The Hotel

By Keith Yates

Published on Jan 2, 2022


This is a work of fiction. In no way is it to indicate the true sexual orientation of the celebrity portrayed. It is purely a work of fiction for your enjoyment. It depicts explicit descriptions of sex. If this is illegal where you live, then read no further. If sex between men is offensive to you, then read no further.

The story is the property of the author. No duplicating or reposting is allowed without the author's written consent. Comments are welcome. Please send them to

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The Hotel:Brad

He carried his overnight bag through the gilded door and nodded to acknowledge the well built door man. His steps took him quickly across the carpeted lobby to the check-in desk.

"Welcome back Sir," the well dressed clerk said.

"Thank you. I have been looking forward to staying here again," he said placing his bag on the floor.

"We always try our best to give our guests what they want. I believe you will find what we have for you to your liking."

"I am glad to hear it. I was hoping you would be able to, um, honor my request. I know it was a little more, um, of a special nature."

"It was but I think we found just the thing to satisfy you."

Removing his wallet from his jeans pocket, he passed the clerk his American Express. The clerk quickly swiped the card through the reader and passed it back to the very attractive man. Then the clerk picked up the phone and pressed a couple numbers and then said into the mouth peace, "Please send Chad out."

In only a couple of minutes a young man stepped out of a door behind the clerk. His hair was blonde and curled around his ears. His face was lightly tanned and his eyes were a blue green color. They actually seemed to shift between blue and green as the young man walked around the desk.

"Chad please escort our guest to suite 800. Make sure you give him every courtesy."

"yes sir," the young man said his voice nervous as he took the keycard from the clerk. "Right this way sir."

Brad could not believe how attractive this young man was. He knew the kid had to be 18 but he looked younger. He looked 16 or 17 at the oldest. He wondered where they had found this clean cut boy. He wondered if the boy's sun kissed tan was a natural all over tan. Brad watched the young guy walk in front of him leading him to the elevators. He watched the tight black pants cling to the teens firm bubble but. Each of Chad's cheeks squeezed by the delicate fabric. Brad wondered if the kid was wearing underwear.

They stepped into the elevator together and Chad hit the button for the 8th floor. He listened to the chimes of the elevator as they rode up in silence.

Brad's eyes took in the narrow waist of the kid and the way the silk shirt clung to the chest and arms of the boy. It was tailor made to fit him and made to emphasize the boy's body. His shoulders and chest were defined by the shiny fabric and it clung to him in all the right places.

Brad's eyes slid down and checked out the young man's basket. It looked like the kid was slightly aroused. Brad would enjoy seeing just how aroused this boy could become.

"Right this way Sir," Chad said after stepping off the elevator.

Chad led brad down the hall to a room at the end. Chad slipped the key card into the lock and pushed the door open while carrying brad's bag through the door way.

"This is very nice," brad said looking around the large suite. His eyes taking in the big bed through the doorway. The sitting room was well furnished and the large plasma TV was state-of-the-art. He could not ask for a more elaborate room.

"The, um bar is fully stocked," Chad said his voice nervous as he put brad's suitcase in the bedroom. "Would you like to fix you a drink...I mean would you like me to fix you a drink?"

Brad grinned at the kid's nervousness. Brad new this was going to be a fun stay. "Sure. Do you know how to fix a Manhattan?"

"Um, yes Sir. I believe so." Chad moved to the wet bar and took down a glass. He then bent to get vermouth and whiskey. He thought he could feel brad's eyes watching him. He thought he could feel the man's eyes drinking in his firm round but and the way the pants clung to each cheek.

With the kid's back to him, brad reached down and rubbed a hand over the front of his blue jeans. His semi-erect member was stretching out the front of the denim material.

Chad turned with the drink in hand and noticed the bulge in the front of Brad's pants. He swallowed and took a few steps closer to brad. His own body was tensing up at the man's obvious arousal. "Here you go Mr. Paisley. I hope you find it to your liking."

"Oh, I am sure it is to my liking," brad said grinning as he took the drink from the kid's slightly trembling hand.

Chad watched brad take a drink from the glass. He watched the arm flex and the bicep pop out as he lifted the glass to his lips. Chad had to admit that this was one of the hottest men he had seen come through the lobby. He couldn't believe he had been given a guest of this magnitude. Bart had said that guys usually started out with a lower class of guests before moving up to the big names. Maybe brad Paisley was not considered a big name. It wasn't like he was a movie star, but he was still a big time celebrity.

"Very nice, brad said after tasting the drink. "Where did you learn to make such a good drink?"

"I, um, my um, well, um it is part of our training."

Brad smiled to himself at how nervous this kid was. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to get such an obviously sweet and inexperienced attendant. "Can you tell me how long you have been working here?"

"Um, just a few are..." Chad's voice trailed off. He had just been about to tell this man that he was the first guest he had been assigned too, but he didn't know if that would insult the celeb. He could not afford to be fired by ticking off a returning customer. "You're the first country music star I have been given the chance to help." Chat was proud of the way he had corrected what he was going to say. He thought he had done a nice job of saving his ass.

"Oh, and do you have a lot of country entertainers staying here?"

"um, well, um, I, um..." Chad had known of a couple others. He had seen them passing through but he knew he couldn't tell Brad anything about another guest. It was strictly against the rules to divulge any information about a guest. "Well, you are the only one here today."

Brad let his eyes slide over the young man again. He couldn't believe how attractive the kid was. His body seemed to be in perfect proportion. The narrow waist, the shoulders and chest tapering down like a triangle... the long legs that made the boy only about 4 or 5 inches shorter than brad.

