The Husband Cult of Wilton Manors

By Josh Milton

Published on Jul 28, 2020


The Husband Cult of Wilton Manors Part 4

When I opened my eyes and looked at my phone next to the mattress, I saw that we had slept through two rounds of our 6:30 alarm. It was almost 6:50 am.

"Bobby, let's get up," I grabbed his bare butt under the covers.

Bobby moaned with his head in the pillow. "Ughhh... Did you make coffee?"

"We haven't even unpacked the espresso machine. Let's find a coffee shop. But you have to get up now before you fall back asleep and we waste the morning," I shook his butt again.

Bobby lifted his body out of bed and sat on the side and yawned. "Damn, those mint drinks really did my head in."

I threw him his shorts and t-shirt he had left on the floor.

"Meet me in the car," I said to him and went outside.

While I sat in our old and beaten-up Volvo, I saw Doug and JP set out on a couple of bicycles. They didn't notice me and I felt relieved. As I started to recall what transpired the night before, a wave of embarrassment washed over me. Bobby and I had had some mild play with other men before, but usually when we were on vacation, and certainly not with the men living next door to us whom we'd be seeing regularly.

The car door opened and Bobby jumped in.

"Damn, it's already 1000 degrees in this car," he fiddled with the AC vents. "I found a coffee shop and have the GPS ready to go."

Within less than 7 minutes we had pulled up to the coffee bar called Java Boys. It was nestled between what looked like a nightclub and a convenience store in an L shaped strip mall right off the main drag, Wilton Drive. A handful of men dressed mostly in shorts and colorful running shoes were already sitting outside with coffee cups and baked goods in their hands. One younger guy greeted us as he spread some cream cheese on his bagel.

Without my coffee, I could barely manage a grunt in response.

I followed Bobby inside and let him order for us.

"My usual plus an extra shot," I told him.

I walked to the end of the counter and stood under the sign saying "Pick up your Java here!"

Leaning on the counter, I saw a pile of neatly stacked magazines, the kind that serve mostly as advertising for the local gay businesses. I took one and started to flip through it when my coffee was handed to me.

"Hey, Hon! Here you go. One very butch double latte, whole milk only, with a whisper of vanilla, an extra shot of steamy black espresso," she made a point of emphasizing the s-sounds " and a fairy dusting of cinnamon."

"Um," I looked at the name badge of the server. "Thanks, Candice."

"It's pronounced Can-deese, Mr. Hunky Bear. It's French," she said winking at me. "You boys just passing through?"

"No," I said taking a swig and wiping the cinnamon flavored foam from my moustache. "Nope. Just moved here. Like, yesterday."

Candice's bright crimson lips spread wide as she smiled at Bobby and passed him his drink.

"A triple Americano. How patriotic! Keepin' it simple, huh, brown sugar?" Candice said to Bobby.

"After the night we had and the work we have ahead of us, yeah. I just need some pure caffeine," Bobby chuckled.

"Well, welcome to the gayborhood, men!" Candice clapped her hands. "You'll be hearing that a lot, by the way. I'm sure we'll see you around once y'all get settled in. Come back in the evening sometime for my show, Lady Candice's Campy Cabaret! Enjoy the day, sugar bears!" she said as she walked away towards the cash register to serve her next customer.

Outside, as I tried to open the car door, the little magazine dropped and along with it a postcard that must have been tucked inside.

I picked it up, got in the car and when I sat down, handed it all to Bobby.

"What is this?" Bobby said and chuckled.

"It fell out of the magazine. What does it say?"

"Suckers for Daddy. Intergenerational fellatio parties. Open to men 25 and older," Bobby turned the card over. "There's an email address, but nothing else."

"Wow," I said as I tried to navigate our way out of the tightly spaced parking lot. "Does that mean what I think it means?"

"Mature men and the younger men that blow them, I guess" Bobby said as he shrugged and snickered. "Welcome to your new hometown, Mike. When thousands of gay men live side by side, some kinky stuff will happen. We ain't in Boston anymore."

"Say, you feel weird about what happened last night? Things kinda got looser than I expected and I'm feeling a bit...embarrassed," I asked him looking in his eyes.

"I was thinking something similar. We've never seen our neighbors naked in Boston nor ever came close to having sex with them. And yet, everything seemed to happen very easily without any kind of awkwardness. Do you think they planned for it to happen?"

I considered it for a second. "Well, come on. Look, JP is a cock tease, isn't he? Showing of his dick, the lingering looks, complimenting us all the time, touching us. They gave us a nice meal, lots to drink. While I'm not sure they planned for it, they certainly didn't seem surprised by anything that happened. Like maybe it's normal for them," I said.

