The House Boys Summer

By Ryan Hart

Published on Sep 28, 2012



The following story is entirely fictional, and contains depictions of 18 year olds in sexual situations with minor teenagers no more than forty-eight months younger than those of legal age. All parties depicted herein are behaving consensually and entirely inside the jurisdiction of either the U.S. State of Maine or New Jersey where such relationships are legal. This work is in no way meant to endorse or depict illegal sex of adults with minor children, or forcible sex with unwilling participants, and shall not be construed as such. Sexual relations between participants of such disparate ages is prohibited by law in much of the world, including most of the United States, and in some jurisdictions possession or viewing of such material may be banned. Readers are entirely responsible for knowing and obeying the laws in their area. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for criminal or other charges placed upon individual readers in such jurisdictions for any reason. By reading beyond this disclaimer you assert that... 1) You are over the age of 18 years old, or over the age of 13 with the permission of a parent or legal guardian (Individuals under the age of 13 are strictly prohibited from reading this story) 2) You have read and understood the contents of this disclaimer, and waive all legal recourse against the author for such liabilities including, but not limited to, those described herein.

All Rights Reserved.

The House Boy's Summer Chapter 2: Shower Power Part 2: Try It -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chris stood still and radiated heat for a minute, before stepping aside towards his desk. He put his hand on my shoulder and caressed it with his hand. "I definitely need another beer. How about you? You feeling okay?"

"Sure," I replied with a smile, turning my head so that I could see his slim profile sidling away, "that shower kind of sobered me up."

Chris bent over to get at the cooler under his desk, the two globes of his ass straining tightly against the soft black fabric of his boxer briefs. My dick twitched, knocking against the walls of its confines as it did so, but I couldn't stop staring. Fortunately, just a moment later, Chris turned around to hand me a beer, causing my eyes to necessarily be drawn to his face. I popped the beer open as soon as it met my hands and took a gulp of it. Chris popped his open as well, leaning backwards onto his desk, facing me with the fabric of his boxer shorts crumpled tightly between his thighs. "You're horny again, aren't you?" He smiled with a mischievous grin, as if daring me to say no. "Don't suppose you'd be brave enough for some hypno-porn."

I laughed, exaggerating a puffed up chest as if I was truly offended by the notion of fear, "Bring it on," I replied, "I can take anything you dish out." I took a big sip of my beer in order to build up an obnoxious belch, which had its intended effect of making Chris laugh.

"Alright," Chris had a huge grin on his face, as if excited to see what I was getting myself into, "If you're sure you're not scared of being brain washed."

I shook my head, "Even if it is brain washing, I like it."

Chris took another sip of his beer, smile not fading, and pushed the desk chair towards me, "Sit down, I already set up the file before we got into the shower."

"How long's the video?" I asked him, pulling the chair towards me and sitting down, "Are you going to watch with me?"

Chris had turned around again, leaning over his computer, I could see passed the waistline of his boxers to the black screen that appeared before the video. "Nah," he replied, taking a step back and giving me room to roll the chair in front of the computer, "I'm a little drunk and, as you know, these videos are way stronger on an uninhibited mind." He paused to take another sip of his drink, looking me over as he did so, "it's only about ten minutes long, so I'm gonna head out to the pool house while you're watching. Just meet me out there when you're done, okay?

"Yes Sir," I replied, looking up and nodding encouragingly at him, but all he did was hold out an admonishing finger.

"Don't touch your dick." He shook his finger heavily, as if he knew that I had already made moves at defying that order, "Even if you want to really badly, don't. You're not allowed."

I gulped, "I'm really sorry Master Chris."

"You will be sorry if you touch your dick," Chris said, placing his hand on top of my head and steering it towards the computer. He tapped the spacebar, starting the video with the studio's brand name popping up on the screen, "I'm leaving your hands free so you can drink and come downstairs when you're done. Don't betray my trust."

"No Sir," I replied, though my attention was already half-focused on a picture of one of the models I would be seeing, "I won't let you down."

"Good boy," Chris patted my back, "Now focus on the video and have a good time." There was some motion next to me, with Chris grabbing the cooler of beer from near my feet, but I endeavored to follow his instructions and keep my eyes on the video.

I could tell, even before I started, that this video was going to be a little different than the others I had seen. With the videos my brother had given me, only in the straight ones did the actors look relatively close to my age. The first one ever was actually set in a college dorm, and involved a three way between a girl and two guys. I knew my brother was gay by that point, and assumed the mix was for his benefit, but felt kind of selfish when it turned out there wasn't actually much in it for him. So I told him that we could watch something truly bisexual, even though I knew I was opening myself up to more guy on guy, but I didn't know that my brother would bring videos with men in their thirties and forties. Hot men, fit men, but men nonetheless.