"I, um, should go hang your clothes up. I don't want them to get wrinkled," Chad said nervously and quickly moved to the bedroom.

Brad watched the kid through the open bedroom door unpacking his suit case. He saw the kid place his toiletries in the bathroom and then begin to unpack the clothes. Brad took another sip from the large Manhattan the kid had fixed and then moved into the bedroom. Chad's back was to the door as Brad stepped silently into the room. Brad moved up behind Chad and put his arms around the young man.

Chad jumped and almost caused brad to spill the drink he still held in one hand. His lips were close to Chad's ear and Chad could feel brad's warm moist breath.

"Sorry I did not mean to scare you," brad said into Chad's ear.

"I, um, you just well, um startled me."

"Don't worry Chad just relax, brad said. "I think we are going to be good friends."

"I, I, um, hopes so Mr. Paisley."

"Here have a drink of this" brad said moving the glass he had been drinking from to Chad's lips. "and please call me Brad."

"Um, yes Sir. Um, brad."

Brad lifted the glass to Chad's lips and let the kid take a little sip from the drink. "wow," Chad breathed after taking a drink. "that, um, is quite the, um drink."

"yes, it is. Hopefully it will help to relax you. You seem very tense." Brad sat the drink down on the dresser they were standing beside. His hands slid over the silky fabric of the shirt Chad was wearing. His hands began to gently massage the tense shoulder muscles. "You need to relax Chad. You are to tense."

"I, um, I, um am just an um..." Chad did not want to say he was nervous about doing a good job. Or about the fact that Brad was the first guest Chad had been assigned. "I have just never been around a star like you before."

"well, just relax buddy," brad said rubbing Chad's back and shoulders. "I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you."

Brad moved in closer and pulled Chad back against him. Brad's strong arms penning Chad to him as his fingers slid over Chad's chest and flat belly. The thin fabric of Chad's silk shirt was all that was separating Brad's fingers from Chad's smooth skin.

Chad thought he could feel brad's semi-erect manhood pressing against him. As Brad held him tighter and pressed himself harder against Chad, the younger man was sure that it was Brad's manhood pressing into him. Chad knew he was feeling the heat of brad's body soaking through his clothes. Brad's embrace was both warm and tender while also being distinctly sexual.

"I, um,, I mean brad."

"Shshshshs," brad breathed into Chad's ear. "Just relax." Brad's fingers had already undone several buttons of Chad's shirt and he was now sliding his fingers inside the material. His fingertips were touching the soft smooth skin of Chad's chest.

"Ohohohoh," Chad breathed at the warm touch. His body was tingling everywhere. The spots being touched by Brad's fingers were feeling like an electrical current was being sent into him.

"Mmmm, your skin is so soft and smooth," brad breathed. His lips were next to Chad's ear. Then he moved his head slightly and soon he had Chad's earlobe in between his lips and began to softly nibble on it. His teeth and tongue were teasing the small piece of flesh.

"Oh gawd," Chad moaned. He could not believe how good this was all feeling. He had never felt anything like brad's lips and mouth on his ear before. He had no idea that his earlobe was so sensitive.

Brad's fingers had finished unbuttoning Chad's shirt and had the silky material pulled open. His fingers were playing over Chad's body like Chad was the guitar that Brad often played on stage. His hand slid up from Chad's navel up to the smooth pectoral muscles. His fingers finding one of Chad's sensitive nipples and giving it a very soft tweak. His mouth moving off of Chad's ear and down along Chad's neck.

Chad let out soft whimpers as brad teased his nipple. Chad's whole body was aroused. His penis was pushing out the front of the thin fabric of his pants. His nipples were erect, and the hair on the back of his neck was standing up. He seemed to be standing on top of a live electrical wire and the current was making him tingle with excitement.

Brad pulled the shirt from Chad's shoulders and tossed it onto the floor. He then pulled the boy back into an embrace. He did not think he would ever get enough of this beautiful kid. The soft blonde hair felt good against his cheek. The kid's skin was soft smooth and clear. The eyes were growing lust full and the kids sun kissed skin was golden and seemed to be glowing in the soft light of the bedroom.

"you okay Chad," brad asked hearing the kid's breaths coming fast and hard.

"Yes, yes, I, um, I um..."

Are you just a little excited?"


Brad slid his hand down over Chad's belly down to run fingers around Chad's belly button. Then he slid the fingers down to the top of the waist of Chad's black pants. His fingers slid over the groin until they grasped the hard teenaged member inside the material and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Ahahahahaah," Chad cried as he almost climaxed from Brad's touch on his erection.

"You feel very hard there little buddy," brad said into Chad's ear. His fingers were still slightly massaging the hard mound of boy flesh.

"I, um, I, you, I am so um..."

"Fucking horny," brad supplied.

Chad's cheeks grew warm but he nodded an ascent. He was horned up by the touch of this hot man. He had never been turned on so much in his life. The guy was gorgeous and his body was awesome. Then there was the fact that the man seemed to know exactly which button's to push.

Brad's fingers had begun to unbutton and unzip Chad's black pants. His fingers were lowering the zipper and then slipping into the open folds of fabric.

"Oh gawd," Chad crooned as he felt the warmth of Brad's palm through the nylon fabric of his thong.

"Hmmm, what do we have here," brad asked feeling over the soft slick fabric. "I think I need to get a better look at this."

