The Hole Inspector

By Stu Hadley

Published on Oct 8, 2021


The Hole Inspector Case Study #5 Owned (i)

The Inspector's 5th case study: he plays matchmaker for a super-hung top to a fresh-faced cherry. This chapter's themes include big dicks, inter-racial, dildos, fucking, body mods, bondage and fisting. Average reading time 50 minutes.

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As you know I don't exclusively deal with tops or bottoms, but even then it's rare I deal with both roles at the same time. However, I've really fond memories of these guys, not least as I introduced the pair of them.

As a man of the world - with lots of connections - I sometimes end up being asked to provide a matchmaking service. We're not talking romantic ideals, rather a strict meeting of needs. Bottoms wanting to be reamed, tops needing to plough. All with no questions asked, no entanglements and no risk or consequences if things got serious. Or damaged.

This match was an instance few and far between though - a top searching for a very specific bottom. I would have thought Tyrell had no need to look for conquests but he said his reputation had gotten way ahead of him. The more I saw the more I believed it. He looked to be a punishing fuck, savage and certainly not one for first-timers, but taking a guy's cherry was the thing Tyrell loved most in the world.

I first met him when I was with some friends in a dive bar. He strode right up to me, confident as fuck, not waiting for a break in conversation to interject.

`Yo, I want fresh boy-pussy, no limits. You got some?' he demanded without a care in the world. He must have heard of me from a fellow cunt-lover because there's no way I look like a pimp and no way you'd ask a total stranger such a brazen question.

I couldn't deny that he had the balls for it though. He possessed a macho confidence that was so full of himself that it was obvious he knew his exact place in the world: top of the pack. He was a stud animal all right, dark as night. His face was broad and intense, with serious and deep eyes. Even though we were in a crowded bar his shirt was hanging open, revealing taut pecs and washboard abs. His jeans were low-slung and baggy, yet somehow did nothing to hide his dick bulge. Maybe the waistband of his boxers helped draw attention to it, but it was clear he was packing. Honestly, I don't get intimidated easily but this guy looked mean as fuck. He also looked keen to do business.

I drew him aside to discuss his exact requirements as these transactions aren't best done in public. His needs were clear as day: he wanted a cherry to take. A whitey, untouched but very definitely gay. Someone to break-in. Said he got a kick out of knowing his first-time fags would spend the rest of their lives fruitlessly searching for a fuck as good as their first: him.

That's pretty hot, right? The man's confidence was fucking awe-inspiring.

I told him I knew just the catch, but it would be expensive. However, I'd lower the price if he let me watch. He quickly agreed, his only ask being for a bunch of mirrors as he liked to watch. That was really easy to sort.

Of course, you might be asking what kind of a cherry willingly signs up for this kind of a hard fuck? Basically, young guys who don't know any better. They've seen some rough porn online and get confused about what they want. They don't realise that porn is acting, confusing fantasy with reality. However, I make the best of it and take every advantage I can get. A few discrete AdWord campaigns on xTube and I have a never-ending supply of queercunts looking to be taken down. They have no idea what's about to hit them, not that I care.

The hook-up took place at my workshops. One of the advantages in owning an entire city block is being able to have different entrances for different purposes. Of course, there's my formal front door for the `professional' consulting side of my business, but on the opposite side is a completely different (and more discrete) entrance for sleazy assignations just like this evening's. It looks like a fire exit, albeit one that's been forgotten for a very long time, but unlock the door with a digital pass and you'll enter a den of vice and iniquity that most couldn't believe...

Walk up a flight of stairs and it led to a rough and ready studio flat. The room contained nothing but a sofa, beer fridge and fuck mattress - who needed anything more? However, the important detail was that a surrounding corridor went entirely around the circumference of the apartment. This rat run provided a multitude of peepholes, perfect for a situation like me.

As you'd expect, Tyrell was the first to arrive. In the dark he was so black as to be almost purple, his musk running high. Evidently the thought of harvesting, fucking and breeding a one-time hole was making him deeply horny. However, even though he was an animal in heat he was absolutely in control. He cooly questioned me on the quality of the merchandise, checking it would be both tight and bonafide cherry. I looked him square in the eye and guaranteed the bottom would satisfy, before taking his payment and ushering him in.

Bobby - the bottom - arrived next. I'd interviewed him once before but even now I was struck by how innocent and fresh-faced he looked, his physicality no match for the bigger top. He was slender, toned and undeniably nervous. In fact, he looked to be having second doubts. Maybe it was the seediness of my staged apartment that was making him concerned?

Thinking he was a flight risk, I decided to get him inside as quickly as possible. I reassured Bobby that everything would be just fine, after all, this was his fantasy, right? At that I opened the door and roughly gave him a shove, trapping him with the dominant top. Seconds later I was looking through the nearest peephole.


Whilst Tyrell was waiting he'd stripped down. All that raw sexual energy I'd seen the first time round was on full display, but it turned out his clothes had been lying - his dick was way, way bigger in the flesh. Right now it was still soft and he was running one hand after another along the full length of his shaft, each stroke seeming to take forever. That was partially because he was taking a leisurely pace but also because each fist had such a gigantically long way to travel. He was epically hung - it terrified me and I'm no stranger to life-altering peen.

The arrival of the slight and intimidated bottom changed everything though. Tyrell swelled to become completely erect, his girth now so thick his hands could barely circle his shaft. In all its glory it was revealed to be a magnificently uncut mule-cock, shaft throbbing with veins, the skin pulled back to reveal an urgent, flared and shiny helmet. One that was already dripping with splooge. Evidently Tyrell's heavy and pendulous balls had an unlimited supply. I couldn't help but wonder what the young bottom was thinking right now. Just what would that mammoth dick do to his virgin hole?!

The boy, totally transfixed but until now absolutely silent, desperately tried to get a word out. I could hear his whimpers, saying there was no way he could possibly take a dick that big, that he was sorry - oh, so sorry - but--

--Tyrell's deep baritone cut Bobby right off. All the top said was stop' but it rendered the bottom completely mute. It felt like an eternity before the top spoke again. You really will be sorry if you don't get on your knees and start worshipping my dick.'

It was said with such quiet and intense authority that I almost made a move myself! Thankfully Bobby was smart enough to know the moment of being able to refuse was long since gone and he slowly moved towards the waiting top and knelt down.

I quickly changed to another position that gave me a clearer, sideways view of the scene. Now I had full sight of the couple, Tyrell standing tall and proud (his thick cock projecting what looked to be a clear foot away from his body - surely he couldn't be that big?) and Bobby down on his knees. The bottom had gotten to within a dick's length before being told to stop and strip. He pulled his hoodie and t-shirt over his chestnut hair, revealing a young and toned body covered with flawless, creamy skin. The extreme contrast between the two men couldn't have been hotter.

Open wide, boy' ordered Tyrell. Stick out your tongue... no, way further than that. Bitch, don't make me ask twice.'

Hesitantly the boy did what he was told and he was rewarded with the tip of that giant fuckslab resting on his tongue. Bobby immediately recoiled, evidently the weight and heft was a surprise, or was the funky taste of the black man's prick a shock?

`Fuck's sake, did I say you could move?' the top demanded, telling Bobby to hold still. The bottom blinked in acquiesce (I guess that doesn't count as moving), and he got told he was a good boy in return.

Who knew that such simple words would have such a big impact? From where I was watching it seemed like a huge amount of tension suddenly left the boy. Was it the positive affirmation that he'd done something well, or maybe he was remembering what he was here for - to have his cherry taken by a black fuck machine? Of course, it equally could just have been the taste of pre and cock turning him on? Either way, Tyrell seized the moment and smoothly slid the first few inches of his fat dick into the cocksucker's expectant mouth.

`Look in the mirror, bitch, ain't that good?'

