The Hotel Stranger

By roger kent

Published on Dec 9, 2023


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The Hotel Stranger part 1 - authoritarian

I was visiting my son, his wife and their children and had booked into a small hotel. I always preferred staying in a hotel as it didn't put them to any trouble and I could escape from the mayhem and retreat back to my hotel. Of course I love them but only in small doses.

I had just returned from seeing them and decided to get a drink from the bar before heading up to my room. It was good to relax at the end of the day. I was here for a few days so I was pacing myself. I had been with them for the whole day and now I was having some `me' time.

I ordered a drink at the bar and then took it over to a quiet corner . I was going to check my emails on my phone while I enjoyed my drink and try to unwind. There were only about five people in the bar. Two couples and a guy sitting alone .

I sat down and started checking my emails on my phone when a voice said " business ?". It was the guy who had been sitting alone. He had seen me come in and had walked over.

" oh no just visiting family but that's stressful enough " I laughed in reply. He was a tall guy older than me, quite handsome and exuded confidence. He continued " I don't mean to intrude but I hate drinking alone . I am here on business. Do you mind ?" He indicated to the space next to me and sat himself down . I thought he was a bit forward but welcomed the company.

" no that's fine " I replied.

We chatted for a while and I welcomed this man taking a interest in me as person. He asked all about me and my sons family. Since I lived alone now it was nice to talk to people . He told me he was named Dan and had just concluded a deal. He kindly went to the bar and returned with more drinks. He asked if I had a partner and I told him that originally I was married to a woman and was divorced as she discovered that I had been unfaithful. He enquired further asking who I had been unfaithful with . I thought he was a bit nosy but the drinks had loosened my tongue . I admitted I had been with a man . I had ended up living with him but he had since died.

He seemed very considerate and told me how sorry he was and sort of patted my leg. I did notice he was staring right into my eyes as we talked I felt myself blushing. I suspected he might be gay and wondered where this might lead. I had had a few encounters over the years with men and women but not many. I was always comfortable chatting but too shy to take it to the next stage.

He was giving me his full focus and I loved the attention . As we relaxed I could feel the alcohol taking effect . He moved closer and became a bit more " touchy feely" . The odd touch of my arm and the pat and rub on the knee . He exuded confidence whereas I knew I didn't. I felt myself being more and more attracted to him.

Suddenly the bar bell rang and the bar tender announced the bar was shutting. " oh that's a shame we were getting on so well " he said " still never mind, come to my room as I have a nice bottle of wine there". We finished our drinks and as we stood up he sort of gripped me by the arm and steered me towards the lift . He was certainly taking control. He then continued gripping my arm and steered me into the lift and even holding my arm going along the corridor to his room. It seemed odd but I thought he might be offended if I said anything.

His room was considerably nicer than mine . It was much larger with a bigger double bed, sofa, table and chairs and writing desk. Also with a nice big bath with shower attachment and even a separate shower. I noticed he also had a balcony .

" sit yourself down " he said as he further guided me with the grip on my arm. He was steering me to sit on the edge of the bed. On the table were several bottles of wine and he poured out two big glasses. He sat himself next to me and remotely turned on some music. As we carried on chatting about stuff he then asked if I got lonely living alone. I admitted I did whereupon he put an arm around my shoulders in a sort of caring fatherly way with a few pats on my shoulders. He said he often felt lonely when he was away on business and he was glad we had chatted in the bar. As he slowly withdrew his arm from around my neck he felt my shoulders " oh your neck muscles seem tight let me give you a neck massage" he said . Before I could even reply he was massaging my neck and shoulders . I suspected where this was going and immediately got a stirring in my cock but was still a bit tense. I turned my back towards him so he could easily give me the massage. We were still sitting on the end of the bed.

" is that good ?" He asked .

" yes it's very nice" I replied.

The alcohol was taking effect and I felt myself getting woozy. He then put one hand around and felt the bulge in my trousers.

" oh what's this ? ! What have we got here ? I think you need to see what I have for you". He stood up and stood in front of me and unzipped and pulled his cock out. He then pushed it right into my mouth. I was so surprised as events had suddenly escalated.

He had been so nice and friendly and had been supplying drinks and I didn't want to upset him and wondered if I had led him on and now I was sucking his cock. He put some poppers under my nose. " inhale this " . I inhaled and a rush hit me. I wanted his cock more now.

" yes that's it , suck my big cock , you know it's what you want don't you ? Admit it. you want my cock! " he demanded .

He sounded very forceful now unlike how he was earlier. I found myself saying that I did want his cock. He was thrusting into my throat and I was gagging and choking on it. " that's it ! Just take it" he kept reinforcing that I must take it and want it . He then withdrew his cock and started to undress me .

"I want you naked bitch " . I looked up at him shocked that he called me bitch. He slapped my face and said " strip off and do as I say " . I felt really groggy with the alcohol but as I hadn't had too much to drink and it flashed into my mind that he may have spiked my drink in some way.

I noticed the music had changed and porn was showing on the tv set. I wondered when that had happened. I was now naked in his bedroom as he towered over me.

" I feel sort of weird " I told him.

" yes that's ok just inhale this " he said

He held more poppers under my nose and a rush of lust flowed through me again.

"get on your knees you filthy whore and suck my balls !" He ordered . He slipped out of his trousers and underpants.

I dropped to my knees and feasted on his big hairy balls.

" that's a good slag . Enjoy my balls and my cock " . He was slapping his hard cock in my face and spitting in my face. He grabbed my hair with one hand and was gently slapping my face with the other. I couldn't believe how he had changed. He was now so dominating.

He stripped the rest of his clothes off and pulled me up by my hair and then turned me around and pushed me face first onto the bed. He got on top of me and I could feel his weight pinning me down. He whispered in my ear " the moment I saw you I knew you were ripe for using and that's what I am going to do. I am going to fucking use you hard"

" Please don't cum in me " I begged .

" no I won't trust me " he replied.

I went to say something else but he shoved my face into the pillow. Then he lifted my head by pulling my hair up and I smelt the poppers under my nose again and heard him spitting and then felt his hand and fingers going into my arse. He had used his spit as lube and then he was pushing his cock into me.

" yesssss that's it you filthy slag take my big cock. "

It had been a long time since this had happened to me and his cock felt big. I went to cry out but as I did he shoved something into my mouth. I think it was underpants or socks. My head was spinning now and I was helpless . He was pummelling me hard with his cock in and out and forcing my head into the pillow .

" oh yessss here it comes you stupid bitch take my cum " .

" please don't " I tried to say but it was just muffled noise.

He grunted and groaned as he shot his semen into me "Oops I lied !" he thought it was very funny and I heard him chuckling to himself.

I lay there for a moment realising he had lied about not shooting his cum into me. He got off the bed and walked into the shower.

I heard the water running and him washing.

" get in here !" He ordered.

I got off the bed and groggily walked into the spacious bathroom . He was standing in the bath. " get in " he commanded.

I climbed into the bath . " kneel down" . I knelt down. He stood over me looking all superior. I wondered what was going to happen. My face was level with his big hanging cock . He aimed it at my face and then pissed into my face. I tried to move away but with one of his hands he grabbed my hair and pulled it hard. As I cried out his piss went into my mouth. He was laughing as I struggled.

" you stupid fucker ! Look at you taking my piss , cum and spit. Now shower off and get me my drink. I ain't finished with you yet !"

( to be continued )

Next: Chapter 2

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