Chad felt the pants being pushed down his legs. He felt Brad's hands sliding over his skin as they lowered his pants down. He did not have to be told to kick off his shoes and step out of the pants. His body seemed to understand that was what was to happen, so it did it without conscious thought from his brain. Chad's brain was focused on keeping track of each sensation on his body. He was focusing on memorizing how Brad's hands felt as they slid down his legs. He focused his attention on the touches and the caresses of those musicians' fingers.

"Damn, but you are so dam sexy," brad said looking up at the almost naked teen. His warm eyes were drinking in the sight of the boy. His nose inhaled deeply of the clean scent of the skin. His hands were feeling the smooth tan legs as they slid up to grasp the firm round but cheeks.

"I, um, you are, this is..."

Chad did not have the words to describe what his body was feeling. He had never felt sensations like this before. He had never known sex with a guy like brad could be so intense.

Brad looked over the evenly sun kissed skin. His eyes were memorizing every inch of the boy's body. He looked up into Chad's color shifting eyes and then down over Chad's firm chest, smooth belly and the material that covered the teenage erection. That stiff teen member tented out the nylon fabric. It was the tent pole that was straining to push the gold material off the boy's body.

"I can't believe I am doing this with you. I can't believe we are doing this. I would have never guessed that you were, um, well, um..." Chad did not know if he should use the term gay. Some of the celebs, he had been told, were annoyed by being labeled gay.

"You never guessed that I might be into gay sex or sex with a hot sexy teen like you?" Brad question as he slid his hands up and down Chad's legs.

Chad looked down into brad's handsome face. His eyes meting brad's and his skin tingling with Brad's caresses. He liked having this man kneeling before him looking him over. He was a bit self-conscious, but he liked the attention. "Both I guess."

"there is just something I find more fun about sex with another man. It is more fulfilling to me. I still love my wife, but I need to feel the touch of another man's body from time to time. I also have a need to sometimes share the experience with someone young and still new to the subject of man to man pleasure. Or in our case, man-to-boy pleasure. How old are you really?"

Chad was a bit surprised by brad's question. He gave him the only answer he could. "eighteen."

Brad wondered if that was a truthful answer. The kid could be eighteen, but brad thought he might be fibbing a bit.

Brad's hands had reached the golden fabric. His fingers stroking the teen rod hidden behind the material. "I am going to take this off of you now," brad informed his new friend.

"Okay," Chad said but brad had already begun to lower the material.

Brad slowly pulled it down revealing Chad's perfectly shaped seven inch cut cock. The head was shiny from pre cum.

"Beautiful," brad breathed as the teen's rod came into sight. The head glistening in the soft light of the room.

Brad lowered the thong and Chad stepped out of it. The guy stood there completely naked with Brad kneeling before him. Brad's eyes sliding over every inch of Chad's young sexy body.

These pubes are so damn sexy, brad said running is fingers through the soft blonde curls that surrounded Chad's turgid member.

Chad felt his face grow warm. He had never had anyone admire him quite like this before. He had never had another man lust for him.

Brad's fingers moved below Chad's cock and cupped the balls hanging in the smooth scrotum. Brad's fingers softly massaging and stroking the soft skin of Chad's ball sack.

"Ohohohoh," Chad sighed as he felt Brad's fingers go to work on him.

Brad watched Chad's boyhood jump with each stroke of his fingers against the kid's sensitive sack. He watched as a drop of pre cum formed on the perfectly shaped cut head. He watched the teen fluid grow in size as Chad's balls produced more of the boy's nectar.

"Mmmmm," brad moaned looking at the drop of pre cum getting larger and larger. Brad leaned in and inhaled the scent of the teen. He drunk in the smell and then flicked his tongue across the head of Chad's cock. His tongue picking up that drop of pre cum and tasting it and drinking it down into his belly.

"Oh fuck," Chad cried.

When brad's lips closed around the rigid teen dick, Chad lost control. His hips bucked his balls tingled and drew up into his body and his cock exploded. His whole body went rigid. His mind filled with a blast of pleasure unlike anything Chad had ever experienced before.

Brad was surprised but pleased with the hot warm fluid flooding into his mouth. He swallowed down mouth full after mouthful of hot teen cum. Jet after Jet firing into his mouth and filling it up. It was almost too much for the crooner to handle. Some of the white fluid leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Arararararar, ouohohohohohoh, aiaiaiaiaiaiaia," Chad cried gripping brad's head tightly in his hands as his body unloaded his seed into Brad's hungry mouth.

It was the longest orgasm Chad had ever experienced. He had never felt anything quite like the wave of pleasure that went through him. If it had not been for Brad's strong arms, Chad probably would have collapsed right there. His body had used up his strength to spray the inside of Brad's mouth with hot cum.

Chad's hands slid from the silky locks of brad's brown hair to the stars shoulders. His fingers lightly feeling the muscles beneath the shirt that brad was wearing.

"Oh, gawd, oh gawd," Chad chanted several times while trying to regain some control.

Brad sucked at the head of Chad's cock pulling every last vestige of cum from the shaft. He wanted to drain those hot nuts of every drop of hot seed.

"I, I can't believe it. I, I am so, so sorry Mr. Paisley."

Brad pulled his lips off the teen dick and looked up at the naked guy. "Just what the hell are you apologizing for? That tasted damn good kid."

"I, I didn't mean to...It was just I couldn't stop it. I, I, if you want a different attendant..."

