The Home for Virgins

Published on Jul 23, 2022


The Home for Virgins 4

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

I was surprised when Henri told me that Skeeter and Bubbahotep were sponsor the next get together. I mentioned that they didn't seem to be his type.

"They have cocks, don't they?" he replied.

I laughed. "Well there is that," I admitted.

"Bubbahotep told me they have some pals who have dipped their toes into the gay pool, but not jumped into the deep end yet. He thinks they would be happier if the were expressing themselves in sperm," Henri said.

"That's a pretty flowery term for sucking," I said.

"Bubbahotep kind of has a warm spot for Oprah," Henri said. "He thinks she is a smart cookie. He watches her show every day. Some of Bubba's pals area bit sour. He thinks more sex would be good for them.

Bubbahotep and Skeeter paid for the entire weekend. It was Skeeter's birthday and this was going be a party for him. Skeeter was forty-five. I knew Bubbahotep and Skeeter were smarter than they looked. I also knew that you didn't need to be Albert Einstein to out shine him. Smart guys aren't always good judges of character.

Henri was good about judging character, so I decided to trust his judgment. Frank, the cook had a long talk with Bubba, and they agreed on a menu. Frank was going to have freshly caught fish and just picked corn. Bubba told him the guys like bread, so Frank was going to do some specialty rolls and cakes. Bubba told him his pals weren't too adventurous.

"Don't worry," Frank said. "Everything will look ordinary. Once they eat it, they won't be able to put it down." On Saturday one car and two vans arrived with the men. They were pretty fancy vans. The vans were much fancier than the men who got out of them.

They were a group of ordinary guys. No one was dressed up, but everyone had clean cloths. Some had button up short sleeve shirts. Most wore tee shirts, some with athletic logos. I laughed to myself. This was to be a naked party in the wood. The dress code was incidental.

We had lunch and I realized that Frank was a culinary genius. He had a prefect understanding of the men's food tastes. The men loved it.

Henri made a little speech of welcome. "Welcome to the Rivanna House. We are a private place for men to lay back, relax, and enjoy themselves. I do need to warn you: we have a strict dress code. We ware as little as possible. Most of the time we wear the same clothes we were wearing when we came in the world: our birthday suits." The men laughed.

"We do have two rules," he continues. "Everything is voluntary between every man and his playmate, or playmates. The second rule is that no one can get pregnant!" There was more laughter. "By the way, I can tell you that you all passed our little medical exam. That means that you are healthy and that everyone's home made man seed is edible. Some of you don't care about that, but it's important to our staff. I need to warn you; some staff members might be described as horny and sex crazed. If that offend you, be careful."

"What about you?' one man yelled.

"As you have noted, I am a shy and timid man," Henri said, adding, "I can also assure you that my private parts are not callused due to over use!" There were gales of laughter. "At least not yet!"

"On a more serious note, the Rivanna House has one firm rule, yes means yes and no means no!" He said. "Sometimes men think they know what you really mean or want. That does not count here. If a man isn't interested and says no, that is all you need to know."

Some of the men were not in the sun much. Henri was warned, so there was plenty of sun screen. Skeeter and Bubbahotep were naked as were about a third of the men. The rest were wearing jocks or swimming trunks.

I was with five guys. Three were carpenters, Bobby, Eddie, and Mich. They were tanned and muscular. A guy name Marvin and his thin pal, Smiley filled out the group. Marvin didn't say what he did. He was heavy, pale blond, and quite hairy. The hair didn't show. He had a distinctive voice the I associated with Baptist preachers on TV.

I noticed that while Smiley was scrawny, he was always whistling or singing under his breath. It was mostly classical music and I wondered if he was a choir director or an organist. They were both very pale. Bobby, the oldest and biggest of the carpenters made sure they had enough sunscreen. I later found out he was a foreman and talking care of his guys was part of his responsibility.

Bobby and Mitch were nude as was I. I had a feeling they had always won the "who has the biggest cock in the shower room" contest. Eddie was more bear like, but when he stripped, his cock was thick.

"I feel like I an a jello pudding that was left out in the sun too long," Marvin said. "I need to exercise more." He paused. "Actually I need to exercise period!"

Bobby laughed, "I can tell you I wouldn't recommend working eight hours a day in the freezing cold, or boiling sun isn't a beauty treatment."

"It looks good on you guys," Smiley added. "You look like fitness adds."

