The Husband Cult of Wilton Manors

By Josh Milton

Published on Jul 5, 2020


The Husband Cult of Wilton Manors

Part 2

Just after 6 pm, Bobby and I mustered up what little energy we had after unpacking our boxes and returning the U-Haul to the terminal in central Wilton Manors. It was only a 50-foot walk to Doug's house next door, but it felt like 1000 miles.

As we dragged our tired bodies next door, there was a male couple across the street walking what seemed like a dozen small dogs between them. The men were bickering as one of them balanced himself delicately while trying to pick up some dog poop. We both chuckled quietly.

"I miss Barney," I said as I looked back at the pack of dogs and their owners.

"I know. Me too. But we can't think about getting another dog for a while," Bobby said as he rang the doorbell. A very elaborate melody could be heard inside the house.

Out of nowhere, we heard Doug's voice come through a hidden speaker.

"Come on in, gaybors! Walk through the house to the kitchen"

There was a buzz and the door unlocked before us.

Inside, we stepped across a large Persian style rug, walls of a light and faded gray, and passed a cluster of old leather club chairs as we made our way to the back. The atmosphere was warm, welcoming, and very masculine.

Doug appeared suddenly.

"Well, you made it. I bet you are just drained and in need of an aperitif. Do you men drink, or do you prefer something without alcohol?"

"Alcohol, please," Bobby nodded.

Doug chuckled. "You got it! Are mojitos ok?"

"Sounds perfect," I said.

"They'll be ready in a jiffy. Help yourself to some snacks while we whip these up," Doug said.

Doug walked to the sliding doors ahead of us that looked onto a glimmering swimming pool.

Sliding the doors open he called out, "JP – our guests are here. We need some mojitos!"

"Coming!" we heard him say. A moment later a naked and tanned body lifted itself out of the swimming pool. As it did, a beautifully round butt hung in the air for a moment before JP pulled himself out of the pool and wrapped himself in a towel and headed towards us. Bobby and I quickly feigned interest in the variety of appetizers set before us. JP opened the sliding doors and closed them behind.

"Welcome, gaybors!" we heard JP shout.

Bobby and I were speechless as we turned to greet JP. He was a very handsome guy with a little bit of scruff on his face, and wide sparkling eyes. He kept one hand on his towel as he approached us.

"I know that you are Bobby," he said as he approached Bobby and squeezed his shoulder. "And you are Mike" he said doing the same thing to me. Meanwhile, Doug had returned with another towel.

"JP – you are dripping all over the damn floor! Jesus!" Doug passed JP a heavy beach towel.

"Sorry, mi amor," he said as he took the towel, let drop the one he was wearing, and quickly wrapped the new towel around himself. He kissed Doug on the lips.

"Now...mojitos for everyone...yes?" JP winked at us.

I was too stunned to speak having seen JP's broad shoulders, heavy bush and semi hard cock for a brief second as he was changing towels.

"We'd love one. We need a little pick me up," said Bobby smiling at JP.

We watched JP entranced by him as he muddled the mint and prepared our glasses for the delicious nectar.

Doug motioned for us to follow him.

He took us to another set of sliding doors that led to a lanai, a spacious enclosed patio outfitted with a mixture of chaises and deep bucket deck chairs. Countless potted orchids surrounded us.

"Hopefully no mosquitos have made their way in tonight. We have a great climate down here, but you need a bit of shade and protection from the elements sometimes to enjoy the outdoors. Take a seat. I'll bring in the appetizers." Doug said.

When he was out of ear range Bobby looked at me and whispered. "Holy shit. That's his husband??"

"I know!" I whispered. "He's gorgeous!"

Doug appeared carrying some of the appetizers and set them down on the table in front of us.

"Men, take a seat. Relax. Kick back."

"This is lovely, Doug," I said as my body sunk into the chaise below me. "These orchids are beautiful"

"It's a hobby, something to fill my retirement days, when I am not keeping up with my young and horny husband," he said and let out a big laugh.

We all laughed with him.

