The Hostage

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 22, 2012


The Hostage Chapter Four

Martin had outlived his usefulness in the Mideast. Both sides now knew that he was a mole. He was offered a discharge from the army or stateside reassignment. Had he not met Trevor, he would have stayed in the service. But at last he had found his soul mate, and he accepted his honorable discharge. He and Trevor were shipped home on an army transport which landed at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

From there, their next stop was Atlanta, Ga. where Trevor wanted to post the story of Martin's heroics with CNN, but the government wouldn't let him. The operation was considered classified. Instead, Trevor asked for, and got a transfer to CNN headquarters in Chicago. He had no family, and since Martin feared for his mother's safety, they agreed to settle in Chicago. Martin did not know his uncle's whereabouts. He had been placed on a dangerous persons' list, and flying into the US would be more difficult for him now. However, Martin knew that it would not be impossible, what with all the insurgent cells which existed throughout the world. As much as he feared his uncle, he feared telling his mother about his relationship with Trevor even more.

When they got off the plane at O'Hare, they went immediately to Baggage Claim. While they were waiting for their luggage, Martin grinned at Trevor. "You know what?" he asked. "We haven't been alone or unobserved since we met. Let's spend tonight in a hotel, and we'll go home tomorrow morning."

"I like how you think. Let's add a great stateside dinner to the scenario."

"You're on, buddy." Martin smiled. "I'll just call my mother and tell her that we have been delayed, and will arrive tomorrow late in the morning."

When they checked into the hotel, Trevor noted that it was a good three hours until dinner time. They smiled at each other, undressed and jumped into the shower. They had incorrectly assumed that they would fuck each other in bed, but playing in the shower proved to be too arousing. Using soap as a lubricant, they finally unloaded in each other's guts. Afterwards, they clung to each other, unwilling to let go. Their energies were spent for the moment, so they climbed into bed and dozed for a couple of hours.

After dinner, they resumed making love. They started with a lusty game of sixty-nine. After both had cum, they kissed each other, and mixed their jism together in their dueling mouths. After a couple of hours, they were hard again and had no trouble fucking each other, this time using lubricant. They made love most of the night, and did not fall asleep until early in the morning.

While the two men were demonstrating their love for each other, Janina Spenser was awakened from a fitful sleep. She thought she heard a strange sound, but she had been jumpy ever since her uncle's surprise visit, so she dismissed it as being just her nerves.

As a result, she was nearly wide awake, when someone bounded through her open bedroom door, and threw his body on top of her. His massive hands encircled her throat and began to choke her.

"You spawned a traitor," he yelled. "My brother is crying in Paradise because his grandson has spurned Allah. For this you will both die. I am disappointed. I thought your faggot son would be here tonight. No matter. I'll handle you one at a t..."

He never finished his sentence. Suddenly blood gushed from his mouth and his neck, and his massive frame slumped on Janina's tiny body. She was still having trouble breathing, but she managed to push the body off her, and it rolled on the floor. She lay in bed sobbing and trying to catch her breath for almost an hour. Finally, she calmed down enough to dial 911. Then she looked at her alarm clock with its luminous dial. It was five o'clock in the morning. She dialed Martin's cell phone, but unfortunately it was shut off and she didn't know where he was. She left him a message. "A terrible tragedy has occurred," she said. "Call me as soon as you can."

The paramedics treated her bruised neck, but she declined hospital attention. After she was cared for and the body was removed, the police took her statement.

"It was not I he was after," she explained. "I believe he was after my son, who was supposed to have come home last night, but will not be home until sometime this morning. The dead man is my uncle. He surprised us with a visit, just before my son was deployed to the Middle East. He tried to get my son to agree to spy for the so called Army of Allah. Naturally my son refused. I have lived in fear ever since his visit, so I have slept with a steak knife under my pillow all these months. When he started to choke me, I was able to reach under my pillow and thrust the knife into his neck. From the amount of blood he spewed out, I think I hit his jugular."

"Why do you think he was after your son?" the policeman asked.

"My son was on a secret mission for the army. I don't know what it was, and I think it was classified."

The policeman was satisfied. "I'm going to leave a policewoman here with you until your son arrives," he said. "Why don't you change the bed sheets and try to get some rest. You're safe now."

When Trevor and Martin woke up, the sun was high in the sky. It was 10:30 AM. They showered together and played some more. They had until 1 PM to check out. By the time they were dressed and ready to vacate the room it was nearly noon and they decided to have brunch before heading to Trevor's home.

At brunch, Trevor said. "I love you, Martin, but there is one thing that really troubles me. I didn't want to ask, but now I must. Why did you kill Ahmed?"

"Ah, sweet love, did I not tell you before this? Ahmed was a spy for the other side. I knew that because I knew everyone who was aiding them. It was a pleasure to kill him. He had provided them with so much information to help them murder innocent people, that he deserved to die."

Trevor gripped Martin's hand. "I should have known that you wouldn't kill an innocent man," he said.

