The Hotel Bar Bear

By Alex Casper

Published on Jul 27, 2019



I'm sitting alone at the bland horseshoe-shaped hotel bar. It's late -- too late to drink on a business trip, but I'm flying back tomorrow so I didn't care. And I`m young. I can handle it. The bartender is a gray old lady. She's gotten busy somewhere with a dust mop. There are three middle aged business types laughing, buzzed, at a side table. Only two other people sit at the bar -- a skinny lady sipping a big sweet cocktail and a big bear of a man with a goatee sitting directly across from me. Every time I glance his way, I catch him staring. Smirking at me.

He's wearing a flannel work shirt over a t-shirt, but he has the soft features of a desk worker like me. Goatee. Broad shoulders. Thick, meaty, hairy arms: fat over muscle. Probably an athlete in high school or college but thirty years past that.

I keep my eyes on his arms for too long and snap back to his face. He licks his lips slowly, staring straight at me. I look away.

He lays a few bills on the bar and walks over, standing so close I can feel his breath on my neck. He presses up against me and leans one arm casually on the bar.

"You like what you see, boy?"

I ignore him. He drops his hand into my lap. Grabs the inside of my thigh, hard. When I don't react he slides it up towards my crotch, sure now.

"I already paid for your drinks. You're going to go up to room 519. You're going to strip off all your clothes. Then you're gonna lay down on the bed, face down, ass up, ready to pleasure daddy. You understand? Room five one nine. I want you completely naked."

He pushes a plastic key card down into my shirt pocket.

I still don't look at him. I'm whispering, hoarse. "Yes, sir."

I stand up, a little dizzy. My face is on fire. When I turn around, he's already gone. No one else in the bar is watching.

I make my way to the elevators in a blur. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but something about him -- his confidence, the way he took charge, how much bigger he is than me, a tall guy myself -- something makes me want him.

I'm in the elevator, pushing the five button. I stare down at the cheap industrial carpet. I don't have to do this.

Then I'm on his floor, following the arrows towards Room 519. It's all the way at the end of the hall. The dead end door. I tap the key card and the door bolt slides back.

Inside his room, only the bathroom light is on. I can see his bag waiting neatly on the stand by the bed. His toiletries are all lined up next to the sink. I can smell him.

I peel off my shirt first and drop it on the ground. Then I kick off my shoes and socks, and unbuckle my belt. I pull the condom from my wallet and toss it down on the bed. Then I let my pants fall to the floor on top of my other clothes, and I strip off my boxers too. I stand there in the dark, completely naked, and realize how hard I am. How much I want him to fuck me.

I lay down across the bed. It's still made and I take the cards and menus off the pillow and put them on the nightstand. I try to limit my cock's friction against the bedspread. I want to last for this man.

I lay there like that, naked and wanting him, for what seems like forever. Finally, I hear the door open. He comes inside, standing behind me in the dark.

"That's a good bitch."

He moves around, stripping off his clothes. I feel a towel hit my back.

"Put that under you."

I get up on my knees to spread the towel out on the bed. He turns on a lamp.

"Jesus, what a nice boy cunt you have. Stay on your knees."

He climbs up on the bed behind me. I feel his body press against me. He's naked. Hairy.

He runs his palms over my front, from my neck down my chest. He's hard against my smooth ass. He grabs my hips and starts grinding up against me. He's breathing in my ear.

"All right, faggot. Now lay down and get ready to take my dick."

I do, keeping my legs spread. He kisses me wetly at the base of my spine, then he kneads both of my ass cheeks hard and pulls them apart. His beard scratches up against me. His tongue glides deep inside my hole. I moan into the pillows while he eats me out. He slaps my ass.

"That's right, boy, tell daddy how good he makes you feel."

He shoves a thick finger inside me. I moan again. He slaps me a few times, harder now. Then I feel his penis pushing against me.

"I'm gonna open your cunt up real wide, boy."

He starts to slide inside me. He's big. He holds my hips firmly with both hands while he pushes in. I grit my teeth and moan.

"You're a tight little bitch, aren't you?"

He's balls deep in me now, leaning down into my back. He grabs a handful of my hair, yanking my head off the pillows.

"When's the last time a man opened you up?"

"Not since college. Maybe five years."

He laughs and pushes my head back down. "You were born to take cock." He grabs my wrists rough and pulls them up between my shoulder blades. Then he pulls all the way out of me. I gasp. He slams back in, fast this time. He holds there for a few seconds, and pulls back out. My arm muscles are on fire.

"I want you to show me what a good faggot you are. Beg me to put this dick back inside you."

"Please sir, give me your daddy cock. I want you to take my ass."

"You know I'm not wearing a condom, boy?"

"I don't care. Just fucking breed me."

You slide back into me and I feel your big, heavy balls on mine. You nuzzle into my neck and bite my ear lobe.

"I'm gonna take my time with you, boy."

You start slow fucking me with steady, deep thrusts. You keep my wrists pinned up between my shoulder blades. I'm hard, leaking precum all over the rough motel towel.

Finally, you pull all the way out and sit back, dragging my wrists down to my sides. I moan without meaning to. You slap my ass hard.

"Don't worry, bitch. I'm still gonna seed your cunt. But first I want you in the shower. Go run some hot water for me, boy."

I pull myself off the mattress and stumble into the bright bathroom. I start the shower and get the water hot. You're still in the bedroom.

"It's ready, sir."

"Get inside and soap yourself up."

I do, ignoring the shampoo but squirting the cheap jar of body wash over my chest and neck. I lather up with my hands. My cock is chubbed up and my heart is pounding. The bathroom light goes dark. You pull the shower curtain back and step inside the hot shower with me.

"Hands on the wall, boy." I feel your big fingers dig deep into my hip. Your hard cock slides between my ass cheeks. Your free hand closes around my throat until you can feel my fast pulse.

"Bitch, this is what we're gonna do. I'm gonna breed you here in the shower. Then when you have my load deep up inside your cunt, I'll take you back out to the bed and you can choke on my cock until I get hard again. Then I'll give you a nice slow fuck. How does that sound?"

I moan and you tighten your grip on my throat, shaking my head a little.

"I asked you a question, boy."

You force my leg up high with your knee, and my foot lands on the edge of the tub.

"Yes sir. Please put your cum in me, sir."

You thrust up into me hard while your fingers pinch my slippery nipples. You're fucking me like an animal.

"It's gonna cum quick now, bitch. I want you moaning loud while I fill you up."

You're coming before you even stop talking. I snap my neck back against your hard, hairy bicep.


I feel jet after jet of cum coating my ass. I start coming too from the spasms on my prostate. You put me in a headlock, holding my neck back for a few long seconds after you finish. Your cock slides out of me. You reach around and pull the water off.

"All right. Dry off and go get on the bed, on your back."

Send your thoughts/ideas/feedbcack to alexboiz69 at yahoo dot com!

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