Chris, on the other hand, had started up a video with models that were definite boys; neither seemed to be a day over 25. They were also muscular: the first tall and blond, with a swimmers build, had well displayed abs and a bright youthful smile; the second, a shorter dark haired wrestling type, had more muscles, especially for his height, which bulged with impressive masculinity. These guys were hot, and definitely more my thing than the kind of guys my brother seemed to be in to. I smiled at this, thinking that maybe Chris's porn would be even more enjoyable than my brother's.

The actual movie started abruptly, someone had obviously cut out the plot line. The two boys were already making out, and I could see the shorter one's well developed ass straining through the back of his purposefully tight jeans. Although it appeared that he was making the first moves, I instantly found myself thinking that he would end up being the bottom. It wasn't really a strange idea, I thought as I took a sip of my beer and spread my legs to allow my dick the ability of pointing upright, I usually wanted the guy who looked more like me to be the bottom. What was strange was how I almost instantly knew his role. Chris was clever, I thought as I could feel my hard dick pumping blood in anticipation, this video was already working way better than any my brother had given me.

The clip had started with the boys shirtless, so I wasn't surprised as the bottom boy pulled the pants off of his top. The blond wasn't wearing underwear, and his hard cock popped straight out towards the bottom, who bobbed obliging down onto it for just a moment before standing up to remove his pants as well. "You're pretty hot," the blond said as the wrestler's dick, shorter than his top's, vibrated with excitement, causing a similar reaction from mine. The bottom didn't say anything, he just went back to work on the blond guy's cock. This was a job I was familiar with, and I licked my lips a bit as I imagined it was me with that large veiny shaft flowing swiftly in and out of my mouth. The blond moaned with approval and shifted slightly so that his legs were spread on either side of the bottom. "Yeah, you like that cock don't you?" The blond asked, closing his eyes and licking his lips sensually.

"Mmm hmmm," was the only response from the bottom, who was dutifully using his lips to form a tight seal around his top's cock head. The camera switched positions for a moment, and I was given a clear view of the wrestler's muscular ass which was making short movements up and down in time with his dick sucking. I could see the bottom's ass cheeks spread slightly, opening just enough to make me think of my own hole, which was currently being neglected. Even though Chris hadn't just mentioned it, I decided to follow his instructions from earlier and refrain from sticking my finger into my butt in order to achieve some level of masturbation.

There was another cut in the film, and now the bottom had taken his mouth off the top, who was making moves to turn over and present the bottom with his ass. This was interesting, I thought, as I leaned closer and took another sip from my beer. I had read a little on the internet about ass licking, even looked at a few pictures of it, but I hadn't seen any live-action videos yet. The blond swimmer's ass was beautiful, with tanned globes that spread easily under the touch of the bottom's fingers. The very sight of a top's hole made me place my hands on top of the cup covering my dick, with sincere doubts that I could keep myself from defying Chris and going inside it. I tried my best to refrain, however, as the dark haired bottom dug his tongue deeply and passionately into the top's clean shaven hole.

I moaned and involuntarily stuck my tongue out a bit towards the screen. God it was hot, the way the bottom kept going at that guy's ass. I wanted to do that to someone, I wanted someone to do that to me. It was just as I was beginning to imagine how amazing it would feel to have your ass licked as foreplay, and then properly fucked by a long hard cock like the one hanging down between the blond haired guys legs. "Oh yeah," the blond said, pushing his tight ass out towards the eager kisses of the wrestler, "Yeah, lick that ass."

For some reason I felt like the taunt was meant as slightly degrading, but shrugged it off quickly. The passionate digging of the bottom's tongue into the top's ass continued on for a few more minutes, and with each one that passed by I felt more and more desperate to start jacking off. There was another cut in the video, and I was treated with a scene of the blond's thick tool being pushed aggressively into the wrestler's wet and willing hole. The bottom boy gave off an appreciative moan while the swimmer took a firm hold of the short guy's strong muscular legs and used them to pull him further onto the cock. The top used the bottom's hips as leverage, propelling himself back and forth. He would always come near to the threshold of the wrestler's smooth ass, but then would just push himself deeply inside again, much to the bottom boy's delight.

It wasn't long before I was watching cum shots, making my own dick wet as it too wished for relief. While the bottom boy came I was treated with a weird mixture of thoughts about ass licking, stroking my cock, and getting my butt pounded. All were particularly inviting images, and I was disappointed as the movie ended with a still image of the blond creaming all over the bottom's face; the dark haired muscleman eagerly opening his mouth in an attempt to catch it. "Wow," I said to myself, pushing my chair back and staring longingly at the still screen. I rapped my fingers against the cup, knowing that my cock --Â filled with blood and lust -- was only a piece of plastic away. "This is going to be an interesting summer," I noted to no one in particular as I closed the video and stood up.

