The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Oct 8, 2023


The Inheritance Part 1

Author's Note:

This is the first part in a short series of stories that are intended solely for people over 18 (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

If you enjoy this story, you can also check out my previous one. Search for 'Hurricane Eli' in the archive.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.


"We are gathered here today to honor the memory of Theodore "Teddy" Walker..."

I barely heard the rest of the pastor's words at the memorial service. I was surprised at how much this loss affected me. Uncle Teddy and I hadn't been very close the last few years, but we used to be. I regretted not being able to get back the wasted years between us.

There weren't too many left in my immediate family. Tragedy seemed to find our family with more regularity than others. My brother Sam and I were pretty much on our own now. He's a sophomore and I'm a junior at the university.

I looked over at Sam and he had tears in his eyes, too. I put my arm around his shoulders in a small gesture of comfort.

There weren't too many people at the service. There were more friends and associates there than family. A few people were introduced as Teddy's coworkers. The family lawyer, Mr. Best, attended. Even he had tears flowing. If you knew Teddy well, you'd understand.

The service lasted barely 45 minutes. Before I could even process the events of the day, it was already over. Sam went to say some goodbyes and I just stood and waited by the car. Mr. Best approached, hand extended.

"Son, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the family's loss," he said, shaking my hand firmly.

"Thank you, Sir. It was really nice you could be here."

"There's nowhere else I could be today. Teddy was a great man and a friend."

"That means a lot. Thanks."

"This may not be the best time," he said, turning serious. "But there are some details of his estate that have to be worked out. Can you come by my office this week? Make sure you have most of the day free."

I was a bit puzzled why I had to be involved so prominently in Teddy's estate, but it was the least I could do.

"Sure. How about Friday afternoon? I don't have classes on Fridays."

Mr. Best just nodded and handed me a business card. Another firm handshake and he was off.

Chapter 1

My appointment was at 1pm on Friday. By now, my curiosity was getting the best of me. I considered all week what use the family attorney could have for me but came up empty.

He again greeted me with a handshake. I was amazed at the firmness of his grip.

"Thanks for coming in, Patrick. We have a lot to discuss and I imagine you'll be pretty happy about it."

I was still puzzled.

I sat and watched as Mr. Best opened a file and sorted through some paperwork. He settled upon a large legal size document and thumbed through it quickly.

"Ok, Patrick, I think we can begin. This is Teddy's will and you are mentioned prominently in it."

"I am?"

"Yep. In fact, you have a sizable inheritance coming."

I was stunned. "I do?"

"Well, you shouldn't be too surprised given your past relationship with Teddy."

I froze. He couldn't be referring to that. Could he?

"Now, I didn't mean to be embarrass you, son," he continued. "Fact is, though, I pretty much know everything."

"You do??" I hoped that when he said "everything" he didn't really mean... everything.

He just laughed. I didn't feel any comfort.

"Don't worry, Patrick. Everything is confidential in here. I can't disclose this to anyone, including your brother."

I felt a bit relieved, but was still on edge at discussing such matters with another person.

"Okay, tell you what, my boy. You don't have to discuss it if you don't want to. I understand."

"Ummm, okay, thanks," was about all I could get out.

"Let's just get to it then," he suggested. "I have to warn you though that there is some stuff in here that you find a bit shocking. You know how eccentric Teddy was."

He was right. Uncle Teddy was a bit unconventional, to say the least. Some called him weird even, but I knew better. He was definitely a free spirit.

"Now, there's a short note that Teddy wrote to you that you can have. I would read it out loud, but don't want to cause you further embarrassment."

He handed me a hand written letter. It said:

"Dear Patrick, I hope this letter finds you well and you have become the successful man I always knew you could be. I'm sure the circumstances are not to your liking... believe me, they are not so favorable to me as well!

But, unfortunately, the time has come for me to say goodbye. I didn't get a chance to know you well enough after you started college. But, I thought about you often. I hope our time together didn't cause the separation. I never meant for that to happen.

