The Home for Virgins

Published on Jul 4, 2022


The Home for Virgins 2

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

As a general rule sex teaches itself. At the Home for Virgins we had some men who were exceptions to the rule. Several of our guests were taught sex was evil since they were children. Some men never learn that their parents were not always right.

There was a second group of men who had bad first experiences. They couldn't seem to move beyond that. One or two men had both problems. They thought sex was evil and had a bad experience.

I had a problem with that. My father believed that when you are knocked down, you should get on your feet again and fight harder.

Henri had a different approach. He was private about his early life and experiences. He never mentioned his family except for his mother. She was a beautiful loving person. I met an old friend of his who told me she had been murdered. On the night of the murder. His father vanished, never to be seen again. It takes a long time to get over some things.

Henri's efforts to encourage physical sex were sincere. He thought a sexless life was a dreary life for most people. He knew that some people have low sex drives. He assumed that was a physical problem related to glands. For the vast majority of people sex is intensely pleasurable and a joy.

I had breakfast at Henri's table. He was sitting with the granddads, Rod and Thomas, and a twenty-five years old man, Sean. Sean had the muscles of a swimmer. Rod was in his seventies. Thomas was pushing sixty. Sean came to the Home for Virgins with his partner, Dakota. Sean said Dakota wasn't a morning person and he was still in bed.

Rod was tall, imposing, and in good shape for a man of his age. He was moderately hairy and well endowed. Thomas was shorter and bulky. He looked borderline fat, but I think he was just shaped like a brick. They had lived together in a small town for years. Rod said Thomas was a cousin who had fallen on hard times. When Rod retired they moved to a high rise condo in Miami.

Thomas was raised on the wrong side of town. His father was a drunk, his mother thought Thomas was punishment for her wicked ways. Together, his parents covered the full range of abuse. He was also partially deaf.

Henri's public persona was of an elite, pretentious, jerk. However, he was a sucker for abandoned kittens, puppies, and people. He immediately bonded with Thomas. I got into a conversation with Rod and Sean. Rod was the former chairman of the English Department of a junior college. Sean was an impressively ignorant know it all. Rod liked a challenge and I soon realized he knew Sean's type.

After breakfast Henri had to arrange for the afternoon's activities, so I went on a walk with Thomas. The Home for Virgins is on a 150 acre lot. Most of it had been untouched for a century, so it had reverted to wilderness. We encountered a number of comparatively rare birds. Apparently, Rod was not into nature much. Thomas loved woods, wild animals, and the birds. Nature excited him. I sat on a log for a rest. Thomas was standing and his uncut, beer can cock was in my face. I leaned over and sucked the tip of his foreskin into my mouth. Soon, he was semi erect and his entire knob was free from the foreskin. I didn't suck him, I caressed his cock. I found the tender place where the foreskin connected to head on underside of the cock head and massaged it with my tongue. I soon tasted precum drooling from the slit.

"You don't need to do that," he said.

"It tastes good. I love it," I said.

Five minutes later he shot off. He apologized as he ejaculated.

"I like it. I want every drop. Don't pull away," I said. "Damn Thomas, you shoot the Champaign of man seed. Some men just squirt watery drool. Yours was thick, creamy and sweet," I loved it.

"Will you be mad at me if I don't take yours?" he asked.

"Nope! I like yours. That's good enough for me." I replied.

"I took it once," he said. "I didn't like it."

"Cum tastes better when you like the guy who is shooting off," I said. "You need to want it. If you want to take mine sometime, I would be glad to share it. By the way, if you want to have me suck you off again, I'm willing to take it again and swallow it." We finished our walk in time for the afternoon barbecue. The men were getting along well, so there was a lot of conversation and laughter.

Rod and Sean were together. Dakota was apparently still in bed. I mentioned that to Henri. He called the receptionist at the main desk. Dakota had checked out with his luggage. Sean was surprised, but there was no dramatic scene. I suspected his relationship with Sean had been cooling.

Rod was sympathetic to Sean's loss. Sean said Dakota wasn't a people person. That always stuck me as odd. If you aren't a people person, what are you? If you exclude people from your life, it seems to me there isn't much to life without people. Solitary confinement is a punishment, not a lifestyle.

Dakota was a pale, thin man who seemed to be either smirking, or looking at the ceiling. Sean told us that Dakota was a poet who was working on a modern version of the Divine Comedy. Sean was footing the bill. I was diplomatic and didn't burst out laughing. Rod suppressed a smirk.

Rod looked like a 1950's television version of the perfect father in a sit com. Sean seemed to like that. He liked that a lot. Unlike the television star, Rod was nude, well hung and while his cock was not erect, it was politely expressing interest. Sean was pretended he wasn't interested, but every time Rod looked away, Sean took a look. Rod was cool about it, but I had the feeling Rod was just reeling him in slow. I suspected, they would be trading the special sauce before the sun set.

