The Hypnomaster

Published on Nov 14, 2023


The Hypnomaster Chaptrer 7

The HypnoMaster

This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between
age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such
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By Cary Harvey Church



Characters list and bios

Name: Sebastian Webster

Age: 39

Height: 5`9”

Build: Average with a few extra pounds

Nationality: British (English)

Location: Winchester, Hampshire, UK

Dependants: None

Relationship: Single

Name: Peter Johnson

Age: 68

Height: 5`11”

Build: Average and athletic

Nationality: American (Texan)

Location: Austin, Texas, USA.

Dependants: Unknown

Relationship: Unknown

Name: Adam Boyle

Age: 17 but says he is 18

Height: 5`11”

Build: Thin

Nationality: British (English)

Location: Winchester, Hampshire, UK

Dependants: Unknown

Relationship: Unknown

Chapter 7 - Adam from Grindr

I finish my dinner. I am trying to get used to my new life under surveillance. Some of the cameras Dave and Barry have fitted are motorised and can move around. They make a whirring sound when they do. I am having to adjust to the noise as I walk past one as it follows me. It kind of turns me on that my naked body is always on show to Sir.

My cock is constantly straining behind its cage. I am always horny and hard, but the cage stops me from getting erect. Sir, will electric massage my cock at a random time. It seems like whenever I do a chore, it will buzz into life. The buttplug is used at the same time. Am I getting rewarded when I do tasks? Maybe Sir is conditioning me.

I am washing up my dinner dishes. I can see the camera in the reflection of the window. It is firmly focused on my naked body. I am distracted by it and the sensations going on in my cock and arse. I knock over the glass on the sideboard. It falls to the floor with a smash. I am barefoot, and glass is everywhere.

That is the moment my cock gets a hard zap. I wince and clutch my cock as it gets repeated zaps. My buttplug has stopped vibrating. All I am getting is hard, painful zaps to my cock. They are not stopping. I am being punished. I look up to the camera and say “Sorry Sir” as I bow my head, but the zaps don’t stop. They are getting stronger and more painful. I tiptoe over the glass whilst being zapped. It is hard to keep my balance, but I make it to the cupboard with the broom.

I sweep up the glass. The zaps get less intense the more I clean up. I am sure Sir is training me. I get the dustpan and brush and sweep up all the glass into the bin. The zaps stop. I let out a sigh as I don’t think my cock could take much more.

I finish up in the kitchen. I am getting nothing now from the chastity device or the buttplug. Maybe they have run out of power. Maybe haven’t earned a reward. Perhaps I have disappointed Sir. I look up at the clock in the hallway. 8 pm. Two hours till I can see Sir.

The doorbell goes. I jump with a startle. I am not expecting anyone. I wouldn’t invite anyone over when I am like this. I shout towards the door “Who is it?”

The doorbell goes again. “What the hell,” I say out loud getting closer to the door. Unsure if I should open it or not.

Sir’s voice comes out of the camera near the front door “Answer it, slave. Do whatever that person wants.”

I flick into full slave mode. I kind of go blank in the head. I am operating on autopilot. I open the door. The man on the other side doesn’t wait for me and just pushes the door open. It knocks me back in the hallways. He then forces me to the floor and stands over me. He is tall. Six foot. Young. Really young. Only just 18. He has a real arrogance about him.

He slams the door shut and just stands right over me, looking down at me. I just look pathetically up at him. How am I letting this young guy overpower me? I am stronger than him. But I feel weak and powerless to him. He is just standing there, staring down at me.

“So you the slave?” he eventually says

“Erm, Yes Sir” I reply

“A guy on Grindr said I could come here and do whatever I fucking wanted to you and you would pay me for it.”

“Yes, Sir. Whatever you want, Sir” I reply to this hot 18-year-old. My cock is straining inside its cage at the hot scene that is happening in front of me.

He starts to undo his fly and gets his cock out. It’s soft but still big. “How much for me to piss all over you then?”

“Erm… £10?” I reply, not knowing what Sir wants me to do.

“Higher” He barks back at me.


“Stop wasting my time. £100 for my piss.”

“I don’t think I have got that much cash on me, Sir.”

“Are you kidding me? I was promised money and a shag” he gruffs “It has taken me 20 minutes to get here.”

“I am sorry, Sir” I am trying to think quickly how I can get out of this “I am sure we can come to some arrangement.” As I say this, he just steps over me and walks into my home. I get back to my feet and follow him.

“Nice place you got here” as he picks up an ornament off the side table. He turns around to look at me. His cock is still hanging out of his trousers. “This worth much?”

“Erm, I don’t think so. Sorry Sir” am I being robbed?

“Where is your wallet?”

“Erm, it’s on my desk over there, Sir” what am I doing.

He drops the ornament on the floor and walks over to my desk and goes through my wallet. He takes the cash out. “£60 not much is it,” he says disgruntled as he shoves the money in his pocket. He walks over to the patio doors to the garden and looks out into the garden. “Is that your bike?”

“Erm Yes Sir”

“Not anymore” he chuckles as he clicks the doors open and wheels it into the living room leaving tyre marks on the carpet. He takes it to the front door and rests it against the wall. “I suppose that will have to do” as he walks back at me and pushes me back to the floor. The confidence and arrogance of this lad is unbelievable. He stands over me with his cock hovering above my head.

