The Incredibly Hot Intruder

Published on Aug 15, 2022


The Incredibly Hot Intruder / Chapter#02

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The Incredibly Hot Intruder

By Paul S. Stevens

Chapter #2

After living off his wits for several days, just barely getting by, Leo started thinking about the likelihood of getting caught, being out in the open with no place to go. The longer he was exposed, the higher the risk became where he might get sighted by a random citizen, recognizing his prison attire, and getting reported. Even though he kept out of sight for the most part, he hadn't yet found a suitable replacement outfit to wear as he was still blatantly donning his bright orange prison-issue jumpsuit.

Having to go back to his prison cell and having to return to the lonely life of an inmate was becoming less favorable as time went on. In fact, if he were apprehended at this moment, he'd probably be removed from the casual minimum-security facility he was in and get relocated. The facility where Leo was serving his sentence was so low stress that he had gotten accustomed to life there. However, after being MIA for this many days, getting caught would surely get him transferred to a more rigid and hardcore venue. To Leo, that was very scary and simply unacceptable.

Leo's recent experience with the newlywed couple became such an important event in Leo's life that he started forming some genuinely warm memories of it. He thought about the two of them more and more as he wandered aimlessly through dozens of faceless and anonymous neighborhoods. He was growing increasingly hungry, scared, and yes, even horny as his thoughts kept habitually cycling back to that one, hot, sensual encounter with the strangers he had unwittingly bonded with.

As Leo began to notice an increasing police presence around the neighborhoods he was wandering in, he doubled his efforts to stay hidden. His concern for his own welfare escalated out of control and it was no surprise that he once again unknowingly found himself back in the warm and familiar place that had been recently filling his head with wicked erotic thoughts.

To Leo's surprise, a house he was walking towards unexpectedly came alive as the garage door began to open, right as he was strolling towards the residence. Thinking fast on his feet, he jumped into the neighbor's bushes to keep out of sight. Leo was reaching the end of his rope and this new opportunity presented itself just in a nick of time. If it weren't for this lucky break, he probably would have had to resort to stealing what he needed at some local grocery store to sustain himself for another day or two. He hadn't yet realized where he was as he peered through the branches of his cover. A vaguely familiar car began to back out of the garage and Leo's heart skipped a beat as he eventually recognized the passengers as being the husband and wife couple he had grown so fond of. Before he could process the coincidence in his mind, the automatic garage door began to close as the couple drove down the street. Leo snapped into action and once again, reacting completely instinctively, Leo waited to the last possible second before he sprang into action. As the couple's car disappeared down the road and out of sight, Leo then dropped to the ground and quickly rolled into the empty garage space, just seconds before the door closed completely behind him, sealing him in.

It really came as no shock that he would subconsciously return to the very place he felt safe and happy. He was now inside that same familiar garage as he immediately felt right at home. He already knew virtually where everything was and instantly knew just what to do. He rose to his feet and progressed through the now empty garage and entered the house through the garage/kitchen portal and made a beeline straight for the couple's refrigerator.

The first order of business was food. He found some yummy leftovers as he raided the refrigerator, filling the two-day old void in his stomach that finally got satiated. The wife turned out to be a marvelous cook and Leo's taste buds gave him yet another reason to bond more deeply with this unique young family.

Once he satisfied his hunger, the next order of business was to get cleaned up. Leo began to strip out of his orange prison-issue jumpsuit as he headed from the kitchen to the shower. On his way to the bathroom, Leo passed by the couple's bedroom, halfway down the hall and to the left. The door was left wide open and he casually looked in. As he continued undressing, Leo got distracted. Something in the room was different and had caught Leo's attention straight off.

Mounted on a stainless-steel stand was a new piece of erotic, hardcore equipment. It was an FT (FortTroff) sex machine 2.0, with a firm and stable surface mount. According to what type of attachment was utilized in the armature, the sex machine could be transformed into a fuck machine or masturbation machine. In this case, the machine was outfitted with a fairly realistic looking dildo with large hanging balls that was mounted to the thrusting armature. It seemed to be floating there in mid air, just waiting to be brought to life. Leo also noticed a flogger whip and paddle set that were lying on the bed, begging to be played with. This was also new since Leo's last visit. Leo finished undressing as his curiosity pulled him into the bedroom to check out the new stuff. Standing there, now totally naked, with his jumpsuit draped across his arm, Leo's mind began to wander. He put down his clothes on the bed and picked up the flogger whip in one hand and the paddle in the other and pretended to use them on an imaginary victim.

`Crack-snap... crack-snap...' went the whip in mid-air and `whack... whack...' went the paddle against the firm mattress of the bed. Leo found these two devices to have loads of potential and as he played with them, they started making his cock begin to twitch and grow.