I know I was your first time. I also know how much it meant to you. I wanted to let you know how much it meant to me too. I always wanted to continue that relationship but was afraid that I'd further steal your innocence. Maybe the way society views relationships like ours would have made that impossible. I guess I'll never know.

I also remember how timid you always were during the few times we made love. You always said that you wanted to be more adventurous sexually and wished you could be more like me. I often wonder if you ever did.

So, I decided with my last wish to test what kind of man you've become. I am leaving you a total of $20,000, no strings attached. It is yours to keep. But, if you successfully complete the tasks attached, you will be awarded the full amount I set aside for you.

Good luck. I wish you well in all you do in life. With love, Uncle Teddy."

I looked up at Mr. Best in amazement. Was this a joke, I wondered. He must have read my mind.

"That's for real, son. He was pretty adamant that you'd have to earn the rest though."

"What is the rest?" I was already pretty pleased with twenty grand, and couldn't imagine how much more he would leave me.

"The total value of your inheritance, if you comply fully with the requirements, is $500,000."

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

"Five..huh?" I had no idea he even had that kind of money. And what the hell would I have to do to "earn" a half a million bucks?

"Ready for the terms?"

I just nodded, dumbfounded.

"Well, Patrick, this is where the shocking part comes in. I don't know how you feel about sex now, but you may not be able to do all of these things. Are you gay?"

I wasn't ready for the directness of his query. I stammered back with an "ummm, well..."

"If you aren't, then you really are going to have trouble earning the money. I think you can handle it though."

"Well, I'm kinda okay with, uhh, both. You know?"

"I understand. Now remember, you get the twenty grand regardless. If you finish the list without fail, you earn the rest."

"What is on the list?"

"Well, there are other terms he provided. First of all, I can only reveal one task at a time. Only after you have completed one, can I tell you the next. I can say that there are five tasks total and each one gets a bit more difficult. Understood?"

I just nodded.

"Good," he continued. "Now, you have to bring me back proof that you completed each task so I am sending one of my interns around with you. He has a camera phone with video. I hope you aren't shy, boy."

With that, I started to get nervous. I was going to be videotaped? Doing what?

"Also," he continued on. "At no point can you pay someone to have sex with you. This means no prostitutes. You also cannot use the same type of place to complete a task. This basically means that you can't just go to a gay bar each time. You have to be creative. Still with me?"

Again, I politely nodded.

"Excellent. So, do you agree with the terms, Patrick?"

"Yes, Sir, I guess so."

"Okay, that wasn't the confident answer I was looking for but it'll have to do." He called for his secretary and asked her to bring in Tony.

A few minutes later, a young man joined us. He was probably around my age. Mr. Best filled him in briefly on the terms of the will and what was expected of him. He seemed a bit surprised at the request, but accepted nonetheless.

"Great," Mr. Best declared. "Now that we all understand each other, let's get to the first task. Teddy first wanted to see how quickly you can get laid."

Chapter 2

"Task number one. Getting laid in sixty minutes," Mr. Best read from the will. "Patrick shall have exactly sixty minutes from the reading of this task to have sex with another man. The man must be someone he has not met before. The man must be older than Patrick. Full anal penetration into Patrick is required to satisfy this requirement. Full penetration must occur within sixty minutes starting now."

With that, Mr. Best started a timer on Tony's phone. It was now counting down from one hour.

I was a bit stunned. I had to get fucked by a complete stranger in less than an hour? It seemed impossible.

"Well," Mr. Best prodded. "You best get to it, boy."

He ushered us out of his office and I immediately started to think of how I was going to get laid so quickly. I couldn't just start walking up to guys and say "hey, Mister, can you fuck me?" could I?

I also couldn't use a hooker. I knew I didn't have time to find some stranger on the internet for a hookup. The idea of a bar came to mind but it was only 1:30 still.

Finally, I searched through my phone for businesses nearby. Luckily, I had a nice phone that could map all kinds of places within a few miles. I immediately thought of a gym. Can I find a gay gym, I wondered?

Then it hit me. I searched for "bath house" and found one only 15 minutes away. I needed to find a pretty sure thing because I wouldn't get a second chance.