Brad stood up his hands holding onto the naked teen. His eyes looking into Chad's. His voice soft and tender as he spoke. "Chad, you are the one I want. I want you and I want your cum in my mouth. You gave me exactly what I wanted. You gave me a great load of hot teen seed."

Chad was surprised. He didn't know that Brad would want to drink his load. He found it hard to understand that this big star wanted to eat cum. He had figured that he would be the one blowing Brad and not the other way around. "you sure it is okay. I will..."

Brad stopped Chad's words with a kiss to the boy's lips. His mouth covering Chad's. His tongue pushing into Chad's mouth.

Chad could taste the cum on brad's lips. He could taste the cum on brad's tongue.

For long moments the kiss lasted with out either of them wanting it to end. Brad's hands slid over Chad's back and down to squeeze the kid's firm round bubble butt.

As the kiss broke, Chad let his tongue play around brad's lips and he licked the corners of Brad's mouth clear of any trace of sperm. He cleaned his new lover of any drop of white boy juice.

"Was that your first blow job?" Brad asked looking into Chad's face.

"Um, well, um..." Chad's words trailed off as he felt his face blushing.

"that is fine if it was. It explains why you shot off so quickly. I mean I am good at sucking cock, but don't usually get a guy to blow that fast."

"You sucked cock before?"

Brad chuckled as he answered. "yes. This isn't my first time at the rodeo. I like sex with guys. I meant it when I told you that earlier. I like sucking cock and having my cock sucked."

"Then, then could I suck your cock?"

Brad smiled his eyes twinkling as he answered. "Well since you asked so nicely, I think that could be arranged."

Chad looked down at the bulge in brad's pants. The man's pole was trying to force its way out of the zipper. His tented jeans stretched out in the front with his lust for release with this kid.

"Should I, um, how do you, I don't..."

"Relax Chad. Don't worry about this being the first time sucking cock. I'll teach you everything you need to know. Just come and sit on the bed."

Brad led Chad over to the bed and watched the naked youth watching him.

"You know, um, Mr. Paisley..."

"Chad, I just sucked your dick. I have your cum coating my stomach, so please call me Brad. I think we know each other well enough for you to drop the Mr. Paisley."

"Um, yes, um brad. I was just saying that you are hotter than I ever imagined. I mean I have seen you perform and listened to you a bit but never knew you were this good looking."

Brad could see the kids face blushing with his words. He wondered if Chad realized that he was the hottest kid brad had seen in a long long time. "Chad, you are just as hot if not hotter. Your hair and eyes are stunning and your face is perfect. Your body is sexy and you taste great." Brad's smile helped relax Chad a little bit. "Now just relax and let me teach you even more about guy-to guy fun."

Chad watched as brad began to unbutton his shirt. His fingers making quick work of the buttons and he pulled the shirt open revealing his tan chest. The defined pectoral muscles and flat abdominal muscles showing that Brad worked out. Chad's eyes glided over Brad's torso and down to the man's belly button. His eyes noticing the dark hairs that begun just under that indentation and disappeared down into brad's tight fitting pants. The front of those pants showing that Brad was generously endowed. Chad watched as Brad pulled the shirt off. His chest and arms flexing as he removed the shirt and tossed it aside.

"Want to see more?" brad asked enjoying the feeling of the kid looking him over.

"Yes," Chad said honestly.

Brad reached down and popped the button of his pants. He lowered the zipper and let the folds of fabric fall open. His white boxer briefs being revealed to the young man sitting naked on the bed before him. Brad turned showing Chad his back. The broad shoulders tapering down to his trim waist. Brad lowered the pants letting Chad look on his underwear covered butt. His two well muscled cheeks were stretching out the tight fitting CK boxer briefs.

Brad looked back over his shoulder watching the younger man looking at his body. He watched Chad watch him. Chad's hand had moved to his cock and was slowly stroking the wet organ as he watched Brad step out of the pants. His firm butt cheeks flexing beneath the underwear as he moved.

Brad slowly lowered the back waistband of his briefs. The tan skin of his ass coming into view for the horny teen. Lower and lower Brad moved the fabric watching Chad's eyes drink in the site of him.

Chad saw brad's crack and then more and more of the two firm muscled cheeks. The skin of Brad's ass was not as dark as the other parts of his body, but Chad had a desire to touch those two cheeks. He had a need to push his face between them and drink in the smell and taste of brad.

Brad stepped out of his boxer briefs and stood there for a moment completely naked with his back to Chad. Brad ran a hand over his chest and played with his nipples feeling his cock jump and twitch as he teased his tits. He could not wait for Chad to suck on his chest or for Chad to suck his cock. He knew the kid was going to enjoy it. He was going to love the taste of his dick.

Brad slowly turned around. Chad couldn't believe this man was standing here in front of him completely naked. He looked up at brad's handsome face as Brad turned around. He looked into Brad's eyes and smiled. Then his gaze slid down over Brad's chest and down over the flat abs again. He could not wait to feel his body against brad's. He could not wait to feel that warm body rubbing against his with nothing between them but skin.

Chad's eyes moved down into Brad's dark pubic thatch. The dark curls surrounding brad's tool. Chad's eyes got large and his mouth dropped open as he looked at the large tool.

"Do you like what you see?" Brad asked running a hand down over his chest and belly. His fingers moved into his brown pubic hair and went around the base of his thick tool. "Do you want to play with this kid?"

Chad looked at the hard dick. He watched it move left and right as Brad slowly shook it at Chad. Chad looked up and down the long length of the tool. The thick shaft with the vein running up the side from the base to the large cut mushroom head. The long shaft curved up and to the right. "I, I, um, well, it is kind of big."

