The Home for Virgins

Published on Jun 28, 2022


The Home for Virgins

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

The Home for Virgins is located in the all but abandoned town of Rivanna City, Virginia. Technically Rivanna City no longer exists. It was founded as coal mining town around 1810. The coal turned out to be of poor quality, and was in limited quantity. It was near the Rivanna River, a modest tributary of the James River. The canal intended to connect the town to the river was never built. Remarkably, given the poor location and all but none existent prospects, the community survived for 150 years.

It became the home for a religious order serving unwed mothers, and a similar establishment for orphan boys run by another institution. The theory was that this obscure place would save the residents of these homes from exposure to sin. They also spared their inmates from any suggestion of human kindness and joy. The home for unwed mothers was run by an obscure Catholic order, and the home for orphans was run by an equally obscure Baptist group. The best of the persons who ran the institutions would be best described as borderline sadists.

These were dreadful places. The home for unwed mothers was run by an obscure order of nuns who were outside the control of the local Bishop. When the true nature of the institution was recognized, the local Bishops waged continual battle against the home. The Catholic Church does not turn on a dime, and there was vocal group that thought unwed mothers deserved what they got. The Bishop eventually won after nearly a century of battle. A fire with loss of life eventually did in the Baptist orphanage. The property was condemned and demolished.

The Convent was the sole remaining building from the home for unwed mothers. It was a solid stone building with a slate roof. It was in good shape after fifty years of neglect. In the late 20th century Rivanna City experienced a massive change of fortune.

Henri De La Tour had been a successful brothel owner in Miami, New Orleans and Reno for years. He was getting on in years and he sold his operations to a corporation with untraceable ownership for an impressive sum.

Henri wanted to live the life of a country squire so he retired to a plantation house in rural Virginia. This home was near Rivanna City. While his brothels had an all female staff, Henri was gay. His staff seemed to appreciate that the boss didn't want to fuck them. He claimed they appreciated the rest. He was a comparatively good boss who provided medical care and a retirement fund for his older staff. He was much admired for that.

Henri was smart, but not conventional in any way. On an afternoon drive he found the abandoned convent. He purchased the Convent on a lark and repaired it. He decided to convert the convent into a therapy center for gay men.

His own introduction to gay sex had been bad and painful. He wanted to provide a caring and gentle introduction to man sex for virgin or inexperienced men. They would come to the Home for Virgins to discover the joys of gay sex in a caring and low stress environment. It was a crazy idea, however a crazy idea proposed by a multi-millionaire is very different to a crazy idea spouted by a drunk sitting at the dark end of the bar.

I am Rusty, Henri's special assistant. We are sexually compatible, but not partners. We get along and are friends. Henri and I have extensive sex lives together and apart limited only by common sense and directives from the health departments. He and I explored post AIDS gay sex together. We jointly discovered that safe sex can be sexy. My cock is a perfect fit for his ass, and his sperm is all but intoxicating to me. We are one or two steps more than fuck buddies.

I also have some common sense. Henri is intelligent, imaginative, smart and perceptive. Once and a while his imagination surpasses his intelligence. When I tell him that his idea might need to be investigated further, he knows he needs to rethink things.

The Home for Virgins was an odd idea, but it was comparatively inexpensive and could be fun. The old convent was well suited for a hotel type use. I suggested that we ease into the operation with a few trial runs. Henri seemed to know a good portion of the gay population of the nation. We also knew a number of retired men who had been active sexually, but were too old to score in the bars any more. The building was suitable for use as a hotel or a therapy facility. We rechristened the convent as Rivanna House. The Home for Virgins was its unofficial name.

By the time the renovations were completed, we had recruited a good staff. I knew many of them who had worked years for Henri. We asked them to treat a visit to the Home as a vacation that might become a permanent job. The men were getting older. Henri paid well so the men were enthusiastic. We hired Frank to be the chef; Johnny to be the exercise coach; Hal, the head of buildings and grounds, and Phil, to be the bellboy. They were good employees distinguished only by their high tolerance for sex. They came with with other friends I didn't know, but I knew they had good judgment.

When we stripped at an introductory pool party, I noticed that the men were varied and provided a smorgasbord of cocks. There was a cock for every taste. I also noted that no one on our staff was shy.

I was friendly with Frank. He was a bearish, hairy man with a shaved head. He regarded sperm as a food group, and appreciated the rich variance in the taste of freshly ejaculated cum. He was a good chef, and I didn't mind being treated as a food source.