I'll be honest, the sight was one I'll remember for a long, long time. The bottom kneeling on the floor, his flawless skin so pale in comparison to the black stud towering above him that he almost looked like a ghost. Meanwhile Tyrell's naked body glistened in the heat, his sweat emphasising every curve and bulge. The really important thing was his wrist-thick fuckslab - perfectly silhouetted in the low-light - cradled by the cocksucker's mouth, his lips desperately straining to stay open wide enough to accommodate the girth.

Tyrell quickly interjected. `Do you see those rings around my dick?' he asked, somewhat rhetorically. Bobby was choking on dick meat so it's not like he could answer.

However, that's when I saw a detail I hadn't seen. A set of fine lines ringed the top's shaft at regular intervals. `There's one for every inch. Hurt like a motherfucker but I wanted a depth marker for the guy's I fuck. Right now you're at 4 out of 11.'

(Jesus, 11 lines? That meant the top owned a full 12" of wrist-thick dick! God, Bobby was going to have to swallow a whole lot more for Tyrell to be happy. I was impressed though, not just at confirmation that Tyrell was welding a foot, but also at such a seriously classy ink job. The fine lines against his dark skin were incredibly subtle, so subtle I hadn't noticed them when I'd seen him standing naked. However, they were a feature clear as day when his prick was actually in use.)

Without warning, Tyrell pushed his body forward, forcing the next few inches of his fat cockmeat down. Bobby struggled to take it, not that the top withdrew a single inch to help. No, he held still and simply told the bitch to stop choking and learn to breathe through his nose, otherwise he was gonna' suffocate. The tough love seemed to work and, eventually, Bobby calmed down enough to relax and control his airflow. Not without some tears on the way though.

Tyrell was relentless.

`Good boy... now use your throat muscles to squeeze my cockhead and give me a massage back there. You'll know you're doing it right if more of my fucknectar runs down the back of your gullet... but do it really well and you'll pull more of my slab inside. I know you want to impress, so get going...'

I could tell the boy must have been doing good things with his throat, even if he was a novice. Tyrell's face took on an expression of bliss - is there a better feeling than a really good throat suck? The boy was obviously hungry too as at least another inch of Tyrell's fat cock got gobbled inside. (Of course, many inches still remained - no throat virgin could be impaled on a dick that big, it simply wasn't possible.)

Now, time to get sucking, bitch' the top said a good while later. As you clearly haven't given a guy the pleasure before I'm going to give you an assist by sharing the basics. Move your head back and forth, use plenty of spit and keep my dick inside your mouth at all costs. Oh, and if I feel your teeth then they'll be serious fucking trouble. Normally I'd expect you to do it hands-free, but I'll be nice and let you rest your hands on my thighs for balance. That's all the help you're gonna get...'

To be honest that kinda surprised me. Tyrell didn't strike me as the kind of guy to `help out'. However the kid then proceeded to do a pretty reasonable job, not least for a beginner. Certainly the sounds they made suggested it was going okay, although Tyrell kept on demanding way more effort in.

In fact, after several minutes of amateur sucking, Tyrell evidently got tired of the lack of progress. He grabbed Bobby's head and pulled the boy forward, sliding another two full inches of his fat cock inside. Perhaps forced is more appropriate as the young cocksucker immediately started heaving in protest. In fact, a few slugs of mucus spilled out onto the bottom's chest. The inexperienced boy did well to keep going, even if the top's strong hands had something to do with that.

`Look at that dick inside of you, bitch! Looks good, eh? How does knowing you'll always be a cocksucker from now feel? Even if you never suck a single dick again, you're a cocksucker for life. Everyone will be able to smell dick on your breath from now on' declared the top.

He took a long moment before adding that it could be real fun training the boy up, turning him out as a real pro-dicklicker. The hunger in the boy's eyes read raw and true, all of which turned to anguish as Tyrell shook his head, saying it was a real shame he didn't do repeat shags. Once was enough - after all, after just one fuck the boy would be damaged goods...

Tyrell then took full control and the bottom received his first proper full-frontal skull fuck. The top pistoned as many inches as he could in and out of the boy's mouth, the fuck being relentless and soon Bobby became a real mess.

Occasionally when things got really tough, Tyrell took pity and fully pulled out to rub his swollen helmet all over the boy's face. I was amazed at just how much pre-cum Tyrell had inside of him, like a faucet that never stopped. Cockslime soon drenched Bobby's face, dripping from his nostrils and hanging in glistening strips from his lips.

It was all insanely hot and I couldn't deny that Tyrell had serious game. With him holding the boy's head there was no way the bottom could escape. For the next ten minutes the fearsome black top skull-fucked like his life depended on it, all before blasting a gigantic load over bottom's face. Christ, Bobby must have felt like it was raining cum!

Tyrell looked wickedly satisfied with the intensity of his climax, scooping up his spunk (mixed with the bottom's tears) and feeding it to the submissive pussyboy. If I didn't know better I'd say it was the first time the innocent bottom had actually tasted a load. At first, he seemed revolted by the idea of licking the cream off Tyrell's fingers but after one scoop of the black man's spunk his appetite seemed to change entirely. He then positively guzzled it down and soon only crusty smears of dried seed remained on his face, something that would no doubt help him remember his place in the world.

As I gazed through the peephole I struggled to define Bobby's mental state. I'm sure I'd seen that look before - he looked content, happy and yet also giddy. That's when it hit me. The boy was drunk. Drunk on cum. I knew he'd never be the same again.

Next: Tyrell takes the cherry

Owned (ii)

Tyrell pushed the cocksucker away, telling Bobby to get cleaned up and fully undressed.

Any `normal' bottom would have been painfully exhausted right now, spit and salvia running down their chin and chest, in total shock at their first, real sexual experience. So explicit, so painful and so different from the porn they'd watched and their limited imagination. Not Bobby though, he had an eagerness that was almost endearing, both trying to reach for a towel and take his jeans off at the same time. He got hopelessly jumbled.

Tyrell looked on, totally unconcerned, before reaching for his jeans and a red Marlboro. He lit it and inhaled, breathing the smoke out in distant contempt. At that, he approached the door and I let him out. He'd built up an impressive sheen and cum still oozed from his soft but swollen dick. Evidently this was a man unashamed by his sex or what he'd just done.

`Man, I don't know where you find them but that boy is sweet! How tight do you think he is? Hot damn! I bet it's going to hurt!' he said, exhaling a deep drag. I felt it seemed a bit late for him to be worried about the pain he'd cause and I said as much.

Damn, I'm not talking about the kid! I'm talking about me! You seen how small he is?' He then gestured to his cuntrammer and twitched it in anticipation. It's going to be such a tight fit that he'll be gripping my cock like a fucking vice! How long do you think it'll be before his hole loosens up enough for me to really lay in?

I couldn't help but laugh, even though Tyrell was obviously being deadly serious. This really was going to be a transformative event for young Bobby. It was like I was making cunt by proxy! The top was quick to continue. `Fuck it! If I can gut the pain then he sure can too. In fact, I bet he'll enjoy it.'

Hmm, was I sensing a degree of attraction between the top and bottom? Given Tyrell's self-declared passion for cherry-hunting I quickly dismissed it. He stubbed out his cigarette before giving me a leer and telling me to enjoy the show. He went back to work, his big dick and low-hangers swinging in the darkness.

I was briefly lost in thought but an exclamation from Tyrell snapped me out of it. `You hungry little cumslut - you really want this fat fucker, don't you?'

I quickly turned to the nearest peephole, seeing Bobby on the fuck mattress and on all fours. His body was perfectly presented, his unblemished assglobes a fucking beautiful target. They were simply waiting to be used, waiting to be corrupted. In showroom condition.

`That hole of yours better be cherry, otherwise you're fucked, boy.' The bottom's whole body blushed and he nodded, his head turning towards the nearest mirror so he could see the reaction.

`Say it to me, boy. Tell me I'm not lying. Your hole is cherry, right?'

Bobby nodded more vigorously before quietly confirming he'd never been fucked.

`Say it louder, bitch.'

`I've never been fucked' he said more decisively.