I drove Tony to the bath house and it took a little longer than I expected. I had only 36 minutes left. An employee came to greet me and asked if I was a member. I said no, but I was interested. I asked how long it would take to get a membership and try it out.

"Well, there are forms to fill out. It might take 10 or 15 minutes," he said.

I hurriedly accepted and asked for a form. Tony was less enthused.

"Dude, I have to sign up to if I'm going in there. I don't want to belong to a gay bath house," he protested.

"I'll pay the dues, and no one has to know," I assured him. Then turning to the employee, "This is private, right Mister?"

He assured us that their records are kept strictly confidential. Tony finally relented.

I was beginning to doubt this idea the moment we finally got inside. There weren't many guys there. And, I was left with only 19 minutes to get a guy's dick inside me.

We got to the lockers we'd rented and I started to strip. Tony just stood there. He was still dressed up, tie and all.

"Man, you are going to have to get undressed too, please," I pleaded with him.

"Fuck, dude, I didn't sign up for this. This is your test not mine."

"Just strip down to your undies. You won't have to go farther, okay? Please."

He groaned in protest but finally agreed. I had to admire him for his willingness to help out a stranger this way.

"Hey," I realized out loud. "Maybe you can fuck me. How old are you?"

He turned pale at the suggestion.

"Huh. No, I don't think so, dude. Plus, I think I don't qualify. I wasn't someone you hadn't yet met at the time of the reading."

Dammit. I guess he was right. Plus, I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't going to agree to that.

"Fine. Let's keep looking."

Another moment of terror hit me. Our phones.

"Shit, man, they took our phones. How can you record me getting fucked even if I do find someone?"

Tony showed me the phone Mr. Best gave him and smiled. "They took my personal phone. I snuck this one in," he said with a wink. At least he was resourceful... and sneaky. He was going to make a good lawyer some day.

Stripped down to our boxers, we wandered through the spacious locker room. It was really quite immaculate. And, unfortunately, mostly empty.

A couple guys were in the steam room. We went in long enough for me to say hi and try to start a conversation. We left when they basically said "get lost" with their eyes. Things were getting hopeless.

"I think we'll have better luck in those rooms," Tony suggested.

Sure enough, a couple of rooms were occupied. One couple was already in mid fuck in one of them. I didn't think it was appropriate to ask to join them.

The next one had a guy that I'd politely put in the "absolutely, last resort" category.

I was down to my last ten minutes. I was desperate. I reached down and slid off my boxers. Tony's eyes opened wide as I stood before him naked. I started to circle the locker room, trying to get noticed by someone who might be interested.

Finally, I spotted a guy who had just got done working out. He was still soaked in sweat. He had a locker not far from mine, so it wouldn't be hard to casually get a conversation going.

I walked up and opened my locker. I was still naked and sporting a semi-stiff erection. The man took his shirt off and I couldn't help but stare at his hairy chest. You could see the sweat clinging to the fur.

Next came his sweaty shorts and boxer briefs. I continued to stare as he stripped naked just feet away. He finally glanced over to see my gaze. I just smiled a bit and looked away coyly. Thankfully, he took the hint and strolled up beside me.

"You like what you see?" he asked with a smirk.

"Very much. You're the hottest man I've ever seen." I might have exaggerated just a bit, but still wasn't too far off.

He just laughed. "Thanks, kid," he added.

Uh oh. Kid? That didn't sound good. I couldn't let him get away. This was my last chance.

"Then make me a man, Sir."

He smiled and let out a chuckle. I couldn't figure out if that was good or bad. I didn't want to sound desperate, yet I obviously was.

"Please, Sir, I need to be fucked hard. I haven't had a guy in me in over two years. It is yours for the taking."

Suddenly, he stopped smiling and started to look me over. He twirled his finger a few times and I obeyed by spinning around to let him examine my ass.

I saw Tony still standing nearby and mouthed the words "how long?" He held up 5 fingers, then dropped one to make it four.

Finally, the man snapped his fingers and he simply said "alright" as I turned.