"I like that they are a married couple and like us they have differences that stand out. I feel a connection to them that way, don't you?" Bobby raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I said "I like that they are a committed couple like we are. I'm sure they get a lot of stares with the age difference between them, especially if they are affectionate in public. We know what being the outsiders feels like. I just didn't expect the day to end as it did. Maybe I'm overthinking it."

As we pulled into our driveway, JP and Doug rode by us on their bikes.

"Oh man, though," I groaned. "I still feel weird about last night."

As we got to our front door, we heard Doug calling us.

"Hey, lovebirds! You're up early" he said in his ever-chirpy tone.

"We needed our coffee. We haven't unpacked our espresso machine yet," Bobby said.

"Cool. Where'd you go? Storks? Sacred Grounds? Java Boys?"

I held up my Java Boy cup.

Doug gave us a thumbs up. "Say, I have something for you. I'll be back in a minute."

"We'll leave the door unlocked," Bobby said.

We went into the kitchen and set our coffee cups and the magazine down on the kitchen table.

"Think we can get all this done today? I just want this to be over so we can start to take stock of what we need to do next around here." I eyed the amount of boxes left for us to deal with.

I heard the front door open as I was starting to shred an empty box.

"Fellas, this is a welcome gift," Doug entered the kitchen and set down a beautiful purple orchid on the kitchen table. It was almost three feet tall and full of blossoms and buds.

"Wow. Doug, did you grow this? I've never seen so many orchids on one stem," Bobby said as he stroked the plant's thick green foliage. "Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome, buddy. I give one to all the newcomers in the neighborhood but I am especially happy to offer it to you guys," he said as he squeezed Bobby's shoulder.

"Did you sleep well after last night's activities?" Doug raised his eyebrows.

"Well," I started to smile. "It wasn't easy waking up after releasing all that stress, and after such a nice evening and meal."

"Good. Good. I hope you felt as comfortable as we did around you. It isn't often we can connect and enjoy and relax with brand new friends that way. Usually takes time, but something just clicked right away with you guys. JP feels the same," Doug nodded as he spoke.

Doug's eyes fell to the kitchen table. He noticed the postcard that had fallen from the magazine and picked it up.

"Well, I'll be damned," he chuckled. "You've been introduced to one of our town secrets, I see."

"Actually, it came with the little magazine. We're not really sure what it's all about. What can you tell us?" Bobby leaned into Doug.

"Well, it's something organized by a good friend of mine and his husband, Hector and David. They host these things at their home, mostly, though sometimes they take it on the road to the local gay campgrounds. It's for mature men and their admirers. The idea was to remove the stereotype of older guys as not being desirable. Hector had lost his partner a year before and was lamenting that nobody wants an old guy anymore (old being somebody over 60, he said). I disagreed and said there were tons of men out there who could appreciate experienced men. Just look at all this Daddy and Grampa porn, I told him. But he was skeptical. I dared him to put an ad in the paper to organize a kind of mature men's appreciation party, open to men 25 and up but the purpose was to make older men the stars of the party. Sure enough, 40 men signed up. We cut the list down to 20 for the first one: 15 older men and 5 younger guys (guys under 50). That's where Hector met David. It was love at first sight. That was three years ago and Hector and David are married, but they continue to host the parties as a service to the community and in gratitude for what it did for them. Not all men are looking to get married, but it makes some of the older men around feel good that they are sexually desirable. They don't want it to be a total orgy, we have standards in Wilton Manors!" Doug gave a deeply belly laugh at his own joke, "So they limit it to blowjobs and fellatio around the pool."

Maybe it was tiredness, maybe it was horniness, but my cock swelled hard as Doug described the gatherings to us. I was eager now more than ever to finish up emptying boxes.

"That's interesting...and a little less sleazy than I was thinking, I have to admit," I said.

"Yes, we've seen one other couple eventually get married as a result of the Sucker for Daddy gatherings. Another few became boyfriends."

Doug walked over and picked up an empty box.

"Say, men, you got a ton of boxes to break down here. Want some help getting rid of them? I can have my gardener take them to the dump. He comes through day after tomorrow. Otherwise you'll have to wait until the end of the month when the bulk trucks come through."

The three of us turned our attention to breaking down and shredding the boxes and finished in less than twenty minutes. As we put them in flat piles in the garage, I got a whiff of my own odor as I raised my arms to wipe the sweat from my eyes.

"Guys, ready for a bite?" Doug asked.

"Man, I am. But we have to shower first. We stink a locker room," I said.

