The Hypnomaster

Published on Oct 31, 2023


The Hypnomaster Chapter 5

The HypnoMaster

This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between
age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such
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By Cary Harvey Church



Characters list and bios

Name: Sebastian Webster

Age: 39

Height: 5`9”

Build: Average with a few extra pounds

Nationality: British (English)

Location: Winchester, Hampshire, UK

Dependants: None

Relationship: Single

Name: Peter Johnson

Age: 68

Height: 5`11”

Build: Average and athletic

Nationality: American (Texan)

Location: Austin, Texas, USA.

Dependants: Unknown

Relationship: Unknown

Name: Dave Hill

Age: 53

Height: 6`3”

Build: Athletic

Nationality: British (English)

Location: Essex, UK

Dependants: None

Relationship: Single

Name: Barry Brooks

Age: 46

Height: 5`6”

Build: A few extra pounds

Nationality: British (Welsh)

Location: Essex, UK

Dependants: None

Relationship: Single

Chapter 5 - Under Surveillance

The doorbell goes. It is just gone 9 am the next day. I had had a tough night with the new chastity device, and my cock continually wanting me to masturbate. But I had done all that Sir had set me. I had finished showering, shaving and the control box was fitted back on the chastity device. I could see all my clothes again, but Sir had told me to stay naked.

I open the door wide. Not hiding my naked body. Two men are standing there. One is quite fat and short with brown hair, looks late forties, and the other is tall and is very muscly with blonde, grey hair more in his fifties. The taller man speaks first. “Well well look what we got here Barry” as he smirks over to Barry, the shorter fatter man. “Pete said he’d got a gooden.”

Barry sucks his teeth before he speaks “Come on, slave out the fucking way” as he lugs a toolbox with him past me. “I am Barry, and this is Dave, but you can call us Sir. Get it?”

“Yes Sirs” I pipe up shocked that I am letting these strangers into my house to install surveillance equipment whilst been naked.

“Nice little device you got there,” Dave says as he gropes my chastity cage, making my cock get all excited again.

“Thank you, Sir,” I say as I am gormlessly watching them enter and take over.

“Now be a good little slave and bring those boxes in,” Barry says.

I look down the path and to the pavement and can see a stack of boxes near my gate. They are expecting me to fetch them naked. I remember what Sir said yesterday. I must do everything they say. “Yes, Sir. Anything you wish, Sir” I respond.

I look out the door to see if the coast is clear and then I dart down the path and grab a few boxes and head back to the door. Just as I am getting to the door, Dave slams it shut in my face. I can see them both laugh at me through the window. I don’t know what to do. I just stand there waiting. Barry then comes and opens the door. “Come’on slave. We haven’t got time for you to muck about outside. Lots to do today. Now get the rest of them quick smart.”

I drop the boxes off in the hallways and go back for more. I have made three trips and just returned with more boxes when Dave is walking past the front door again and slams it in my face again. I can hear him laugh his face off and saying to Barry “That stupid cunts locked himself out again” They are both have a lot of fun with this. I am secretly enjoying the danger and risk of being caught too.

Barry comes and opens the door again. “You should be more careful”.

I give Dave a glaring look, his smile disappears, and he pulls out his phone, and my chastity device gives me the biggest shock I have ever had from the device. I fall to the floor, clasping my caged cock. He zaps me again and again as I squirm on the floor in pain.

“Oi Dave, Pete said not to use it at full power.”

“He glared at me, though. The little shit” Dave grumbles “He needs to learn who is boss around here” As he zaps me again and for longer.

“Enough Dave” as Barry takes his phone off him and puts it down on the table.

Dave stands over me. I am lying in a collapsed mess on the floor from all the electric shocks to my genitals. He spits down at me. “You learned your lesson, slave?”

“Yes, Sir. I am sorry, Sir. Can I make it up to you, Sir” I plead from the floor.

“Yeah, alright. I do need a piss” as Deve unzips his flies and pulls out his cock and pisses all over me on the floor. I hear some people walking past on the street and gasps as they see the scene in my open doorway. Dave yells  “Don’t worry, ladies he loves it. Don’t you?”

I look out onto the street and see two young girls with shocked faces. Dave then kicks me in the stomach to prompt me. “It is ok. I do love it” as I look back up at Dave and say “Thank you, Sir”.

I could hear the girls now laughing at the pathetic sight of me on the floor being pissed on as they hurried away.

“C'mon get the last two boxes in now” Dave barks as he does himself up “And then clear up this mess you’ve made.”

I pull myself up and get the two boxes in and close the front door. I rest my body against the door and let out a sigh of relief. Dave comes marching down the corridor and points down at the pool of piss on the floor. “Get down there and lick it all up. You are going to learn your place. Blimey, I don’t know why Texan Pete has taken you on.” as he turns and walks away.

I realise there is no messing with Dave. I get down on my knees and put my lips to the cold tile floor and start slurping up his piss. Thankfully most of it was on me and has dried. But I still slurped and licked the whole area. Dave occasionally would walk past and push my face into the floor with his boot.

I could hear drilling and banging going on all around my house. Cameras were being fitted everywhere. There wasn’t one area not covered by a camera. I went to Barry and asked if I could help at all. He told me to make them some teas, which I did. I made myself one too. But as soon as Dave saw me drinking it, he grabbed the tea and me and took me to the toilet where he poured my tea down. “Get you head in there and drink your tea from a slave cup!” he ordered.

