The Horny Gaymes

By William Mclain

Published on Jun 3, 2012


The Horny Gaymes is a work of erotic fan fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

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The Horny Gaymes Chapter 3

Part 1

Gale lingered for a moment after Peeta had left. He needed time to clear his head. What was he doing out here with Peeta anyway? He was supposed to be in love with Katniss... they both were.

He sighed, and turned to head back to District 12.

"Well, well, well," a voice called out. "What do we have here?"

Gale froze. Someone was there. Someone had caught him past the fence. He slowly looked up, and saw a peace keeper staring straight at him.

He must have been 6'5, and so muscular even Gale was awed.

"No one's supposed to be past the fence," the peace keeper said, "especially not on a day like today. Someone might think you're trying to escape."

"No, I swear, I wasn't running away, I was just... I was only..."

"Oh, I know what you were doing." The peace keeper grinned a nasty grin. "I saw the whole thing."


"Now, I could turn you in. You'd be punished pretty severely." Gale's heart was pounding in his chest. "But I'm not gonna do that."

"Thank you sir... thank you, I-" "Now hold up a second. I said I wasn't gonna turn you in. But that doesn't mean you aren't in trouble. I've got my own ideas about punishing you." The peace keeper gave his cock a squeeze and grinned at Gale.

So that's how it was.

Gale walked forward to the peace keeper, dropped to his knees and reached for his zipper.

"What do you think you're doing?," the peace keeper snarled. "Get up.'

Confused, Gale hesitated, but did as he was told.

"Now, go ahead and take your clothes off. Go on!"

Gale undid his vest, and slid his shirt off over his shoulders. He kicked his boots off, and tugged his pants down to his ankles, stepping out of them. Finally, he blushed a dark red, and slid his underwear off. He wasn't used to being told what to do, but he secretly kinda liked it.

"Good...," the peace keeper said. "Now, close your eyes. And don't you dare peek, or it's gonna get bad."

Gale shut his eyes tightly, expecting the worst. A rush of excitement flooded over him.

"Good... one last thing. Put your arms up over your head. Yeah, that's good. Just like that."

Gale felt something cold on his wrists... on his ankles. He couldn't help it anymore. He opened his eyes. HE had been handcuffed on his wrists and ankles.

The peace keeper just chuckled, and pushed Gale to the ground.

"Oh, yeah. You're gonna be punished bad. Don't worry though, this will be our little secret. Yeah, you aren't used to being submissive, I can tell. Lemme see your ass, boy."

Gale's head was spinning. He had fucked a guy or two before, but had never been fucked. He'd be lying though if he said he wasn't a little turned on though. This was it. Gale slowly lifted his ass into the air for the peace keeper to see.

"Better close your eyes," the peace keeper said, "You're in for quite a ride."

Part 2

Peeta sat alone in the well furnished room. How was this possible? Just moments ago he was the happiest he had ever been, just him and Gale in the woods, and now...

There had to be a mistake. His name was only in there a couple of times. Other boys had their names in dozens of times. He wasn't ready for this. He couldn't kill anyone. He couldn't survive.

The door to the room slid open, and in walked Gale.

Without a word, the two embraced tightly for what seemed like hours.

Gale finally broke the silence. "Listen to me Peeta. You CAN do this. It's like I told Katniss, they just want a good show, that's all they want."

"And like Katniss also said," Peeta muttered, "there are twenty-four of us. Only one comes out."

"Peeta, listen to me please. You've always been the kindest, sweetest boy I've ever known. You can't be like that in the Capitol. Or the arena. You've gotta man up. Show them who's boss. Toughen up."

A guard opened the door, and grabbed Gale by the arm, pulling him out.

"You CAN do this, Peeta," Gale called. "Give them what they want. Do what it takes to get home. And please, hurry back to me. I-"

The door slammed, leaving Peeta alone.

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