The House Boys Summer

By Ryan Hart

Published on Aug 26, 2012



The following story is entirely fictional, and contains depictions of 18 year olds in sexual situations with minor teenagers no more than forty-eight months younger than those of legal age. All parties depicted herein are behaving consensually and entirely inside the jurisdiction of either the U.S. State of Maine or New Jersey where such relationships are legal. This work is in no way meant to endorse or depict illegal sex of adults with minor children, or forcible sex with unwilling participants, and shall not be construed as such. Sexual relations between participants of such disparate ages is prohibited by law in much of the world, including most of the United States, and in some jurisdictions possession or viewing of such material may be banned. Readers are entirely responsible for knowing and obeying the laws in their area. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for criminal or other charges placed upon individual readers in such jurisdictions for any reason. By reading beyond this disclaimer you assert that: 1) You are over the age of 18 years old, or over the age of 13 with the permission of a parent or legal guardian (Individuals under the age of 13 are strictly prohibited from reading this story) 2) You have read and understood the contents of this disclaimer, and waive all legal recourse against the author for such liabilities including, but not limited to, those described herein.

All Rights Reserved.

The House Boy's Summer Chapter 1: Nerves Part 3: Small Talk -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I looked over at Chris's naked body, ran my eyes down his well developed chest and abs, and settled them onto his flaccid penis, "That's good, I'm not sure I could deal with the other guys today..."

Chris didn't seemed to notice my stare, or if he did he ignored it, "Still nervous?" He asked.

"Must be," I replied, "maybe I just need more beer."

"Maybe," Chris said with a sigh, putting his hands behind his head as if showing himself off to me. Still, with the sunglasses over his eyes I couldn't discern where they were focused or what he was thinking. I focused my own gaze on the tuffs of dark hair protruding from his arm pits. I noticed the pits had flicks of sweat forming beads on the hair, and had to resist the urge to lick them off. "You're still thinking about sex, aren't you?"

I smiled at him, "Yeah, I am always."

"Always?" Chris cocked his head as if this response was intriguing and unexpected, "What do you do when you're in school?"

I shrugged, "I didn't really become obsessed with it until after school was over."

Chris didn't look pleased, "Your brother has some nerve." I didn't really know what this meant, but thought it best not to ask. Chris had made it clear that he'd answer questions in due course, and I was content to sip my beer and let him get there at his own pace. "I'll make sure that you learn how to do school work," Chris said, as if this concern had been readily on my mind. "Your brother really doesn't think things through."

Sweat was now forming on Chris's chest and stomach, and my boner was starting to throb back up to full strength. As a result I couldn't really focus my mind on my brother and all that came out of my mouth was, "You're really sweaty."

Chris smiled and rolled his head, fixing me with a look of incredulity, "You're not listening to a thing I'm saying, are you?"

"Sorry," I replied, finishing the last of my beer, "but I'm on a roll of about two beers an hour, and I always think about sex."

"Ah, too liquored up to concentrate?" Chris nodded, "That makes sense, you don't weigh that much."

"Yeah," I sighed and looked down at my penis, which had settled on a floppy piss hard and I remembered that I wanted to try peeing like a dog, "can I have another though?"

"Sure," Chris replied, popping open the cooler and handing me another beer, "but drink this one slowly, I don't want you getting a full beer ahead of me."

I nodded and saluted him with my hand, "Aye sir."

"Great," Chris said, finishing the last of his beer, "I'm gonna close my eyes for a minute, why don't you take a swim to cool that boner off." He flipped himself over onto his stomach in one fluid motion, grabbing his sunglasses with his right arm and gracefully pulling it under his body as he turned. He plopped himself down to the chair and placed the sunglasses on the ground beside him. I couldn't help myself but stare hungrily at his muscular legs and licked my lips as I imagined touching them at the ankles and softly running my hands all the way up to his butt.

My boner was reappearing and my breath was getting heavy, "I'd much rather stay here and give you a massage sir."

"I'm sure you would," was Chris's reply, "but go cool off for a second first."

I sighed and tried to calm myself, drinking my beer and watching Chris's muscular ass cheeks shining with sweat in the sun. Almost like he knew I was watching, Chris deliberately reached under himself and re-situated his penis, giving me a full show as he did so. My penis throbbed and I found myself fighting the urge to hold a cool beer can against it. I figured that Chris was probably right, and that what I needed was a dip in the pool, but decided to pee before doing so.

I walked around the pool deck and back to the grass, a feeling of excitement growing with every step I took. I glanced backwards at Chris's form, and even though his eyes were closed I had the distinct impression that I was doing something wrong. I stepped onto the grass and took a deep breath before getting down onto my hands and knees. I turned myself around so I could see Chris, worried that he'd laugh at me if he saw. Luckily his eyes were still closed, so I lifted my leg and shook my semi-hard outwards towards the grass. I let the flow go with a sigh, looking away from Chris's unaware form as I did so.