As he uttered those words I felt there was something really quite remarkable about Bobby's transformation. From almost being scared of big cock he was now fully signed up. He really wanted what was coming next - he'd taken a drink at the fountain of cum and now he was completely hooked.

`Good, because I fucking love taking cherry. In fact, we're not leaving here until you've taken every inch of this fuckslab, till I've unloaded every ounce of my spunk deep into your fuck gutter.'

The words seemed to be poetry to the young boy and he waggled his arse in expectation. I liked his optimism, but I doubted he knew just how painful Tyrell's massive dick was going to feel tearing him a new hole. Still, we all knew that cocklust can take a boy a long way if they really mean it. Speaking of which, Tyrell's cock was - of course - back to full-flag. His dick-skin so painfully retracted that it was scary. If I was him I'm not sure I could have resisted plunging right in, but he took it achingly slow.

He parted Bobby's cheeks and made a careful inspection. Thankfully the tight pucker seemed to pass muster and he grabbed some lube to slick up his fingers. The bottom then gasped, whether from the coldness of the lube or the first touch of a man in such a private place. In fact he even slightly recoiled, though Tyrell was quick to put a stop to that. He slapped the boy's arse (leaving a very satisfying hand mark) and told him to settle down and let him finger the boy's twat. After all, he was trying to help by loosening him up.

He slowly inserted one, two and then three of his fingers into Bobby's puss'. He only had to stop once, telling the boy that if he couldn't take two fingers then how did he expect to take his twelve inches? This really showed that Tyrell was an expert at opening guys up, but I guess you had to be if you were that size. How else would you ever get your mammoth dick inside?

As he triple fingered the boy something soon snapped inside Tyrell though. He declared this was more than enough foreplay and he was done with all this `romantic' shit. He manfully spread Bobby's ass cheeks wide and told the boy to get ready, telling him that he better stay relaxed and keep breathing, otherwise this was going to get real, real quick.

Tyrell then started threading his mule dick right into Bobby's still tight and fresh pucker. He was naturally slicked up with his own juices but even with the full force of his bodyweight it wasn't enough to get past the anal ring.

Frustrated, he told the bottom to arch his back and push his pussy out - if Bobby really wanted his cherry to be harvested then he was going to have to make an effort.

Boom, finally he was in!

I'm not sure I can accurately describe what it must have felt for that giant cockhead to have plunged inside Bobby. Evidently the bottom relented just enough for Tyrell to find an entry. He was able to force an inch or so of his cock into the boy's cunt like it was his birthright. In fact, his purple helmet was so big I thought it would never come out - it looked so tight it would have taken a fucking crowbar to separate them! The mammoth entry certainly made Bobby squeal, although I couldn't wait to see the next 10" of Tyrell's cock pierce Bobby's smooth little white ass.

Oh, and if the bottom's tight pussy muscles were painfully choking the top's dickhead then the top definitely wasn't showing it! However, I swear I could see Bobby's pussy muscles quiver at the intrusion - the pain was certainly writ large on his face. I had to hand it to the boy though. Experience has taught me that there are three kinds of virgin fucks. Guys who take it like a dead fish, too scared or shocked to make a noise. Then there are the guys who are real pussies, wailing and screaming, making all hell of a distracting noise. Bobby fell into the rare final category though. His writhing, groans and occasional exclamations sounded real horny - an invitation for more. It was a rare gift.

Taking the boy's cries for sounds of pain and pleasure combined, Tyrell continued to bear down, all whilst doing his best to reassure the nascent pussy. `I know this must feel like it's tearing you apart, but you'd be amazed at just how far a cunt can stretch. After this it's going to be a hell of a lot easier, in fact any other dick after mine will slide in real easy.'

The words didn't seem to reassure the boy though, and I could see he was struggling not to pull away, trying to fight the mammoth foreign invader in his arse. The top wasn't prepared to accept any pushback though. By now a good 5" of his dick was spearing Bobby's perfect bubble butt, a nice deep crack that was perfectly designed for fucking. There was no way he was stopping until he was balls deep and his pubes were tickling the boy's ass.

That hunger meant he soon roughly shoved, pushed and rammed his fuckslab inside. All the while he told Bobby to take it like a man and to stop struggling. He wanted to be a cunt, right? It took an achingly long ten minutes for the top to get fully balls deep. God, you should have seen that pussy stretch! I had no doubt Tyrell's cock felt fucking amazing - now squeezed and squashed by the former virgin like the perfect dicksheath.. Of course, it was now that Bobby's real transformation from cherry to full-blown cunt could begin. Finally, Tyrell could start fucking.

He started by pulling out - a short inch at first - and then slamming back. Soon an inch became two, two became three... those ink-rings really did come in useful! Eventually, after many, many painful strokes, Tyrell was able to pull all the way out and in with a single motion. The exertion meant that Bobby's upper torso had fallen forward, but his arse - speared by that monster cock - was still up in the air. Tyrell took hold of his hips and started power fucking, ploughing that pussy with the full and mighty length of his schlong. He fucked like a man who feared no consequences, taking everything and anything he wanted to take. Even through the apartment walls I could hear the top's giant balls slapping against the boy's ass cheeks with every thrust. A heavy squeal from the bottom in-between every stroke. Was there any sound sweeter in the universe?

It was a masterclass in power fucking, the boy crying out at the defilement of his cunt, giving Tyrell no choice but to muzzle the bottom with one of his hands so he could nail without all the surplus noise. Soon, Bobby was like a broken puppet... thrown around the room... ass fucked in every possible position, all whilst the top's awesome stamina simply kept on going.

That night Tyrell shot at least three loads up the boy's cunt. Or at least, that's how much I guessed from the sheer volume of cum dripping down Bobby's legs afterwards.

The last round was as epic as the first. The bottom was now on his back and he could see Tyrell's muscular body pounding right into him. Drips of sweat flew off the top's body as a full foot of fat cock speared the bottom's guts in brutal, savage, forceful thrusts. Although breathless, Tyrell still had the energy to talk down to the stretched-out bottom. That he was never going to be fucked by the top ever again, that the bottom had fulfilled his purpose in life, to be nothing more than a one-night dicksheath for his top's load.

The insults kept on tumbling - the top making his calling card known. God knows what the Bobby must have been thinking at being told he'd spend a lifetime searching for a fuck this good again - he'd only just found sex for the first time. Crazily, the thought actually seemed to turn the boy on. All night his dick had been flopping about - soft from being fucked so hard - but now it rose like an arrow at the final, cruel words. It only took a few strokes for the boy to cum, ropes of spunk shooting through the air with all the energy of a boy barely past his teens. That submission was more than enough for Tyrell to come in time, almost fucking the spunk right of the boy.

Was the top really that good a shag? Would Bobby really end up searching the rest of his life for a fuck as good? I don't know but it sure had been a sight to behold.

Tyrell left real quick at the end. He got dressed, took one pitiful look at the spent bottom and hurried out. Had the fuck burned off some of his confidence, he seemed strangely quiet? He barely acknowledged me on the way - if I didn't know better, I'd say he was feeling shame, but surely not? I doubted I'd ever see him again.

It was then up to me to rescue the boy and get him home - all part of the service. I really enjoyed this part as it gave me a chance to inspect the damage and in this case I was seriously impressed. Cunt is my living but I swear that young Bobby had just been given one of the most extreme and fast track initiations to gay sex I'd ever witnessed. A decade in one night, it was that intense. Nut juice leaked out of his open hole, although he was young and I'm sure it would close up soon. Maybe in a week or two?

As I helped the cum-saturated boy off the fuck mattress I swore I could still smell Tyrell's funk on his body. As he accepted my help, he seemed bewildered, asking where the top had gone. Did Tyrell really not want him anymore? He looked at me and woefully asked whether he`d never find a fuck that good again? A dick that big, a load that potent?

