The Husband Cult of Wilton Manors

By Josh Milton

Published on Oct 13, 2021


The Husband Cult of Wilton Manors -- Chapter 6

When we arrived at the hospital, I dropped Bobby and JP off at the emergency door so they could dash inside. A few minutes later, I texted Bobby to let him know I was downstairs.

JP had been admitted quickly and was already in a private room. I followed Bobby's instructions and found the room on a corner of the hospital's third floor. Laughter was erupting from the room and I thought maybe I was in the wrong place.

"Padre, can you bless me?" I heard JP say

I walked in to find a priest kneeling beside JP's bed holding his hands to his mouth.

"I will breathe the life of God into you, my son." The handsome, grey-haired priest blew into JP's hand in an exaggerated way and everyone cracked up. Doug was on the other side of JP stroking his forehead and chuckling.

"Oh, Mike...thank you for coming and for bringing my husband"

"Are you ok? You look fine, but what happened?" I looked around the room and eyed two men in police uniforms who looked like twins but 20 years apart. They acknowledged me and nodded unsmiling.

"I was riding my Vespa ready to turn at the Five Points and somebody sped up behind me and hit me. It knocked me off balance and I fell to the side with my Vespa on top of me." JP rubbed his legs.

"That's the worst fucking intersection around," Doug said

"Luckily, I was wearing my helmet and not going too fast. But the other car just took off. I heard he went down past Rosie's and made a right turn but I didn't see the vehicle."

"We're already out looking for him," said the older policeman. "There are cameras all around the Five Points. We'll ID him soon, I'm confident".

Just then, the younger cop looked at his phone.

"Dad, let's go. Another hit and run. This time on Andrews near Bombay Restaurant," the young cop excused himself and spoke into his walkie talkie as he left the room.

Bobby looked at me and raised his eyebrows and then looked back at JP on the bed who was grinning as he watched us.

The older cop petted JP's leg and told him they'd be in touch later.

When the cops had quit the room, JP looked at us and laughed. "Hot cops, no?"

"They're like identical twins though except not the same age. How is that possible?" Bobby said wide-eyed.

"Father and Son," said the priest. "Both men in uniform. And, both are gay. Captain Warren, the older one, came out five years ago. The son, Sargent Jay, came out in his teens."

JP rubbed his hands excitedly. "You guys look like you saw a ghost or something"

"Well, I guess we should not be surprised by Wilton Manors. But you have to admit, it's very jarring seeing two handsome men who look alike who are father and son and both are gay."

"And there's more to their story, but we'll save that for another time," Doug said.

A tall female nurse entered the room and greeted us all.

"You're getting out of here, honey. Your x-rays came back clear. No broken bones or fractures. You will likely bruise on your side but Doctor Williams has prescribed some pain killers for you and some cream from that burn you got from your bike. You'll be out of here in an hour"

Doug took JP's hand and kissed it as he wiped a tear from his right eye.

"You guys don't have to stay. We'll take an Uber home. Thank you for being here and for being such good new neighbors," JP offered.

"I can drive you home," the priest said. "I've got a couple other folks to visit here. You text me when you are ready."

"Gracias, Father Dick," JP winked.

"JP! I've repeatedly asked you to call me Father Richard, not Father Dick," he said in a mock stern voice. He blessed himself as he departed and in a deep voice said, "I will continue to pray for your soul as well as your physical recovery! See you soon".

"Well, we will go too then and let you guys be alone. Call us if you need anything." I said.

JP motioned us over to him. He reached up and took Bobby's hand into his own.

"Thank you, dear neighbors. Doug and I feel very fortunate to have you next to us. And know that it won't always be drama. We will have fun and relaxed times. We like you so much and we have only known you for days, but we want you to feel happy as we do here in this paradise and to meet other loving male couples who look out for each other. We want you to be part of our circle."

"Mi amor," Doug said. "Let's allow Bobby and Mike to go on with their day. They are still setting up house. We have plenty of time to talk about The Circle. Although, they have proven themselves to be wonderful friends already, even more than some we have known for a while."