Next, he found the remote control of the sex machine and turned it on. It began to move erotically slow at first. As Leo turned the control up, its speed and intensity revved up. The arousing movement of the machine's armature and attachment put Leo in a temporary trance. The machine and armature seemed to fuck an invisible victim as it seductively fucked away in midair. His semi-hard cock turned into a solid boner as he imagined using these new little additions on both the wife and the husband in a series of wild and torrid scenarios.

Leo was still feeling grungy from wandering the area for several days. He was in serious need of a shower. He turned off the sex machine, fully intending to play with it more when the time was appropriate. He headed for the bathroom shower, absentmindedly leaving his uniform and underwear on the couple's bed. Even though he was alone in the house, Leo proceeded to execute his well practiced regimen of prison showering using his well practiced and familiar prison protocols. Leo was starting to feel nervous since he was now naked, vulnerable and wet. Add to that the noise of running water that would likely mask the sound of anyone approaching that would alert Leo to any imminent danger. He had no idea when the couple would be returning home and didn't want to be discovered in this defenseless state. Leo didn't like being put at risk, so he did a thorough yet quick job of showering and finished in record time.

The prospect of having a repeat sexual experience with the husband and wife kept Leo firmly erect in the shower and the thought of utilizing the new toys Leo had already discovered in the bedroom kept his mind occupied with fanatically erotic ideas.

Leo's boner persisted as he got out of the shower smelling a whole lot fresher than when he went in. For the first fifteen minutes or so, Leo wandered the house utterly stark naked as his body air dried in the still, quiet, and deserted house, feeling completely free for the first time in a very long while. Then, he went back to the couple's bedroom where his curiosity had him exploring the bedroom for more hidden kinky possessions and surprises he may have missed earlier.

He was feeling perfectly comfortable and chose not to put on any clothes as he lost track of time, searching the room for more erotic treasures. This was by far the only room in the house that held any fascination for Leo as he came across more novelties and curiosities. Leo never lost his boner as the treasure trove of sexual delights kept his mind racing with ideas of what he wanted to play with and try on his favorite couple as his personal bound, gagged and captive playthings.

Leo was excited about the possibility of having another glorious encounter with the mister and misses. As Leo's fertile imagination soared, he slowly began feeling guilty that he was leading such a charmed life here in the couple's bedroom. Leo felt bad that he was able to be free to play with all these sexy toys while his cellmates were stuck back at the facility having to endure the solitary life. They all had to endure being constantly monitored and having their sexual existence rigidly restricted. Leo's guilty emotions were subsequently short lived as the quiet reverie of the house was suddenly interrupted.

The rickety motor of the automatic garage door opener engaged, reverberating throughout the entire house. A moment later, the sound of a car pulling into the garage caused reality to set in. Leo, who knew the couple would be coming home at any moment, caused his calm demeanor to fly out of control and dive into sheer chaos. Up to now, Leo had been so relaxed that he had forgotten to think ahead about how he was going to gain the upper hand and be in control of the situation like last time. He needed to think fast as time was running short. The sound of the garage door closing again meant the couple would be getting out of the car and entering the house in a matter of seconds.

This time, as dangerous as it might be, Leo made sure he learned his sexual benefactor's names. How he was going to do that seemed strange and awkward and it was at least going to be something of a mystery to unveil. However, Leo felt he owed that much to them and just as important was for them to learn who Leo was.

The door from the garage to the kitchen opened and the house came alive with the sounds of an energetic conversation that was no doubt carried over from the car ride. Then, the topic was strangely interrupted when the wife opened the refrigerator door to check on the status of the leftovers that were intended for that night's dinner.

"My god, Jeremy! You slob! I had enough pot roast in here for tonight's dinner and then some!" the wife bitched and then aggressively flung the refrigerator door closed in disgust.

"I didn't touch the damn pot roast, Jenny!" the husband retorted, then felt bad for snapping at his poor wife. "Don't worry about it hon. We'll just go out for dinner tonight after we get evaluated. We'll go someplace nice. Just you and me! You can order whatever you want this time, all right sweetheart?"

"If that was an apology, then I accept," Jenny deferred, softening her attitude.

Jeremy then kissed his wife lovingly as they gave each other a fond embrace.

"Oh brother, you guys are sickening. You don't even fight right," said a third and unexpected voice joining the conversation.

"Oh, shut up, Kidman," Jenny complained. "You're just jealous!"

Leo had been nervously listening in on the conversation from within the couple's bedroom, still not sure what to do next. His heart skipped a beat having heard an unfamiliar voice. The good news was, by listening in on their banter, Leo had learned the couple's names without ever having to deal with the potential awkwardness of having to ask them personally. He even learned the stranger's name, which Leo felt was to his ultimate advantage.