"Yeah, a bit," brad said looking down at his own dick. "But I think you will enjoy playing with it. I think you will like what it can do."

Brad took a few steps closer to Chad. His thick dick moving as he stepped closer to the kid who was still staring at his cock. He smiled at the blonde teen as he said, "Go on Chad touch it. Wrap your fingers around it and give it a squeeze. Come on play with my dick. I know you want too."

Chad had touched a few other dicks before but never on a celebrity or one that was so big. He and his friend Brent use to play with each others cocks, but Brent did not have anything like this.

Chad's fingers touched the warm flesh. His hand and fingers feeling the heat radiating from Brad's tool.

"Yeah, that is it," Brad said softly. "go on and wrap your hand around me. Mmmmm, your touch feels so good Chad. Your fingers are so soft as they touch my skin."

Chad's fingers slid over the head and around the crown. Then with one finger tip, Chad traced the vein that pulsed to Brad's regular heart beat. When Chad's fingers reached the base of brad's perfect piece of male flesh, they encircled the thick shaft and began to slowly slide up and down the hardness. "It's so big. I knew that some guys had big equipment. I mean I think I am a bit above average, but this..."

"I am glad you like it. You can play with it as much as you want. Go ahead and explore it Chad. Let your fingers memorize every inch of me. Let them know how my cock curves and throbs."

Chad did as the studly man instructed. He slid his fingers up and down the shaft. He memorized the hot and hard organ. He ran a finger over the head and through the piss slit. The eye of Brad's cock leaking the smallest drop of pre cum as Chad slid his finger through the piss slit.

"would you like to try sucking it," brad asked the teen.

"I, I think you are too big," Chad said studying the dick that was suspended above two very large eggs.

"I think you can handle it. Go on and just start out by licking with your tongue. Pre tend it is a big Ice Pop and lick it. Go on Chad lick it."

Chad leaned in and kissed the head of Brad's cock. His tongue and lips making contact with the sensitive skin of Brad's head. His tongue seeming to know what to do as it began to guide Chad over the head and down the side of the cock. Then it slid up the other side of the cock back to the head. All around the crown Chad licked. Then under the crown. He slid his tongue from the underside of the head all the way down to where Brad's balls sack connected to his dick.

"Ohohohoh, damn Chad you feel good. Now go on and put it into your mouth. Just be careful with your teeth."

Chad sat back for a moment and looked at the now wet and shiny dick. His hand still barely able to fully encircle the male organ.

"I'll do my best," Chad told Brad before leaning forward and putting his lips around the head of the dick.

"ahahahahaah," brad sighed as Chad popped his head into the warm wetness of the kids mouth.

"Easy does it," brad said as Chad began to slowly move over the head and down the shaft of the big dick. "Take your time. I am not going to go anywhere. We have all the time in the world." Brad slid his fingers through the soft golden curls that covered Chad's head. The soft silkiness of the kid's hair causing Brad's cock to jump and twitch.

"Mmmmmm," Chad moaned as he held onto Brad's muscular legs and sucked more of the thick dick into his mouth.

"Ahahahah," Brad sighed as Chad took more of the length into his mouth. "Watch the teeth," Brad breathed as his cock was scraped by Chad's inexperienced mouth.

"Sorry," Chad said pulling off the wet dick and looking up at brad. "Should I stop?"

"No way kid. Just take your time and be a little more careful."

Chad moved back down to Brad's cock. His lips moving around the head and slowly moving down over the shaft. He took his time and kept his teeth from scraping the sensitive male organ.

"You are doing great," Brad breathed between closed eyes. His body was tingling with the pleasure of the hot kid's mouth.

Chad's lips moved closer to the base of Brad's cock. His mouth filled with the large meat. His own dick was harder than Chad could ever remember it being and it was dripping new pre cum onto the bed.

"That feels so good," Brad said rubbing Chad's bare shoulders and silky golden locks. "Try to go all the way down. Just take your time and when you feel my head at your throat swallow as you move forward on the shaft.

Chad pushed his mouth further down brad's blood filled cock. His throat contracted and caused him to choke. He gagged and coughed and pulled back with his eyes watering.

"Take it easy champ," Brad said rubbing Chad's shoulders again. "It take some practice to get it just right."

"I'm sorry I am not better at this," Chad said blushing and feeling annoyed with himself.

"Hey man," that is just fine buddy," brad said looking down into Chad's cute face. "You will get the hang of it. Just give it another try. Take your time and suck me down."

Chad did as brad instructed and swallowed down on Brad's cock again. He gagged and forced the reflex down. It took all of his effort but after several more attempts he had the head of brad's cock in his throat.

"Oh gawd," brad groaned as Chad's throat muscles stroked his cock head. "It feels wonderful buddy."

Chad was using all of his self control not to choke on the over sized organ. He pushed forward and more of Brad's thickness filled his throat. More and more Chad swallowed down Brad's tool.

"Oh, oh shit," brad groaned. "You just about have done it. I am just about ready to blow."

Chad slid his mouth forward taking in another inch of the man's penis. He swallowed as the dick slid down into his throat. He gripped Brad's legs with his hands as he sucked up and down on Brad. His lips stroking the shaft and his tongue teasing the head.

"Oh yeah, you learn fast kid. You are sucking cock like a pro."

Brad's words gave Chad a little more confidence and he sucked a little faster and began to bob up and down on Brad's tool. His tongue was swirling around the cock and his lips were getting tickled by the brown pubic hair when Chad moved forward.