Doug bent over and he and JP shared a kiss that lasted at least ten seconds. JP moaned as Doug's tongue licked his lips and his hand brushed against JP's left nipple. The scene was awkward and yet so intimate to witness.

Bobby released his hand from JP and said, "We'll let you be and look forward to seeing you real soon and on the mend."

JP blew us a kiss.

We left the hospital room, walked the corridors to the elevator, and found our way to the car in the parking lot. We walked in silence but hand in hand.

Bobby held my hand in the car too. We were both processing today's weird events.

"Can we order something from Uber Eats? I just want to get some food in me and enjoy some peace and quiet." He slipped his hand into my groin and tugged on my balls through my jeans.

"Sure, whatever you want," I said as I pushed his hand further and held it.

"Ok. I'm going to order pizza with fresh garlic and pepperoni from Bona. Doug said they make the best pizza on Wilton Drive," he said as he picked up his phone and placed the order.

A minute later Bobby said. "I just feel like, man, we can't even settle into our new home without some weird fucking shit blowing up in our faces."

As we pulled up to our street, I saw a pickup truck in our driveway.

"What the fuck now. Why is Franky here?" I asked.

Franky exited his cab, had one hand on his cell phone and his other hand kept shuffling his baseball cap over his head.

He stood up when we pulled up beside him. He seemed taller than I remembered. He shoved his cell phone into a pocket.

We got out of our car and Franky rushed up and hugged us both tightly. I could smell his armpit sweat as his forearms held me.

"Hey guys, I heard that JP was in an accident but I wasn't sure which hospital?" His arms held us

"Oh, well he was sent to Holy Cross," Bobby said.

"Right," Franky said looking at the ground. "That's where they took Tito. And since Tito died, I have been kind of out of the Circle. They don't keep me in the loop anymore." He wiped tears from his eyes.

Under his breath, Bobby said to me, "So much for avoiding drama".

"The Circle?" Bobby asked.

"Guys, I got you this." Franky reached down into this truck and picked up a tall potted orchid. "It's from my garden." Its purple blossoms stretched toward us as he handed it to us.

Bobby passed by Franky and punched in the code to our door. "Thank you. Come on in, Franky."

I followed Franky who carried the potted orchid inside while sniffing and stifling his sobs.

"Franky, do you drink?" I asked.

"Sure, nothing too heavy though," he said haltingly.

Bobby was already in the kitchen looking through our kitchen boxes for our alcohol box.

"Franky, we have tequila right now and that's about it." I could tell from Bobby's tone that he was super annoyed by Franky's appearance.

"Sure, just a shot." Frank responded as he shrugged and sighed deeply.

Bobby grabbed three cups we had unpacked and added some ice and shots of tequila.

"To better days," Bobby toasted.

We clinked glasses and drank our tequila.

Franky excused himself to answer a call. Bobby and I shared another shot.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"The pizza! Thank god," Bobby said as he walked swiftly to the door.

Frank returned to the kitchen. "I should go," Franky said as he moved closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He was so tall that you had to look up at him. His eyes were still wet with tears and he looked really vulnerable and handsome and in need of support.

"Stay, young man. You need to regroup and relax a little. Just like we do."

He looked at me and caressed my head like a father comforting his son. "Thank you, I do need that."

The younger handsome ginger man kept caressing my head and his touch kept me spellbound.

Bobby walked past us with the pizza in one hand, made a coughing noise, and opened the patio doors with the other hand.

"One of you dudes bring some ice and the tequila...and paper towels if you can find them."

Franky and I emerged from our strange embrace and scrambled around the kitchen and the many boxes we still had to unpack.

I found two bottles of red wine that Doug and JP had gifted us and brought those out with a roll of Bounty.

Bobby laid out the Bona's pizza under the umbrella of the large square table. He sat down in the chair. "Fuck, what a fucking day this has been. And it is as warm as a witch's cunt in hell."

When Franky heard that, he could not stop laughing.

I was surprised to see what happened next. Bobby stripped off completely and tossed his clothes on the patio stones. I admired my husband's furry body, the profuse sweat that helped outline his musculature, the small gut, and his gorgeous butt that I had worshipped so often.

