The Incredibly Hot Intruder

Published on Jun 7, 2022


The Incredibly Hot Intruder Chapter 1

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The Incredibly Hot Intruder

By Paul S. Stevens

Chapter #1

"He seemed perfectly content here, wouldn't you say?" the night guard said to the desk clerk.

"I would," The desk clerk answered. "He's never made any attempts to just walk out of here before. That's the problem with these minimum-security prisons. All the inmates act like they're at home and can do whatever they want. Most of them can't be trusted. Sometimes I think they forget they're in a prison."

"At least he's not considered dangerous," The night guard commented. "He just thinks he's Doctor Spock."

"That's `Mr. Spock'," the desk clerk corrected. "You know, the pointed ear Vulcan science officer from the `Star Trek' TV show."

"Whatever," the night guard sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'll put out the A.P.B."

Leo Woods was an enormously patient and gentle man who was kind and considerate to everyone he knew. The sentries were guilty of always dropping their guard around him and Leo never gave them any cause to distrust him. He made everyone around him feel comfortable and at ease. Leo was in his early forties and he was a fairly good looking man. He had slightly slanted eyebrows and amazingly straight hair and even resembled his alter ego, Mr. Spock. He was slim and trim but very unassuming.

He was everybody's friend, in a loving `German Sheppard' kind of way and he took everyone, (inmates and guards alike) by surprise one night when he simply vanished into thin air. Leo saw an opportunity that was wide open and calling his name and he answered that calling by calmly and casually strolling out of the facility, totally unnoticed. No bells rang and no alarms sounded. In fact, no one even knew how long he'd been gone until the nightly bed check revealed that he was missing. A complete search of the facility turned up zero. When they found no trace of him whatsoever, he was then reported as being an officially escaped inmate. That, of course, threw the whole facility into chaos.

Many local law enforcement squads joined the search throughout the city, but turned up nothing. Several hours later, it started getting dark, which further hampered the search efforts. Leo, who was just aimlessly strolling the streets with no goal or purpose in mind, encountered a residential housing tract full of fairly new, single family homes. They were all very similar looking with nicely manicured landscaping and architecture. Each house looked very homey and inviting to Leo who was getting very tired from meandering through the city for hours with no real destination or purpose in mind. He was quickly getting hungry and thirsty and decided to start looking for a house where someone might have left a garage or carport unlocked. If nothing else, that would provide someplace with a roof over his head where he could rest, unobserved for the night.

Leo was walking up one of those streets, strolling the sidewalk, when up ahead about five or six houses, an opportunity presented itself. He slowly moved closer as a car drove up into the driveway of what looked like the perfect haven. Leo stopped and lingered in the shadows while the garage door opened all the way. He watched the car pull in and made himself inconspicuous as he slowed his pace even more, keeping out of their line of sight. Leo figured he wasn't going to get a better chance to slip into a sanctuary such as this, so he waited for the optimum moment. He quickly made his decision to go for it and took his chances.

Stepping out of the car was a handsome young couple that looked like they might have been newlyweds. The two were immaculately dressed as if they had just come home from their official honeymoon in Vegas. The wife was wearing a full length, tight fitting red dress that was dramatically slit up the side of the right leg. She was adorned with a pearl necklace and a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings that accented the lovely flowers in her hair. The husband was in an immaculate black tuxedo with a ruffled white shirt and a stylishly narrow red cummerbund. They were the very definition of a sexy, clean-cut, newlywed couple. Both of their hard-heeled dress shoes clopped loudly on the concrete floor as they walked from the car to the garage-kitchen entrance. They opened the access door to the kitchen and walked into the house. Before closing the kitchen door, the husband clicked the garage door remote control toward the roll-up door as it squeaked and rattled to a close.

Leo was taking the opportunity to lie in wait until the last moment when he slipped into the garage unnoticed. His quiet move was further masked by the creaking mechanical door that came to an unassuming close behind him. A few seconds after the door sealed shut, the garage lights automatically turned off. Then, the husband put away the garage remote control and stepped the rest of the way into the house, disappearing from Leo's sight. The garage turned eerily quiet and became momentarily black as pitch.

Leo stayed motionless, holding his breath for the next several minutes until his eyes got accustomed to the darkened space he found himself immersed in. A little at a time, the street lights from outside began to filter in through the one inch crack along the bottom of the garage door, and then eventually into the three-inch decorative glass panes that were spread high across the top of the rolling tract door.

