The Home for Virgins

Published on Aug 19, 2022


The Home for Virgins 6

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

Henri was a generous man. He would have been a great minister, preaching the word of he the Lord. Henri goal was saving the shy and timid from a joyless world of sexual abstinence. While that did not lift him to the heights of Clara Barton or Mother Theresa, it added some happiness to the lives of shy men.

Henri asked former visitors to Rivanna House to contact friends in need who would benefit from the relaxed openness of the place. He emphasized the intention was a give men little push to improve the natural course of men's interactions. He wanted men to find like minded friends. Our former guests knew that sexual exploration was often the result of a visit to Rivanna House, but Henri told them guests would never be forced of coerced into sexual play.

We were surprised at the response. Many men had friends who were shy and timid, especially with respect to sex with other men. I assumed that this were timid librarian types, or the men who took care of their parents in their old age. Invalid mothers some times dominated their sons. The sons were praised for their devotion, but never developed their own lives.

There was an alternative type of virgin. These were out going hearty types. They were often successful businessman or media types. Many were raised in obsessively religious families, or had a dominant father, who wanted an ultra-masculine son.

Some of the religious types were members of cult-like churches that demanded total obedience combined with substantial donations. The cult leader made decisions for you. Everything was black or white. There were no grays, and absolutely no color. Cult leaders eventually crashed and burned in scandals, but the damage was done to their followers. I noticed that most of these exceptionally strict sexual standards were for everyone other than the cult leader himself.

Henri was an effective leader, and had an attractive personality. He combined intelligence and friendship. He had a sense when it was time for a staff member to move on to live his own life away from him. I had worked for him for years, but that was because we had compatible personalities. Once and a while we shared sexual experiences. He had his likes and I had my own.

I had my own personality and approach to life. I had my own opinions that were often different from his. He didn't always agree with me, but I often exposed problems and concerns he hadn't considered. Henri said that while he didn't always agree with me, I had saved him from mistakes that would have cost him millions. He once told me that he never had a father to give him well meaning advice. He thought I played that role for him.

We scheduled a weekend for these men. Our first guests in this group were Dandy Dan of Dandy Dan's Used Cars, and Phil Moncton, the Assistant Director of the Wainwright County Library System. Dandy Dan was big, loud, and out going. Phil was tall, timid and thin. I met them and showed them around Rivanna House and then took them into the woods. They both liked the site. We ran into Trevor who was painting a pond surrounded by mature trees. It was early fall and it was still warm in the afternoon, but was cold enough at night to turn some of the leaves.

The painting was realistic, but the splash of the scarlet leaves was dramatic and reflected in the water. Dandy Dan asked if was good fishing in the pond. I said there was, but I would have to check with our forester. "He wants to make sure we don't over fish the ponds," I explained. He said he would appreciate if I could get permission.

Phil was entranced by Trevor's painting. Trevor explained that he knew the pond well, and this was the first time the tree was in full color. "There are more dramatic landscapes in the far west, but nature can be dramatic in more modest locations," Trevor explained. I sensed that Trevor and Phil would get along well.

Frank, one of our yardman, was now one of our foresters. He wandered the woods, cleaning and removing dead trees. He was a bearlike man with an unbuttoned shirt that showed off his chest pelt. Dandy Dan knew a real man when he saw him.

I told Frank that Dandy Dan wanted to fish in the pond.

"The fishing isn't that good here, but I am going to do some fishing in the Quarry pond tomorrow morning. It is for tomorrow night's dinner, but you are welcome to join me." Frank said. Dandy Dan was more than willing. They hit it off.

I knew that Frank was gay as a goose, and not at all shy. He was almost a caricature of an ultra masculine man. I had a feeling Dandy Dan would soon be a happy man.

At five, Bubbahotep arrived with three friends. His uncle Roger, and his cousins Marty and Steve. Roger looked like Santa. He had a snow white beard and a jolly look. He was in his mid sixty's and his wife, Eunice, had died six months earlier. Bubba referred to the aunt as Little Miss Sunshine. Roger was the postmaster of the town they lived in.

Marty was a three times removed cousin, who was a house builder. You could tell he worked outside, he was tanned and muscular. Steve was a science teacher for some high school near Roanoke. He was as pale as Marty was tanned.

Frank, Dandy Dan and Marty seemed to hit it off. Trevor, Phil and Steve connected. Bubbahotep introduced me to Roger. Roger and Bubbahotep had been close, but Roger's late wife, Eunice didn't like Bubba. Eunice had been a hypochondriac for years, and her death had been a surprise. Everyone assumed her last sickness was false. Bubba told me no one guessed she was actually sick. Her death would have been a shock if the people who knew her hadn't been so relieved.