Brad could feel his balls pulling up. He could feel the cum beginning to move from inside him. He could feel the heat of his cock increase. He knew it would only take a moment more. It would lonely take one more second.

Chad felt brad's cock get thicker. He actually believed it got longer as well. He could not believe how much of the stud he had in his mouth. There was not much of Brad's cock left outside Chad's mouth.

"Oh gawd yes, I am gonna..."

Brad's fingers were teasing his erect nipples his balls were pulled up tight and he was sliding over the edge into orgasmic pleasure.

"Chad, if you don't want a mouth full of cum, you had better pull off now," Brad said panting as he tried to hold back his climax.

Chad kept right on sucking his new friend. He wanted to taste Brad's load. He wanted Brad to give him that hot seed.

"Ahahahahahaah, ieieieieieieeie, ohohohohohoh!!!"

Brad's cock erupted in Chad's mouth. His cock jumping as it fired salvo after salvo into Chad's hungry mouth. The huge load soon filling Chad's mouth beyond what the kid could handle.

Brad gripped the teen firmly as he rode the intense wave of pleasure. His cock jumping as it shot the jets of hot white seed into Chad's mouth. His balls emptying themselves of the stored up cum. He had been waiting for this for a long time and the release was better than he had been imagining.

Chad swallowed down the cum Brad shot but there was just too much of it for him to handle. He soon had cum leaking from the corners of his mouth and dripping off his chin. He swallowed and sucked but it seemed like Brad's balls would never finish emptying them selves.

Finally brad's cock stopped his torrential deluge of Chad's mouth and the star stepped back. His cock plopping from Chad's lips with a wet slurping sound. "that was one of the best blow jobs I have ever had."

Brad flopped down on the bed. His body week after the powerful orgasm. "You have no idea how good that felt Chad."

Chad had not moved when Brad had flopped on the bed. His tan naked body was looking very sexy with the semi-erect cock glistening in the soft light of the bedroom.

"I, um, am glad it was okay," Chad said looking back toward the floor with Brad on the bed behind him.

Brad reached out and with a strong arm around Chad he pulled the teen back onto the bed. His fingers tenderly stroking the soft skin of the younger man.

Chad allowed himself to be pulled and maneuvered on the bed. He soon found he was lying beside Brad with his head on brad's shoulder. His body stretched out beside the sexy guy.

"You were better than just okay," Brad said stroking Chad's back as he spoke. "It was your first time, but you did great for a first time and I can only imagine what you will be like when you purfect your cock sucking ability."

"I just can't believe you enjoyed it after me being stupid and scraping you with my teeth."

"hey, you are not stupid buddy. You are cute, sexy and you seem smart. You just need to practice sucking dick. Plus you started out on a cock that is a bit above average."

"you are a bit larger than I expected," Chad said. "I can't believe a stud like you has not been sucked off by the worlds best cock sucker."

"I have had a lot of blow jobs, by both women and guys and yours was by far one of the best. It wasn't the best one ever but it was up in the top five. You will only get better."

"Thanks um brad."

"Chad I would like to ask you something, and I hope you don't mind me being so, um, interested. You don't have to answer if you don't want to though. It is entirely up to you."

"Okay. I'll try and be as truthful as I can."

"Have you ever had any kind of sex with any body before me?"

"Well, um, I, um..." Chad's face turned bright red. He did not want to admit the truth, but decided that there was really no harm. "A friend and I use to jerk each other off, but nothing other than that.

"So this was the first time you had given a blow job or received one."

"Yes," Chad answered.

"Have you ever had sex with a girl?"

"Um, well," Again Chad decided to be honest with his new lover. "No I haven't. I, um, just don't find them much of a turn on."

"But you find me a turn on don't you?" Brad asked rolling over on top of Chad. Brad's naked body pressed against the young guys. There two dicks sticking to each other from the spit and pre cum that covered them.

"I, um, well, hell yes Brad. You're fucking hot. Your damn sexy. You're great and so much more."

"Good," brad said leaning down and kissing Chad's soft lips. His tongue licking the cum from them. Then Brad went to lick Chad's cheeks and chin clean of the cum that had leaked out of Chad's mouth. Brad was basically licking his cum off of Chad's face.

Chad's cock was rock hard again and pressing against Brad's firm body. It wanted to experience more it wanted to find out all of the pleasure that two men could bring to each other.

Brad supported most of his weight on his elbows. He did not want to crush the youth that lay beneath him. He wanted to give Chad pleasure and to receive pleasure from the youth.

Chad's arm went around Brad. His hands feeling the soft skin and tracing the firm muscles of brad's back. He wanted to stay like this for days. His teen rod was rock hard now and pushing into brad.

After long minutes of kissing and caressing, brad rolled to lay beside Chad with his arm holding the youth tight. There two bodies curling up to rest and recover.

They both drifted off snoozing and resting. Both of them getting ready for a second round of guy to guy action.

Brad awoke first to find the naked youth snoring softly in his arms. They were spooned up against each other with Chad's bubble but pressing against Brad's soft member. His dick had deflated during the night, but he knew it would not take much to bring it back to being fully erect.

He quietly slid out of the bed and strode naked to the bathroom. He stood relieving his bladder. His body feeling better than it had in quite a while. He slept better with Chad in his arms that he had in weeks. He knew that this trip would give him the rest and relaxation he needed.