"Did you rent a room here too, Sir?"

"Nah. Just a locker. Was here mostly for the workout. Didn't think I'd get lucky."

Fuck. I was pretty sure you needed a room to play and I didn't get one either. Then I had an idea.

"Follow me," I said.

I led him back to the room occupied by Mr. Last Resort. I didn't have time to be polite.

"Hey man, if you let us borrow your room for a couple of minutes, you can watch this guy fuck me. How 'bout it?"

His mouth dropped open wide and he just nodded like a fool.

Of course, I still had one more thing to tell this hot stud that was ready to plow me. And, I was afraid it would scare him off.

"There's just one thing, Sir. I need my friend here to record this on video," I said, looking over to Tony.

"What? Are you joking? What the hell is this?"

"Sir. Please. I don't have time to explain." I spoke the truth, I had 2 minutes at most left. I had to fib just a bit to sell it. "I have a bet with a friend that I could get fucked by a hot muscle stud in less than an hour. And I have two minutes left. Please don't say no."

He looked ready to bolt.

"Sir, please. He'll record just from your chest down if you like. And I promise the video won't get out."

"Two minutes?"

"Actually, one," Tony chimed in, camera in hand.

"On your knees," the man ordered. I complied.

He stuffed his cock firmly in my open mouth and I started to suck furiously. Luckily, he was already pretty hard and it took only a few seconds until he was fully stiff.

"You better get a lot of spit on there, boy, I don't have lube."

I covered his shaft in my saliva. His cock was pretty average in size and girth. Still, I had my doubts as to how much I could handle with no other lube.

He picked me up and threw me over the small bed. I heard him spit and felt it land near my hole. He rubbed it into my hole roughly.

"No time for foreplay, slut boy," he warned, no sooner than I felt his cock head pressed against my tight hole.

"Ten seconds," Tony warned.

With time running out, the man popped the cock head in through my stubborn entrance and slid it half way home. I couldn't contain my scream as the cock forced its way nearly raw into my ass.

"Five," Tony counted.

"I need it all," I begged.

With one last thrust, the man rammed his cock fully into my tight hole. I was unprepared at just how intense it would feel. I buried my face into the bed to muffle my screams.

"You got it all, boy. Every fucking inch." He continued to fuck me, in long slow strokes now. It took a minute for me to be able to handle the pain without moaning into the mattress.

I looked around to Tony and he gave me a thumbs up. At least I made it in time. The pain was worth it.

"Thanks, Mister," I finally said, in between the thrusts. "That's all I needed."

"Uh huh, boy, well that's not all I need," he replied. He picked his pace up again and fucked me more forcefully.

I didn't say anything more. He earned the right to use me however he wanted. I offered myself up as a total whore and he was going to use me as one. Luckily, my ass grew more accustomed to his cock's intrusion. The agony turned to delight. I moaned in approval.

The man was spreading my legs wider and opening my ass cheeks up more. He wanted every bit of my hole. He continued to fire like a piston, each time grunting as he managed to get deeper and deeper.

"Fuck!" His yell announced what my insides were already feeling. His cock fired streams of his seed into my ass. I could feel it convulse on each shot. The cum added more lubrication to my raw hole and he used it to continue fucking me. A full minute went by and he was still hard enough to fuck me deep using his own jizz as lube.

Finally, he released and pulled out. He smacked my ass firmly in approval of the fucking it just took.

I glanced over to Mr. Last Resort and he was holding his cock, covered in his own cum. I just smiled and winked at him. He probably got more than he bargained for today.

I looked back up at the man that had just bred me and smiled.

"Thanks, Sir, that was fucking incredible."

"So, I guess you won your bet."

"Yeah, but that's not why it was incredible. I needed that bad, bet or not." I was telling the truth.

He just smiled again and turned to walk away. I would know him less than ten minutes and never even knew his name. Yet, I'd never forget him.

My thoughts turned to matters of the will. One down and four to go, I thought. Then I remembered what Mr. Best said. Each one would get more difficult.


Next: Chapter 2

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