending you a car to take you to your new home. I was remodeling the condo for the both of you, as I figured this would be the outcome."

"And it's ours?" I asked.

"You may stay there as long as you wish. I imagine you'll want to find another place someday on your own. But, for now, I will allow you to live in the condo."

"Thank you, Sir. That is very generous."

"Also, I checked the balance in your trust fund, Tony. You have been here just over a year now. You have $90,000 in there to use as you see fit. I still expect to see you at work on Monday, of course."

"Yes, Sir, thank you again."

We said our goodbyes. I hugged Sam tight. I was going to miss living with him. I just hoped we would stay close.

The car picked us up at 9:30 and by 10:15 we arrived at our new home. Together.

We were barely inside, and door hadn't yet fully shut, before we were kissing wildly. His hand held steady behind my head as he pressed himself closer to me. I let him take me.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes. I didn't even realize it, but I must have been crying a bit. He gently wiped a tear from my cheek. I had been so close to this moment before that I could fear the usual rejection.

"Please tell me you won't say no this time," I pleaded.

"Ask me that later," he said and kissed me again.

We pulled off each other's shirts and quickly undid our belts. We had only been dressed for a couple hours, but now we were stripping naked again. Only this time, it was our choice.

We tripped over our discarded pants as we made our way toward the bedroom. We made it only to the sofa and I collapsed into him, pinning him to the cushions. He let my tongue explore his mouth before pressing back with his own.

We were content to just stay on the sofa, making out and enjoying our newfound freedom to express our love for each other. I was afraid to move lest he run away from me again.

"Tony, I can't believe we're finally together," I told him, in between kisses.

"I know. I was so scared you'd leave me. Thank you for trying to stay just for me."

"Thank me? I should thank you for giving everything up to be with me."

"I didn't give anything up, Patrick. I went with Master when I was down and didn't know what I really wanted in life. Now I do know. I want you."

I kissed him deeply, then moved down to kiss his neck and chest. I wanted to taste every inch of my new lover. Finally, he pushed me back and took my hand.

"I want to make love to you now," he said softly and led me to our room.

I fell into the comfort of the soft bed covers and admired Tony as he stood over me. He gave a quick tug to his boxers and they fell to the ground. It was like I was looking at him again for the first time. His naked body was perfect.

He reached down and yanked off my boxers and we were naked again together. He climbed on top of me, pinning my arms to the bed, and then moved his lips onto mine.

"You taste so great," he said. "I want to lick every part of your body, my love."

"I would like that, Sir," I said, the last part almost instinctively.

He smiled and laughed. "None of this Sir shit, okay? We belong to each other now."

I nodded and kissed him with a passion that I had never experienced before. I truly did love him.

I closed my eyes as his lips pressed gently across my chest and down my stomach. His hands caressed my warm skin and I felt the sensation tingle up my spine. Then his lips found their way to my dick.

I moaned as Tony's mouth worked its way across my cock head and slowly down the shaft. He took it all quickly but gently, sucking my dick in long, slow strokes.

I laid there in pure bliss as my lover went down on me over and over. His tongue danced along my now leaking head and down my shaft to my balls. He sucked softly on my nut sack and played with my balls in his mouth.

I lost track of time and finally shook myself from my place of bliss as Tony's lips were now back on mine. I flipped him over and explored his body as he did mine.

I wanted to know every bit of his beautiful body. And I wanted him to know how much I adored every inch.

"I love your hard nipples," I said as sucked each tight nipple.

"I love your smooth abs."

"I love your sexy belly button."

"I love your trail of hair to your pubes."

"And I absolutely love this big, beautiful, uncut cock, baby. Let me show you how much."

I took the head in my mouth and pushed the tip of my tongue through his foreskin. I sucked on his fat pink cock head slowly and licked his piss slit.

I was overjoyed to finally have Tony's cock close for my taking. I had been dreaming of this so long now and it was finally mine. I took my lover's cock deep. I wanted every bit inside me. I craved to feel his cock head push into my throat.

I sucked him off so long and hard that I felt his cock start to twitch from the stimulation. But I didn't want it to release just now, and neither did he.

"Patrick, lube me up," he said, handing me a bottle.

I stroked his cock with lube, prepping it for the thing I stayed up late most nights dreaming of.

"Patrick, baby, what were you asking me earlier?"

"Tony, will you please fuck me? Don't deny me this time what I need so bad."

"There's nothing I want more," he said as he flipped me over.

I felt his cock circle my hole. My only shame came in knowing how much use I allowed it to take from other men before I was able to give it to the man I loved. I wanted him to have it now. Just him. Forever.

I looked into Tony's eyes as I felt the first shot of pleasure from his penetration. Then he gave me more. I felt his cock slowly slide into my welcoming ass. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

His strokes were slow but firm, gradual yet purposeful. And with one magnificent thrust, his cock was fully buried.

"Oh, fuck, Tony. You feel so good inside me." I moaned with each stroke of his uncut dick into my ass.

I wanted the sensation to last forever. I tried not to squeeze his cock. I wanted Tony to take his time and fuck me as hard or softly as he desired. His pace quickened and he grunted as his intrusions became more forceful. He slowed again and I could see that look in his eye.

"I'm close, baby," he said.

"Yours is the only seed I ever want in me. Please fill me deep. I love you."

And fill me he did. The spasm of his cock nearly caused my own to blow. Shot after shot of Tony's seed was finally being pushed deep inside me. This time I did allow my ass to clench around his dick. I milked every bit of his load from his cock. Once I was full, he leaned down and kissed me.

I was so content from being bred by the man I loved that I nearly forgot about my own hard on. Tony was more attentive. He rubbed some lube over it and climbed on top. Before I knew what was happening, his ass was firmly gripping my cock head and working aggressively down the shaft. In several quick thrusts, he was sitting on me fully.

I let Tony ride my cock for several minutes, bouncing up and down in delight. He knew when I was close and slowed his pace or withdrew. Then he lowered his hips to impale himself again on my meat.

I had been so preoccupied the last couple of weeks fantasizing about being fucked by Tony that I didn't consider the possibility of me being inside him. But, it felt so right now. We each desperately needed the other's cock. He was enjoying mine.

Even his patient fucking could not delay the inevitable. A shot of ecstasy filled my body and blasted through my loins. Tony gladly took my load inside him, bouncing and squeezing his ass to get every drop.

He finally collapsed in my arms. And again we kissed.

We didn't say another word to each other that night. I fell asleep in his arms. Peaceful and content. With the man that I loved.

**Author's Note:

This concludes this part of the story. I have a lot of other ideas for Patrick and Tony as well as the other boys. Check back next summer/fall for Season Two. Or...

To be added to my mailing list for a reminder, you must e-mail me at and request to be added, if you haven't already. Once on my list, I will e-mail you updates as they are posted.

And, now that Patrick and Tony are together (and sitting on a lot of cash), they have decided to take a long vacation and travel when they can each get a break. You can imagine what fun/trouble they can get into.

I plan to write a couple short "vacation series" stories every other month or so, leading up to Season Two.

Finally, all of the above is my plan, but not a promise. I wanted this story to have a happy ending just in case I don't feel like picking it back up. If that happens, then rest assured that all my boys have their "happily ever afters".

Thanks for reading!

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