Roger was the postmaster, but he lived for the Christmas season. His was growing out his massive beard for his Santa appearances in small towns' Christmas Parades. He had no children. Roger was fit, and needed padding to be Santa.

We had dinner in an enclosed porch, and watched the sun set. Roger has a vast collection of stories about postal mishaps and Santa near disasters. When we finished desert, Roger leaned close to me.

"Bubbahotep told me I would like it here. I would have some fun. I'm really worried. It's been a long time," he said. "Shit, I've never done anything like this."

"Don't worry. It's all up to you," I said. "It's what you want."

"My wife began having head aches every night as we went to bed," he said. "She had a head ache the night she died. We got married "til death do you part," he said. "If unused parts of your body atrophied due to non-use, I wouldn't have a cock."

"Roger, Bubbahotep said you could have some fun here. I work here, I want to have a lot of fun, mind blowing fun," I said.

He laughed and said, "I hadn't expected to have my mind blown."

I laughed, "I think there is a direct connection between your cock and your brain. You may know some guys who think with their cocks. That usually end in disaster. Some times your brain takes your cocks lead and magic happens." I said.

"I could use some magic in my life," Roger whispered. Ten minutes we were naked in his room. Roger was a solid, stocky, polar bear. I dropped to my knees and took the tip of his foreskin into my mouth. I worked my tongue into the pucker and encountered his enlarging cock head. Where the knob goes the shaft follows. He had bull balls and his cock was six inches plus. When I swirled my tongue around his cock head Roger moaned.

His cock may have been neglected for years, but everything was in working order. Shortly after he moaned, I could taste his precum. It was sweet. Roger's cock head was sensitive. I wondered how he would react when his knob encountered my tight rectum.

I was careful and delicate. If the flow of precum was any indicator, that he was ripe. I decide to try the old fashioned method. I pulled back and asked him. "I think you are getting close. I was hoping to take your load. Is that okay with you?"

"Okay," he said. "It doesn't bother you?"

"Not one little bit. Man seed turns me on," I replied as I resumed sucking. He held back longer that I guessed he would, but he had a four alarm orgasm. I took every drop. I swallowed some, but I saved some and kissed him. He was surprised to taste his seed. He went a little crazy. That was a good sign.

Most of the guest arrived the next day and I was busy getting them to their rooms a settled. While some of the men were older guys, there were a number of young men. I took two of the younger guys to their rooms. Walt and Bob were maybe 22 or 23, and were crew cut escapees from the 1960's. I wondered if they got their fashion sense from Annette and Bobby Darin.

They had both gone to an exclusive boys school somewhere in Montana. The Gold Hill School was located twenty miles from the nearest town. It sounded like a reform school to me, but it was for the sons of millionaires to be raised safely with no "evil" influences.

That seemed to translate into have no life at all. Rote memorization and total obedience was required. There were no visitors, no phones and all mail was censored. Walt and Bob didn't know how to deal with people. Walt had an Uncle who had been to the Rivanna House. He thought they needed free and easy relationships.

Henri knew their uncle and he told me the uncle wanted to be a guide and friend. The uncle was gay, but he though a sexual relationship with him would screw them up. The uncle knew that they were attracted to older men, but not to domineering men.

I gave them a tour of the woods and they loved that. They wore alligator shirts and dress slacks. They looked like they were at the club, overlooking the 18th hole. Walt had a tuft of chest hair poking out from the unbuttoned top button of his shirt. They were clean shaven and crew cut,

Their school had been on the edge of mountains overlooking a desert. Virginia seemed amazingly lush to them. We went by one of the little ponds where Frank, Bubbahotep and his cousins, Marty and Steve were skinny dipping.

"Do you want to jump in the water? It's cool and refreshing," I asked.

"There are guys here," Marty said.

"Frank, is there room for a few more guys?" I yelled. He yelled back that there was more than enough room. Marty and Steve were pushing thirty, but they were still young guys.

"We don't have trunks," Bob yelled.

"We're all boys here. Skinny dipping was traditional in swimming holes," Frank explained.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do," I said. Purely by accident that struck a chord with Walt and Bob. Latin was a required class, and the school focused on antiquity and the word "Traditional" was he ultimate indicator of approval.

Walt had continuous black hair from his head to his toes, except for his clean shaven face. Bob was blond and exceptionally blond. Both were uncut. I later found out that was because circumcision was Jewish. I assumed their parents were fascist. I was wrong about that. Their fathers were fascist. Their mothers were replaced every four or five years with a younger woman.

