The Hotel Stranger

By roger kent

Published on Dec 9, 2023


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The hotel stranger ( part 2 )

I felt so used and cheap. I showered and went back into the bedroom and he was laying on the bed watching porn. I got his glass and gave it to him. I had become so subservient.

I didn't know what to say and was somewhat embarrassed. I felt sort of tricked as he had been so nice and friendly earlier but I felt that had been all a pretence to get me under his control. I was confused as I felt tricked but my cock had been hard throughout the whole experience. I realised something within me was excited by it all.

" good lad ! " he said as he took the glass. " you did well, come next to me as we watch this porn "

I lay next to him and he put his arm around me. He had returned to the friendly Dan I knew from down in the bar.

My cock was stirring again and he noticed it and gently stroked it. I was desperate to cum but all he did was stroke it .

" well I see you are horny ! Would you like me to make you cum ?"

" yes please "

" maybe later. Stay overnight here. Go back to your room , get what you need and get back here . You are sleeping with me tonight"

I got up and quickly dressed and went to my room , got my toothbrush and some fresh underwear and a shirt for the next day and returned. I cleaned my teeth , undressed and we got into bed together and I was excited . I hadn't slept with anyone overnight for a long time. It felt nice feeling another hot body next to mine. He hugged me and I felt the odd brushing of his hand along my cock. I realised it was all a tease. He whispered in my ear if I was good he would wank me in the morning. I fell asleep. It was nice that Dan had resumed being his nice friendly self.

However, I was awoken in the middle of the night as something was being pushed into my mouth. It was pitch dark and I realised Dan was pushing his cock into my mouth.

" take my cock you cock sucking slag! " he was quietly saying.

He was on his knees by my side pushing his cock into my mouth . I was choking and spluttering. " gag on it bitch !" It was really hard in my mouth and felt his big hands pulling my head forward so his cock went further down my throat. I was gagging and my eyes were watering so much that tears ran down my face.

Then he pushed me further down the bed as he rolled onto his back. " Suck me off you fucking tart" . He was very intense as he forced my head down so the full length of his cock was hitting the back of my throat. Then he exploded saying " oh yes you whore take it all ". I felt his cum shoot into my mouth. " now swallow it all I don't want any of that on the bedsheets you fucker." I swallowed it all and wiped my mouth and then came back from under the sheets . He simply turned away from me and went to sleep. I lay there feeling a bit stupid , frustrated and really used. Finally I nodded off to sleep.

In the morning I awoke and he was already dressed. He didn't say anything about the middle of the night antics. He told me to go back to my room and he would see me that evening when he and I returned. Him from his business affairs and me from seeing my son and his family. We exchanged numbers and said we would text each other when we got back to the hotel . He texted first about 6pm and when I got back about 7pm I texted him. He told me to shower and meet him in the bar in 30 minutes.

I was still processing what had happened to me but I hadn't had a chance to work it all out. Somehow I was under his spell and I was his sub. I sent him a text saying I would meet him but I didn't want him shooting his cum into me again. I was really concerned about catching something. He replied that was fine.

I met him in the bar and I got the seats while he went to the bar and returned with some drinks. They were quite strong, well mine was ! He said they were singles but I thought they were stronger than that. He was fairly insistent and soon brought two more. I am not much of a drinker and again I felt lightheaded. It was clear to me he wanted me totally under his control again.

The next thing I knew he was guiding me into the lift taking me to his floor and then to his room. Once we got into the room he offered me another drink but I said I couldn't as I had already had too much. He said I should get some fresh air then and we went onto the balcony. He stood behind me and put his arms around me and slid his hands up to my nipples . He started squeezing them gently and I could feel his bulge pushing up against my arse. He started kissing my neck.

The combination of that got my cock rock hard. He started to unbutton my shirt and trousers and took them off along with my underpants and socks . He was fully clothed and I was now naked standing on the balcony . Normally I would never do that in case someone saw me but I was really tipsy and sort of out of it.

" yes you want me to wank you off don't you bitch ` he said. I was so aroused and gagging to cum. " yes Dan please " .