I was embarrassed that I was voluntarily dehumanizing myself, and wondered if that was Chris's intent when he took away my right to a bathroom. I pissed for a good thirty seconds, even gaining the courage to look back up at Chris during the last half of my relief. Even though I was going through a personal dilemma over the function, Chris seemed to care about nothing less. As I finished pissing I tried to shake my dick to get off the last drops, but it turned into a truly dog-like act of shaking my leg instead. I must've looked pretty silly, and couldn't decide if this was any less ridiculous than trying to piss handless and standing up.

I pushed myself to my feet, brushing grass off my hands and shins. Chris was still lying idly on his chair, and although my boner had reduced itself considerably I still wanted nothing more than to get back to him. The heat of the day had started to wane some, and I knew that just getting wet would help me "cool off", as Chris put it. I walked back to the poolside and took a shallow dive in. The water washed over my hair and body as I broke through the surface, and I was surprised at how warm it had grown in the early summer sun. I swam a lap or two, trying to get my mind off of sex, but the thought of Chris's round butt cheeks kept drifting into my mind, and the thought of licking sweat off his body still appealed to me greatly.

With the knowledge that I could think of nothing else, I pushed my body, muscles and hair dripping with water, back out into the summer air and walked towards Chris's resting form. I walked up behind him and placed my wet hands onto the heels of his feet, reaching up to his shins from my position behind him. He said nothing, but I felt nervous about proceeding without being coaxed. "Master Chris?" I asked him softly, wondering if he was still even conscious enough to answer.

"You're still thinking about sex, aren't you?" He asked without shifting positions.

"Yeah," I replied honestly, not knowing what else to do, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he reassured, "I'm just nervous about how to proceed." Chris flipped himself over and looked down at my anxious face his eyes curiously full of sympathy as he gazed at my kneeling form, "How would you feel about doing something a little more difficult?"

"More difficult?" I asked nervously, "More difficult than what?"

Chris gave me an encouraging smile, "More difficult than thinking about sex, and maybe more difficult than a blow job." He shrugged, "We don't have to do anything right now. Like I said we have a lot of time. If you'd like to just continue on drinking and thinking about sex that's cool with me; we could even watch some porn as long as we tie your hands so you can't jerk off."

I looked at him curiously, "I thought I'd be doing whatever you want."

"Yeah," He replied stretching his hands luxuriously over his head, "but today is more about you than me." He paused, looking down at me where I knelt with an indiscernible stare in his eyes, "Maybe you're right. I am liking the sun right now, and watching porn will just make you even more anxious to get off."

I nodded, "But I do like porn a lot."

He laughed, "I'm sure you do, but how about we both down another beer before deciding anything."

"Okay," I replied, but Chris didn't make any moves. So I pushed myself to my feet and walked slowly over to the cooler, deliberately bending over and displaying my naked ass as I grabbed two more beers. I didn't glance to see if Chris was looking, but somehow I could feel his eyes taking in what I had to offer, and I knew that my muscular cheeks were not something to be easily dismissed.

"Can I ask you a question," Chris said in a serious tone as I handed him a beer and sat down on the chair next to him, popping mine open as my butt hit the fabric.

"Of course you can," I said, looking down at my dick which was still sporting wood.

Chris sat up and faced me, popping his beer open as he did so. He raised his can to me and I raised mine to his in response. "Why did you agree to be our...?" Chris trailed off, not sure what to call me, but I got the gist of his question.

"The internet says that the term is 'houseboy'," I looked into his smiling eyes and took a deep breath, "and to tell you the truth, I'm still not really sure that I want to be here."

"But you are here?" He looked at me skeptically.

"I had to decide quickly, and my brother agreed that if I absolutely hate it that I'll just go back home." I glanced down at Chris's flaccid cock and then back up to his endearing eyes, "but so far I don't hate it."

Chris didn't seem convinced, "But what are you expecting from this summer?"

"Honestly," I lifted my beer up a little higher, "I'm just hoping to have a good time, and if I learn that stuff you said about being a good gay guy all the better."

"I hope you have a good time too," Chris gave me a smile like he knew something that I didn't and tapped his beer into mine, "Let's chug these babies, you ready?"

"Always," I said, easily drawn in by his charming smile. He brought his beer to his lips and I followed suit drinking as fast as I possibly could. I got half way down the can before I had to take a breath, but Chris kicked my shin and pointed at the fact that he was still going. He used his free hand to guide the cold aluminum down to my dick, which started to lose mass a few seconds after contact. He made a point to position my hand so that it wasn't making skin to skin contact, and positioned the can so that my dick was pushed up against it and the base was rested against my balls.

He finished his beer with a triumphant smile and a loud dramatic burp, "Leave that there for at least fifteen more seconds," he instructed, pointing at the beer can against my dick, "and only remove it when you have the balls to finish the entire thing."

I was perfectly content to follow these instructions, as my dick really did need to cool off a bit. As a result I held the can between my meat and ball sack for more like thirty seconds before lifting it to my lips and chugging the second half. As I finished I too found myself with the unavoidable need to burp, but managed to do so in a much less showy fashion than Chris.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

I thought about it for a second and decided my head was definitely fuzzy, but I wasn't sure what stage of inebriation I had reached, "I definitely have alcohol in my system," I replied, "but I'm not really sure how much."