I put my head into the toilet bowl, but I couldn’t get my head in to reach the toilet water tea. Dave just put the lid down on my head and held the lid in place as he flushes the toilet. My face was washed with the toilet water. He then let go and walked out whilst saying “Keep you fucking head in there. Then you won’t get in our fucking way. Bloody useless slave”.

As ordered, I kept my head inside the bowl for hours. I could hear them busy working around my house completely unsupervised. But these men were Sir’s friends, and I must trust Sir. Barry came in and lifted the lid. I looked up at him just at the moment that he was pissing all over my face. “Open wide fella. Taste Barry’s gold”.

I drank as much of his piss as I could, but it was a stronger yellow than Dave’s. It had a real stench to it. Barry closed the lid, and he didn’t flush. I breathed in Barry’s piss for a good hour or two. Till Dave came along for another piss, he lifted the lid and made a yuk sound as he smelt Barry’s piss. “Core blimey Barry, you haven’t been on the asparagus have you?” Dave says as he lets his stream gush over my head. He drops the lid on me and thankfully flushes Barry’s piss away.

Not long later, I can hear steps into the bathroom. Zap goes to my chastity device. I squirm and bang my head on the lid of the toilet. It’s Dave’s voice “Get out of there you lazy slave. Having far too much fun with your head in the toilet.” We need to fit the cameras in here, and your lazy arse is in the way.”

I get to my feet and walk past Dave into the corridor. He goes into the bathroom and starts drilling to put cameras up. “Go and make Barry and me another brew. And something to eat. Quick as you can.”

With that order, I went off to make them both some sandwiches and teas. I put them out on the table. I headed back to Dave and waited at the doorway till he acknowledged me. “What do you want, you dozy cunt?”

“Sir, your lunch and tea are ready for you. I have served it in the kitchen. I hope you don’t mind, Sir.”

“Fine,” as he barges past me and shouts for Barry. “Come on then” he orders me to follow.

They both sit down at the table and scoff down the sandwiches and teas. I stand in the corner of the room with my head bowed, waiting for any orders.

“Oi slave clear the table” Dave barks.

I quickly clear the plates and cups and put them in the sink and come back with clothes to wipe the table down. As I am wiping the table, Dave grabs my arse cheek. “I am starting to change my opinion about you” as he twists my nipple with his other hand. “Maybe Pete has found a gem in all this shit” He smirks as he twists and gropes hard to make me squirm. “Don’t you think Baz?”

“Oh yes,” Barry joins in, and manhandles my other arse cheek and pulls and yanks at my other nipple.

“Time for a bit of dessert, methinks,” Dave says as he pulls me down with my nipple over the table and spanks my arse hard. They both start spanking my arse from either side as I lay flat over the table. My arse gets so sore as they beat it red. I can see Barry is getting turned on by the spanking and is soon getting his cock out and feeding it to me. I suck his average size cock nice and hard. Whilst Dave beats my arse with his hand then moves onto a wooden spoon. Then he tries a frypan till he breaks the handle on my arse. I get the blame for that. All the time I suck Barry off. Dave gets his cock out next, and I start sucking him off whilst Barry takes over spanking me with all manner of implements in my kitchen.

“Right time to fuck that red arse” Dave proclaims as he shoves his cock into my arsehole.

Barry shoves his cock back down my mouth as the two of them spit roast me. I can hear Dave is getting close and then suddenly lets out a big moan as he shoots his load inside me. He pulls out to shoot another load over my hot red stinging arse. The cum makes it sting even more. This makes Barry come to a climax in my mouth. I swallow the first spurt, but he also pulls out to shoot a burst of cum over my face.

They both moan and groan with the orgasm whilst my cock is straining inside its cage. Dave comes round and waves his messy cock in my face. I can see it is covered in his cum and my arse juice. “Clean it, slave” he orders. I suck his cock clean. Tasting his cum and my arse. I can taste both their cum and my arse at the same time. I would have usually not enjoyed this, but this time I couldn’t have tasted anything better. It was delicious, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

“Easy there, slave. You love that, don’t you.” As Dave wipes up his cum up from my arse in his hand. He then fed it to me and then Barry’s cum over my face as well. I lap it up like a hungry dog. He then fingers my hole some more and feeds me his fingers. I suck them clean each time. I do it without thinking and with absolute pleasure.

“Right clear this mess up slave. We are nearly done.” As they both do themselves up and head off to their different part of my house. I pull myself up from the table. I am feeling great about what had just happened. I really shouldn’t, but it felt just right. I clean the kitchen and keep myself busy there.

Dave appears in the doorway with Barry behind him. “Right slave. All installed. No hiding from Master Pete now. He owns your arse. Now the bill. How do you want to pay?” I looked a bit taken aback.

“Pay?” I stammer out

“Oh, yes. This stuff isn't cheap. And it’s for your benefit. Pete was clear about that. Bill is yours to pay.” Dave replies with a smirk as he could see the confusion on my face.

“Erm, I guess credit card. Is that ok?”

“Yeah, perfect. So it is one thousand, four hundred and thirty-eight pounds” Dave says as I get my card out of my wallet and hand it to him. He pulls out a mobile card machine and pops my card in and the value and turns it to me to enter my pin. I enter the pin, and he hands my card back to me. “Pleasure doing business with you” he chuckles as they make their way out of the door and slams it shut.

I look around and see all these cameras and the red lights flashing from them. I am getting a feeling of doubt. When my chastity device zaps me again, I can hear Dave outside laughing and Barry telling him to stop. “I just wanted to give him one more parting gift Baz.” he laughs.

By Cary Harvey Church


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