I grabbed my beer and held it briefly against the back of my neck, pushing on my perineum in lieu of stroking my cock. It felt pretty good, so I decided to hang around for a second and massage the muscle, but glanced out towards Chris's pool house, knowing that he was waiting for me. To my surprise Chris was still outside; talking to one of MY friends: Jacob, but he always preferred Jake. Even though Jake looked relatively generic from behind, I could tell it was him from the clashing Hebrew and Arabic symbols on the bottom of the longboard he was leaning against. Normally I would've been happy to see one of my friends, but in my drunken state I just felt disturbed.

The thing I found most disconcerting was the casual way in which he was leaning towards Chris: it looked a lot like Jake was hitting on him. Not only that, but like Jake was playing a game with Chris that both had played before. He laughed at something Chris said, and suddenly my heart began pounding as I imagined Chris telling Jake that I was a houseboy. What's more, Jake was pretty open about sexuality and had never said anything about being into guys before. How could Jake be so casually hitting on Chris?

I tried to tell myself that Jake's preoccupation with Chris meant he wouldn't be thinking about me, but even Chris telling Jake that I was there would practically mean outing me to one of my best friends. Just as surely as I could sense Jake's gay intentions from seeing him with Chris, Jake too would be able to discern my own homosexuality. As if to mock me on this, Jake leaned in to kiss Chris on the cheek, or at least I assumed it was a kiss since Chris pushed the advance away. I could see him waving Jake out of the house, although he didn't really look upset about what had just transpired. I couldn't see what Jake's face looked like, but I could tell that he was nodding as he dropped his board to the pool deck and skated off around the pool and towards the front of the house.

I turned around, my heart still pounding as I moved out of Chris's bedroom and made my way for the stairs. I walked slowly, keeping in mind that Jake had just left and might still be hanging around near the front of the house and the windows by Chris's front door. For the first time in hours, since arriving at Chris's house, I felt like I might be doing something wrong. I took a sip of the beer Chris had left me with, and tried to push Jake's proximity out of my mind. Unfortunately, when I reached the bottom of the stairs, I could see that he had stopped his board in Chris's driveway facing out towards the street and talking on his cell phone.

So my heart continued pounding as I sprinted passed the windows for the second time in about an hour, hoping that Jake didn't turn around to see me at just the right time. I didn't stop running opened the door to the back patio and stepped back out into the dying summer sun. Chris was off by the pool house, bending over to get a beer from the cooler. I could see from where I was standing that his ass was perfectly framed by the seams of a pair of blue jeans he had put on. I tried to concentrate on it as I crossed the pool deck, reminding myself that things like Chris's muscular ass were why I wanted to be a houseboy this sumer.

"Was that Jake who was just here?" I asked as I stepped into earshot.

Chris spun around, displaying his gorgeous well-structured abs that wound their way down into the waistband of his pants. He still had the sunglasses on over his eyes, despite the fact that the dying sun was behind him, and he took a sip of his beer before saying anything at all. "Yeah," Chris replied with a burp and then a sheepish smile, "he wanted to hang out, but I told him I had a guy over."

I took a sip of my beer, which was starting to get a little flat even though I had over a quarter can left, "Are you and Jake friends or something?"

Chris smiled, "Sort of. Why? You curious about your friend's sexuality?"

I nodded with a sheepish frown, "Wouldn't you be?"

"Don't worry," Chris laughed, slapping me lightly on the shoulder with an open palm, "I didn't tell him anything about you." He took another sip of his beer with a knowing light in his eye, "Jake is a really nice guy, but you should get comfortable in your own skin and come out at your own pace."

I scratched the back of my head, somewhat skeptical of Chris's words given the fact that I was standing before him in nothing but a jockstrap. "I don't know, I've just got this feeling like we're doing something wrong."

Chris shook his head, "Being in the closet always feels a little wrong, but if you stick with us all summer you'll be out by the end." He put his hands on both of my shoulders and gripped me with reassurance, "Don't worry about Jake, no one is going to make a whore out of you; especially not to your friends. While you're with us you're protected, unless you decide that you don't want to be." The look he injected into my eyes was quite sincere: he had a smile on his face saying that he was quite happy to be looking after me --Â and I felt reassured.