God almighty, Tyrell's cock really had ignited a passion for fuck in the young boy! I breathed in deep and told the boy to stop snivelling. There were loads of cocks in the ocean, he just had to look for them. That brightened him and something told me that he'd be fucked again very soon. More dick, more stretching, more punishing butt-fucking. His abused and cavernous hole apparently really needed it. He was actually upset that it was over, even if he could barely walk and was leaking spunk from his brutalised hole.

As he limped out I thought he'd been sexually woken in the most explicit and obscene way possible. Tyrell really had left a lasting impression, and the top had got all the white cherry busting he wanted.

More satisfied customers and all in a day's work for the Hole Inspector.

Next: things get serious between the two men

Owned (iii)

Tyrell's rapid departure made what came next a real surprise. A fortnight later he messaged to say he wanted Bobby exclusively for himself, even though the goods were patently no longer cherry.

At first, not realising how serious he was, I laughed it off and said it was way too late for that. He'd woken the kraken and Bobby was now a boy possessed with the pleasures of homosexual sex. In fact, even though the boy's hole had barely had time to heal, my assistant reported that Bobby was on Grindr and chasing cock almost full-time. As a fresh-faced boy the lad was doing pretty well, not least as his profile didn't leave much to the imagination. A hot hole for a hard fuck, big meat a big plus.

It made me wonder whether the top had maybe done too good a job on the boy? The irony wasn't lost on Tyrell, however, he quickly declared that was all bullshit. He wanted sole usage rights - he'd created that cunt and surely he should be the one to completely own it?

Of course, that wasn't part of our original agreement and I politely but firmly told him as much. And surely this was quite a distance from his previous position of Bobby being a one-time fuck? What had changed? Sensing Tyrell's hesitation to discuss it over the phone, I asked him to come in and meet me. Maybe I could get to the bottom of this in person?

I arranged it for a few days later. That short delay gave me some time to do some investigating for myself. I asked Jason to hunt the boy down, fuck him hard and report back. I had no doubt my assistant's natural assets would catch the boy's eye, all whilst finding out his feelings too. Tyrell may want to own Bobby, but did the bottom want to be owned?

My assistant's report back was unambiguous and couldn't be misinterpreted. Apparently Tyrell really was as good as he thought.

Jason said that Bobby hadn't needed much coaxing to reveal he was desperately chasing a shag as good as Tyrell. Sure, he'd found some good cock in his post-virginity haze, but nothing had come close to the punishing intensity of his first fuck.

All of this came out after their shag - it had been a good one (apparently), the boy's hole tight and still capable of snapping back. He'd been an enthusiastic and verbal shag too, in fact Jason said it had been a turn on just how much Bobby seemed to enjoy being fucked rough. It was something of a challenge - no matter how much the boy protested you could tell he always wanted it harder, making for a very mean-spirited fuck.

Jason's empathy and way with words quickly got out that the boy's `glutton for punishment' temperament was down to his hang-up on the aforementioned black top. 12" of cock really had hit the spot, leaving Bobby with both a painful youthful infatuation and some seriously insatiable needs. A dangerous combination.

(My assistant also said he wouldn't mind Tyrell having a go on his ass if the opportunity ever came up. Oh Jason, don't ever change.)

A day later I met Tyrell in my consulting rooms. Most new visitors express some surprise at my office-cum-medical-lair but not Tyrell. No, he got straight to the point.

Bobby usually would have been just another fuck he'd casually cast aside, thrown away on the heap and just as quickly forgotten. However, something deep had clicked within him for the boy. The young bottom had taken to his cock so well - had come alive the harder he'd fucked - that meant he now wanted more.

Sure, he'd still play the field if he wanted a tight cherry - he couldn't give up the struggle, resistance and grip of death on his cock - but now he wanted something completely different. A continuous companion, someone to make use of time and time again, who was always on tap to meet the demands of his big dick. Bobby seemed like just the kind of hole he could unload in again and again - a repeater - without him ever having to worry about wearing it out.

I personally felt this was an admirable quality to seek out, but maybe not one that was unique to Bobby. It all sounded more like a crush than a going concern, and who was to say what would happen when the top's punishing fucktool made the boy's pussy slack and sloppy? Sure, right now it may be able to take a punishing fuck - each as hard as the last - but it was inevitable that Bobby would end stretched out. However, I certainly didn't point that out.

My thoughtful silence compelled Tyrell to keep on talking. `I want to take him under my wing, train the boy to become addicted to my cock, to need it all the damn time. I want to fuck him non-stop and for him to really want it, to never say no. I want 24/7 boypuusy and he's the one...'

Jesus, the man really was smitten! But what did he want from me?

`Just get the boy for me, I can do the rest.'

I almost did a double take, surely he could get the lad for himself? I said as much, saying Bobby was on Grindr as BoyHole4Hard--

`Nah, that online shit ain't enough. No, I want you to do something real special. I plan on laying into that cunt so hard he's going to regret it, so you need to help lay on the guilt and shame so he's bound to me forever. He needs to see me as not just his first fuck but as his saviour from all those random dicks that ain't nowhere near as good as mine. I want you to make him so fucking grateful for my presence that he'll never be able to leave. My cock for life. Do you think you can handle that?'

I couldn't help but smile at Tyrell's ambition, even if I thought it was fucked up and flawed. Why not just say he liked the boy and be done with it? Some guys really are too frightened of their emotions. But hey...

`What, give him a hero complex and make him a slave to your cock? I don't see why not. I assume you're okay with him taking some hard action before you ride to the rescue?'

Tyrell laughed and said sure, the little cockslut needed to be punished for sleeping around anyway.

That settled it. We shook hands and I got busy planning.

In the end, Jason and I decided to outsource the gang-fuck. It was simply easier that way and it had the added advantage of making Tyrell's `rescue' of the unsuspecting bottom more realistic.

Jason reached out to one of the more morally shady characters we have on our books, a guy who will do virtually anything for even the smallest amount of cash. Some ex-cons are like that. They come out of jail with muscles, a lean and hungry look, a passion for manpussy and not much earning potential.

Our man Jerker did have one attribute that made him a dead cert for a successful entrapment though. An 8 by 10 cock. Yeah, you read that right. Wider than he was long. It wasn't the prettiest dick by any stretch of the imagination, but when it came to girth, Jerker couldn't be beat. God knows what it must have been like for his prison bitches, they must have been waddling around the exercise yard with holes like fire hoses.

However, we knew that killer dick would be just to the boy's liking whilst Jerker's rough and ready vibe would easily appeal to a bottom wiling to take risks for a big fuck. All Jerker had to do was say `shag' and Bobby would ask 'when?'

We kept it light, sending Jerker a screenshot of Bobby's Grindr profile and asking whether the boy was to his liking. He was, although the money on offer for organising a gangbang seemed even more so. The only condition we set was a minimum of five participants and no questions asked. It was the kind of task Jerker was keenly suited for - a big dick, no qualms and plenty of friends who were used to the idea of consent being a fluid target.

Soon it was all set. Jerker had a location, he had the boy and crucially, he had all the tops he needed.

Oh, that was our other reason for choosing Jerker to do the deed. Before we'd even suggested the idea we knew he'd ask his friend Eddie to be part of the team. Eddie was a horny bastard and the two guys went way back, always liking to fuck together since they'd been in juvy at the same time. More importantly for us, Eddie was discreet, a great actor and totally unscrupulous.

This was a big deal as we knew that if Tyrell simply walked in and staged a `mock' rescue it would lead to too many suspicious questions.

Whilst Jerker had the fuckpower, he was famously indiscreet and a shit actor. Come hero time and he'd be all over the place. No, what we needed was a mole on the inside. Someone who - in the heat of the night - could casually suggest that it would be great if more guys got involved. That would mean more fuckers would inevitably arrive - from Grindr friends to real life fuck buds - and Tyrell's arrival wouldn't be questioned. For a grand Eddie wouldn't think nothing of inviting our ringer and keeping it secret from his old friend.