"Mm...some guys are into that!" he laughed at his own joke again. "Come next door when you are ready and I'll drive us."

Doug left and then Bobby and I stripped off in the living room and walked together to the master bathroom. The shower was rectangular, with a wide bench, and shower heads on either side of the wall. We took opposite sides and turned our backs to the shower heads, then faced each other letting the hot water massage our shoulders. I grabbed some liquid soap and sprayed it on myself and Bobby. We embraced and kissed with the foamy soap between us, our tongues licking each other's lips. On cue, Bobby's thick schlong started to swell and slipped under my balls. He took ahold of my butt and manhandled my glutes. I reached around and held open my husband's cheeks knowing that he loves the feel of warm water race down his hairy back into the crack of his butt, just as he likes it when I piss on him that way.

"Feel good, babe?" I asked.

"Uhuh... only one kind of shower feels better," he said as his tongue pressed against mine.

"Well, there will be plenty of that in our new home...lots of baptizing to do inside and out. I love you so much. I'm so happy right now," I ground my cock against his belly before pushing away from him.

"Let's not keep Doug waiting." I stepped out the shower and grabbed a towel.

"Damn, you are more of a cock-tease than JP," Bobby said as he lathered up and laughed.

Outside, Doug was waiting for us by his pick-up.

"Thought you boys might have drowned in there," he slapped me on the shoulder. "Come on, let's fly to the magic land of Peter Pan!"

We climbed inside Doug's Ford-150. It smelled like new leather. The back cab was really spacious and pristine. Within minutes we pulled into a busy parking lot full of cars with non-Florida plates.

"Look, Bobby. Some Massachusetts plates. New York. Ohio," I pointed to an old Volkswagen minibus whose rear end was covered with plentiful peacenik hippy bumper stickers and rainbow flags. "Hell, there's one from Alaska."

Once inside, I felt like we had stepped back in time to the old diners of the northeast.

"Hi, Honey. I'm Sandy. Welcome to Peter Pan" our hostess said to all of us. "How many? Three? Front or back?"

"Four of us and a round booth in the back would be great," Doug answered.

As we walked to the table, he said "Hector will be here in a few minutes."

Doug slipped into the curved booth and Bobby and I joined him on either side.

"Hector, the man who holds those `gatherings'?" I whispered as I looked away from the waitress.

Four tall menus were set before us with more pages than a telephone directory.

"Jesus, look at all these choices," Bobby said as he flipped through the laminated food catalog.

"Yep, same Hector," Doug winked as the waitress walked away. "You have to be really picky here. Peter Pan has its strengths, but also its weaknesses. If something sounds too fancy, don't go for it. Stick to simple. Except for the baklava and Greek salad. Those are excellent, always."

Doug put his menu down first. "Today, I'll take a side of sausage and the flax waffles. Bit of healthy, bit of cholesterol."

I was still coming to terms with the size of the menu when I heard Doug say loudly, "There's the man!"

I raised my eyes upward and saw a tall, lean, gentleman, with green eyes and beautiful smile that made me feel strangely good inside. He wore a pink polo shirt and beige shorts. He reached out and we shook hands. His hands were large, rough, and firm. As he fixed his chair to sit across from us, I saw broad shoulders and biceps defined by the golf shirt.

"You're, Bobby and you're Mike," he said pointing to both of us. "Damn, so nice to have another interracial gay couple in the community...and a good-looking couple at that, if you don't mind me saying so."

I felt Doug squeeze my leg for a moment as though to emphasize Hector's compliment.

"Doug has told me everything he knows about you two. I hope you don't mind, but I had a lot of questions!" Hector said raising his eyebrows. He had a deep voice modulated with a lovely song-like quality to it. I felt like I could listen to him read through the entire menu.

"Well, not sure we are all that interesting but Bobby and I are sure happy to be in our new hometown and to meet such friendly men like you, Doug and JP"

Hector laughed and slapped the table. "Oh, that Juan Pedro! Isn't he something?? Um...friendly, for sure. He's a hot little fucker, ain't he Bobby and Mike?"

"Guys," Doug rolled his eyes. He looked slightly embarrassed, to my surprise. "This is a family establishment."

Hector lowered his voice and leaned in with his arms on the table. "Doug, I'm just saying, your young husband has a killer ass and dick, Man...and he is not afraid to show off those assets! God bless him for it! It's a compliment to you, Man, for bagging such a hot number and getting him to put a ring on it. And I don't just mean a cock ring." Hector slapped the table again and we all laughed despite ourselves.

Doug rolled his eyes again, raised his left hand and called out. "Sandy, can we order now?"

"Hector, I love your accent. Where is it from?" Bobby said.