Phil was a pal too. He loved to be fucked, but his most notable feature was a nearly prehensile ass. He was able to massage your cock as you penetrated his ass. Sometimes you shove your cock into a log. The guy takes it but doesn't react. Phil's ass was a joy. Every one was tested and was disease free. Every one liked sex. They liked it a lot.

Henri moved in the upper tiers of gay society. He mentioned the Rivanna House to friends and soon we had a list of potential virgins and semi-virgins.

Our first group consisted of ten men. There were two couples, and six individuals. The couples were men who were in love, but had rarely explored sex together. The individuals were of mixed ages. They included two black men; two of them looked like they were former athletes. Two looked as if they might have heard of athletics, but had never encountered either athletics or exercise. The men were of mixed ages and physiques. I knew three of the men had a drinking problem. Two had sought counseling.

The men included two granddads, four middle-aged men, two jock types and two bright young things. They arrived at the renovated building on Friday afternoon.

The first evening we had a short cocktail period for introductions, a good dinner, and followed it with a brief talk by Henri.

"I am glad you are here for our first somewhat experimental weekend," he said. "Let me say from the start, we are not demanding true love. That is mystical and magical and can not be taught. We are interested in sex. Sex is a basic human drive, and my interest is in mutually enjoyable sex. When I say enjoyable, that is somewhat like describing a magnificent dinner at a four star restaurant as mighty good eats." The men laughed.

"The core of my belief is that sex must be enjoyable for both participants," Henri continued. "I do need make a little confession here. I have also discovered that sex can be enjoyable with ten or twelve participants." There was more laughter.

"Affection and love can enhance sexual experiences, but is not required. Falling in love is different from sex. It's more important in some relationships than others," he said. "We know that you are individuals with different personalities and approaches to life. Sex is not magic, it's a basic part of being human."

"We are going to have desert in a few minutes in the exercise room and put on a demonstration for you," Henri said. "This event will be clothing optional. My staff and I will be nude. You can join us nude, wear a jock or your Jockeys. Let me assure you that looking is perfectly acceptable, and more intimate activities are allowed, indeed encouraged." Henri left the podium to applause.

Henri and I went to the exercise room with most of our staff. Our guest dribbled in. About half of the men were nude and a few wore comic or joke jocks. Two or three men tried to avoid looking at cocks. Everyone else was site seeing. Two older men came over to me. Milo was a distinguished looking, retired, interior decorator. He looked like grandfather in a television commercial. He had a great tan, well groomed beard and a toned body. His pal, Lou, was a small, very hairy, accountant.

We talked for a while. Milo and Lou were in love, but Lou was a good Baptist boy who lived with his mother until he was forty. Sex was a sin. Gay sex was too dreadful to consider. Lou was afraid of sex. I had a feeling Milo had some experience. We had a good conversation and Lou eventually managed to look at my cock.

Two other men joined us, Rob and Dick worked in a shop that painted murals on vans. Rob was a hearty, beefy, outgoing salesman type, and Dick was thin, scrawny, artist. Much to my surprise, the men saw me as a sexually sophisticated man of the world. They were rednecks, but Rob owned a chain of shops, and Hollywood stars owned vans painted in his studios. Rob described Dick's work as Rembrandt's' on wheels.

Henri came out and began his demonstration. "Men can be shy, but when they are nude, they tend to be easily excited and horny. That expresses itself in an erection," he said. He was half hard."Frank and Denis, can you come out and join me?" Dennis was a yard man who took care of the lawn. He was short, smooth, tanned and muscular. Frank was a graceless, massive, hairy bear. Dennis was sleek and almost elegant.

"Are you men playful?" Henri asked.

"I have to admit, Frank isn't my type," Dennis said. "I do have a suspicion that his cock is right up my alley."

"I've never been in an alley I didn't like!" Frank quickly exclaimed. The men laughed. Frank and Dennis' cocks were getting firm. Dennis dropped to his knees and swallowed Frank's cock with great enthusiasm.

"Is it too thick for you?" Henri asked. Dennis pulled away until Frank's bloated cock head rested on his tongue. He caressed the knob with his tongue and then deep throated it. That answered the question. After a minute or so, Denis' sucking became faster and more enthusiastic.

"Soon Dennis is going to have to make a decision," Henri said. "Does he want to suck Frank to an orgasm, or does he want to slow things down and let Frank spend some time sucking his cock. Frank do you want to suck Dennis?"

"I sure as shit do!" Frank replied. Dennis pulled off of Frank's cock and stood as Frank dropped to his knees. Of course Dennis was fully erect. His cock disappeared down Frank's throat.