"Come on," He flipped his head back towards the pool house, "I've got one more hypnosis session planned that is bound to ease any of your remaining nerves." Chris grabbed me by the wrist like he was about to take me on a fantastic journey, but did nothing more than spin around and led me to the door of the pool house. I followed almost as if on a leash as he turned the knob of the solid wooden door and pushed it open, still sporting a smile as he turned to show me inside. The room was set up as it usually was: the pool table was over on the far end, the old red leather couch was sitting in front of the TV on the wall right in front of me, a coffee table and two reclining chairs completed the living room set. Up on the walls were posters of random bands and athletes from various sports teams -- mostly soccer, swimming, and snow boarding. All of this I had seen before, but there were two new additions to the room. The less obtrusive of the additions was a bar sitting behind the couch and to my right; it looked fully stocked with everything from whiskey to wine, and I caught myself wondering briefly where Chris had managed to get all that alcohol.

The other new addition to the room, which was much more terrifying than any bar, was a stool that was sitting between the coffee table and the TV. It looked like your normal cheap plastic affair, except that a dildo had been attached to the top of it so that it was sticking straight up into the air. Somehow it had been altered so the dildo was flush with the base of the stool, instead of having a base of it's own, and seemed to be merged wholly, as if the furniture had been manufactured that way. "Me and Mike invented it," Chris said, obviously following my gaze, "He kind of nicknamed it the 'bad boy seat', but he meant it as a cute joke."

I looked at the contraption with wide eyes: its shaft was not only long, it was wide. Definitely wider and longer than anything I had ever used before, or most of the dicks I had seen in porn. "Cute joke? Am I supposed to get the whole thing inside of me?" I asked, more as a rhetorical question than anything else.

Chris placed his hands on my naked obliques and moved me further inside and out of the doorway, pushing the door closed with his foot as he directed me inside. "I know the thing is huge: it's longer than most real dicks that wide, and wider than most real ones that long." As he said this he maneuvered me over to the center of the room so I could have a better view of the ominous chair. "The chair is really only meant for training purposes, it'll help you deal with even the most extraordinarily large guys."

"And," I paused, looking the massive shaft up and down, "your plan is to have me sit on it tonight?"

"Yep," Chris stepped around the stool, standing behind the dildo like he was about to give a school report, "Do you think you can manage it?"

I nodded, preparing myself mentally for the task to come, "I can definitely try."

"Good," Chris replied with a wink, "because I've got some of the most important hypnosis you've experienced yet planned, and it'll be way more effective if you're sitting on this baby." He took the dildo in his hand and looked intently at me, like he was about to demonstrate the use of a complicated machine.

I looked down at the chair, the 'bad boy seat' as Chris has put it, "Is the dildo supposed to hypnotize me?" I asked with a skeptical smile.

Chris chuckled, "No, but I want you to know a couple of things so that you don't end up tearing yourself up." He pointed an accusing finger at me, "The most important thing is to use lots of lube on the shaft and yourself. Very specific to this stool is that you have to balance your feet on both sides," Chris pointed deliberately down towards the rungs to show where he meant, "the thing is top-heavy so it's easy to fall over if your legs aren't spread at either side." I nodded to show that I understood. "The only other thing," Chris said, raising his hands off the object, "is that you need to keep the dildo clean. I'll show you how to take it off and the process you'll go through to keep it sanitary, but tonight we'll just use a condom."

I laughed a nervous laugh, starring hard at the formidable object in front of me. Chris said he wanted me to try, so I would, but the thing looked like it was liable to "tear me apart", as Chris put it. "Are we doing this right now?" I asked him.

Chris put his hands on his hips, looking down at the dildo as if he was surveying a problem, "As long as you think you can handle it." He nodded towards the dildo, "I'd really like to try my hypnosis on you."

"I can handle it," I replied, smiling at his business-like manner, "Are you going to try hypnotizing me without a video?"

"No," Chris looked at me apologetically, although I wasn't sure why he'd feel bad about this answer, "I still have to use a video to put you under, but I'd like to focus on being able to put you under with just verbal prompting. Are you willing to work with me on that?"

I laughed, glancing at the massive dildo and then back at Chris's alcohol-flushed cheeks, "Yeah, I'd be willing to work on hypnosis with you."

"You're beautiful," Chris gave me an intense look, like he was considering something about me that he hadn't before. I wasn't sure if his statement was meant as a thank you for agreeing to be his hypnosis subject, or if he was literally telling me that I was beautiful. Maybe, I thought, it was a bit of both. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes:

I"m really sorry for the long delay between this post and the last one, I hope it didn't make the part too difficult to read. This chapter didn't divide as easily as Chapter 1, so I'll try and get the next part up quickly to keep the story flowing. As always, all your thoughts, comments, ideas can be directed to The delay has filtered into my response time, but I'm still doing my best to get back to everyone, so keep the comments coming!

Next: Chapter 7: The House Boys Summer II 3

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