Chris leaned back placing his hands behind him on his chair, giving me a full view of his body. His well defined pecks practically glowed in the sun which had migrated to a point somewhere behind me. "I'm not really trying to get you trashed off your ass," He smiled, squinting his eyes as he looked at me, "just playfully tipsy. I'd like you to last a while if you can."

I smacked my hands together, "I'm definitely ready to play, what kind of game do you have in mind?" I looked at him knowingly, hoping that sex was going to creep back into the conversation.

He reached down and grabbed the doc kit which he had brought outside with him, holding it up for me to see, "There's a butt plug in here that's pretty much the size of an average dick."

I looked curiously at the bag and then down at Chris's dick, "Does that mean it's smaller than your dick?"

"No," Chris replied, "my dick is actually about an average size."

I nodded, "That's good, I could see myself taking something like that on a regular basis." I gave him a sheepish grin, hoping he knew what I meant, but he didn't give me the satisfaction of acknowledgment.

"I'm introducing you to this butt plug first for that reason," Chris continued, a note of the obvious in his voice, "How would you feel about playing around with this for a while, following my instructions and trying not to cum?"

My dick had started to harden again, "Do you even have to ask?" I said. My breath was visibly quickening its pace, and my heart invisibly following along.

Chris smiled at my eagerness, "This is gonna be great," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I think the best thing would be for us to start with the inspection positions. Why don't you assume it right there in front of your chair." Chris pointed to the spot he meant, and I instantly stood and stepped over to it. I spread my legs, with my balls hanging low between them, and threw my hands behind my head, puffing out my chest as I did so. "Good," Chris said, also standing up. He unzipped the doc kit and placed his hand inside, walking towards me, so that he was no more than a few inches from my body. He reached inside the bag and pulled out a thick penis shaped object with a large base in front of my nose. "Are you sure you want this thing inside of you?" He prompted.

My dick was at full strength now and all I could do was breath a soft "yes". Chris seemed satisfied with the response and threw the doc kit back onto his chair, grabbing a bottle of lubricant from it as he did so. The bag seemed like it was still heavy, despite having the dildo removed, and I wondered what else could be inside. "The first thing I want to do is get the whole thing in you, so bend over, bend your knees a bit, and stick your butt up into the air; you can use your hands to balance."

I complied instantly by leaning over and grabbing the chair with my fingers. Since the chair stood slightly below my knees, this had the effect of causing my ass to point up and my butt cheeks to spread slightly. Chris brought the flexible sex toy down to my ass with a playful smack as he walked around me. He didn't say anything for a moment, but then I suddenly felt the cool lubricated head of the ass plug playing at my butt hole. Chris began to apply pressure with the head of the fake penis, and I could feel my sphincter easily giving way. "Uhhhh," I grunted heavily as the head pushed its way through.

"The head is inside of you," Chris declared, despite the fact that I could clearly feel that it was the case. The head was big, with more girth than anything else I had ever had inside of me, and I was having trouble relaxing myself as the pressure continued and the well lubricated shaft started to slide in as well. Lucky for me that my ass had already been manipulated a bit that day, otherwise the whole thing probably would've been too much. I kept taking deep breaths, wanting to avoid a need for him to slow down.

I breathed in and out, in and out, and with each breath I took Chris slowly slid more and more of the dildo inside of me. By the time the thing was about half way in me my dick was throbbing: I felt like the pressure the toy was applying to my asshole was actually being applied to my dick, and couldn't help myself but to let out a soft moan. "You like that?" He prompted softly, placing a hand on my lower back and rubbing a bit. The extra stimulation on my back, though slight, caused me to arch my spine and I could feel the butt plug sliding in more easily. Within moments the base of the plug had made contact with my skin, and my dick pulsated along with the completed insertion.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the pressure of the dildo on my dick, "God, it's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be."

"You'll get used to it," Chris replied, continuing to rub my back, "do you think you can stand or do you need to stay bent over for now?"

"I can stand," I responded, pushing myself up from the chair, while I straightened my back Chris kept pressure on the base of the plug so that it stayed firmly lodged in my anus. As I returned my hands to their place behind my head, reassuming the inspection position, Chris reached around me and gave my cock a good couple of strokes, causing it to leak disproportionate amounts of precum. I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling like I could stand there forever with Chris's hand on my cock and the plug deep in my ass, but Chris gave my cock a squeeze and then released me entirely and stepped aside to sit back down on his chair. I stood there awkwardly for a second, hands behind my head and dick sticking straight out in front of me. "Sir?" I questioned, uncertain of what to do next.

"The game we're going to play," Chris said, lying down and putting his sunglasses back on, "will test your physical stamina as a gay guy.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes:

Thank you so much to everyone that's been giving me feedback on my writing style. I've been getting a lot of questions about the plot, and I definitely have a story arc in mind, so I'll try to start addressing it more in Chapter 2. In the mean time keep sending your thoughts to, I love hearing what everyone thinks!

As always, a special thanks goes out to Alex Kerr from, without your edits this story wouldn't be possible.

Next: Chapter 4

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