The Hotel - Russell

By Dave A Bishop

Published on May 10, 2024


This story is about adult men having gay sex. If you enjoy the story, please donate to Dave A Bishop

The Hotel -- Part 4 -- Luke

It was early spring and it had rained in Whitelake constantly. Everyone was fed up with the weather. It meant going out for basic stuff really irksome. Darren had to go to the post office and I was in the kitchen planning food and breakfast treats for the residents. At least if was foul outside, at least we could have a bit of cheer for breakfast. It doesn't matter now what the food details were but I was planning just a handful of treats to cheer up the residents. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it as I knew Darren was out. It was in fact Darren who didn't need to ring the bell but he had brought someone back with him. "Dave, this is Luke" Darren introduced. Luke was stood on the door mat dripping wet. He had no coat, was carrying a plastic carrier bag, was soaked to the skin and was shivering. Darren continued "I found him stood in a shop doorway sheltering" he later told me that Luke was shivering and crying. I told Darren that we needed to get him dry and warm and feed him, then we can sort out what's to do. I didn't have spare clothes to fit Luke as he was so slightly built. I asked Darren if he could lend Luke a pair of pants and socks and I would get him a dressing gown. Darren nodded. I asked Luke about the stuff in his bag, he said it was just clothes but they were wet too. He had nothing to put on. I told him to go upstairs to a spare room with Darren and to strip off for a hot shower. While in the shower I would wash and dry all his clothes. He'd have to hang about a bit in a dressing gown but at least his clothes would be clean and dry in 3 or 4 hours. The two went upstairs and Darren came down with Luke's carrier bag of clothes. The was nothing delicate so I could do them all as one load and set of the machine to wash and dry. Darren left Luke in the bathroom and came down to me. I asked him what he knew of Luke. Darren said that he didn't know him at all, that he just found him soaking wet and alone. I told him that he'd done the right thing. After a good 30 minuted Luke came downstairs wearing the pants, socks and dressing gown, the kitchen is always warm so we all sat down and I asked Luke if he was hungry. He nodded and said that he hadn't eaten that day. I asked him what he wanted, bearing in mind that I mostly cook breakfast. As a 16 year old he wanted beans on toast and tea. I gave him a large plateful with extra toast and he wolfed it down. Luke was too busy eating to talk other than to say "thank you". So Darren and I chatted. I was a bit naughty as I flirted with Darren and made allusion to us having fun together. I could see from Luke's face he recognised that we were gay. After he had eaten I asked Luke to tell me what had happened to him.

His story was sad and typical. Luke was living with his mum and younger sister, she was only 8. he never met his father but knew his name. Mother had got a new live in boyfriend who had been giving Luke a bad time, bullying him and being physically abusive. I asked about the abuse and Luke opened the dressing gown to show bruises on his chest, arms and legs where he had been hit and on one occasion beaten with a belt. I asked Luke why he had been beaten and he told me that the boyfriend had caught him going through his pockets. I told him that even stealing did not warrant being beaten by the man but that he ought to have guessed that the man would have a go when he realised the money was missing. Luke was naive in that sense but then he was only 16. Some of the bruises he showed looked fresh and Luke said that he had run away after being hit again yesterday. He said that the man hit him for any small reason after the money incident.

The three of us chatted a bit more and I explained about how the house worked. Luke asked if he could stay for a while. I told him that was not how it worked and we would have to sort things out for him properly. Luke was a little taken aback but Darren said that we would work things out together with regard to the services Luke needed. As it was Friday I told Luke that he could stay for the weekend but that on Monday we would need to get things moving. However, I told him that I would not throw him out.

Luke looked 16. just wearing the dressing gown and socks I could see he had a slim smooth chest with little definition. He had black hair, brown eyes and a few teen-age spots. He also had a pretty smile and nice teeth. When he relaxed on the chair I could see his slender coltish thighs and hairy shins. Once or twice he caught me looking and pulled the gown around him but smiled, knowingly, nonetheless. The time flew by when we were talking & I heard the dryer finish. I said that I would go get Luke's clothes. He jumped up before I did and sat on my knee, gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me. As he sat on me I naturally put an arm around him with the other on his thigh and gave him a little hug. I had to take him off me as I didn't want him to feel the hardness that was developing in my pants! As he stood up hos gown fell open to reveal the tighty-whities he was wearing and a pretty little bulge. Our eyes made contact and he stretched has arms letting me have a clearer look at his lithe body. I spanked his bottom gently and told him to stop flirting. He laughed and ran off to the dryer. Luke went upstairs to sort his clothes and came down dressed.