Now that Leo was somewhat caught on the inside, he wished he had emptied his bladder before making this impetuous decision. It wasn't long before nature forced Leo to have to make his next move.

Opening the garage door to exit would no doubt create a ruckus, drawing the wrong kind of attention to the situation. He also figured he might not get another opportunity like this anymore tonight. That would force Leo to have to flee into the night where he might possibly get caught. Since that kind of outcome was undesirable to Leo, he decided to stealthily find the newlywed's bathroom and try to silently use their facility while he was still undiscovered. If the couple were typically relaxing and watching TV, he thought he might be able to slip past them and remain undetected while he used their facility.

As Leo silently entered the house through the garage/kitchen's corridor, he quickly discovered he must go down the hall and past the couple's bedroom to be able to get to his destination.

As he quietly made his way down the hall, he noticed the couple's bedroom door had been left wide open. The couple decided not to watch TV, but rather went straight to bed. As Leo quietly walked down the hall, he innocently glanced into the room. What he saw was the couple, stark naked and in bed together, freely making love above the covers, completely exposed.

Leo became momentarily distracted and mesmerized as he got aroused at the erotic sight. The couple, who were very engrossed in an arousing and sensual form of lovemaking, began flopping around on top of each other. They were breathing heavily and moaning in an erotic and sensual way, oblivious to all around them. The intruder froze in his tracks as Leo's obligatory celibate prison life caught him off guard. It instantly gripped him to the core and caused him to pop a huge boner right there where he stood.

The wife randomly turned her head toward the open door and flipped open her eyes, spotting Leo ogling her and her mate from the open door. In a fit of surprise and shock, she let out a blood-curdling shriek.

Leo didn't know what to do as he got caught totally off guard. He was suddenly faced with a fight-or-flight decision to have to make. At first, he thought about hiding, but he dismissed that idea right away knowing he now could be easily overpowered. He thought about running out of the house, but he thought, if he chose to run, should he go out the garage the way he came in? No, that might take too long. Should he go out the front door? No, as he thought about the real possibility that they might have a security system in place?

Then, as Leo quickly scanned the room, he noticed a letter opener sitting out in the open on top of the dresser. It had some gaudy costume jewelry encrusted on the handle. Even so, it did have the virtue of being a possible makeshift weapon. It was in the shape of a dagger and it looked very formidable. He wasn't a violent man by nature, but he was pushed into having to make a quick decision and that's the one he made.

Before the husband could jump out of bed and protect both he and his bride from the unexpected intruder, Leo rushed over to the dresser and grabbed up the dagger, turning the tables in his favor and taking command of the situation. Leo quickly looked around the large master bedroom to see what other objects were in the room that he could use to overpower, capture and maintain his control over the two until he could figure out what to do next.

At first, what looked like a collection of strange modern art and decorations were actually a clever arrangement of BDSM equipment and paraphernalia hanging from the walls, on the night stands, and on display in glass showcases that were propped up inside the open closet spaces.

The couple turned out to have a kinky nature to them. Leo observed what he considered to be an extensive arsenal of whips, chains, paddles, and handcuffs as well as an assortment of appendage spreaders, leather restraints, muzzles, suspension cuffs, vibrators, electo-stim devices, dildos and butt plugs. They also seemed to be well stocked with a slew of other BDSM associated equipment that Leo was just too innocent and naïve to identify or understand.

Wielding his new found-dagger, Leo ordered the wife to lie quietly on the bed, face down while he began binding and restraining the husband to a very conspicuously dominating device made of heavy duty stainless steel. It was a BDSM tuning-chair with fixed hand and leg cuffs permanently attached to it that was located right beside the bed.

Leo immediately shackled the husband in it, using its built-in cuffs and restraints. Leo was in awe at how easy it was to restrain and use the couples own erotic equipment against them.

Once the husband was completely and hopelessly subdued in the chair, he turned his attention to the wife.

Leo then ordered the wife to turn over and lie face up so he could enjoy seeing her in her full glory. Using the couples leather cuffs and appendage spreaders, Leo proceeded to bind the wife to the bed until he was sure that, like her husband, she was equally bound and left in an utterly submissive state. The look of unconditional servitude washed across the wife's face. She faced her husband and looked into his eyes as he sat bound in the chair next to the bed, just a few feet away.