Here's how it went down. Of course, I'm piecing this together from what Eddie and Jerker told me after the event, but I swear it's gospel. In this case I'm lucky to know the venue well, having used it before to stage a fisting take-down (the client had wanted gritty, industrial realism rather than a mere set design, so a long abandoned warehouse in a dead-end street was just the ticket).

Jerker was pretty uppity about it afterwards - apparently the appearance of Tyrell had caused quite a stir. `This tall geezer in paramilitary gear turned up, firing a fucking sawn-off! I almost shit myself, thought I'd be locked up again for sure, even though we ain't done nothing no wrong. Till then It had been going pretty sweet - that boy is a tasty piece of work, ain't he? Hungry slag too - he was eyeing up my cockmound from the moment he showed up.

Course, he asked why we were meeting in such a rough part of town. Being a night-watchman has to have some privileges, right? That's when I said I'd brought a few friends along and he seemed well up for it. He was a bit shocked when he clocked the sling, but we soon got him settled in real good!

We laid in a real train but I took the first fuck, of course. He said he could take it but I reckon my dick was a nice surprise for the slag. Ain't nobody complained about him being too tight after I got done... we all had two goes around before we got some fresh talent in. The little fuck puppet was so hungry that it was a real treat to see him get dicked - some hot shot called Jerome really dug your boy too. All that changed when that thug turned up and we all had to run mid-fuck. My arse was out of there before he could even reload.'

Did I mention that Jerker wasn't the sharpest tool in the box? Eddie remembers it slightly differently.

`Man, I know you like that place but it seriously gives me the creeps. All those dark corridors with rats scuttling and water draining down the walls? It's fucking rank! I will give Jerker credit though, the set-up was pretty sweet. That main room with the sling hanging nice and central, all spotlighted up? That was pretty fucking hot! Made the boy look like he was on some kind of twisted fuck throne...

I bet Jerker told you he was easy with there being more than a few of us? Bullshit, that boy was in a ball-gag before he had a chance to even answer! I only caught the tail-end of the conversation, but two of Jerker's heavies bundled him into that sling before his feet touched the ground. Strapped him in real tight too, legs in the air, his pussy open territory with no way to escape.

Of course, Jerker went first. Hell, I've known the guy for years but I still get a thrill out of watching him open a hole! His dick is ugly as fuck but it seriously gets the job done. I see it every time. They think they can take it, the pointy tip opening them up so slick, but then that shaft gets fatter and fatter and fatter... man, they always squeal like a stuck pig!

Your boy? He was just the same as the rest, though he struck me as a newbie. He certainly still felt tight when I had my go and that's a rare thing these days. Don't get me wrong, I like a boy with clutch, but normally I don't feel so much friction after Jerker's forced his way inside. I guess the boy still has some developing to do?

He didn't seem all that keen to be worked on by so many guys either but he didn't have a choice. I waited till he was real juicy and leaking cum before I casually slipped in the idea of opening up the pool though. The others were all so high and eager to share a pussy of his calibre that it was a done deal before it had even left my mouth. Of course, I did just as you asked and slipped your guy a message. Things went south soon after that. A few new cocks arrived but we got interrupted real quick.

Your guy made a real entrance! It's amazing what a black puffer, combat pants and a tight black tee can do. He looked damn serious and that shotgun blast really did the trick. Jerker screamed all over the place and everyone was soon rat-tailing it out of there. Not me though, I stayed behind. I was real curious why you asked me to bring him into the mix, so in the commotion I hid behind some steel and watched.

Man, that pussy was pleased to see your guy! They've got a history, right? Your guy went straight to the side of the sling, unbuckled that ball gag and kissed deep.

Well... I say that, but I loved how he momentarily paused in front of the business end and sniffed the air - the cum, ass and pure scent of sex... like, he was recognising that good work had been done here. Of course, there's no way he didn't get a glimpse of the boy's pussy too. You couldn't fucking miss it, not least the puddle of cum underneath that said just how much action that cunt had taken.

Anyway, I was a good distance away, but I know what I saw. These guys love each other, right? That boy immediately came alive when your black fucker touched his lips. You could see his entire body change, it relaxed into the kiss, all tension going and fully accepting it. After I couldn't quite hear everything they said - and I may have missed a lot - but it seemed the bottom was frantically trying to explain how he'd ended up in a deserted warehouse, whilst your guy said he'd been invited to a free-for-all pussy party but when he'd seen it was `his' boy up for grabs he had to step in.

Man, even I could see the power of those words. The bottom looked mighty relieved, like it was his deepest hope? Anyway, he tried to thank your man once again before asking to be set free (I bet that tight leather was pretty chaffing by then!).

By now your man had walked round to between the bottom's legs, maybe to get better access to all the buckles straddling the boy's body? However, now that I say it I'm not so sure. He looked at that cum-drenched gash and said something like I bet you liked it though? Deep down you really need dick, right?' It was almost cute how bright red that boy went. He tried to deny it, saying it had all meant nothing compared to the top's dick, but his hunger was clear to see. Your guy continued, almost as if he hadn't heard. All those fat inches of cock, banging your prostate again and again, all that cum sloshing around in your guts. I bet you'd do it all again if you could...'

Seriously, it was like they were dancing around, the trussed up bottom saying he'd rather have one dick inside non-stop than a bunch of strangers, any day of the week... What? This dick?' your man said, holstering his shotgun and hauling out his real weapon. You must know what he's packing so I don't need to describe it, but that boy lit up like a fucking Christmas tree! Nothing he'd taken tonight compared with that beast - fuck, it even made me jealous. Your guy took one long, expectant look and said he'd make a deal. Come live with me and you'll get all the dick you need.'

What a fucking invitation! To be shacked up with that holestuffer? I'm not sure the boy could believe it. The gang fuck, Jerker's stretch, all those tops and then your man arriving - it really must have fucked with his head. He gabled whether the top really, really meant it.

`Sure, boy. I'll fuck you into the ground like you wish you'd never been born. Nobody will make you take it as hard as me... you just have to agree to be mine, every fucking inch of you.'

Strong words after the boy had just pulled a train like ours. I don't know whether owning every inch is exactly a legal agreement, but your man sealed the deal by slamming his massive fuckslab into the boy's waiting pussy.

Now that was something! I would have thought that boy was nothing more than a warm, resistance-free dick-sleeve by now but your man told it different. He really had to force that fucker in! That was when your man smiled and declared the boy was his. Oh fuck me, Tyrell' - was that the top's name? - the boy moaned, like he really meant it too. Oh, Bobby' - the bottom, right? - `you ain't seen nothing yet' he oozed.

That wasn't enough for your boy though.

At that moment Bobby must have done something with his cunt that the top wasn't expecting. `Wow, do that again!' Tyrell ordered, a look of sheer bliss crossing his face as the order was obviously carried out. I can only guess it was the boy using his pussy muscles to clamp down on the top's fuckslammer. Whatever it was, it had the right reaction and Tyrell picked up the pace and started fucking with his entire body, hammering right into that precious hole. Bobby moaned with appreciation and I swear the sound took Tyrell over the edge. Seconds later he pulled out and drenched the boy in cum. It was a real fucking mess!

Soon after he released the boy and they hugged real cute, even though the spunk of at least 8 men ran out of the boy's feebly retracting sluice gates. That was when I made my leave, I didn't need to see anymore of that loved up shit!'

Next: actions have consequences

Owned (iv)

I thought that Eddie and Jerker's report would be the last I'd ever hear of the new couple - evidently the bond was made and Bobby had agreed to a lifetime of fuck servitude - but a month later I got a deadly serious call from Tyrell. He'd caught his boy being fucked by another man and he wanted action taken right away.

Of course, my first response was to steady the horses and find out just what he was asking. Was he talking revenge or remedial steps? If the latter, why couldn't he take care of things himself, if the former... well, both questions applied equally well.

(Also, could he be suggesting that I was somehow to blame for his boy transgressing? That I hadn't engineered the scene well enough to lock the boy in deep? Thankfully his reply squashed that axis.)