"Caballeros, I bring you mojitos made by a Mexican, like so many things in this wonderful country," we heard JP say as he appeared carrying a huge tray with four tall and wide glasses of mojitos. I'm a lightweight and knew that one of those would have me drunk in no time.

"Oh my god. Those are the biggest..." I started to say.

"I hear that a lot," JP said laughing at his own joke.

When we all had taken the glasses in our hands, I raised my glass and said "I thank you both, new neighbors, for the warm welcome. We look forward to getting to know you and to returning the favor sometime."

"Cheers!" said Doug.

"Salud!" said JP.

We all took a swig and savored the refreshing sweet and minty beverage.

Doug put down his half-empty glass. "Who wants chicken and who wants steak?"

"I'd love a steak. Medium rare," I said without hesitation.

"Same for me, thanks," said Bobby.

"Red meat for me too, Papi. You know how I like it" JP said as he winked at his husband.

"Okay fellas. Sit back, relax, drink and enjoy JP's mojitos and appetizers while I prepare our carnivorous delicacies."

"Doug and I are so happy to have another gay couple next door. I hope you will be as happy here as we are," said JP as he took a sip of his drink.

"Well, we took our time to find the perfect place. We knew we wanted to live in city where we could live openly and comfortably."

"You picked the right place. We can walk to Wilton Drive in 10 minutes. We can hold hands in public, kiss, be tender and nobody will deny us our right to love. How long have you been together?" he asked.

"Ten and a half years. Married for six. How about you guys?" Bobby said.

"Doug and I married three years ago. We met online and it was fireworks at first sight, you know what I mean? How about you guys? How did you meet?"

"Some mutual friends set us up on a blind date and it was love at first sight," I said.

"Don't believe him, JP," Bobby said. "It took him three full days to call me after our date. Not sure that counts as love at first sight."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh. My. God... I've told you a thousand times...I was nervous as hell...I wasn't sure at all you were into me. That's why it took three days." This was not the first time we have played this little act in public.

"Aw, you guys, that is so sweet. When you know, you know, right? I always wanted an older, handsome man, and I got that and more. Someone who loves me for who I am," JP said in a tone that was striking and vulnerable.

"Jesus," I thought to myself as I felt a lump in my throat, "this mojito is going to wear me out fast." JP leaned back in his chaise and his towel opened. He did nothing to hide it. His groin was a pallet in browns. A heavy dark bush crowned a fat, uncut penis, and beautifully formed round nutsack below.

My cock stirred as I admired him.

Bobby's hand reached over to mine resting on the arm of the chaise and stroked it gently.

"So, what do you do?" JP asked as I dragged my eyes from his groin to his eyes.

"I work for a non-profit helping rehabilitate veterans and Bobby works for a bank. We moved down here because he got a promotion and had to choose between here and Chicago. We chose here."

"Ah, the man who had the house before you also worked for a bank. I think he was an investment specialist. He was quiet, although we saw him now and again. He moved to Palm Springs. He said he couldn't stand the humidity. Plus, he was over 70 and going to retire."

"Was he gay?" Bobby asked. His question surprised me.

"Oh yes, he was very gay. Very," JP said then he laughed loudly.

"Was he married?" asked Bobby.

"No. He wasn't one of us," JP said as he raised his eyebrows looking at us and drank from his mojito. His right hand moved towards his penis and I saw him rub the tip of his foreskin with one of his fingers as he sipped his drink. Bobby caressed my hand softly as we both watched JP touch the hood of his cock and massage it in small circles. It thickened and bobbed up and down. JP looked down at it, then looked up at both of us eye to eye. His wedding band glinted from the light behind him as his hand moved down to cradle his balls.

"Come on in, men," Doug's voice called from inside the house and shattered the hypnotizing scene. "Dinner's ready."

Bobby squeezed my hand and we rose together slowly. My own cock had thickened and was tenting against the fabric of my shorts. JP stared at my groin for a second then looked up at Bobby and winked.

"You guys are so beautiful together," JP said before standing up and clapping his hands. He fixed his towel around his waist but his erection was still visible behind the plush cloth. "Let's eat!"

Next: Chapter 3

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