She looked at him, hoping to get some kind of solace from her man. He had none to offer. Since he was now unable to overcome the situation he was in, the only thing he could do was succumb to the mercy of their unwanted intruder. Leo then positioned his clothed body on top of the wife's smooth and bound nakedness and he gave her a quick kiss on the side of the neck. Leo could feel her heart start racing as the veins in her neck started pounding. Leo whispered something directly into her ear which was intentionally too quiet for her husband to hear, even as close as he was to her.

Leo, now having the upper hand, lost all his apprehension and trepidation. His hidden sense of control and dominance suddenly emerged, bubbling to the surface, leaving him intoxicated with power.

At this point, Leo left the room, confidently knowing that the two of them were totally immobile and no longer a threat. They were quite securely bound and incapable of going anywhere, anytime soon. They didn't know where their captor had taken off to. While Leo was out of the room, the husband whispered over to his wife.

"Listen, sweet heart," he said in a quietly gentle tone. "This guy is an escaped convict."

"How do you know that?" she whispered back.

"Did you notice his clothes? They look like the generic type of jumpsuits that are common prison issue." he answered. "He's probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years."

He looked at his wife and saw the panic on her face. He found their situation heartbreaking, yet at the same time, incredibly hot and erotic.

"I saw how he kissed your neck," he said as he popped a stiff boner, "If he wants sex, don't resist. Don't complain. Do whatever he tells you to do, and do it willingly."

The wife didn't have the heart to tell her mate what Leo had whispered to her. She felt that her husband was better off not knowing and saved him from having a needless breakdown. The husband noticed a small tear form in the corner of his dear wife's eye, and he got even more aroused.

"Satisfy him no matter how much he disgusts you," her husband continued. "This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he might kill us both. Be strong, sweet heart. I love you!"

As Leo stepped into the bathroom, his boner softened as his need to urinate had become something he could no longer ignore. He was now able to saunter anywhere in the house, secure in the knowledge that he could now do whatever he wanted.

While Leo was relieving himself in the couple's bathroom, his interaction with the naked pair got him aroused again. As he held his penis in his hand, his fervid, titillating thoughts started to get to him. As he finished urinating, his exceedingly hard boner he had a few minutes ago, returned with even more urgency. As Leo came back to the couple's bedroom, his captors were not at all surprised that their unforeseen intruder had disrobed in the bathroom and re-entered the sanctity of their bedroom, wearing nothing but his rock-hard boner and a wicked smile.

The couple took one look at the intruder's naked body, and the very size of his package made them both flush with exhilaration. The husband's boner got even harder as he imagined his wife getting serviced by this Adonis. The wife knowing what she knew about the intruder's intentions made her nipples stand on end as she almost passed out.

For a moment, the innocent couple became confused and bewildered. Was Leo going to take on the role of a power principal? Maybe, now that his subjects were within his control and were totally at his mercy, Leo no longer felt he was a prisoner of his own inhibitions. Leo began to feel he could exercise his dominance and get away with it. All three of them were about to become unwilling participants of a little game of `master' and `slave'.

Now that Leo was naked and standing in their doorway, it made them think. They were starting to second guess their original notion that Leo was just a random escaped convict that had broken into their house. The way that this intruder seemed to know his way around their BDSM equipment and protocols suggested that perhaps one of their many BDSM friends may have set them up. Perhaps they had purposely arranged for them to experience a post honeymoon night of devilish `D/s', (a set of behaviors, customs, and rituals involving the submission of one person to another in an erotic episode or game). It might have even been meant as a thoughtful gift to extend their honeymoon one more day before settling in to their mundane married life. That means that their intruder's prison attire may have been a clever ruse to enrich their BDSM experience and throw them off track? The thought of that possibility cast a whole new light and complexion on what was happening to them.

Leo momentarily stood at the doorway a little longer, assessing the scene. First, he thought that, since they were all bound up, he could leave now and be long gone before either of them could free themselves and call in the police. There was a problem with that though. It could be several days before the couple could work themselves free of their bindings. Perhaps they might attract the attention of a friend or relative who would come to their rescue, looking for them as they became missing in their daily lives. He began to imagine them dying of hunger or thirst before they could get the break they needed. Leo was too nice of a guy to leave his captor's fate in the hands of random chance.

Looking at the pair, the husband and wife, in turn, looked at each other in silence. They were peering into each other's eyes, trying to figure out who might have sent this stranger to them.

As Leo watched them from his vantage point, still standing at the doorway, he knew he had the perfect opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream. His hormones were running wild, influencing Leo's decision. All three of them were naked and Leo's captors were securely tied up and in no position to resist him. Just leaving the pair in this situation was no longer an option as Leo's libidinous coursed through his body.