Finally, when Martin reached into his pocket to pay the brunch bill, he retrieved his cell phone and turned it on. He saw that he had missed a call and he listened to the message. As he did, he turned white and the men rushed home in a cab.

They were greeted at the front door by a policewoman. "Thank God, you're here, Mr. Spenser," she said. "Your mother has been through quite a dreadful experience. Her uncle tried to kill her, but that spunky lady got him first."

"Where is she?" Martin's voice quivered as he looked around.

"I sent for a doctor and she gave your mother a sedative. Thankfully, she's finally asleep."

"Where's my uncle's body?"

"At the city morgue. I guess when they are through with him, he's all yours."

"Yes, I'll claim the body and give him an Islamic burial. It's more than he deserves."

"If you don't mind, I think I'll get back to the station now." She handed Martin a card. "If you need to go out of town, please call first. We may need to question you and your mother again." Her police car was in the driveway, and she left abruptly.

Martin looked around at his surroundings. He was home and he was happy but apprehensive. His uncle had friends, and they would want revenge. He wasn't certain what to do. Just as a diversion he showed Trevor around his new home. Unfortunately, one of the first things they saw was the laundry room off the kitchen. The blood stained bed linens were lying in the hamper. Martin did not care how costly the linens were. He picked them up, and stuffed them into the garbage can standing in the driveway just out side the mud room door. He didn't want his mother ever to see them again.

When he was done disposing of the bloody sheets, Martin took Trevor upstairs. There were only two bedrooms in the house, but fortunately each had its own bath. They looked in on Janina. She was sleeping peacefully. "She's as beautiful as I knew she would be," Trevor whispered in Martin's ear.

They went into Martin's room, and dropped their two small carry on bags on the floor. Trevor noted that the walk in closet was big enough for both of them, since neither had a lot of "stuff." In fact, Trevor had put all his belonging in three small cartons when they were in Atlanta, and he shipped them to Martin's home in Chicago. They should be arriving any moment.

There was only one standard size bed in the room. "What will your mother say to this?" Trevor asked Martin pointing at the bed.

"It will be the moment of truth, sweetheart. I sure hope she accepts it, and likes you as much as I love you."

They unpacked their small bags and put everything in a place. Then they went downstairs to wait for Janina to awaken.

"I'll make us some coffee," Martin said. While the coffee was brewing, he took some bread, butter and jam out of the refrigerator, and popped the bread into the toaster. They were enjoying their little repast when Janina burst into the kitchen screaming with delight. She wrapped her arms around Martin and pulled his head down so that she could smother him with kisses.

She finally let go and looked at Trevor. "You must be Trevor," she smiled. "Martin has written so much about you, I feel like we are old friends." Trevor was surprised. He never saw Martin writing anything to anyone. He never even saw him use a computer. He could only wonder when he did it. Did he awaken before Trevor, and send messages from his phone? It was the only explanation.

"Sit down, Momma," Martin said softly. "I...we...have something to tell you. Trevor is coming to live with us permanently. He's a reporter for CNN, and most likely will travel more than I would like. As for me, I have landed a teaching position with The University of Chicago. I'll be teaching Arabic as well as Islamic Studies."

"That's wonderful news." Janina was smiling broadly, and she went over to Trevor and kissed him on the cheek. "But we only have two bedrooms. Where will Trevor sleep, Martin?"

Martin took a deep breath. "With me, Momma. We love each other and we are life partners."

Janina's face clouded over. "When my uncle tried to kill me, he called you a faggot, my son. I thought he was just trying to add to my misery, but I see it is true."

"Yes momma, it's true. If you only knew how much I love Trevor, you would understand."

Janina took her son's hand. "This is what I understand. When I am gone, you will not be alone. You will have a companion who will love you, share your life with you, look after you when you are sick, and be your lifetime crutch. For that I love Trevor already." Martin started to cry and Janina wrapped her arms around him once again.

"Now," she asked, "how long do we have to enjoy each other's company before you both have to go back to work."

"I start this coming Monday," Trevor said.

"And I start officially on the Tuesday after Labor Day in two weeks time, but I have to go in for orientation on the Thursday and Friday before Labor Day. That gives us both the time to buy two automobiles."

"Martin, I rarely use my car. You might as well use it and then you only have to buy one new one." She smiled at the two men. "I want to cook all your favorite meals, but you'll have to tell me what your favorites are, Trevor."

"Not tonight," Martin interrupted. "Tonight we are celebrating at a five star restaurant. Now go upstairs and put on your best outfit, Momma. Trevor, our field jackets will have to be acceptable by the restaurant. We'll both need to shop for some clothes for work and for five star restaurants."

They all had a good laugh, and proceeded to get ready for an evening on the town. They might not have been so happy if they had seen the small black car parked discreetly up the street. Two men, sitting inside the car, were observing everything going on in the house, and everyone coming and going in and out of the house.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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