Later that after noon, I was supposed to be in a demonstration of proper fucking techniques. This was not publicly announced. Henri believed in what he called the whisper-gram. Instead of a public announcement, some one would whisper and give information. This was special and meant it was just for you. If you were shy or uneasy, this was attractive.

Phil and I were to be the bottoms and one of the maintenance men, Rambo, was the top. Rambo was an electrician, plumber, jack-of-all trades man. He was the son of the first husband of a girl from a good family. They divorced in a year. Rambo was raised by her second husband, a professor of physics at UVA. The second marriage was good, and the professor was a good father.

Rambo had a good sense of humor and was an affable guy. He had been injured trying to save people in a major traffic accident years earlier and looked beaten up. He was hairy and had what looked like a thick, fat, cock. It looked huge, but it was thin and long when erect. Henri called that a good starter cock.

Rambo would demonstrate the right ways to penetrate an ass. We were hoping our guests would join in, either as bottoms or tops. Rambo had fucked me before. I was a good fit, and he was careful and considerate. He had one problem, he had incredible stamina. It often was a long session.

Six men came to the demonstration. I knew Lou, Sean and Thomas. The Black couple, Tyrone and Washington came, as did Hugh, an older heavy set man. One man came in later, Donny. He was fifty or so, quiet, muscular and tanned.

"Let me tell you a secret about doing a demonstration of sexual techniques," Rusty said. "There is no difference between demonstrating sex, and plain old sex. Your body and most of all your cock can't tell the difference. Years ago, a guy asked me to fuck him a little. He wanted to see if he liked it."

"Let me tell you, you can't be a little fucked. It like a girl telling you she was semi fucked," Rusty said. The men laughed.

"For our demonstration, our bellboy, Phil will be my assistant. Rusty is to be my bottom. Rusty is a friendly man, but his ass has great recreational potential which we are going to exploit today. I want to emphasize we are here to explore man-to-man sex, not to discuss philosophy, or the meaning of life.

"We are not here to prove we are real men either. We are here to have sex and have fun. We are going to use our cocks to excite Rusty and his ass will excite your cocks," Rambo said. "Let nature take it's course. Take it easy and enjoy. Don't worry if you don't shoot off, or if you shoot off too quickly. It's all fine. It's a bit like eating. Food tastes good and is an essential for life, but you don't have to eat or like the Brussels Sprouts." They bust into laughter. I felt the tension in the room reduce.

"Rusty is technically what is called a nice guy. He's helpful, friendly and accommodating. He is not a servant or a punching bag," Rambo explained. "Some men like to hire their sexual playmates. They think that gives them the right to use them any way they want. My daddy told me, that if a guy has to pay for sex, he is a pretty sad case. When I look around this room, I see friends and potential friends. Maybe some one here is the love of your life. Treat everyone well."

"Now Rusty, why don't you get on the bed here, lie back and spread your legs so everyone can see your ass," Rambo asked.

"I'm afraid my ass isn't the most ornamental part of my body," I said. "It's sort of like the Brussels Sprouts of my body." All the men laughed.

Our basic recipe requires: one willing ass, one hard cock, and lubricant to taste. Rusty has the willing ass. I will suck Rusty's cock to get hard. When I am hard I will lubricate my cock," Rambo explained as he leaned over to suck my cock.

Up until then I had been unaware that I had exhibitionist tenancies. I still don't think that. It seemed that my cock is a slut and anythings goes. It got hard in seconds. It didn't smack Rambo in the face and cause injury but it was fast. Rambo deep throated it.

"Rule number one: make sure your partner is hard before you fuck," Rambo proclaimed. "You may have noticed Rusty is already ready. That sometimes takes more time, but I have noticed that that naked, gay men get inspired quickly."

"It's time to lubricate my cock and Rusty's ass. When you have your first anal experience with a man, lube is essential. Some men like it natural with no lube. They like the friction. My cock is on the high side of average, so it's better safe than sorry." Rambo quickly coated his cock, and then worked a few well lubricated fingers into my ass.

"In bra commercials they often claim the bra lifts and separates. I like to lift my playmates ass and spread his legs so his ass is open and vulnerable. Your ass opens wide to let turds out. It's not use to letting things in. I'm going to give Rusty's ass a little retraining.

He positioned his cock at my ass. "Now, Rusty's ass had a little rose bud poking out," he said as he gave a quick push. His knob vanished into my ass. "You want to push until you encounter the sphincter. It will offer some resistance. There are two schools of thought. One is to pop past the sphincter and then ram in deep. That may work, or be intensely painful. I am not partial to that approach. With some men that may work, with others you might never see them again."