Brad shook the last few drops off of his cock and then washed his hands. He then went into the sitting room and made a call to the front desk. He knew that the two of them would need large amounts of food in a few hours. They were going to work up quite a hunger.

Then Brad slid back into bed but not before grabbing a bottle out of the night stand.

Brad kissed the back of Chad's head and ran his hand softly down along the sleeping form. His fingers were lightly caressing the soft teenage skin. He found the crack of Chad's cheeks and slipped his fingers between those to solid orbs of muscle. Brad pushed the flip top lid on the bottle of lube up with his thumb. He then pulled his hand back from touching Chad so he could put a generous amount of the slick substance onto his finger.

Brad pushed Chad's legs apart a bit and began to do a slow hunt for Chad's virgin boy hole. He found the tight anal ring and began to slowly rub his slick finger around the opening.

"Wha, what are you doing?" Chad asked slowly waking up from the best night's sleep he had for quite a while.

"Just lubing up your tight little back door."

"I, um, I um..."

Relax Chad," Brad said leaning in close and kissing the teens shoulder. His lips traveling up to nip at Chad's ear as his finger pushed inside Chad's body.

"Ohohohohoh," Chad groaned as his anal opening was stretched for the first time. "It hurts a bit."

"I know it does babe," brad said as he kissed more of Chad's soft skin. "but it will get better. Trust me."

Chad felt Brad's finger sliding in and out of his ass. He could feel the sexy guy pushing it in deeper and deeper. He could feel the sensation slowly changing from one of pain to a mixed of pain and intense pleasure. The pleasure seeming even sweeter after the pain.

"Oh, oh, Brad," Chad breathed as his dick began throbbing and dripping pre cum onto the sheet.

"Feeling better isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah, the pain is going away and it feels good."

"Just wait," brad said and turned his finger a bit. He then pushed in a little more and found that hard gland that was Chad's prostate. He rubbed his finger against that button and heard the sharp intake of breath and the whimper of pleasure from his new lover. "You like that huh?"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, ahahahahahaha," Chad moaned louder.

Brad's cock was rock hard and dripping his own pre cum juices onto the bedding. He could not wait to introduce this hot kid to the pleasure of anal penetration. His cock jumped with the thought of being inside of this virgin butt.

"Chad I am going to add a second finger. I want to loosen you up and get you ready for the best thing you have felt yet." Brad pulled his finger from Chad's hole and squeezed lube onto two of them. He then pushed the first finger and a second one into the tight sphincter. His finger stretching Chad more than before.

"Ohohoh, ohohoh it hurts again," Chad groaned in pain.

"Just relax. You know it is going to get better." Brad massaged the anal ring working his fingers left and right loosing up his younger friend. His finger occasionally fining Chad's prostate and pushing against it. He would hear a whimper when he did that and knew that Chad was enjoying the butt play that brad was performing.

Brad added a third finger and this time there was just the smallest of added groans from his friend. The kid was definitely learning to enjoy the pleasure that only one man knows how to give to another man. Brad's three fingers stretched and massaged the tight anal opening. His fingers sliding in easily after a few minutes of work. He wondered just how receptive this kid's ass was going to be to his big cock. He knew many guys were very intimidated by his massive member and that some just did not want to try to take something that was as thick as his tool up inside them. Chad however seemed willing to experience anything Brad wanted him to experience.

Brad added a forth finger to Chad's butt and nibbled on his shoulder as Chad began to push back against Brad's fingers. "Ah, I do think you are enjoying getting finger fucked."

"Oh, gawd brad. Oh gawd."

Brad moved his mouth to Chad's shoulder kissing him. Then to Chad's neck. His teeth and mouth were working on Chad's neck marking him with a hicky.

After only a couple more minutes, Brad decided he could wait no longer and that Chad was ready for more than just a few fingers in his butt.

He removed his fingers from the now receptive opening. He then moved Chad onto his back and into the center of the bed. Brad moved over Chad stretching out on top of the young man and kissing his lips and chin and neck. "You are just so damn sexy," brad breathed next to Chad's ear.

Chad's arms automatically wrapped around Brad. His hands feeling the solidness of the man's back and the firmness of the guy's ass cheeks. Chad never wanted brad to move. It felt so good having the warm weight of this superstar on top of him. He wondered just how much more pleasure there was to come from this man.

Using his knees, brad pushed Chad's legs apart. He spread the guy open and moved between the stretched out legs. Sitting back up between Chad's legs, Brad looked down at the naked young man. He looked at the solid pole of teen flesh that pointed skyward. He looked at the hunger in the blue green eyes of the teen.

"I want to fuck you," brad said looking at the guy that was going to give Brad his virginity.

"And I want you to do it to me."

Brad grabbed the lubricant and squeezed some into the palm of his hand. He then applied the generous amount of lubricant to his dick. He slicked himself up stroking his hard dick with a hand and then lifting Chad's legs up and back over the young man's body. Brad looked down at the puckered rose bud just waiting to be penetrated for the first time. He moved in closer and touched that puckered hole with the head of his slicked up dick. He then looked into Chad's eyes. "you ready for this?"

"Yes, I am. Put it inside me."

Brad pushed his dick against the tight opening. Even after the time and care Brad had put into getting Chad's ass ready for this, the boy was still tight. Brad's thick cut cock head stretched the opening wider and wider. Brad pushed hard and harder so he felt the head of his large organ pushed into the opening. He felt those anal lips making a tight seal around his invading cock. He felt Chad's pain and could read it on Chad's face.

"It hurts," Chad said.