Leo then realized that the extra voice and subject matter he heard must have meant that the couple had brought home an unseen visitor of questionable intent. It was almost secondary that Leo had almost been caught already, having been the one who had eaten the pot roast the wife was complaining about. Leo continued to listen in on their conversation in the event that there might yet be an additional voice to join the conversation, indicating another unseen guest. After a couple of minutes of continuing to listen in, it was clear that there was only the one stranger present. Leo wasn't sure how he knew, but he surmised that this unseen individual had been invited as a third, male sex partner for the evening, possibly a Dom or Master BDSM participant.

Leo panicked. This third person literally changed everything. Leo narrowly gained the upper hand with the couple last time with only an ornamental letter opener, a bit of quick thinking and a whole lot of dumb luck. He had no confidence at all that he would be so lucky, especially with there being three of them this time. He had to think of something fast. The only thing that came to his mind was to hide and squeeze into the already crowded closet and spring into the room when an appropriate moment became apparent.

It sounded like the couple and their guest started making their move from the kitchen to the bedroom, so Leo was rushed into implementing his closet plan before he was truly ready. As he closed himself into the closet, he heard the voices of all three of them enter the bedroom as they all sat around the bed, disrobing and planning to begin their sordid and contrived escapade.

While Leo listened carefully to the conversation from within the closet, he realized he had left his clothes lying on the bed and started to sweat on the off chance that his blunder might prematurely give his presence away at any moment.

It was apparent that Kidman was disrobing first, making erotic comments about what he was intending to do to get their hot and intense BDSM style threesome started, distracting everyone from noticing Leo's clothes pile.

Jenny happened to look behind her and noticed Leo's clothes pile laying there just a split-second before their guest Kidman threw his clothes on the bed, obscuring Leo's folded orange jumpsuit, giving it no regard whatsoever. Jenny's heart skipped a beat as she knew her sexual fantasy super-stud had returned and was somewhere nearby. Kidman hadn't been informed about the couple's intruder and so, he had no reason to concern himself with it.

Jeremy hadn't noticed Leo's clothes before Kidman had covered it over with his own clothes, so for the moment, Jenny decided to keep her discovery to herself. She was a little worried at first where her sexual super-stud was hiding out, especially with Kidman in the house with them. She knew Leo had nothing to fear from her or Jeremy and they, in turn, were in safe hands with Leo. As to not call any attention to Leo's clothes that Jenny had noticed, she and her husband piled their clothes on top of Kidman's, concealing Leo's presence one step further.

As Leo continued to listen to the conversation from within the couple's bedroom closet, he overheard things that Kidman was saying to the couple. Things that assumed he was already their total Master. Leo basically knew that most of it was posturing and role playing that he figured typically went on between consenting BDSM Master's and their subs. Nevertheless, Leo didn't find it particularly erotic or sensual at all. Instead, he found it infuriating that his beloved and vulnerable couple were opening themselves up to being treated with what Leo considered to be `disrespect'. It simply made his blood boil.

A strong series of emotions washed over Leo and the most powerful emotion of all was one of protectiveness. It raised the hackles on the back of Leo's neck that infuriated him to the core. In the darkened quarters of the closet, Leo silently fumbled upon a large dildo that was lying on the floor at his feet. He picked it up in the darkness and knew instantly what it was. He then clutched it firmly in his fist as if it were a formidable and deadly weapon. After a couple more minutes of listening to Kidman's verbal abusiveness, Leo just couldn't ignore it any longer. His naked body leapt out of the closet, bursting into the open with the dildo weapon in his grasp. With fire in his eyes, Leo saw red and was determined to put an end to the travesty that had been going on undefended so far.

In a split second, Leo immediately scanned the room and recognized his favorite couple right off, looking hot as ever, sitting together on the bed. As he scanned the room further, he located Kidman and went straight for his newly acquired nemesis. Leo, going only on what Kidman's voice sounded like to him, had no idea what to expect upon singling out Kidman from the group. Not having officially met Kidman yet, Leo's mind imagined Kidman to be a tall and pale man with a medium build and an overabundance of pubic hair that obscured his overall average package.

Contrary to what Leo pictured in his head, Kidman had a dark, mid European complexion. He was slightly short in stature with a fairly muscular and toned body bearing several old looking and unremarkably washed out and discolored tattoos. His pubes, however, were immaculately trimmed, drawing attention to his thick meaty penis and low hanging balls. In sharp contrast to Kidman, Jenny and Jeremy were the very definition of an average, white, mid-American, mild-mannered newlywed couple with above average sex-appeal and unusually kinky tendencies.

Armed only with the dildo in his fist, (that turned out to be black with bulging veins and two hearty balls to hold on to), wielded it as if it were the dildo of death. With determination and fortitude, Leo who was significantly taller than Kidman with sandy blonde hair and a California tan, took immediate control of Kidman and made him his hostage by pummeling him with his instrument of erotic restitution.