The next thing you know, Leo became fixated on their sex appeal. He imagined he was about to get an imaginary conjugal visit here on the outside. The prospect of having sex, and the fact that his partners were unable to stop him or fight back, got Leo's cock super charged. Leo quickly got hooked on the idea and there was no changing his mind anymore. If Leo was right, it looked like whatever Leo did with his captors would be perfectly accepted by this kinky couple, and that made Leo all the more excited.

The wife was unusually calm as she thought about the secret she was withholding from her husband. The knowledge made her unbelievably hot and wet. Her neck tingled with goose bumps as she recalled what Leo had whispered to her.

"Don't worry, ma'am," he had said to her earlier, under his breath so only she could hear him. "I'm not going to hurt you. It's him I want!"

As Leo finally entered the room after what seemed like forever, he was as hard as he'd ever been in his life. He walked in and made his way over to the husband straight off. The husband was still sporting his ultra hard erection at the time, thinking he was about to watch his wife get pummeled sexually by this dominating stranger. As he reached the husband, Leo bent down and took the man's boner into his hand.

A startled look came across the husband's face as Leo began to stroke him firmly. The irresistible sensation left the husband speechless. Next, Leo knelt on the floor in front of the husband and took his incredibly large, throbbing gift into his mouth as his hands wandered all over the man's chest and abs. The husband thought he was going to lose his boner, but instead, Leo had the husband's boner skillfully grow unexpectedly stiffer as the husband began to leak his tasty precum for his master.

The wife started to whimper softly as she watched this total stranger swallow her husband's cock, all the way down his throat. Even though the couple were firmly into BDSM, she had never seen another man even touch her husband sexually before. She found the sight incredibly hot and intensely erotic, especially since he was bound to the chair and unable to prevent it. The husband's accelerated breathing wordlessly revealed that getting his cock ravished was in fact turning him on in a big way.

"What do you think you're doing?" The husband half-heartedly complained.

The husband and Leo both knew that the husband's complaint was empty and meaningless since his body betrayed his words, revealing the truth. Leo looked around the room again and spotted a black, round, rubber-like object that had an elastic strap attached to both ends. Leo grabbed it up and studied it for a second, thinking that this thing had to have some kind of potential use in this situation.

"Don't you dare use that on me, buddy," the husband growled.

Until the husband said what he just had said, Leo didn't really know what it was he was holding in his hands. Thinking about it for a second, Leo looked at the object more carefully and made the connection between what he was holding and the husband's warning. Leo brought the object to the husband's lips and saw in fact that it was just the right size to be used to muzzle someone's mouth. The husband instinctively squeezed his mouth and lips shut to prevent Leo from inserting the device into his oral cavity.

Leo, having spent many years in the penal system, knew what to do and how to handle the situation. Having watched many guards forcefully have to administer medications to their unwilling inmates, Leo squeezed the husband's nose closed until the husband opened his mouth to breath. Leo then simply stuffed the muzzle into the husband's mouth with virtually no resistance and then fastened the strap behind the husband's head without the husband getting a second chance to object. The husband was now successfully muzzled and silenced with this simplistic, yet effective device.

Leo was now free to do whatever he wanted to do without any verbal distractions coming from the husband. Leo didn't want to hear any more false complaints from him, especially since he, and his captor, knew better. Leo didn't concern himself with the wife, since she was being relatively quiet and cooperative and far too interested in what she was witnessing. Besides, the husband was Leo's main focus and he was just getting started with him.

Now that Leo had given the husband a great warm-up blow job, he kind of wanted the husband to reciprocate and suck on his big one. But, Leo hadn't thought that one through very well and since he had just muzzled the husband's mouth, he couldn't very well suck on his dick that way, so he went on to a second choice and turned to the wife.

Leo turned around and kneeled on the bed and pointed his stiff pole towards her mouth. She seemed to be very willing as she opened her mouth wide to ensnare Leo's offering before he could change his mind. She chowed down on Leo's massive man-rod. She couldn't help comparing Leo's love muscle with her own husband's familiar meaty pole. Making the comparison between her husband, which she was infinitely familiar with, to Leo's throbbing tool, which she was now nursing on, had her reeling as she concentrated on analyzing the two men in her mind.