Tyrell said his dick had turned Bobby into a complete cockhound and now he was worried the boy had become so addicted he'd turned into an opportunistic slag. He'd arrived home from a night away and smelt cum in the apartment, cum that wasn't his. The boy had shamefully denied it, but when he'd felt the boy's wet gash it was plain to see.

Bobby's version was that he'd been hunted down by a punk from the warehouse pack, someone so determined for a second chance at `such sweet, sweet pussy' that he'd forced his way in. I could hear Tyrell's pride in that but also his annoyance. He wasn't convinced Bobby hadn't simply arranged it all himself - surely he could have done more to fight the invader off?

This is exactly the type of transgression that has to be strangled at birth, even though it was an obvious consequence of giving an insatiable bottom a dick addiction.

If you're away, the boy will play. Maybe enforced anal chastity was the only solution? We had a prototype in the works right now: a weighted steel tunnel that would keep a cunt nicely stretched open whilst a ring of downwardly angled spikes make a nasty surprise for anyone trying to get inside. All we'd have to do was anally pierce the boy top and bottom, connect it to a scrotal security cuff and--

Tyrell stopped me, he already knew what he wanted.

This fucker - Jerome was his name - had to be taken down, and taken down in such a way as to be an extreme warning to anyone who thought they could dare fuck his property. Oh, he also, he wanted to instil the fear of god into Bobby - a joint operation where the bottom got to witness the consequences of his actions. That this could happen to him if he ever crossed the line again...

I immediately knew what the solution was: shock tactics and drastic cunt expansion seemed just the thing. I explained as much and Tyrell (surprisingly) pushed back. He declared fisting to be seriously fucked up and who would want to use a hole that big?

Of course, I asked who was he kidding? If he wanted Jerome's fall from grace to be real and a suitable warning shot to any other top then his hole needed to be maxed out. If Bobby were to learn a real lesson then he needed to know just how fucked up a hole can get if you're not careful. That had to involve a fist or two - this was my speciality after all?

I'm glad to report he relented but his attitude made me determined to educate him, Bobby and this bitch Jerome all at the same time. Sometimes there are bigger lessons to be taught.

Jason and I planned it out in every detail. Our first decision was to use one of the newest facilities in my building - the fuck booth. It was a suite of two rooms, connected by a two-way mirror. The smaller side was decked out as a miniature auditorium - comfortable mattresses to lie back on and take in the action - whilst the larger was a hugely versatile film set. It could cope with anything from a simple live show to a multi-angle, 4K porn production.

I made this decision as I was acutely aware we had two very different audiences. Jerome's peers (who needed to be given an unmistakable warning off) and the boy himself. Fuck up and this is what could happen... however, I was planning to have some fun with that.

The first step was kidnapping Jerome, something way easier than you'd imagine. I simply went back to Eddie and he was immediately able to identify our wayward fucker. Said the man was 100% top and all we had to do was look for the vainest prick we could find at such and such downturn gym. That would be our man.

As we scouted the location I've got to say that Tyrell was right to be suspicious - if I were Bobby I'd wanted to be fucked by Jerome too. He was a big fucker, with a giant, gym crafted body. Those biceps didn't come out of a bottle or were simply `down' to good genes. No, his lean and taut body was fucking hard won and waiting to be corrupted. Hey, that's what made what came next all the more fun.

We timed his exit from the gym to perfection. Chloroform over the mouth, into the back of our van, stripped of clothes and handcuffed whilst still out cold. He woke on set, naked and bound to a gyno chair that gave us all the access we needed. Whilst he'd been under we also took over his social media - Touch ID is such a great thing! - and in his name fired up a new OnlyFans account to shower the internet with filth. Targeted DM's to his friends and Tyrell's rival gang members would all help.

I knew that storytelling was going to be super important to make a lasting impact. We obviously couldn't show Jerome fucking Bobby (no way we'd be allowed to recreate that!) but we did need to provide a clear reason for the punk's downfall. Thankfully, we didn't need to go that far to make the connection. A hazy photo of Bobby, my client's gang name and Jerome's reaction would do it.

(It helped that Jerome's reputation preceded us: everyone knew he was a total top. Surely what came next couldn't be of his own free will? But he seemed to be accepting it...)

We started out by close-shaving his junk, revealing his cock and balls in pant-wetting detail. He really was superbly hung and I thanked myself for the foresight to send Jason on that advanced metalwork course. How the hell else would we have been able to get a steel cage on this guy if it weren't a custom fit?!

(Oh, I should mention my assistant and I were wearing our standard gear for this type of scene: naked save for boots, a well-worn tan leather apron and closely fitting executioner's mask. Save for our muscles we wanted to be totally anonymous to freak out our subject, and to make spreading the explicit porn so important to Jerome's new reputation as a bottomless-bottom all that much easier.)

By now the former top's giant body was straining at the chair's high-security restraints. The application of our unique salve over the punk's junk and me swinging a video monitor into position didn't help. The screen showed graphic cunt action - the kind of porn that only a fully signed up bottom determined to wreck his pussy would watch - whilst the chemicals in the crotch-bast stimulated both a massive erection and permanently denuded every hair follicle he had.

To anyone watching all they'd see was a man they knew to be total top getting off on strictly bottom porn though. How could his oozing dick tell any other story? That's when Jason got mean and jerked that thick prick off to a stunning climax. His last if you must know. Only the most sentient of observers would have seen the fear in Jerome's eyes. How could he possibly be hard at all this? Was he really a top at all?

My assistant wiped away the spillage, the salve and every last vestige of the man's pubes in one. The hair would never grow back and the punk's big cock (even post-orgasm a cocksucker's dream, something I had no doubt the big top took pride in) would never get hard again either. No wonder his eyes went wide when Jason picked up the steels.

Of course, I stepped in first with an ice cloth to shrink him down to a more manageable size. Even then, my assistant still struggled to get a heavy-gauge cock ring locked around the base of his junk. Next, his churning balls were fed into a full metal testicular containment device - his sack now literally locked in steel - all whilst his flaccid prick was threaded into a painfully constricted iron tunnel. Spiked of course. And locked. Jason made all the necessary adjustments as he went along: tight enough for comfort but tight enough that Jerome would never forget he was wearing it. The final step was sealing the tungsten connectors with epoxy resin - he'd need a welding torch or an acid bath to get hard and cum ever again.

However, we weren't done yet, not by a long way. Now we had to foretell his future - not just for his benefit (the reaction shots would be amazing) - but also for the watching audience. His prick bush gone, his junk imprisoned... now we had to advertise the full abilities of the new hole he was about to gain. The landing pad of muscle above his locked crotch was the perfect canvas. Right above his junk - obscenely straddling the beltline - Jerome was about to get a tattoo like no other. One that he'd be able to see every time he looked down, but more importantly one that all who saw him couldn't mistake. As if the cock cage wasn't enough...

The expert we used for situations like this walked onto set. He was a real master craftsmen with an ink gun, kinky as fuck with it too. Hours later - with Jerome struggling to believe, scared to believe - the punk was permanently marked with a 3 by 5 label that said `Certified PRIME pussy. 4 XL ???? & ????????. BACK DOOR ACTION ONLY.'

It really was a work of art, stunningly embroiled onto the taut muscles above his crotch. It was off-set by a few angles and positioned just to the right and above his new metalwork. The detail was so clear that it looked like it was actually stitched onto his body. Each line of type was on a separate coloured stripe, like some kind of freaky-ass red-neck badge. What was really special was how the colours were vivid but artfully aged. Distressed, like he'd been wearing it for a long time, something he'd earned and now wore with pride.

It made his new status as a back-door pussy brutally obvious, but now we had to make it real.

That's when Tyrell and Bobby entered the fuck booth, timed to perfection. The ink fresh, cage heavy, body struggling... however, I knew it would take more than that to make a real impression on the young pussy though. That's why I'd dressed the set as a replica of the warehouse where he'd been gang fucked. Given the right lighting and the same model of sling hanging down from the ceiling I knew it would resonate.