As Leo gripped the couple's massive dildo, he held it by the balls and slapped and whipped the shit out of Kidman with it. Armed only with that one single object, Leo eventually overpowered and subdued Kidman with his speed and strength.

The couple reacted with surprise and cowered together as Leo furiously subdued Kidman with lightning speed. Staying out of Leo's way, they watched him take command. They knew that they were personally safe from Leo, based on their past experiences, but they watched in amazement at what Leo managed to do to Kidman with the only bludgeoning tool he had at his command.

They silently laughed internally as they instantly understood Leo's motives. Even so, they were still afraid for Kidman's life. After all, they felt slightly responsible for Kidman since he was a guest in their home. With Kidman stunned and dazed, Leo managed to strap Kidman's naked body in the couple's bondage chair and had him shackled up and immobile before Kidman knew what was happening.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Kidman seethed, returning to his senses. "Who the hell are you? Let me go right now or so help me!"

As Kidman gathered his strength, he forcibly tried to break loose from the thick leather binds and solid stainless-steel harnesses that held him captive. He soon discovered the futility of his efforts. Once Kidman realized that the couple's bondage chair was essentially inescapable and was clearly under Leo's control, he tried to intimidate Leo with coercion and verbal threats. Fortunately, Leo was smart enough to recognize what they were and ignored them.

"Once I get out of this chair, you're a dead man," Kidman bullied. "You don't know who you're dealing with, do you?"

Leo, being a man of few words, simply found the 2- inch two-second ball-gag he had used on Jeremy in their last encounter, and effortlessly slipped it over Kidman's head. He quickly silenced him by inserting the anatomically correct solid ball into his mouth and then tightened the pressure strap simply by pulling it snug with just two fingers. Kidman's eyes saw red. He was infuriated that he could be so easily humiliated and hushed by this simple yet effective device.

"Who is this guy?" Leo asked in a calm voice, hoping he hadn't overstepped his bounds by pinning Kidman to the chair.

"He is Kidman Walsh," Jeremy began.

"He is the BD Master from our BDSM club we recently joined," Jenny interjected. "I don't think strapping him to the chair is such a good idea."

"Why the hell not, Jenny?" Leo inquired. "The way he was talking to you guys, I think he needed to be taught a lesson in how to treat you and Jeremy with a little bit more respect!" Leo advocated.

"We were just trying to be good, cooperative subs," Jeremy answered.

"You're perfect just the way you are," Leo asserted. "By the way, I'm Leo... Leo Woods," he proudly chirped, finally introducing himself from out of left field.

"Ah, Leo," Jeremy exclaimed. "We've been wondering what your name was."

"Jeremy and I have talked about you a lot since you came in and out of our lives recently," Jenny said.

"We're really very glad to see you, Leo," Jeremy confessed. "Since you came to visit us unexpectedly last time, Jenny and I have been searching for a sex partner who was as hot and sexy as you. We now realize, that's a pretty tall order. That's how we came to sign up at this BDSM sex club, and that's how Kidman came to visit us today. He's here to audition us and evaluate us for membership."

"You guys don't need him," Leo pointed out, "and what's more, you have it better here than at any club you could ever hope to join. After we're done with this guy, we'll send him back to where he came from!"

"Sounds good!" Jeremy grinned.

"After we all have our way with him first, of course. Right?" Leo said, making his suggestions in the form of a question.

"Right," Jenny snickered.

Everyone laughed except Kidman. It would be his first time being made a sub instead of the Master and that wasn't sitting very well with him.

The little that Kidman knew about the mild-mannered couple who he was there to evaluate was enough to put his mind, at least partially, at ease. Jenny and Jeremy were both subs in Kidman's mind and he perceived them both to be inexperienced amateurs that he could easily control with ample safety. He knew not to expect any trouble from Jenny and Jeremy. Nevertheless, he also knew not to expect them to be of any help to him either. Leo however was the wild card. The way Leo handled Kidman was fierce and decisive and Kidman knew he'd better be extra careful with Leo. For Kidman, Leo did not fit the BDSM profile of Master or sub and he literally feared for his safety. Kidman was worried, especially coming from a rogue who apparently didn't have the necessary BDSM background and training for danger-free role playing.

The time for worrying and panic was over. Leo had successfully taken control of Kidman and wasted no time getting things started off on the right foot. Leo took Kidman's head in one hand, and with the other hand gave him a swift and powerful backhanded slap across the face. A gob of bubbly saliva flew out of Kidman's mouth between Kidman's lips and the ball-gag that went soaring through the air, landing on the wall just over everyone's head. Leo's unexpected gesture sent a deep personal message to Kidman to beware and not cross him.

A loud groan of pain was all the sound Kidman could make through the ball-gag as he sat, momentarily shocked and dazed.

"Now that I've got your attention, don't try anything or it can result in you losing any leniency I might afford you," Leo warned.