He said, "I have had enough of this fucking heat"

I laid down the wine bottles and Franky put down the paper plates, glasses, and paper towels. I opened a bottle and poured heavily into the three glasses.

Franky next stripped off and tossed his clothes next to Bobby's.

Bobby and I stared and gawked at Franky's long and defined torso covered with peach fuzz with no sign of body fat. His red pubic bush was dense and dark and crowned a pale, uncut penis with its ball sack hanging an inch or two short of the long cock.

"I'm most comfortable, most myself when I can hang naked. You know?" he said as he sat down, grabbed a slice of pizza, and started to devour it. "Tito and I were always naked at home and in the backyard."

I stripped off too and as I did, I watched the two beautiful men at the table indulge in silence the pizza they were eating.

Franky ate his entire slice in silence, taking bites and chewing methodically and then downed the large glass of wine we had poured for him. Following this, he let out a large belch.

"Sorry guys. I guess I am just relaxing," he said as he reached out his long arms and stroke Bobby's hand on the left and mine on the right.

Bobby let his hand slide up Franky's arm which was resting on the table. "No need to explain. Let's just relax. We have all gone through a lot of stress in the past while."

Franky took Bobby's hand and raised it to his lips and kissed it. My cock stiffened seeing the handsome young man kiss my husband's hand. He kissed Bobby's wedding band and then looked up at me as he did.

Franky's cock stood up suddenly rising almost to his belly button.

He released his hand from Bobby's and poured himself more wine, stood up and walked around the pool. He was really a stunning young man. He could be a model or a high paid porn star. He exuded a natural and unselfconscious masculinity.

He came back to the table. I looked at Bobby and his cock was hard too. He had a beautiful smile on his face.

"Franky, is work done for the day?" I asked.

"Dude, it's after 5 pm."

"Fuck, today seems to have lasted forever," I laughed. I stood up and took off my clothes.

"Damn, you are two sexy men. Two hot-as-fuck husbands," Franky said as he nodded, sipped some wine, and winked at both of us.

"Tito and I loved being in the pool. Man, he loved fucking me in the pool more than anything. And now I can't look at a pool without remembering him grabbing me from behind, wrapping his arms around me, and holding me tight as his huge cock entered me. I have never felt as loved and as desired as that. He made me feel like I was the center of his world and he fucked me liked he owned me. I will never forget that -- the physical and the spiritual connection...I'm sure you guys know what I mean. Having your man take pleasure and shoot his seed inside you. Like, it was only for you."

My cock got so stiff hearing this and looking at Bobby's his did too.

"Franky, I can't imagine what it is like to lose the man you love." I reached over to Bobby and held his hand. "But you can say whatever you want here."

I don't know why, but I stood up. I walked over to Bobby sitting in his chair and let my stiff cock dangle just inches from his face.

"Babe," Bobby said as he looked up to me and licked his lips. "We have a visitor here and I don't think this is the time."

Franky smiled and approached us. "You guys are perfect. You are so loving with each other and so sexy together. Do you guys realize how sexy you are together, seriously? You must get eaten alive at the bars."

"That's not really our scene," Bobby said as he sipped his wine and looked at Franky's red bush and cock just two feet from his face and mine bursting with horniness even closer.

"Call me a love addict but when I see two hot men in love together, it makes my heart really swoon. Like I admire it so much, like I want to be a part of it," Franky poured himself more wine, sat down in the chair and let out a deep sigh. "I hope JP is ok."

"JP will be fine," I said.

Bobby reached out and started playing with my dick.

"Good," Franky answered, "Because it's not easy when the love of your life dies on you and I wouldn't want that for Doug. He and JP are so committed to each other. They are the model couple for the Circle."

Bobby and I looked at each other.

"What is the Circle?" I asked.

"The Circle is a discreet group, about 5 or 6 couples that have been blessed by Father Richard and they commit to being lovers and friends. Like the best friends you could ask for, friends who would do anything, and also lovers sharing husbands with each other. It's really intimate and beautiful. Homosexual committed couples who share everything, almost, together. Like a community."