I obviously couldn't see Tyrell through the two way mirror but I was able to watch the full playback later and see their reactions. As I found out for myself it worked out pretty sweet.

Don't get me wrong. What you've read so far and what you're about to witness doesn't make me a mean person. In fact, I like what I do. I satisfy a clear demand in the market. If my business didn't exist then others would take its place. That I don't have much competition is not because the demand isn't there. No, its because I'm unrivalled at what I do. I understand the mechanics of cunt creation, the desire to be wrecked, the fear of exceeding the point of no-return. I make fantasies real. Sure it's fucked up, but human nature can't be beaten, I serve it every day. Our base instincts. All I ask is you're not ashamed for fucking loving it.

As the two men got comfortable, Bobby was the first to speak, asking just what they were seeing. The tension in his body was a good signal - I'd taken great lengths to recreate the scene of his defilement and I hoped it would trigger all sorts of reactions. In him and Tyrell.

Through the big picture window he could see Jason and I manhandle Jerome - a top he surely must have recognised - from the chair and into the sling. This was no ordinary apparatus though. Sure, I wanted to remind Bobby of his take-down, but this met some very specific needs.

An incorporated straitjacket would lock the new subject securely in place, making him fully available. Once his defiled body was laid back in the sling (thanking god for another whiff of chloroform to make him compliant) I held the heavy garment apart whilst Jason threaded the top's arms into each separate sleeve. He then took the two ends and wrapped them across the body and behind the sling. Soon they were tightly drawn and made for an immovable restraint. We did the same for his legs, thick leather wrapping his thighs to metal stirrups that effortlessly supported him.

As the belts and buckles got tightened, Tyrell said they were witnessing an important lesson: what happens to guys who use his property without permission. Now I know that may sound fucked up. `His property?' but I could tell by the way Bobby's body tensed that he fucking loved the idea of being Tyrell's property. It's just a shame he hadn't respected it.

As the bounds got tighter, Tyrell told the boy the punishment was having your hole wrecked. Permanently, no going back.

`What?' quivered Bobby. It was quite cute, actually.

By now the two men were perched on the recliner mattresses, though not yet sure of what to do with themselves. Tyrell continued, saying that if Bobby ever stepped out of line again then his tight little sphincter would never be the same again - in fact, just what he was about to witness.

The guilt in the bottom's face showed that Tyrell's instincts were 100% correct. This lesson needed to be taught.

By now, Jerome was completely strapped in. Even though he was enveloped in leather you could still easily make out his big figure and muscles though, but I'd say the ink on his crotch and his newly imprisoned cock would be his new calling card. Oh, that and the hole spread wide between his legs. Never again would it be tight or puckered, no, from now on it would be access all hours.

You may wonder why we needed this level of restraint - surely the ink and the cage meant Jerome would have accepted his fate by now - but the level of creative destruction we were aiming for meant it was absolutely necessary. A lot has been written about the damage a professional FF top can do in months or weeks of play, but we weren't even talking about days here but hours. No, our target had to be so secure that he couldn't escape anything we gave him.

When I watched the playback I heard Bobby whimpering. He knew this was going to be intense and Tyrell helped it along, saying the pussy was going to get fisted and turned out.

Fuck, he clearly said, that looks intense. Of course he had no idea what was coming next. It has to be, replied Tyrell. They're going to fist that pussy and turn him out, he's never going to be the same again.

I loved the shock on Bobby's face. You have to remember we're dealing with a boy barely out of his own virginity, who had no experience of the dark acts of anal debauchment. For him, fisting was as alien and as extreme a sexual act as you could get.


By now Jerome had come back round and he really struggled. Not just at the sight of his new ink and feel of the heavy leather but also at his unfamiliar position in a sling. You have to remember that until now he'd been a total top, he'd never had his legs spread wide and vulnerable. I bet he could barely believe it.

I reminded him why he was here (and for the cameras too). He'd fucked a man's property without permission, might have even damaged it beyond repair? Today would make it right.

That's when I picked up the first dildo we were going to use on his tight, tight arse. He tried to struggle but the heavy duty straitjacket and the straps holding his legs wide open made him totally vulnerable. Jason slammed a ball gag in (honestly we couldn't be bothered with the noise) and I pushed the thick toy forwards.

`Wait... is that...?' asked Bobby. Tyrell half-smiled and said yes, it very much was.

We'd had the dildos made up special, 3D printed in fact. The one I was using was an exact copy of Tyrell's own dick - the size, colour and fine lines circling the shaft making it impossible to miss. The only real difference was that this was made in a much firmer material. Bobby shook his head in disbelief, the real thing had been a serious challenge for him to take, now he watched an unwilling top swallow it in force?

It had to be done though, given the implication of Tyrell's instructions for total ass destruction and as effective a lesson as possible. That meant we were going to totally forgo opening the new bottom up with our fingers, No, this was an all or nothing approach. I laid the mammoth tool against the puckered cunt, took a firm hand and pushed hard. Meanwhile Jason force-fed the former top poppers to ensure he couldn't clench and keep me out. Would anyone watching see that though? Would they see just how formed a Tyrell shaped dick was for making a new hole? Would they see the cum-tube running down the centre of the shaft that allowed lube to be pumped out directly from the head?

Or would they just see a man they thought to be a sure-fire top happily having his hole reamed out? The dildo I was wielding was so thick, veiny and flared that how could it be anything other than his choice? No-one else would willingly accept a dick this big, right? It took a really sustained effort to get that fuckstick past Jerome's second ring though, even with the lube and poppers it was a real fucking effort. Thank god I didn't have to worry about the bottom's long-term hole stability as otherwise I don't think I would have managed.

All the while I kept up the psychological trauma too. `Are you sure you're a virgin (he was) because your hole is taking this big fucker pretty easy (he wasn't). I bet you must have been secretly taking cock on the side from all your fuck buddies for years (he really hadn't). You know, your hole is beginning to look match fit for dick (it really, really wasn't), I bet I'm doing you a service (well... maybe). Course, when we're done you're going to be a slip and slide for any cock, even the seriously big ones (this was totally true). After this everyone's going to know you're a bonafide pussy (equally true, and for life).

Soon enough I was able to make in and out power strokes with the hard replica of Tyrell's big dick. I jackhammered that hole to get it nice and loose, and when I was suitably I pulled out, leaving a very sweet beginner's gape behind. That's when Jason took over, swiftly moving onto the second toy: every detail of Tyrell captured precisely but now a third larger.

You may be wondering why we'd gone to so much trouble Lidar scanning our client's cock and then 3D printing out his dick? Well, there was Bobby's headfuck to be sure, but also Tyrell's satisfaction at knowing it was his cock that was transforming Jerome - and anyone watching would know it. 12" of dick couldn't be missed.

However, a lot more action than that was now trammelling Jerome's hole. Tyrell upsized by a third may not sound like a lot, but it was the biggest thing this fresh cunt had ever taken in its short life. Jason plunged that big dong right inside Jerome's hole in one agonising thrust after another. Who would have thought it was even possible? It was taking exceptional aim and real follow through to achieve it. Jerome really was fucked.

The real change was in the booth though. Jerome's defilement was apparently too hot to resist and the power couple took things into their own hands. The scene unfolding was meant to be scaring the boy but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. Maybe it was knowing the toys were lifelike copies of Tyrell's own dick that was spurning them on? Just what would one of those massive toys feel inside the capable bottom?

Either way, Bobby was now riding Tyrell's mammoth dick in simpatico (reverse cowgirl of course so they could both keep watching). As they fucked, Jason thrusted in and out, changing the angle of his attack to deliberately destroy Jerome's defenceless ring as much as he could.

Looking back, I think it's about then that it must have hit home for Jerome that this was going to be a life-changing event for him. Sure, if the ink and penis prison hadn't been enough? Could a simple fuck conquest really have such severe conquests? He was in agony, his previously virgin and untouched hole being trashed forever.