"Weren't you being a bit rough with him Leo?" Jeremy questioned.

"Not at all," Leo explained. "I'm just doing to him what he was probably going to do to all three of us."

"Don't be too tough on him," Jenny said, trying to appeal to Leo's kinder side.

"Too tough on him, you say?" Leo thought. "Okay, that would mean that I would have to have a generous, warm and compassionate nature to me. So then I'll start with something straight forward, how's that?"

Leo inspected the couple's bondage chair and discovered that it had a latch below the seat that allowed the chair to adjust and recline almost all the way into a laying back position. Kidman shot an evil glare at Leo as he continually tried to use intimidation as a tactic to breakdown Leo's arrogance and overconfidence. Filled with an even more prevailing lust for power, Leo repositioned the FortTroff sex machine over to use on Kidman. He lined up the thrusting armature against Kidman's rosebud orifice as his sphincter muscle twitched and quivered, anticipating what was about to happen. Leo then adjusted the machine slightly so the head of the dildo that was already attached to the machine would press against Kidman's anal canal without actually penetrating it. Then Leo picked up the remote control and, as if it were a precious gift, handed it to Jenny.

"Go ahead now, honey," Leo directed. "Pound the man into submission!"

Kidman's eyes widened as a wave of alarm jolted him to the core. At the same time, Jenny's eyes also widened as she relished the idea of having the machine in her control and having Kidman be her bitch, even if it were only for a short time.

Jenny got goose bumps up and down her arms when she prepared the dildo to penetrate Kidman's rear barrier. The fuck machine's motor made a slight stressed sound as the head of the large pinkish dildo encountered resistance. Even though the dildo still had a small bit of sticky leftover lube on it from it's previous use, it penetrated Kidman's dry and unusually tight hole, creating a sensation of utter surprise. Kidman let out an alarmed squeal as the apparatus popped in and then back out of his unwilling anal aperture. Kidman realized it still had eight more inches to go before it filled him up entirely and he flew into a state of panic.

Jenny's bitch was about to learn what it's like to go all the way as the hairs on her delicate arm stood on end. Kidman took in a sharp deep breath as the dildo went deeper into Kidman's anal canal a second and third time, ending in several more exclamations of terror. Fortunately for Kidman, as the fuck machine dilated his ass more completely, an almost imperceptible amount of lubricant on the dildo began to spread around evenly as it warmed up with the resulting friction, becoming more slippery as it went. That helped minimize Kidman's pain and Jenny was then able to play and manipulate the machine's speed control dial to her delight. As Jenny continued to fulfill her fantasy, Kidman's facial expressions showed definite evidence that he was receiving varying degrees of pain and ecstasy from each subsequent penetration.

Kidman continued to release a series of muffled moans, grunts, and whimpers as Jenny got increasingly more titillated by Kidman's vocal and physical responses to her maniacally frenzied manipulations.

This was far more erotic and titillating for Jenny than it was when she tried this same thing on Jeremy by himself. Jeremy was a great husband and a great lover in bed, but only when it came to straight romantic intercourse between them in the dark. For Jenny, experimenting with the BDSM lifestyle with people other than her husband was something that Jenny found much more compelling and arousing.

After a few minutes of intense butt-fucking, Jenny willingly relinquished the remote control to her husband Jeremy, just to see what he had in mind to do to Kidman next.

Jeremy got up off the bed, and with the remote control that Jenny had just handed him, stepped over to Kidman and inhaled his cock into his mouth, deep-throating him all the way down to the base. As Jeremy sucked Kidman, he adjusted the machine's speed to coincide with the rhythm of his sucking. Jeremy was intentionally making Kidman engage in a rhythmical pattern of moaning that Jeremy initiated, demonstrating his ability to control Kidman with just a few simple maneuvers.

Jenny watched her husband suck Kidman's cock, which was something Jeremy only recently learned to enjoy. It impressed his wife enormously. She slowly began to realize the genius of her husband as he began to establish and prove his new abilities and talents to everyone in the room, especially Kidman. His moaning and heavy breathing was proof that Jeremy was purposely manipulating Kidman and now owned Kidman's orgasm with specific intent to make him cum at will like a real Dom. That alone fully demonstrated his ability to be the `switch' (a person who can play the role of either the Master or the sub equally well).

Leo was intently watching all of it with great interest and enthusiasm. Leo then realized he didn't need to put Jenny and Jeremy in any kind of cuffs or bondage this time. Kidman completely filled the bill as the sub or slave of the group and Leo could now allow Jenny and Jeremy to fulfill their fantasies as a husband and wife `Master/Domme' team for this new round of BDSM role-playing.