"It's nice to reciprocate, but not required. However, if you want a relationship, I would strongly recommend reciprocating. That can vary. Some men exclusively like to suck, or fuck. That is fine if they are with a man who only wants to suck or be fucked," Henri said. "That is rare in my experience. Most of my partners' like some variety." Frank was soon sucking Dennis with great gusto.

"Frank and Dennis have never had sex before today, but you may have noticed they are getting along well now. I am not as virginal as some, but I have noticed that sex can be a good ice breaker," Henri said. There was more laughter. "Sharing sexual experiences can make a friend quickly, especially if it is a good experience. Some men are slam, bang, thank you ma'am types. They get what they want and leave. Other men enjoy and share. It's sort of like the difference between solo dancer and a ballet troop."

"I have noticed that there is a limited market for solo dancers. A couple that dances together is much more entertaining for the couple and the audience," he continued.

The rest of the night was a dance. In some ways it felt like dance in your sophomore year of high school. Many of the men were nervous and uneasy.

I was with Rob and Dick. "I was always uneasy at dances. You may not have noticed, I have no future as a ballet dancer," Rob said. "Being naked doesn't make it any easier."

"It's strange, every man has a cock, but it's still a problem when it's on display," I said. "Most people pretend it doesn't exist. You pull it out and drain it every time you need to piss. We pretend it doesn't exist but I jerk off every day."

"My older brother's best friend showed me how to do it," Rob said.

"I knew it felt good, but I was shocked when I shot off the first time," I said. "I was afraid it was piss. I soon realized it wasn't piss, but I didn't know what it was, other than it felt real good."

"One of my mom's "uncles" showed me the ropes," Dick said. "Uncle Tom was one of mom's better uncles. He was traveling salesman and when he took her out for dinner had always brought back food for me. He told me sperm was baby making juice. I asked if it always made babies. He told me no. He also told me that jerking off was most men's favorite entertainment after fucking. It never resulted in a baby you didn't want. One of mom's uncles fucked me. It was bad."

"Damn it Dick!" Rob exclaimed, "You never told me that! You do know I'm not going to get pregnant?" After the dance I went to Bob and Dick's room for a night cap. We talked for a while.

Eventually, Dick got up his nerve and spoke to me. "Do you do all that stuff the guys were doing to night?" He asked.

"I sure do. I also give lessons," I said. "Some men are afraid they will do it wrong and it would hurt. I can show you the right way to do it."

"Is there a right way?" Bob asked.

"Of course there isn't a single right way," I replied. "But, there are better ways to get the ball rolling. There are good ways to suck. You want to suck cock, not chew it. It's the drink dispenser, not the meat. Your cock head is real sensitive. It's delicate and you need to treat it that way. When a guy begins to ooze it's precum not piss. It's sweet and tasty. It means cum is building up. It's the early warning system for the orgasm."

"In the same was the asshole is delicate. The sphincter is tight and takes some work to open," I continued. "In general, a friend's cum tastes better than a strangers."

"Is it better when you fuck a virgin ass?" Bob asked.

"Sometimes, but other times a few trial runs are needed before you get things right," I said. "By the way, there is no difference between a virgin ass and one that had served the entire football team. Some men remain improbably virgin for years!" Bob and Dick laughed.

This conversation was somewhat fueled by a bottle of Bourbon. Somehow I ended up sucking Bob's cock as Dick nudged his cock into my ass. That was a total success for Dick who spent maybe twenty minutes up my ass. He was nervous at first, but after five minutes, and was a skilled top.

He shot off and then promptly fell asleep. I whispered to Bob that there was room for another load in my ass. Bob was not entirely unacquainted with anal sex. His thick beer can stretched and filled my hole. He was getting close when he pulled out, got on his back, pulled up his legs and exposed his hole. He welcomed my cock to his ass as if it were a hero returning from war. It was beautiful, tight, firm and welcoming.

When I shot off, he rolled over and worked his cock into my ass. I was open and receptive. After he shot off, he fell asleep and I returned to my room.

On the way back to my room I encountered Frank. "Is your ass fully loaded?" he asked.

I told him Bob and Dick had made a contribution. That was fine with him.

"It may be a little messy, but I think there is room for one more," I said. We went to my room. Of course mi was well lubricated by then. Frank was ready. He fully unloaded and I remember thinking there would be sperm dripping from my ass the next morning just before I fell asleep.

I woke just before dawn. Frank was in bed with me. It turned out Frank liked to feltch and there was no problem with drooling sperm.

Next: Chapter 2

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