Brad left his dick rest just inside the opening. He wanted to give this hot guy a chance to get use to having a dick in his ass. He knew the kid would soon want more than just the tip of the dick. He would want all of those inches.

"I know it hurts," brad said leaning down but it will get better." Brad placed a soft kiss on Chad's lips and also pushed a little bit more of his length into Chad. His dick pushing forward and stretching Chad's anal muscles.

"Ohohohohoh," Chad sighed with the pain. His fists gripping the bed clothes.

Brad rested there for a few moments to give the muscles time to adjust to the thickness. He then slowly pushed more of the tool into Chad. There were only about six inches of Brad's tool out side of Chad's body. The other inches were securely inserted into Chad's ass.

"We are almost half way there buddy," Brad said letting the boy rest again.

"Damn your fucking big," Chad said breathing hard. "you are fucking big."

"You will soon be happy that my dick is big. You will soon enjoy those inches of dick sliding in and out."

Brad was already pushing his dick back and forth and left and right. He was working it slowly so that Chad would get use to the length and thickness. In and out Brad worked his cock. Each time he went a little bit deeper on the in thrust. Each time making Chad's ass accept more man meat.

Brad could feel Chad's anal muscles relaxing so he pushed hard and drove another inch into Chad. He had well over half his dick inside the tight hole. In just a few more thrust Brad would be fully imbedded in the boy's tight ass.

Chad felt the tickle of Brad's thick pubes against his skin. He knew that Brad must just about be all the way inside him. It hurt to have this bid dick inside of him, but it also felt good. Chad could not believe he had gotten this hot stud to fuck him. He could not believe how lucky he was to have found this job and to be with this amazing guy. Sometimes celebrities had the reputation of being a nice guy but more often than not, they were all stuck on themselves and were jerks. Chad was learning that it did not appear to be that way with brad. Brad actually seemed to care about Chad enjoying every part of this experience. Chad could not have asked for a better way to give up his virginity.

The pain that Brad's dick was causing him was almost completely gone now. In fact, there were intense waves of pleasure coming from the organ. Chad could feel each thick inch of Brad's dick and every time the stud moved it in and out he could feel a sharp wave of pleasure pass through him. It almost made him blast his teen cum all over the two of them.

"I'm all the way inside of you," Brad said. "You have all of my length buried inside that tight ass. How does it feel now?"

"It's its different. Its good. Its great. You are great."

"Good," brad said leaning forward to place a hard kiss on Chad's lips. Brad drove his tongue into Chad's mouth and began to slowly pull out and push in Chad's ass. In and out brad moved his cock. His dick rubbing the inside walls of Chad's anal chute as brad began a slow and steady fuck.

"I'm not too deep am I?" Brad asked.

"Oh gawd no. Your fucking great. I love it man. I love it."

Brad rested Chad's legs on his shoulders and then leaned forward again. His lips kissing and his tongue licking the hot young man. His arms on either side of the hot and horny teen as he began to fuck the kid harder. Brad's tool thrusting deep in and out. Almost all of his length sliding in and out of Chad. Every inch of Brad's pleasure rod driving up to the hilt into Chad's ass.

Instinctively, Chad began flexing his anal muscles as Brad fucked him. He squeezed hard as that cock tried to pull out and relaxed as it pushed back inside. The two seemed to be in perfect unison as they fucked. In and out. Chad's hands gripped Brad's arms firmly as he let the superstar fuck him. Chad's fingers sliding up over the hard cords of muscle that made up Brad's arms.

"Oh Brad, Oh gawd, I think I am going to cum, Chad said.

"Ahahahahahahaha, ohohohohohohohoh," Chad cried as his cock began firing cum all over the two men. Ropes of hot white teen seed splattered across Brad's tan skin. Rope after rope sticking to Brad's skin.

"yeah, shoot it man. Shoot your hot load of cream Chad. Shoot that shit all over me. Fucking cum kid cum!"

Brad's voice was loud and demanding and it was obvious the mature guy was enjoying the session as much as anyone.

Brad could feel his balls tightening up. He knew he was close to blowing a massive load of real seed into Chad's ass. He knew it would not take long and he would be coming.

"Aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaaia, oaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaao, "Brad yelled as he began shooting his cream into Chad. "Take that fucking load kid take all my seed into your ass!"

Brad's big tool fired the ropes of cum from Brad's huge nuts into Chad's guts. Jet after jet of hot seed was being driven deep up into Chad by the powerful spasms of Brad's cock. "Ohohohohohoh fuck yeseseseseseses!"

Brad's body was tensed up. His skin was covered with a glistening sheen of sweat. His muscles were popping out as he rode the waves of pleasure.

Chad's hands slid over Brad's slick sweat covered body. His fingers feeling the solid steel cords of muscle that covered Brad's arms, shoulders, back and chest. He licked and sucked on brad's right nipple as the celebrity stud dumped gallons of seed into his ass.

The wave of pleasure seemed to last for ever but was over far too soon. Brad fell forward on top of Chad and let the younger man hold him tight. There two sweaty bodies glued together with the fluids they had each produced. Brad's cock slowly growing soft but still firmly planted inside Chad.

They lay there breathing hard and holding each other there bodies stuck together by cum, sweat and Brad's cock still firmly gripped by the teen's tight no longer virgin butt.

Copyright 2022 by Keith yates ( all rights reserved.

No copying, reposting, or distributing is permitted without the author's written consent.

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Thomas Paine

To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture. Thomas Paine

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