Jeremy had shown the extent of his ability to play Master using Kidman as his sub. Now that he had proven his skills as a Master to himself as well as Kidman, Jenny and Leo, it was time he did what he wanted and pleased himself. Jeremy was still a novice when it came to man-to-man sex and he was curious to try a couple of things. He had Kidman at his disposal and Kidman was wide open to be used to teach a thing or two to Jeremy. Jeremy then invited Leo to take Kidman's rear position and take the place of the machine. Leo was very happy to give Kidman a taste of the real thing as Leo stepped up and moved the machine out of the way and traded places with it. Leo happily took Kidman's rear position and prepared to enter him using nothing more than spit as a lubricant, which was more than he'd gotten so far. Then Leo, who was considered the `vanilla' player of the group, began pounding Kidman's ass like Leo had done to Jeremy on his first encounter.

Kidman began to verbally object as his muffled protests fell upon deaf ears long before Leo could even deliver his first thrust. Since Leo didn't count the dildo that was mounted on the fuck machine a minute ago, he guessed that Kidman was straight and had never taken it up the butt before. Leo was excited to defile yet another virgin ass. After Leo had fucked Jeremy on his first time, it would now be Kidman's turn, becoming Leo's second virgin ass victim.

As Leo drove his cock deep into Kidman's ass, smashing his balls against Leo's pelvis, his protests became more urgent and a shrill outburst of pain escaped Kidman's muted mouth. Leo's fully erect penis had considerably more girth than the novelty based dildo had and Kidman learned what it was like to be the recipient of a real man's tool. Jeremy removed the ball-gag from Kidman's mouth and quickly shoved his cock down Kidman's throat before Kidman could start complaining.

Jenny continued to sit naked on the bed as she massaged her enlarged clit while enjoying the show her two favorite men were putting on for her. Watching her husband and Leo have their way with Kidman made her pussy hot and wet, especially since she really didn't like Kidman all that much anyway. Watching Kidman get it from both the front and the back at the same time prompted her to join the party.

Jenny got up off the bed and went over to Kidman. She lifted her leg and straddled Kidman's torso as if to ride him like a horse. She wiggled her ass against his rock-hard cock, slipping it up and down her ass crack. Her wet pussy deposited copious amounts of her female juices deep into his surrounding pubic hairs, just inches away from where Leo's cock was pelting Kidman's ass. Then she rubbed her breasts vigorously across Kidman's chin, just below where her husband was feeding Kidman his cock to suck. All four bodies were now in motion as everyone's breathing became labored.

Now that Jenny had joined in on the party that Kidman originally thought was a personal `let's tie up Kidman and abuse him' situation, Kidman slowly began to realize that this was a genuine sexual scene that wasn't that much different from what he himself had planned to do with Jenny and Jeremy before Leo became part of the equation.

Kidman was changing his mind about resisting the advances of Leo and Jeremy and was starting to become a willing participant in this unusual foursome. He had never been the `sub' in a `Master/sub' scenario and for the first time, he began to understand the draw and appeal of being controlled and dominated.

Leo was teaching Kidman what it was like to take a dick up the ass. It was something that Kidman had done to numerous `sub' partners in countless scenarios in the past, but had never taken one himself. The experience was not at all what Kidman had expected. There was a large degree of uncomfortable pain involved, especially at first. That eventually turned into exquisitely delightful and enjoyable pain. As Leo expertly targeted Kidman's smooth prostate, he evoked a pleasing surge of male G-spot tingling from down deep inside him. That caused Kidman to have multiple waves of orgasmic swells. It further caused him to begin moaning with climactic ecstasy as he approached Nirvana.

For Jeremy, it was time to change positions as he withdrew his cock from Kidman's mouth and came around to Leo's back side. Jeremy didn't feel it was necessary to muzzle Kidman any longer and allowed Kidman his vocal freedom. With Leo still pounding Kidman's ass, Jeremy moved closer to Leo's rear gate and synced his thrusting hips to Leo's. He carefully penetrated Leo's anal barrier and slipping all the way in. The two of them were now in fluid motion together.

Jenny saw her opportunity to spice things up, if only for her own amusement. She quickly cleaned the dildo that had been drilling Kidman a moment ago and lubed it up for her sweetheart. She went behind her husband and moved their new FortTroff sex machine around to her husband's back chute and lined up the attached dildo to his rear opening.

She started quivering as she began maneuvering the dildo mounted sex machine to Jeremy's ass, penetrating him slowly as he moaned. She started dripping, right where she stood as she increased the machine's speed. She breathlessly watched it fuck her husband's ass with artificial horse power while her husband fucked Leo, while Leo in turn fucked Kidman. Barely able to walk, she went back over to Kidman and mounted him, facing in the opposite direction from before. As she did, she and Kidman engaged in a straight, hot-and-heavy sixty-nine with each other.

Without a word, Kidman started lapping up the juices that were fervently dripping from Jenny's hot pussy while Jenny drew in Kidman's considerably hard cock, determined to make it spew into her mouth with deep anticipation. Just inches away from her face, her eyes beheld Leo, who was sliding his impressively rigid cock in and out of Kidman's ass with a sense of single-minded determination.