"I can tell you are looking at my cock, not my face," Mitch said. "My face wouldn't work even in thermal underwear add." Everyone laughed. In the next few minutes, Marvin, Smiley were in the water nude. Rambo, our staff electrician, joined our group. He seemed to connect with the carpenters. I was sitting between Marvin and Smiley. The rest of the men were getting excited, and naked men can't hide excitement. Marvin's cock was in the shade of his gut, but as the general level of excitement grew, it grew into a more impressive cock than I suspected.

"I didn't know what this place was going to be like," Melvin said. "It's a lot more than I expected. I'm not as uneasy either."

"I didn't know if I would be excited or shocked. I haven't been shocked yet," Smiley said with a smile.

"Damn, I wish I wasn't so fat," Marvin muttered.

"I've noticed that when men are naked and erect, they look at the cock, not the gut," I said. Marvin looked shocked and then smiled. "For some women a cock is a utilitarian organ, need to produce babies. For men it is a recreational resource."

Both men laughed.

"Your recreational resource is looking good to me," Smiley said. "Can I take a closer look?"

"Sure, that why I am here," I said. "Some guys think it tastes better than I looks."

I think that Smiley was basically a shy man, but they don't call it a sex drive for no reason. Thirty seconds later Smiley had most of my cock down his throat. He didn't gag at all, so it must have been a good fit.

"Marvin, why don't you get closer, I would love to have something to suck," I said. He came over and I snagged his cock.

It was bigger than I thought, but the real surprise was his precum. It was rich, sweet and plentiful. He had huge balls that must have been pumping out great globs of the sweet juice. Rambo took care of Smiley's cock and that was a total success.

Rambo was a fit, macho man, he had some scars from an accident which increased his machismo. He had considerable stamina, which didn't seem to diminish. He ended up spending a long time up Marvin's ass. I suspected it was not the first time Melvin had been fucked, but it was the first time he had been fucked Rambo style. I was sucking Melvin he entertained Rambo's cock on the rear porch. There was no indication that Melvin had any problems.

Smiley eased his cock into my behind as I sucked Melvin. He was careful and almost delicate as he entered me. His cock seemed to delicately massage my ass. His ejaculations were almost violent. I could feel his sperm shooting deep into me. While Smiley was timid, and his fire hose type ejaculations to me something about him I didn't expect.

Around six-thirty, dinner was ready, and again Frank dazzled with fresh fish, just baked rolls, and just picked vegetables with bacon dressing. The dressing was low fat, but Frank added crisp bacon bits to give it flavor. For many of the men, bacon was a food group.

After dinner, Henri announced a special program featuring one of their men, Doc Roberts. He was going to do a lecture-demonstration on Men's health.

Doc Roberts was a semi-retired GP who was a fixture of the county. Young doctors do not find rural backwaters of Virginia attractive. While Doc Robert's was semi retired, he was also the only doctor available for emergencies. Doc knew his limits, so he did what he could, but he had excellent connections to major hospitals to get his patients to the care they needed. He was a local boy and had a drawl that would be too much for the Beverly Hillbillies.

"Once and a great while, I run into a man who has special needs," he said. "These needs were related to what is called, in polite society, down there. Some of these problems can be solved with a powerful antibiotic. Others are not related to germs and viruses. These are caused by what I call LCU."

"LCU is shorthand for Limited Cock Usage," he said. "This is do to two factors. One is FOP, that is fear of pregnancy, and the other is NQS, No Quality Sex. Of course a woman can provide sex, but in my long experience as a doctor, through error or intention, women get knocked up. The alternative solution to the problem is sex with buddies. Pregnancy is not possible with a buddy or a pal." He paused, "That bit of information is for those of you who were mot paying attention in biology class."

"There is a surprising fact about sex. I discovered long ago, that my cock can't tell the difference between sex with a man or a woman. It shoots off regardless. The orgasm is the same," he said. The audience laughed.

"Now, I need some one from the audience to come forward for a demonstration," he said. I got up and joined him. Henri had asked me to volunteer. That was fine with me. Henri brought in a dolly like the ones they use in a hospital.

"My friend here is Rupert, one of the Rivanna House staff. Now, do you have a problem going all the way with a woman?" he asked me.

"I sort of have a problem. My girl friend takes the pill, but she has four kids, each by a different guy. I'm kind of suspicious," I said. The audience roared in laughter.

One man yelled, "I didn't know Sue-Ellen was cheating on me! She said the fourth one was mine." There was more laughter.

"I want to give you an exam. I don't have my high tech equipment with me. I'm going to do a manual exam with the old fashioned taste test," he said, "Is that okay?" I said yes.

"Since you are already naked, we can start," Doc said. Doc and I got erect at the same time.