His cock then just starts pissing. He isn’t holding it, so the spray is going everywhere. Over me. Over the carpet. I pull myself up to get to the end of his cock, and I put it in my mouth and drink his piss down. I look up at him as I drink his piss from his cock, but he is just looking around the room whilst he gets a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it.

I never let anyone smoke in my home, but I know I am going to have to let him do whatever he wants. It is what Sir wants from me. His piss finally comes to an end. He had a lot of piss. I am full of all his hot boy piss.

“Come on, piss cunt. Suck all the piss out of my cock” he orders without looking at me. I suck and slurp at his cock. He is starting to get hard in my mouth. It feels great having his cock grow in my mouth. “What you got to drink around here?” he asks, still not looking at me but occasionally flicking his cigarette ash at me.

I take his hard cock out of my mouth so I can say “Anything you want Sir” I was ordered to do anything the boy wanted. I immediately go back to working his cock.

“Got any vodka?” He asks. He has spotted the drinks cabinet on the other side of the room. He just walks off to it, knocking me over and pulling his cock out of my mouth. I scurry across the floor with him to the drinks cabinet and get back to sucking his cock as he pours himself a large neat vodka and takes a gulp. “Ugh, you got any coke to go with this?”

I precise myself off his gorgeous young cock “Yes Sir, in the kitchen”.

“Go on then, get it for me” he snarls down at me. He was pissed off that he even has to ask.

I start to get up to walk to the kitchen “No on all fours. Like a dog” he commands. I go back down and scurry along the floor on all fours as he has ordered. He walks behind me, kicking me in the arse “Come on hurry up” he says as he wallops his shoe into my balls making me collapse to the floor face first. He kicks me in the side “Get up you useless cunt”.

I look up at him with pleading eyes as I pull myself back on all fours and scurry as fast as I can to the kitchen. I go straight for the cupboard that has the cans of coke and hands him one. He grabs it from me and pours some coke into his vodka glass. He looks around as he surveys the kitchen. “So this is where you got spanked and fucked by those two guys” he smirks to himself “that was hot. The main reason I came tonight.”

“Sir?” I ask. “How do you know that?”

“You are a stupid cunt aren’t you!” he says as he gesticulates with his drink towards the camera mounted on the wall. He takes a big suck on his cigarette and blows the smoke into my face. I squint as the smoke hurts my eyes and turns away.

“Open your mouth you stupid cunt.” he orders

I turn back to face him and open my mouth. He then flicks a big load of cigarette ash into my mouth. I yack and swallow it. It tasted foul in my mouth.

“Open your mouth you stupid cunt.” he orders again

I do as ordered. He then hacks up in his mouth a big bit of flem and gobs it into my mouth. It tastes of cigarettes mixed in with the ash already in my mouth. I want to wretch, but I resist and swallow the foulness in my mouth. I open my mouth back for him. He blows more smoke in my face and down my open mouth. He flicks more ash into my mouth. He then stamps out his cigarette on my kitchen floor.

His hard beautiful cock is still sticking out of his zipper. He sees me eyeing it up. “You really want this cock don’t you?” he asks

“Yes, Sir” I really do.

“Well, what are you waiting for you stupid cunt” as he takes a big gulp of his drink and then spits some of it at me. The stickiness of the drink running down my face and chest. I scurry across the floor and get back to sucking him off. He stands there drinking his vodka and coke as I work his cock hard in my mouth. Sucking his cock is getting the foul taste of ash and cigarette out of my mouth.

“Over the table like you did for those men”, he orders “I want to fuck you now.”

I get up and bend over the table. He is straight in there and fucking me hard. “Fuck yeah” he exclaims as he fucks me so fast and hard. “Oh, I am close… Oh yeah. Oh, fuck yeah!” he lets. I can feel his cock pump his hot boy cum up my arse. He pulls his cock out and stands back. “Come and clean it, you stupid cunt”. I turn around to look back at him. He’s standing with his cock dripping with cum. He looks so hot and young. I would typically be the one topping him. But here I am. His fuck toy. His cock cleaner.

I get down on my knees and suck his cock clean of cum and arse juice. His cum tastes fantastic. Sweeter and more delicious. I am so addicted to the taste now. Suck every last drop out of his cock. I look up to see his face and can see he is posing to the camera on the wall. He knows he is being watched and doesn’t care.

He suddenly looks down at me and to the floor. With a disgusted look, he points to the floor below me and says “Eww, you scuzzy cunt!”

I stop sucking him off and look down to see all his cum has leaked out of my arse and onto the floor. Without a moment's thought, I am down on the floor, licking it all up.

“Fuck me, you are a real cum whore!” he says as he zips himself up and walks out to collect my bike and wheels it out of the front door. He rides off, leaving my front door wide open. I keep licking up his cum from the floor. I just can’t stop myself. I must eat it. It tastes so good.

I stand up and wipe the last of his cum from my arse and lick my fingers clean. I let out a big Mmm as I do it. What have I turned into?

By Cary Harvey Church


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