She first noticed the taste and flavor. As she nursed on Leo's rigid lollypop, she could determine the difference between the anatomy of her husband and this incredibly hot intruder. She detected a difference in their diets, what they ate and if they were smokers or not. She could smell the level of personal hygiene between them and could even sense the overall frequency and regularity of which they masturbated by how they handled themselves. Next, she detected the variations of their biology, the size, length and girth, as well as the shape of their succulent hanging fruit. Another factor was the amount of hair that surrounded their luscious shooters, including the texture and curliness of their erogenous pubes. The size, shape and mass of their balls were also a huge aspect in the overall summation and sensuality of what they were packing. Leo was also able to move his balls up and down as she sucked him. Her husband wasn't able to do that. All in all, she secretly loved having the stranger's cock in her mouth above and beyond her own mate's pleasure tool. She swallowed hard on Leo's horny staff to get all the enjoyment out of it that she could.

Leo started to feel an orgasm approach and withdrew from the wife's exuberantly executed blowjob before she could manage to suck him completely off. As he pulled away from her, the wife let out a sound of sheer disappointment which made Leo's cock jump. Since her hands were bound, she was unable to devour his cock and finish the job she had started. She desperately wanted to make Leo cum in her mouth so she could further compare the two men's subtle flavors and understand why she felt so attracted and drawn to this unique individual.

Leo desperately didn't want to be cuming this soon. There were a bunch of different things that Leo still wanted to tryout on the husband before he personally achieved the ultimate orgasm. Leo knew all three of them were going to cum en masse as they all barreled towards their individual climaxes.

One of the things that Leo was very interested in doing was finding out what it was like to slide his throbbing cock into the husband's hot, hairy hole. Leo stood in front of the husband and lifted him from a sitting position, to a standing position. So far, the man was cooperative and didn't know yet what Leo had in mind for him. While still in a standing position, the husband's arms and legs were still cuffed to the restraining chair. Stepping into the chair behind him, Leo sat on the warmed stainless steel seat. Then, he positioned his cock towards the husband's puckered orifice. Leo then generously wet his cock with spit and then applied the remainder to the husband's crack.

The husband was just now starting to understand what Leo was about to do. Leo grabbed the man by the waist and pulled him down onto his quivering cock as he prepared to penetrate his partner from behind. The husband, being very homophobic about anal sex, became rigid and resisted being pulled down. One of the worst fears the husband could ever imagine was about to come true. He then squeezed his sphincter muscles closed to prevent the intrusion as his whole body stiffened. He closed his eyes as a wave of panic and fear swept through him.

Again, innocent Leo had no idea about the fear that was building up and consuming his victim. Leo then pulled the man down a second time. This time, the husband lost his balance and got impaled onto Leo's solid column of unyielding man meat.

Even with being muzzled, the man let out a horrific shriek as his body took an uncontrolled free fall all the way down into Leo's lap. He finally came to a full stop when the husband's ass cheeks came to a rather undignified stop at the base of Leo's cock.

The man quickly came to the realization that squeezing his sphincter muscle closed was not the ideal thing to do. Dealing with the unexpected pain made him realize that he had to reverse his thinking. Now that Leo's cock was fully engulfed in the husband's ass, he began taking long, slow pumping movements. The man immediately tried to relax as he slowly settled into a less invasive sensation.

Leo firmly put both hands on the man's fleshy buttocks and lifted his body up so Leo's cock could easily slide in and out of the man's chute in a sensuously thrusting dance. The husband continued to utter a series of softer, yet fervid moans as the man vocally objected to his first anal fucking. In and out went Leo's cock as he quickened his pace and started a rather erotic rhythm.

Watching her husband get his first ass thrashing made the wife start dripping and her clitoris swelled up to three times its normal size. Her inability to touch herself made her pelvic region become oversensitive as the denial made her major and minor labia lips enlarge and grew.

Like a man's penis that swells up during an erection, her clit began to distend and protrude to the surface, taking on a penis-like appearance including a virtual penis head and glans attached to a two-inch penis stem. Essentially, her clit mimicked a miniature cock and all that goes with it. She started to heave her hips up and off the bed, making her clit recede inward, and then back out again as she returned to the surface of the bed. Her body started to quiver as her thrusting was causing her engorged clit to essentially receive a hands-free stroking similar to masturbating a penis. Without touching herself, she began inducing wave upon wave of multiple orgasms while she watched Leo pump and fuck her husband well into submission.