The following day Luke came down for breakfast. After eating he asked if it was OK to shower. I told him that he didn't need to ask he could use the showers whenever he wanted. He disappeared upstairs and in a few minutes I heard water running. 10 minutes later he came downstairs again wearing socks and gown. He told me that he had run out of shower gel and had no money to buy more, I told him that I had some he could have that would keep him going until his money was sorted out. Pulling his gown tightly round him he came and sat on my knee again. I asked him why he did this. He said to say "thank you". I asked him if he was trying to say something else too and he blushed. I asked him if he was gay, he looked round to check if anyone else was listening which amused me as we were the only two in the room and he nodded. I told him that at 16 as a gay guy he was vulnerable to approaches and by sitting on my knee he was sending messages that he might not intend. "But what if I do intend?" he said mockingly. I stood up and gently spanked his bottom again and sent him upstairs. He ran to the carpet stairs and in his haste slipped causing him to scramble a little, he laughed as I chased him. When he stumbled I grabbed an ankle and pulled him back. He ended up face down on the stairs and I pulled the gown aside to spank him again but I was taken aback as he was naked under the gown and his pretty, pale, slim bottom came into view. The cheeky bugger raised his hips and presented his bottom to me. I couldn't resist this and pushed my hand through his legs and pulled him back parting his buttocks. His little hole came into view and did his nuts which were firmly tight to his body. I could see just a small ring of hairs, like eye lashes, around his hole, without thought I pulled him to me and dived straight in to eat his bottom. Luke yelped in pleasure making the sound like a dog when you tread on its tail. He half tried to pull away but I held him firm ate heartily, biting his buttocks, licking, kissing and sucking at his hole. The yelp immediately moderated into "Ahh's and Ohh's" and he started to push back onto onto my mouth. Within 30 seconds he had relaxed into jelly on the end of my tongue and I was able to feat to my heart's content. He little hole became wet with spit and I used my thumbs to massage around it and brushed over it causing it to open a little. Luke was trying to speak but just made odd sounds as if he couldn't find words and eventually he became silent and relaxed. Relaxed except for pushing back. I decided to take this upstairs so pulled back, slapped his ass and said "upstairs now!"

Once in his room he took of his gown to reveal his slight smooth body. His chest was under-developed and so very smooth. His legs were slim and I could see he was fine boned. His cock was hard and tight against his belly standing at no more than 5" with his balls up tight it formed a little pyramid shape to the pointy tip where his foreskin hid the head. I pushed him backwards onto his bed and knelt between his legs to suck him off. I started on the tight balls licking and sucking and gently chewing the scrotum then I licked up the cute smooth shaft to take the head. I had to prize the head forward to get my mouth on it and used my lips to see if the foreskin would retract. It went back far enough for me to get tongue inside and swipe around the head. I could taste pre-cum and Luke was getting close. At 16 he had a hair trigger, so I pulled off and grabbed his shins and pushed his legs back so his knees were at his chest. Holding his ankles I ate again at his pretty little ass and bit his buttocks. Luke's hand had gone straight for his dick he pinched the foreskin between his thumb and index finger and jerked it back a few times over the head only partly revealing the banjo-string. He came straight away and shot all over his belly. He might have climaxed but I hadn't and decided that the little tease was going to get more.

Darren had already joined us and stripped off. He got onto the bed above Luke and dropped his balls into Luke's mouth for a good tea-bagging. Luke knew what to do and started work sucking on Darren's low hanging fruit. Darren had brought in the lube and took hold of Luke's ankles securing them back for me giving me the widest access to Luke's virgin hole. I put lube onto my fingers and started to play around the hole, pressing and teasing it. Luke was already partly dilated from my oral work on him and he started to open again more. Gently I surprised Luke by slowly inserting one finger. I kept it easy on him but proceeded to go as deep as I could. I hit his little joy button and his ass spasm clenched down on me. I waited for hi to relax and brushed gently on his button. Luke was still very hard and I used my other hand to hold his dick in a firm grip. With Darren more or less sat on his face and holding his legs back and with me firmly holding his dick and ass in place Luke was not going to move anywhere. I spend time just gently smoothing over his joy button and Luke came a second time, this time exhaling loudly. I held onto his dick and gathered the spunk at the top of my fist and leaned forward. Luke was still sucking on Darren's balls and I dropped the spunk on to his lips and Darren's balls. I don't even think Luke noticed that he was eating his own spunk he was so out of it. Focussing back on his ass I let a second finger join in and I stretched him open a little more. Luke moaned in pleasure and again his as clenched and relaxed. Playing gently with him I told Luke that I was going to put my cock in him. I knew I would have to be gentle but I also knew he was still floating on his natural endorphins and would be able to fuck him without too much pain. I lubed up my dick and placed that head at his opening. He could feel it and the hole pulsed a little and when rested I gently put the head inside his open virgin ass. Luke moaned and I held still but he soon relaxed again and I chose to slowly go deeper, as much as he would let me. Only once did he stop me before I bottomed out in him. Luke's hand was still on his cock and he was playing with it. He had lost his woody when I went in and he was trying to get it back. For about 30 seconds I held back and then started to slowly fuck him. He started moaning, at first it was discomfort but soon it became pleasure. He let Darren's balls out of his mouth and asked me to fuck him and fill him. "Make me feel good, Dave. Make me have another cum." I started fucking a little harder but still with just short strokes, he certainly wasn't ready to be long dicked yet. Darren had withdrawn his balls from Luke's mouth and was now sitting on his face and Luke was eating out his ass. Darren's cock always went soft when being rimmed as he was so focussed on his ass it was is if the cock didn't matter.