" right first you've got to take my cock" I felt lube being applied to my hole and I then heard him unzip . He pushed me forward so I was bent forward and he pushed his big cock into me . I groaned as it went in. I was still aware that some of the other rooms may see what was happening but I didn't care. He slowly pushed his cock in and I felt his hand squeezing my nipples. He started going faster. Deep within me I somehow managed to slur something to remind him not to cum . He didn't reply so I said it again.

" just shut the fuck up you slag and take it" he snarled back. " I'll do whatever I want " . He then put some poppers under my nose. " inhale ! Go on do it! " . I took several hits . I was suddenly filled with lust for him. " beg me to cum in you " he demanded .

Now I wanted his cum in me " yes fill me with your cum master I want it all ! Use me ! " . With that he shot into me for what seemed ages. " oh you dirty fucking slag " he shouted .

Finally we regained our breath and he withdrew. I felt so embarrassed at what I had said and what had happened.

I flopped onto the bed and he poured himself some wine. He handed me a glass of wine . "Drink this and don't refuse my hospitality again" . He handed me a glass of wine and because I didn't want to offend him so I drank it. He obviously wanted me totally helpless.

My feelings were of embarrassment, shame but also excitement and fulfilment. Also strangely a sense of pride that I had totally pleased this horny man. He showered and then I did. I still hadn't cum and was desperate to empty my balls.

We lay on the bed together watching something on the tv. It could

have been anything as I was wrecked from the alcohol and the fucking. The wine he had given me seemed to make me even more horny but also everything seemed to became unreal.

I recalled how he had cum twice the previous night and suspected he might have a high sex drive so I wasn't surprised when he started touching his cock again as we lay there. Then he said " I expect you are still hoping to cum aren't you ? " I slurred that I hoped that I would. " well you had better earn it eh ? I want you as my sub . That's what you are aren't you ?". This was embarrassing for me . I had to admit that is exactly what I was . He had dominated me and I had been subservient to him. I didn't care what I said now I just wanted him to wank me off . " yes Sir I am " . The alcohol and possibly a spiked drink had removed all my inhibitions. " Well kiss my feet then" he said . I felt real shame as I went down the bed and started kissing his feet. " now lick them like the dog you are " . I licked them . " yes you are pleasing your master . Now lick up my legs and lick my balls. " I obeyed .

" good little subby . Now put these on " . He handed me some handcuffs. I was nervous at this moment but groggily did it . I handcuffed my hands together in front of me. "good now lay back" . I laid back on the bed and he sat across my stomach.

" if stupid slaggy bitch wants me to wank him then he will do what I say won't he ?" . I nervously nodded. He edged forward and plopped his balls in my mouth. I instinctively started licking and sucking them . Then he edged further forward and sat right on my face. " rim my hairy arse you arse licking slag " he demanded . I had never done this before but had no choice. I felt too weak to resist even if I could . My tongue came out and he writhed about making sure my tongue licked his hole. "oh you lovely arse licking cunt " .

He then turned himself fully around so he was now facing my cock and again sat on my face and got me licking his hole. " what a slut you are ! He started stroking my cock . "Whenever you come back to visit your family you will always tell me in advance and I will meet you here to be used as I see fit do you understand " . As he was saying this he was slowly wanking my cock. I was delirious with ecstasy. He started pulling my cock harder and faster " you will won't you !" I was desperate to shoot my cum. "Yes Sir I will!" I tried to say but it sounded ridiculous as my tongue was up his arse. I heard him laughing as I sounded so pathetic.

Finally he wanked me faster and I shot a massive load of cum as he rode my tongue. I groaned loudly as it spilled out of my cock . It was fantastic. I lay there as he got up and poured himself a drink. " ok let's go to bed " .

That was a few months ago and I visit my son more frequently now and I always let Dan know and we meet at the hotel. He has taken me down the path to total subservience. My mind is constantly torn. I realise I have become a total sub to Dan with him using me physically and verbally degrading me every time we meet. He enjoys humiliating me. However, I find it just so exciting. It has become a drug to me. I realise I am now totally under his thumb.

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