"Usually I have an eye dropper to sample his precum. Since I don't have here, I will need to do the LCH method. For those of you who aren't into medical terminology, that is the Lick the Cock Head test." There was more laughter.

"I am an experienced doctor, so I know the difference between healthy precum, and bad precum," he explained. I was on the dolly, so everyone could see. I was not surprised that his tongue swished around my knob several times.

He looked up and pronounced my precum normal.

"I now need to sample his sperm. Sperm is the major component of ejaculate," he explained. "Now the ancients thought that a man is born with a limited amount of sperm, so you needed to be careful and hoard it. Modern science knows the supply of sperm is almost unlimited. A normal orgasm will have between 40 million and a billion sperms per orgasm. A man will produce hundreds of billions of individual sperms in his life time." He paused and then added, "I have discovered that for me sperm is a food group!"

He resumed sucking my cock. I was not the first cock he sucked. He was a master. He took my entire load and then faced the men, opened his mouth, and showed my sperm on his tongue. He then swallowed. The men applauded again. This seemed to be inspirational to the men. Doc came back to me and my cock.

Doc Roberts' presentation was a great success and seemed inspirational. Since I had just shot off, I had a rest period. I felt a little as if I was in a carnival side show, but Doc Roberts was a skilled sucker and my cock thought that if the orgasm was good enough, who cares. Bubbahotep came over to me with a guy, Rusty. Rusty was redhead, with a hairy chest and back.

"Rusty is my ceramic floor and tile man. He the best in the business. He liked Doc's presentation. He's really shy and wondered if you were always so open about liking man sex," Bubbahotep asked.

"Everyone is shy about sex, and maybe double shy about man sex," I said. "I was uneasy about it but I had an older friend who helped me out."

"I don't do much," he said.

"Does that mean you only suck?" I asked.

"Is that bad?" he asked.

"Not at all, but it would be more exciting if you expand your sexual skills," I said. "You are like a musician who can play only one song."

He didn't say anything, then said, "I've never tasted cum and no one has taken mine. I'm a little afraid of that. It seems too intimate."

"It is intimate, but once you've suck a cock, the cat is out of the bag!" I said. Rusty looked at me oddly and then laughed.

It's odd to be talking about gay sex openly," he said. He paused and then asked if I would suck him to conclusion. I leaned over and sucked his cock into my mouth. I think that lust often can overcome shyness. It worked well and maybe a minute later Rusty was into it big time. He had a standard issue cock, but over sized balls covered in curly red hair.

After five minutes Rusty began to shiver and a few seconds later his balls let loose. The size of balls are not related to the amount of semen you shoot. I had to swallow three times. When I pulled off I kissed him. He liked the taste of his own sperm as much as I liked his.

Rusty and I relaxed for a while, until Bubbahotep joined us. He had been observing from the side. "Is there any chance your ass is feeling neglected?" he asked me.

"Are you thinking about giving Rusty a crash course in fucking?" I asked.

"Actually I was thinking how nice, tight and warm your ass is. It would be so nice to fill it with my cock," Bubbahotep said.

"You are such a kind and generous man," I replied. I remembered that demonstrating sex and having sex are identical. At one point I was afraid Bubbahotep might shoot an internal organ up my ass. It was just a massive ejaculation and Bubbahotep survived.

Doc Roberts' little talk seem to have improved the atmosphere. The men seemed to be more adventurous. Sex is its own reward, and more sex means more more rewards. The men were happy and excited.

I went to my bedroom later. Doc Roberts came knocking at my door. He was with Rusty. "If you're not too tired, I was going to give him some lessons. I thought he might like to sample a younger guy too."

"Is there any chance you like sex with a younger guy too?" I asked.

"Guilty as charged," Doc replied. "Some men loose interest in sex as they age. I don't happen to be one of them. From my vantage point, you are a younger man. I was hoping that Rusty would take a poke and seed your ass. I was going to use his sperm as lube."

"You've been a busy man," Rusty said. "I bet you are tuckered out."

"You really want to shove your cock into my ass?" I asked.

"A lot of the guys seem to like it," he said. "I don't know if I could cum in you. That might be too personal, but I'd like to try it." We talked a little more and I pretended he didn't really want to fuck me. He was rock hard, so I knew that wasn't true.

The second Rusty pushed past my sphincter all was well for him. It was good got me too. He didn't last long. Doc knew he was getting close. Rusty tried to pull out, but Doc held him so he shot deep in my ass.

When Rusty pulled out, Doc slipped his cock in my well used ass. Doc was both totally relaxed, and totally hard. His cock was bigger than I expected as was his orgasm. It was a nice way to end the night.

Next: Chapter 5

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