Even though she couldn't see him directly, Jenny was psychically connected to her dear husband by way of the FortTroff fuck machine's remote control. She blindly buried its long, thick, substantially gut-stuffing appendage into her husband's ass, knowing she had him right where she wanted him.

Surprisingly enough, out of the four of them, Kidman was now moaning the loudest as Leo's cock stimulated his throbbing prostate into producing a total body orgasm. In addition to that, Jenny's expert cock sucking further carried Kidman beyond the boundaries of a stellar explosion.

Leo was also close to the edge of cuming with Jeremy intuitively learning how to zero in on Leo's hidden prostate while Leo's own cock tunneled through Kidman's virgin ass. The inner walls of Kidman's chute started to squeeze and tighten around Leo's driving force, making his body lunge forward into a skyrocketing climax.

Jeremy was nearing his orgasm as well. His wife's remote-controlled manipulations made their FortTroff fucking machine approach its top speed, pushing its poor engine to its extreme superhuman limits. The sheer power of the fuck machine's strength and speed made Jeremy weak in the knees as the sheer noise of the machine's powerful motor reached its ultimate arousing clamor, completely taking his breath away. Jeremy somehow continued to drive his own penis into Leo's back door, driving him to the brink of madness while the machine relentlessly drove Jeremy insane.

Like what Kidman's ass was doing to Leo's cock, Leo's ass was now doing to Jeremy's cock, gripping his hefty pole as he fucked him.

Jenny's pussy was now on fire. She was as hot and wet as she could possibly be as her entire body quivered and throbbed above Kidman's snake-like tongue-explorer. He lapped at Jenny's swollen labia-lips, darting his tongue in and out of her exposed flesh, making her shudder with multiple waves of pure exhilaration. At the very same time, Kidman's cock began to swell within Jenny's mouth as she magically charmed the fiery sperm directly out of Kidman's distended balls. She had so aptly ensnared his cumload that she made him forfeit his liquid-gold fortitude with her seductive feminine wiles and cunning cock-sucking skills.

Kidman was the first of the group to climax. He was shocked to learn that he could no longer withhold his precious essence from Jenny as he tried to hold back his approaching climax and endlessly edge, as was his habit to do. All of a sudden, with no way to prevent it, Kidman began spewing his hot manly cream down her throat as he literally squealed in ecstasy, forcibly discharging his prized seminal fluids with a total loss of control.

Jenny was largely responsible for Kidman's penile orgasm as her sensual influences took on an almost mystical power. Leo, on the other hand was driving Kidman wild with an anal prostate orgasm, which was a mind-altering feeling Kidman had never experienced before in his life.

Kidman was changing his mind about how he felt about Leo as Leo completed the circle between him and Jenny. Kidman was beginning to fall in love with both Jenny and Leo as they worked together to induce a whole-body orgasm. Kidman was about to experience his first penile, anal, and prostate orgasm in a simultaneous triple threat climax.

Kidman's unexpected orgasm had triggered a sudden cascade of climaxes in the room that pulled everyone into a single-minded group orgasm.

The cacophony of individual moans and groans escalated from what started as a disjointed series of noises, to a room filling crescendo of erotic articulations. The intense impact of audible ecstasy and passion drew everyone to the very edge of their individual climactic orgasms, exploding into a single simultaneous group eruption.

Moments later, Jenny was the second member of the group to orgasm as Kidman's tongue took on a life of its own. He licked every square millimeter of Jenny's juicy hot snatch that his tongue could conceivably reach. He made Jenny squirt and shoot with a cock-like cum-load as if she had a macho cum-filled penis between her legs. As she squealed in earthly delight, Jenny pushed and held her thumb as hard as she could against the `max' setting on the fuck machine's remote control. She unconsciously willed the machine, which was pulverizing her husband's ass, to go beyond its maximum speed. Her husband nearly passed out from the overload of stimulation that the machine's engine was capable of dishing out.

Jeremy was the third person in the room to explode in ecstasy, just moments away from spraying his hefty load into Leo's gripping intestines.

"Oh my god, Jenny," Jeremy wailed with bated breath, "STOP!"

By the time Jenny slowed the machine down to a fraction of the speed it had been going, the onslaught of the fuck machine's relentless hammering had triggered Jeremy's balls into blasting their hearty jizz-load into Leo's ass with blistering force. The machine's speed slowly came to a stop as Jeremy's cock continued to pump his hot, white, cock contents into Leo's ass, literally whitewashing his anal walls with an overabundance of Jeremy-juice.