Franky stroked his cock in front of us. "Can I be honest? And, it's not the wine but..."

My heart beat so fast as I looked at Bobby.

"Can we all embrace and kiss and fuck? I'm really drawn to you both and I feel this sexual energy. I feel like Tito is guiding me and giving me the confidence to speak honestly to you both. I'm attracted to both of you and could really use the affection and deep intimacy."

I was about to form an objection, but Bobby walked over to Franky and hugged him. Franky sighed in relief and closed his eyes as my husband wrapped his dark hairy arms around the tall, pale ginger. Their hands strayed down to their backsides and I could see them squeezing each other's meaty glutes.

I walked up to them and let one hand go down Franky's back to his asscrack, and the other to my husband's.

Franky opened his eyes and looked at me as I nodded. My hand and Bobby's kneaded Franky's butt and I let my fingers sink deeper to graze his moist hole. Bobby's fingers joined me. Sweat beads rolled down Franky's crack and we used the moisture to probe deeper into his asshole. Franky groaned.

"Oh man, I need to be needed like this," Franky moaned as he licked his lips.

My hardon was as stiff as never before.

"Franky, I'll grant your request. We will give you closeness and intimacy. But know that I will get inside you and own your asshole with my dick for a long time. I have a feeling you want to submit to me, is that right?"

"Oh...yeah, I do. How did you know?"

"I can see Tito's name tattooed along your butt cheek. Only a submissive man would do that."

"Tito, used to slap my ass, beat it red, and say "This is mine." And I loved that."

Bobby removed himself from Franky's embrace and moved behind him and knelt.

"I'm going to eat your ass, Franky. I'm going to get you wet and open so Mike can slide in easily and begin pounding you."

Bobby and I had played this way only a few times, but he took my lead excellently. Franky's submissive nature made me more and more aggressively sexual. Standing behind Bobby as he knelt rimming out Franky's pale but, I reached forward and pulled Franky's arms behind his back. He flinched but didn't fight me.

"On all fours," I ordered, holding my stiff cock in my hand.

Bobby got up and pushed Franky forward before going in front of him. Once on all fours, Franky knew to take Bobby's thick penis in his mouth.

Acting like Tito, I began swatting Franky's pale sweaty ass. "This is our ass, Franky. Bobby and I will possess your ass today. Franky moaned as Bobby put his hands on his head and face fucked the ginger boy. I spat on Franky's shithole, then on my dick, then in one movement, shoved it inside. To my surprise, Franky was super loose. He groaned with delight as my 7-incher pushed deep inside him. Immediately he began milking my cock with his ass and shifting left and right. He knew how to bottom for an aggressive man.

I looked at my husband in the eyes as I rammed my dick in and out of the hungry bottom's hole and held his gaze until I could not hold back. Franky's milking movements were too much for me to resist.

"Holy fuck, I'm going to blow inside you," I shouted as I slapped his ass.

"Do it, babe. Spray your seed in Franky. I'm cumming too in his slut mouth!"

Bobby's dirty talk was all I needed to feel my balls start emptying into Franky's voracious hole.

We looked at each other wide-eyed as we both ejaculated into the pale handsome man-boy being spit roasted by us.

Franky's mouth held onto my husband's cock the same way his ass kept its gripped on my waning and drained erection. When I did pull out my cock slowly, some of my semen spat out of his hole and covered the tattoo of Tito's name.

We remained in position for a few moments, catching our breath.

Franky laid his head in Bobby's lap and wrapped his arms around. I felt so turned on knowing both Bobby and I had seeded Franky, offered up our husband cum to him and provided him, and us, with needed affection.

"Daddy's little slut." I heard Franky chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's what Tito used to call me after we fucked."

"Well then, Daddy's little slut." I said poking his cum filled hole. "That's what we will call you too."

Just then, I heard our patio doors slide open.

"Guys, your front door was open....oh my god...sorry!" said Doug as he gasped at the sight of Bobby with Franky's face in his lap and me with my finger in Franky's butt.

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