Leo and his rather defiant captor were both starting to settle into the incredible sensations they were both sharing. The husband's lyrical lamenting gave way to a series of poetic moans of ecstasy as Leo's cock perfectly brushed against his captor's delicate prostate, a feeling that the husband had never experienced before. Leo and his subjugate partner's bodies finally got synchronized together and a harmonious pairing of the two began. They had finally transcended the initial boundaries of unpleasant pain to the elevated supremacy of an erogenous rollercoaster ride to orgasm heaven. The husband was now participating in the dance as the two worked together.

Leo zeroed in on the husband's prostate as he flawlessly bounced up and down on Leo's cock. This was something the man never imagined himself doing let alone doing with such fervor and zeal. The wife got caught up in what the two of them were doing as they thrashed around, pounding each other senseless. Eventually, they achieved perfect harmony.

Leo felt the interior walls of his partner's anal canal begin to swell up. He sensed him surpass the limits of an ordinary orgasm and get elevated to an out-of-this-world galactic climax. Leo was quite surprised that such an avid neophyte could achieve such an immense hands-free anal orgasm like this being a complete novice. Then it all began. As the man's anal chute clamped-down on Leo's cock, it pushed him over the edge and both men began whooping and screaming in ecstasy as they both prepared to pump and squirt their hot creamy loads together.

Leo felt his orgasm rush to the tip of his quivering cock when the husband's anal walls squeezed tighter around Leo's cock, gripping it as the man's orgasm swelled up inside him. Leo immediately lifted his partner up off his lap, just high enough for his bulging cock to pop out of his partner's anal haven. Leo then lowered his partner carefully back down over the top of his cock. Both of their cocks were only inches apart and ready to erupt.

The wife had never seen her husband shoot his load before, and she was in for a treat. The husband, who usually pumped his load directly into his wife, shot his first volley. The wife, witnessing her husband shoot his load freely, started spewing a string of her own multiple orgasms as she watched her husband begin to shoot his ardent hands-free load, flinging it halfway across her body.

As Leo started to climax, his partner's urethra surged and pumped its load, contracting over the top of Leo's cock and stimulating him to start shooting his own load. Leo shot his first explosion along with the husband's second. The two men were now pumping their wads, one after another, totally hands-free. They were now launching their two loads of jizz simultaneously, drenching the wife and the bed with a combination of their hot, slick velvety essence.

Both men were now writhing in ecstasy, twisting and squirming as they both yelled out their overtures of intense delight. The wife got crazed with lust as the two men, uncontrollably got caught up in their orgasms. They prolifically blasted their liquid sperm all over the bed, as well as the wife's navel, and upper thigh.

As the two men oozed the last few drops of cum out of their cocks, they were both feeling very proud of themselves having put on a spectacular show. All three participants were completely spent as they quietly allowed themselves to drift down from the lofts of Nirvana and return to earth having enjoyed an unforgettable experience together. Without intending to, the couple got exactly what they tried so many times to achieve on their own and failed. They got dominated by Leo who succeeded to make both of them submit to him without becoming dangerous or harming either one of them.

Leo climbed out from under the husband and left the room again, leaving the two still bound in their places. He went into the bathroom again, washed up a bit and then got dressed. He returned a few minutes later and thanked the couple for putting up with him and then apologized for putting them through such an ordeal. He decided to release the wife only by removing her left arm from the spreader cuff so she could use it to unbind her other arm and then her legs, ultimately freeing herself completely.

If she did the logical thing and immediately released her husband next, all that activity should give Leo the necessary time to get out of the house and disappear into the night never to be heard from again.

"No, don't go," the wife pleaded. "That was some of the best sex we've ever had. My husband and I haven't been married all that long yet, but you are one incredibly hot intruder."

"That's all I am," Leo said. "I'm on the run and have to keep moving"

"We'll never forget you," the wife indicated.

Leo then did what he intended and released the wife's left arm. Wasting no time, Leo promptly disappeared.

By the time the wife got her and her husband free, Leo was gone. The couple decided not to call the police or press any charges. They still weren't sure if Leo was a random runaway inmate, or was sent to them by someone they knew. It all could have been an act. The unusual ordeal put the couple's relationship on the straight and narrow, and the whole experience ended up improving their overall sex life.

Since Leo stumbled upon the couple's home quite randomly, he tried to remember where it was in case he might want to pay his new acquaintances another visit in the future. Since they never told each other their names, Leo felt secure in his anonymity. Although the couple were much more careful about watching out for intruders in the future, they never saw the stranger again, however, they always looked back on their experience with him as divine providence.

End of Chapter #1

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