Leo was the fourth and final member of the group to cum. The combination of Kidman's ass, that was gripping Leo's cock as Kidman climaxed, in addition to Jeremy's cock, which was spewing his rich creamy cumload from the rear, seductively splashing the inner walls of Leo's ass, total put Leo over the top as he pumped his extra-large dose of Leo-brewed cream into Kidman.

After having their boisterous climax get propelled from the group's super-charged vocal chords, the ruckus soared energetically into a thunderous finale.

Then, everyone slowly drifted down from their high-flying voyage to Nirvana. Jenny finally lowered the speed of the FortTroff fuck-machine to setting one. That was just enough to make the machine pulse and quiver in a semi-suspended state, not completely turned off, but seemingly waiting to be brought back to life again. Poor Jeremy's pummeled ass listlessly slipped clear of the machine's vibrating dildo, once again leaving the armature hanging in midair. The pathetic machine looked like it was poised and ready to take off again at any second for a spirited second round. Jenny finally passed the machine's remote control over to Jeremy and he turned it off completely. Everyone's elevated afterglow seemed to last forever as the room quieted down into an eventual silence.

Jenny, Jeremy, and Leo all disconnected themselves from the group and sat at the edge of the bed, having spent every ounce of energy and stamina they had started with.

"Hey, isn't anyone going to untie me over here?" Kidman complained.

"I'm not sure!" Leo chirped. "I'm worried that you might decide to exact some kind of revenge on me... or I should I say, the three on us!"

"No, not anymore," Kidman explained. "I do admit, I did in the beginning. I'm not a sub. It's not in my nature to be a sub and I wasn't expecting to ever become one. I have to thank you though for that experience. Being made to be a sub for the first time in my life was certainly something I would never have done voluntarily. You guys made me see what I've been missing all this time. So, what do you say, untie me now?"

Jenny, the humanitarian of the group, got up off the bed to release Kidman from the chair. First, she returned Kidman's seat to an upright seated position and undid the binds that held Kidman in place. Once Jenny did that, Kidman rubbed his wrists and ankles while he stretched out from being confined in one place for so long.

"You're not going to just disappear on us like last time, are you Leo?" Jeremy genuinely asked.

"Well, I really should be going," Leo said, alluding to the pickle he was in.

Knowing exactly where it was, Leo fished out his prison issue orange jumpsuit from under the pile of clothes that they had gotten buried under and slipped them on his body.

"Thanks for your hospitality once again, Jenny, Jeremy," Leo said to the both of them. "You're both so fantastic!"

They all smiled at each other with affection.

"And it was good to meet you too, Kidman," Leo continued. "By the way, you have a great, tight ass!"

Leo winked at Kidman and then left the room. Kidman made a brief gesture to stop Leo from leaving, but Jenny and Jeremy both kept Kidman from interfering with Leo's departure.

"Didn't you see that?" Kidman pointed out. "He's wearing a prison uniform. What do you guys know about him anyway?"

"He came to us a couple of days ago, rather unexpectedly," Jenny began.

"And he is so hot, too," Jeremy added. "Jenny and I both like him very much and don't want to see any harm come to him. We actually didn't expect to see him again so soon. It was quite a nice surprise. I'm glad you got a chance to meet him. Wasn't he cool?"

"Yeah, right!" Kidman mockingly answered. "Cool!"

Kidman was actually in a quandary. He was beginning to think of Leo quite fondly as he was the only person who could've ever given him his first stellar experience into male barebacking, which was something he was dead set against ever trying. On the other hand, seeing Leo in his prison issue jumpsuit as he left the room was setting-off warnings and sounding alarms.

For now, Jenny and Jeremy had prevented Kidman from intercepting Leo before he could leave. Kidman was prepared to interrogate him with extreme suspicion and mistrust. Even though Kidman missed his chance to get his hands on Leo this time, he was not ready to drop the subject quite yet either. Only time will tell if their paths will ever cross again for Kidman to make another attempt. Until then, Kidman was going to have to be content to have had one of the most remarkable sexual experiences of a lifetime.

He had almost forgotten about the fact that he was on assignment to evaluate Jenny and Jeremy so he could determine their status for admittance to the BDSM club. That was going to prove impossible now since, as it turned out, it was Kidman who became the sub and Jenny and Jeremy who took on the roles of twin Dom/Masters along with Leo.

A few moments later, Jenny, Jeremy, and Kidman all heard the mechanical garage door engage as it opened, allowing Leo to make good on his retreat.

Jenny, Jeremy, and Kidman made their way to the car as they prepared to take Kidman back to the club where they had picked him up from.

"I'll submit my report to the club's admissions department and the committee will then inform you of the status of your acceptance," Kidman said, not sounding very hopeful. Since it seemed that both Jenny and Jeremy had become `switch' players, the club was not equipped to accommodate those types of members.

The car ride home was quiet and uneventful as Jenny and Jeremy silently relived their favorite parts of the Leo/Kidman scenario.

End of Chapter #2

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