"Jamaica, but I left there many, many years ago and haven't been back," he said looking at Bobby in the eyes.

"And David is American?" I asked.

"Well, yes, American of mixed heritage. See, we're a melting pot couple. Me, Chinese-Jamaican and David's mother was born in Israel and his father is Italian-American Catholic. He calls himself a pizza-bagel. We're quite the mix. Plus, there is the age difference," he chuckled.

"Well, I would say Hector robbed the cradle, but then I'd be a hypocrite!" Doug added.

"You would be! By the way, I hope you are a lifetime member of SilverDaddies. You wouldn't have met that young stud without that website!" Hector said.

"True," said Doug, "And thanks to SilverDaddies we have made many gay couples who are now in our circle and are close intimate friends."

Over our late morning breakfast, we learned about Hector's life, how he became a self-made man and runs a very profitable import business focusing on Caribbean goods that he ships all over the world. He dominated the conversation but he was so funny, charming and interesting, it was a pleasure to listen to him at length. Plus, he's a very handsome man and I became eager to get to meet David and see them together as a couple. As Bobby and I occasionally locked eyes and laughed together, I could tell he felt the same.

Bobby and I left Peter Pan and followed Doug and Hector back to the parking lot. Hector whispered into Doug's ear.

"Too soon to tell," was all I could hear Doug say. "But they know the email address"

Hector turned to us, approached us, and grabbed us both in a great bear hug. He towered over us and the hug lasted a good five seconds.

"Hey, I want you to give you guys a welcome to Wilton Manors present. How about I see your property. I used to run a landscaping company until I moved into import and export. Let me see what your garden is like. If you need palms cut, coco nuts removed, anything, I'll get one of my buddies to take care of it for free."

"Gee, thanks Hector. That's too kind,"

"Enough with the too kind bullshit. I want you guys to feel at home as soon as possible. The sooner you feel settled, the sooner you can enjoy living here and free up your social schedule to meet more of the great guys and couples around here."

Hector followed us back to our house and Doug excused himself to go back home.

Hector walked around our front garden and back yard with us and he identified some areas that we should fix. He made some suggestions too about invasive plants, trees that would cause problems in a few years, and our lawn which was mostly brown.

He got on his cellphone and was chatting away in his jovial, sing song tone, and then hung up.

"Done. Just leave your back gate open tomorrow. Victor and his crew will be here after 10 am and will trim and tidy up your property for you."

Bobby grabbed my hand. "Hector...well...thanks. This has been such an unexpected welcome,"

"My pleasure. Listen," he said getting closer to us and putting his hands on our shoulders, "I know Doug told you about Suckers for Daddies. You're welcome to attend. Just to see what it's like. I know you men don't have anything like that up in Boston. Damn. So cold up there, makes my blood freeze just thinking about it..." Hector hugged himself like he was shaking off a chill.

"Isn't Suckers for Daddies for younger guys looking for older guys. We're already a couple and married, at that," Bobby asked.

"Generally, yes, it's to help connect younger guys with older guys, but this being summer and men being out of town, we have room for a few more couples to join. Listen, are you guys good?" Hector turned strangely serious.

"Good?" I asked. My hand tensed around Bobby's.

"Yeah. By `good', I mean, are you okay being a couple and being around other naked men, being appreciated by them? Or is that a threat to see your husband get a blow job from another man? I don't want to put you in a place where you feel uncomfortable, but I know this is a special experience, there's nothing like it, and you might enjoy it if you can relax enough."

"We're pretty much monogamous," I said, gripping Bobby's hand. At the same time, my cock was stirring as I held Hector's green-eyed gaze.

"I respect that," Hector said.

"Well, we have played with other men. But always together," Bobby added. His thumb stroked my tense fist that was cradling his.

"The sharing of experiences and intimacy is so important for male couples, don't you think?"

We nodded.

"Gentlemen. I just wanted you to know that I am not ashamed of who I am. The Suckers for Daddies parties are how I met my beautiful younger Jewish-Italian-American husband. And he and I hold the gatherings in our home in honor of the fact that it brought us together. And we always hope, like two old spinster matchmakers, that we will bring other men together as well. If you want to witness it, you are invited. If not, we will meet again, I am sure. You have the email address on the back of the postcard. Next gathering is on Saturday evening. Anyway, I'll let you go so you can continue getting settled. Stay safe, my handsome friends," Hector winked and left through the side gate.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think we need to focus on getting our house together...and relax by our own pool tonight, " Bobby laughed as he walked to the sliding doors.

"I agree," I said as I followed Bobby back inside.

Next: Chapter 5

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