I decided that Luke was not up to being fucked for too long and asked him if I could cum inside him. Darren looked up and said "No. Don't cum in him I want it!" I told him not to be greedy, he could have some more after, there would be enough for two. Frankly I was writing cheques I might not be able to support but thought that with a little rest I would manage. I shot my load into Luke as he came again for the 3rd time. He still managed a decent load. When he came both Darren and I got off him and let him lay properly and rest. We both snuggled with Luke for some time and I went to get us a drink. When I came back I was ready to fuck Darren and asked him if he still wanted it. Luke said "Yes he wants it and I want to watch you fuck him" Darren & I both laughed and Darren got in front of me to spoon him (Darren's favourite position) I got inside and went to work again on him. It took me a little longer and Darren was starting to drift with the feelings. Luke was obsessed with Darren's lack of wood and both played with it and sucked it to no avail. Eventually Darren held him off and while I was just resting inside Darren before I went for broke I explained to Luke that when Darren was being fucked all his feeling were in his ass and his dick just did not respond at all. Luke couldn't believe it but I told him to watch what happened when it was time for Darren and me to climax. Darren was blushing all through this conversation but at the end he simply said to push his button, he needed it. I fucked him hard and quick and Darren shot a load once again without touching himself as I shot my load deep inside him. Luke was amazed that Darren had come this way and picked up Darren's spunk to examine it. We both laughed at Luke and said, "Yes, its real!" Darren took Luke's hand and ate his own spunk. "I don't like waist" said Darren. Luke leaned forward and kissed Darren deeply taking some of the spunk from him "Neither do I" said Luke. Still hugging Darren from behind and leaned in and kissed him on the back of the neck and said to Luke, "Darren is a very special boy you know. He means a lot to me". Darren spun round

As a 16 year old Luke was still able to go again and was hot. He asked me if he could have sex with me. I asked if he meant to fuck me and he said it was what he wanted to do. I said that I was a top and didn't bottom. Luke looked a little crestfallen. I explained that some guys are bottoms, some guys are versatile, some guys are tops and some don't do it at all. Luke shrank a little and looked disappointed. I asked him if it was something he really wanted to with me? But Darren finished the sentence and asked if Luke would like to fuck him? Luke asked Darren if he would doggy for him and Darren got up onto all 4's straight away. Luke was instantly hard and I put a little lube on him and he went straight in! As Darren was so used to being fucked and had just had me in him he was OK but Luke would have hurt him otherwise. Luke pumped hard and fast and came quickly in Darren who did not shoot a load. Darren looked a little annoyed but said nothing. I could see he wasn't happy and said. "Well for a first time that was something. We'll have a break, clean up and chat about things! Luke was smiling inanely with cum and ass juice dripping off him and Darren wiped himself and went for a shower.

After Darren had left the room I took hold of the naked boy and sat him on may knee cuddling him like a toddler. Holding him tight I gently explained that he had hurt Darren by simply banging him without any consideration. I explained that it was OK that Darren would be OK but he was annoyed at the moment. Luke was shocked, he had no idea. I told him that he would have to learn how to fuck if he was going to top guys and that he would enjoy learning and have lots of fun but for now he needed to apologise to Darren for hurting him. Luke was really taken aback and genuinely upset. I told him that he and I would have a quick shower and then we could speak to Darren together and reassured him that it would be OK. Luke and I went to another room and showered quickly. Having cleaned up we found Darren still showering. I knocked and we both went into Darren's bathroom. Luke immediately went into the shower with Darren and said that he was so sorry, that he didn't mean to hurt him. I could see that Darren had already forgiven Luke and said that he was sore `back there' and Luke tried to hug him and apologise again. "Darren, I'm really sorry, can I look to see how I've hurt you?" Darren looked sideways at him but leaned forward and spread his legs. Luke knelt on the shower floor and gently spread Darren's buttocks. "Oh no!" Luke cried he is hurt, I've really hurt him. Dave look at what I've done." Darren gave me a concerned look and I also got down to check him out. Darren was red and swollen but not torn or bruised. I looked at Darren and winked and said "You're OK, just a bit used!" I turned to Luke and said "He really is OK, the swelling and redness will go quickly." Luke smiled at me and looked up to Darren and mouthed "Sorry" again. I leaned over to Luke and whispered in his ear and said "If you're very gentle with him now would probably a good time to kiss him better" Luke started to rise to kiss Darren but I stopped him and pointed to Darren' ass. Luke smiled and knew what I meant he got down and parted Darren's cheeks again and this time gently kissed and licked his ass. "Be very gentle" I reminded and Luke was a perfect gentleman and blew cold air onto Darren, licked him and gently kissed him. Darren got hard and started wanking. "Keep going, Luke" I said "but keep it really gentle, like a butterfly's wing." Darren came in the shower and as soon as he had finished I told Luke to stop. Darren turned round and picked up Luke and kissed him gently and said, "You learn fast, you're going to be a good lover".

We all three dried off and went to relax.

Next: Chapter 5: The Hotel 5

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