Marty and Steve had been playing with Frank. They had water up to their waists, but the water was crystal clear. When you got close you could see that Frank and Marty were erect. Erections spread faster than the plague between naked men.

Soon Walt was fully erect, Bob was at half staff. We paddled around some and it turned out that Walt like to suck cocks underwater. He learned that in his school's pool. He snagged Marty's cock and that was a total success. We got out of the water we went to an inflatable mattress type thing Frank had set up on the rocky edge of the pond.

Frank got out first. He was naked and well endowed.

"You aren't the shy type," Bob said.

"I'm not very shy, but no one seems to complain," Frank replied. I knew he didn't have a shy bone in his body

"I'm a friendly guy" He added as is cock began to get. By then Marty and Steve had joined us and their cocks were rising to half staff.

"Are you guys as friendly you seem?" Bob asked.

"Frank is an old pal of mine," I said. "He and I can be a lot more friendly in most situations if we get lucky."

"Did we just get lucky?" Walt asked.

"Boys, if I told you that you can be as lucky as you want to be, would you understand what I am saying," Frank said.

Walt understood. He went over to Frank, dropped to his knees and began to suck. I have heard that some gay men don't like to suck cock but I had not encountered one. A few seconds later I realized that no one in this group was going to be the first.

The men who came to Rivanna House in this group were a mixed bag. Some were men who didn't know what to do or how to do it. They were afraid they wouldn't do it right, or would do something wrong. Some thought they were too old or two ugly to find a sexual partner. Several were afraid of blackmail or exposure.

One of our guests told me he was afraid his parents would find out. I found out his parents had died years earlier. I told him that people in heaven only look up. That was intended to be a joke, but it did the trick for him.

After dinner on Friday night, Dr. Robert and I did a semi-comic lecture on the right and wrong ways to have sex. Doc Roberts had a voice that sounded like an old time cowboys comic side kick. He had a slight Gabby Hayes touch to his voice.

He started by explaining the cock sucking was actually sucking. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock. "It's called cock sucking because you suck the cock. I need to warn you: do not eat it!" The room was dark and he had concealed a realistic dildo. I turned my head and had the dildo sticking out of my mouth.

"Now, that my friends is the WRONG way!" he proclaimed. The audience burst into laughter. There was a slight hysterical touch to the laughter, but when the laughter subsided the men were more relaxed.

Doc moved on to the tongue and lips sucking technique, and the need to avoid scratching with teeth. "It's a cock, not a chew toy," he explained. A lot of the men had dogs and the laughed at that.

He then explained that when you are with a new friend it polite to tell him you are getting close. "That give him the choice to pull away, or to stay close and take your load," Robert's explained. "If you have generous loads, you might politely mention he should be prepared to swallow twice."

"Try not to spit it out. What ever you do, don't spit it out and say it taste like shit." I added. "If you want to have a guy take your cum, think ahead. If you take his, he is much more likely to take yours."

"Now I'm going the ask Rusty to suck me to completion and take my load," Doc Roberts said. "We've not done this before, but he is experienced. I'm I imposing on you?" He asked of me.

I smiled and said that I thought he knew me better than that.

Our audience laughed. I dropped to my knees and began to suck him. Doc was rock hard. Three or four minutes later he told me he was getting close, and asked if I wanted to take it. I kept on sucking and maybe a minute later I took his first ejaculation. Doc moaned and I tried to deep throat him. I stood when he stopped shooting and we kissed.

When we broke apart Doc told the audience some of his load was still in my mouth. "Would any of you like to kiss Rusty and taste my man seed?"

Walt and Bob came over to me. Walt kissed me and Bob sucked my cock. Both men were rock hard. A man I didn't know went over to Doc and sucked his relaxed cock.

"Men, I know some of you are shy and uneasy about any public display. We all all men being men," Doc said as his cock vanished into the man's throat. "A hard cock means we are sexually excited. That is not a problem. We are men being men. Be proud of been men, and sharing your pride with other men. When I say pride, I mean your cock; your erect cock. Share it and enjoy it."

Doc was Presbyterian, but he had the Baptist preacher knack with words. The men responded. Some went at it immediately. Other went to the room with a friend or two. I suspected they would all be better friends by breakfast time the next morning.

I noticed that Roger was with three or four younger guys. I wondered if frolicking with Santa had appeal to them. It was obvious that playing with younger men was fine with Roger.

I was on the floor in the sixty nine position with Walt. Bob and Marty were taking turns giving my ass a massage with their cocks. One would get close, pull out and the other man would enter my ass.

Doc Robert's talk was a good ice breaker.

Next: Chapter 7

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