"One thin you need to consider. If you are with a big guy, a jock or a muscle man, that has nothing to do with his ass. The ass is always delicate anyway. Don't assume a muscle man can take it. Take things easy until you know the guy," Rambo explained. "I like to massage the sphincter with my knob and coax it to open. Getting past the sphincter can hurt. You need to be careful."

He made a sudden hard thrust, and pushed deep into me. I was briefly winded, but by then he had pulled back and his oversize cock head was massaging my prostate. It was beautiful.

"You may have noticed that I disobeyed one of my rules. Rusty is not 100% virgin, and I know what he likes," Rambo said and then asked me, "You like it a lot, don't you?" By that time his prostate massage was well under way and I moaned a little.

"Now this is not just a lecture class. We have a lab period where you can learn by doing," Rambo explained. "I'm looking for some volunteers?"

Tyrone, Lou, and Donnie came forward. Donnie had a fireplug style cock. Tyrone had a curved seven inch member.

"Donnie, I want you to be the first guy to take a poke. No offense Tyrone. I heard that once you go Black you never go back. I don't want to cut this demonstration short," Rambo said. Tyrone and Washington led the laughter.

Rambo lubricated Donnie's cock and Donnie poked it into my ass. He paused when he encountered my sphincter. He played with it a little and the poked past it. Donnie's cock head was the prefect shape to massage my prostate. I moaned and twitched. He and I loved it. Two or three minutes later he shot off. Donnie shivered every time he ejaculated, so everyone knew he was shooting off. Tyrone's friend, Washington, was an accountant and he counted ten ejaculations.

When Donnie pulled out, Tyrone was lubricated and ready. My sphincter was relaxed and my ass was filled with Donnie's sperm. Tyrone went deep on his first thrust. His cock and most of Donnie's sperm were as deep as they could get. It was a total success.

Eventually Lou and Sean took turns in my ass. By that time my ass was well lubricated and they hardly needed lubrication. Both men shot off quickly. That marked the end of Rambo's demonstration.

That evening Sean knocked on the door of my room. "Are you busy?" he asked. I said no and asked him in.

"I guess you know my buddy left me high and dry," he said. "Sexually we were all oral and kissing. I was thinking that if I added to my sexual repertoire I might meet more men. I was wondering if you could help me with that?"

"You are thinking about fucking?" I asked.

"It sounds tacky when you say it," he said.

"Would anal explorations followed by fluid exchanges sound better?" I asked.

Sean laughed. "Do I sound stupid?"

"My parents never mentioned sex until I was in my twenties," I said. "Back then every thing you said about sex either sounded stupid or dirty. It hard to make shoving a hard cock into an ass sound refined and tasteful."

Sean laughed again. "When I was a teenager I took an older guy's cock up the ass. It wasn't good. I'm thinking he was a poor fucker with a poor attitude," he said. "I know you have good attitude. I would like to connect with some of the guys here. One of the guys here referred to it as being full service."

"Full service is good, but some times anal can be too much. Every cock does not fit in every ass," I said.

"What if the guy you are with demands it?" he asked.

"You need to find a better friend," I said. That turned out to be the right answer for him. Twenty minutes later my cock was gently caressing his prostate. From time to time I pushed deeper. He liked that a lot. I was surprised when he shot off hands free, before I could shoot off in him. He left shortly after his orgasm.

I was feeling a little like I was dressed and ready to go to the ball, and found out it was canceled. There was another knock on my door. It was Donnie. I asked him in.

"I know you've had a long day. I was hoping you might be willing to help me out," he asked. "I fucked you. I didn't know what it would feel like. How good can it be when shoving my cock up a guy's ass. I didn't expect it to be so good. I loved it. I was afraid you would get mad when I shot off in you. It was so beautiful for me, it seems only fair that you fuck me."

"That's fine, but it's not required," I said.

"I want to try it. I think I would love to have your cock in me," he said. "You turn me on. You took my load. I want to take yours. To tell you the truth, I can't stop thinking about you shooting off in me."

I smiled and said, "Well, I think I can help you with that. You know it's not always good, especially the first time you take it in the ass."

"I'm ready," Donnie replied.

Fortunately, that turned out to be an understatement. As soon as my well lubricated cock touched Donnie's rosebud, he shivered. I pushed a little and it was as if my cock activated an automatic door opener. A minute later my knob was testing his sphincter. I tested it a few times, and then made a hard thrust.

I was lucky. My knob rested against Donnie's prostate. Donnie later told me he knew he had a prostate, but he had no idea of its sexual role. I pushed deeper without effort, but I returned to his prostate. I didn't actually use it as a punching bag, but he rolled his eyes back into his head every time I did it.

Donnie was on his back with his legs on my shoulders, so I could see his cock twitch and then ooze after each prostate-cock head connection. When I shot off, he could feel my sperm filling his ass. He shot off. It was beautiful for both of us.

Next: Chapter 3

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