The Hostage

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 26, 2012


The Hostage Chapter Five

Trevor and Martin started their jobs, and Janina resumed her role of being a stay at home mom. For a month it seemed that they could lead a normal, peaceful life. The black car still cruised the neighborhood, and still parked discreetly a short distance from their house. The men even began to venture out in the evenings, and they made some friends in the gay community. They had their favorite watering holes, but never stayed out late. They still feared for Janina's safety.

One day the inevitable happened. Trevor covered a disturbing story. SWAT teams had raided an apartment in downtown Chicago. The apartment had been under surveillance for months. The SWAT team confiscated enough explosives to blow up the whole city of Chicago. Unfortunately, the suspects, all known sympathizers of The Army of Allah, had somehow known about the raid, and were nowhere to be found. The sad news was that they were still at large. Trevor immediately called Martin and told him to rush right home after work. He said that he would get home as soon as he could. Both men were certain that their little family was still a target for revenge.

As soon as Martin got Trevor's call, he locked his office door, and made a call to a secret number in Washington. Within a half hour, the number of men in the black car, which was cruising Martin's neighborhood, was increased to four.

Trevor and Martin maintained a happy attitude at home, and even made arrangements with Janina to take her out to dinner Saturday night for her birthday. The black car was now parked for the night, two doors down the street.

Trevor and Martin always closed their door when they retired for the night. They rigged the door so that a bell sounded if the door was opened without disengaging the apparatus from inside the bedroom. Unknown to the men, Janina had replaced the steak knife under her pillow. She had even taken the time to sharpen the blade.

More than a week passed after the raid, without incident. Trevor and Martin had refrained from making love in all that time. Instead they lay awake listening for every sound in the house until sleep overcame them.

Finally one night they relaxed a little bit and started to play. Trevor's hand enveloped Martin's massive tool and he began to stroke it. Martin reached over and began to masturbate Trevor. Lust took over and they twisted into a sixty-nine position. Both were close to orgasm when the bell clanged, indicating their door was being opened. They moved so quickly that they became a blur as each grabbed a pistol from underneath their pillows.

At least three men fell upon them. Two were quickly dispatched by blazing guns. The third stood back, shocked at what had occurred. He backed slowly toward the door, hoping to make an escape, and was rewarded for his efforts with a sharp knife in his back. Suddenly lights were on throughout the house. Eight government agents were all over the place searching in every nook and cranny. Obviously there had been more than one black surveillance car.

Trevor and Martin just managed to put boxers on when one of the agents came in the room. He grabbed Martin's hand and started pumping it. "Captain Spenser," he said. "It's so good to see you again. And you too Mr. Lawrence," he said as an after thought.

It was Sgt. Jim Young, whom they had met in Afghanistan. Trevor was confused. Jim called Martin, captain, when he knew he was a civilian now. That was odd enough, but last he had heard, Martin was a lieutenant when he was discharged. Jim hadn't saluted Martin, but then again, Martin was not in uniform.

"Good work once again, sir," Jim said. We captured five more of them entering your house. I don't know if we got them all, but for sure, we've broken their back."

They had all forgotten Janina, who was cowering behind the bedroom door. She came out and looked around the bloody room. "Those bastards don't ever give me a chance to keep this house clean," she lamented. Everyone in the room was all keyed up, but they all broke out laughing.

"I know that it's very late," Jim said, "but could I ask you all to dress and come down to headquarters with me. We need to take your statements. I'll see to it that the bodies are removed."

Jim looked at Martin and winked. "Sorry for the interruption, sir." Martin turned red.

Trevor realized that somehow he had been kept in the dark about what had developed into a major army sting. On the one hand he was angry with Martin. On the other hand he wondered if he could get a story out of this after all, without endangering his family, that is.

They were escorted down town by the agents, so Trevor could not question Martin. Martin could sense the anger brewing in Trevor. He took Trevor's hand and looked in Trevor's eyes. His own eyes were pleading for time to explain. Trevor squeezed Martin's hand to let him know that he would be patient and understanding.

Much later that evening, when they were brought home, the three of them set about cleaning up the house and removing the evidence of the carnage that had occurred there. Sleep was out for the night. All three were operating on adrenalin. At last, Janina prepared breakfast, and she and Trevor looked at Martin waiting for a much needed explanation.

As they sipped their coffee, Martin finally began. "Everything was going according to plan regarding my transition into civilian life, and then my mother's uncle tried to kill me and her. After the incident, I was contacted by a member of army intelligence. He was aware of my appointment to teach Arabic and Islamic studies at the university. He said that Chicago was one of the few schools in the nation that taught both. They were aware that The Army of Allah signed up many recruits from students in this program. The army offered to reinstate me as a captain, if I would agree to spy for them. I could keep an eye on my students, and hopefully recognize where their loyalties were. I accepted only because I believed we were all still in danger. I was certainly right about that. One of the men we killed tonight, and three of the men the army captured, were students of mine." Martin paused and glanced at the two dazed faces in front of him.

At last Trevor was able to talk. "How classified is this operation?" he asked. "Will any of it be made public?"

"Here's what you can write," Martin smiled at Trevor. He took a slip of paper out of his pocket and handed it to his partner. Trevor read:

Although federal agents did not find any terrorists at the apartment, which they raided last week, they were able to identify everyone who came and went into the apartment. They raided a private home last night where three of the terrorists were killed and four more were captured. They were all members of a terrorist group called The Army of Allah.

The text was followed with a list giving the names, ages and citizenships of the dead and captured. There was no mention of any connection to the university or their teacher.

Trevor smiled at Martin and he pulled his telephone out of his pocket. He went into the living room and called in the story while Janina stared long and hard at her son. "We will always be in danger, won't we?" she asked.

"Yes, Momma, unfortunately we will always be on the enemy list of The Army of Allah. At least this way I can continue to do my part to thwart them, and to fight them. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Janina said kindly. "I'm the one who set the stage when I ran away with your father. If this is the price we must pay for freedom, so be it."

Trevor returned with a grin on his face. "Thanks Babe," he said, "Now let's talk. How long are you going to lead a double life?"

"Until I feel safe for all of us, no matter how many years it takes. Hey, look at it this way. The university is paying me and the army is paying me. I am earning two salaries and two pensions. We'll be able to retire in grand style in some tropical paradise."

"If we are lucky enough to survive. Hey kiddo, I told my boss I was up all night covering the story, and I wouldn't be in to work today."

"I'll call in sick," Martin announced.

"I think I'll go to the mall after I clean up the kitchen," Janina said.

As soon as they heard her leave the house, Trevor and Martin went upstairs. They needed desperately to make love after being so rudely interrupted this past evening. They undressed rapidly with the intention of taking a shower and maybe fucking in the shower. They had been up all night, and had stayed awake for many nights before that listening for danger. Suddenly neither of them could keep their eyes open. They fell naked on their bed and hunkered close. They grabbed each other's cocks and fell fast asleep. Their shower and their love making would have to wait until they woke up several hours later.

They were safe, at least for the moment. A black car with two passengers was parked serenely in front of the house. They could sleep tranquilly, and recover their strength.

The End

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