However, there was still a long, long way to go...

Next: everyone learns the meaning of a good fist

Owned (v)

As the couple fucked Jason and I swapped places for the final dildo. It was by far the most punishing fuck of the lot and would be Jerome's one-way ticket to pussydom.

This oversized dildo was still recognisably Tyrell's cock but every punishing detail had been outrageously maximised to turn it into a real monster. Veins were now twice as thick and the already prominent helmet flared out even more obscenely. The entire cock was at least 50% larger than the real deal and milled out of a solid block of stainless steel. It would be a truly hellish fuck, way more punishing than even the hardest ride Tyrell could give.

That would spell trouble for Jerome. Till we'd captured him he was a total top, never even dreaming of a dick or dildo going anywhere near his arse. But we'd strapped him down and now his body was inked, his cock locked and his hole pillaged... and we were capturing every moment of his anguish to broadcast online. Was he secretly enjoying it though? Was the constant banging of his prostate and the pleasure of the stretch breaking down his barriers? Who knew or cared?

I didn't.

This was a toy manufactured to do serious damage and I was determined to make him feel it. Thank god he was restrained and gagged as otherwise it would have been fucking impossible...

Back in the booth, everything seemed to be picking up a pace too. The dildo action had obviously made the couple insanely horny. Was this punishment or just rewards? Bobby had been flipped over and was now taking dick in a more regular fashion. Slower strokes though, Tyrell evidently wanted this moment to last forever (although he body slammed at the end of each stroke to make sure the boy still felt it).

He drove the lesson home, telling Bobby to look at Jerome's insanely stretched hole. See what damage Tyrell's cock could do if he really wanted? The top said (almost with glee) that he had an exact copy of every dildo waiting at home, just in case. They could destroy any ass they choose, including Bobby's.

Maybe the lesson was beginning to sink in? As the two men fucked the bottom said he almost felt sorry for Jerome. Why feel sorry, demanded Tyrell. He was the one that fucked you, not the other way round, right? The silence spoke volumes. Anyway, carried on the big top, the punishment matches the crime. Besides, it's not my fault I've got a big dick, it's Jerome's for not having a hole big enough, he laughed.

`Jesus, would you look at that!' the top cried. I was fully yanking the metal toy out of Jerome's new pussy, and the hard dildo was leaving a gape behind in the exact same shape of Tyrell's massive helmet. It was too much for the top and he picked up the pace of his fucking, pummelling Bobby hard in time. Maybe the hole he was fucking could get a dick-shaped gape too? Too horny to find out, seconds later he splashed his seed all over the bottom's butt in an epic nut-draining orgasm.

I watched the videos later and it was obvious that Bobby thought they were done, lesson learnt, punishment doled out. The booth must have been full with the funk of sex, sweat and ass but don't lets forget we were dealing with a boy who seriously loved dick. He wanted to be fucked all the time, he needed to feel that stretch, to have cock a constant part of him. The real readjustment hadn't even begun.

That was when Tyrell said they were just getting started, that next up was Jerome getting fisted. Bobby's reaction was suitably, fantastically fucked out. I loved seeing it as it showed how innocent the boy still was. To him, the idea of taking a fist was so extreme, so unnatural, so fucking wrong. A hole wrecked, ruined, trashed. I'm sure Jerome would have something to say about it as well, but that's when it hit the bottom - this would be his fate if he dared to go wayward. I could guess exactly what he was thinking. Maybe he hadn't done enough to deter the big white top who broke in? After all, a change would be good, he was horny and the man had hunted him down. How could he say no? Now - fearing the consequences - you could see he was scared.

Tyrell was sending out very different vibes though. I think a little bit of him was getting off on Bobby's fear - it gave him power. But I think he was also enjoying his mastery over Jerome too. The man's hole was being obliterated and destroyed at his command. Nobody would fuck with Tyrell after this!

The hapless bottom with the freshly-turned out pussy must have thought we were done by this point as well. Its almost glad he couldn't see his hole as it really was a mess. Futilely winking and trying to close, swollen, puffy and drenched in lube. Nicely offset by his new steel cage and the constraining leathers. Even after the struggle of the last hours they were still just as tight as when they'd gone on. Now they'd be needed for a very different purpose.

Knowing he'd see close-ups of his pussy when the porn flooded the internet, I thought it would be a shame not for him to see it sooner. I positioned a mirror so he could see the action up close. The shock as he saw his new pussy - complete with that brand new set of puffy cunt lips (unavoidable with all that dildo action pulling in and out of his hole) - was delightful. I bet he'd never seen anything like it before, well, maybe in straight porn. Behind his ball gag I could see the terror. He'd just experienced dildo for the first time, his hole previously untouched. Now he was jumping straight to fist, missing out dick altogether. He must have been regretting that fuck by now...

It was then that Jason stepped up. If there's anything better than fisting a hole, it's watching the act. My assistant has a gift for it, and he looks so fucking good doing it. His lube smeared apron, the mask, his shoulder boulders, the tide marks ready to creep up his meaty forearms. His hands could vary from the most delicate instruments of pussy creation to absolute meat cleavers that didn't take no for an answer. It was something real special to watch and I couldn't wait.

Jason slightly dragged the first-insertion out, revelling in the anticipation. He held his hand up vertically, coned his fingers and then in one, pure, fluid movement slid his entire hand into that new and waiting pussy. All that dildo work had made the hole a receptive canyon for Jason's hand. I bet his knuckles barely stretched the inner ring as he went in fast? Well, not too much anyway. I was closely watching the punk's face and you should have witnessed it. Such confused emotions. Anguish, shock, but was there something else there too? Recognition of the stretch? A fist to the pussy will do that to a man, right?

His eyes went a lot wider at what happened next though. Jason started rotating his wrist inside the punk's cunt, stretching it from the inside out. This could have been deeply pleasurable but Jason hadn't forgotten we were here to do a real number: to teach Bobby an important lesson in just how trashed a hole can get, and to actually wreck a hole in the process. My assistant balled his fist inside before yanking it out, hard. Jerome's scream just about got through the ball gag, rubber and salvia included.

Of course, Jason punched his way right back in. What followed next was a masterclass in twat-stretching, an act that really supersized that hole and made those cunt flaps even bigger. Permanent I dare say. He would pull slightly out, his wide knuckles stretching the hole, before pushing way back in. Then out a tiny bit more, then in deeper. Over and over again, at varying speeds and angles. Always keeping the stretch as extreme as possible, before pulling out and going into an extravagant display of punch fucking - one balled fist after another.

Honestly, by the time I got my fists inside the punk it was a loose and sloppy mess. So slack I had bags of room to play with. Sometimes playing with a slack cunt is a real delight - you can be so much rougher as the hole has so much to give. Not like some of these tight pussies you sometimes find.

Speaking of which, something very unexpected was going on behind the glass. Well, unexpected if you didn't know much about human nature. As Jason had made his first fist, the two men in the booth had subconsciously leaned closer forward. Then, as my assistant had started reaming out that cunt for real, Bobby and Tyrell glanced at each other, both their dicks achingly hard.

Yes, I know I'd been told to scare the boy (and I hoped the severity of our attack on Jerome's hole would still be doing just that) but something told me that Bobby's love of cock - even if barely a few months old - would trigger much deeper feelings in him. Something that dick alone, no matter how big, could satisfy. He wanted to know just what fist felt like for himself.

Shy and bashful, the young bottom asked just that, scared he might be refused.

`What, fist you?' replied Tyrell in shock.

`Well... maybe. Finger my hole at least, it's hungry after you fucked me, and I'm already lubed up... we can stop if it feels wrong.'

Trying to not look like he'd been thinking just the same, Tyrell readily agreed. This was some of the hottest fuck action he'd ever seen and he'd had no idea it would turn him on so much. The hole between Jerome's legs was epic, and now he wanted to see whether he could do just as good a job at opening his boy up. Sure, not as violently as the transformation happening on stage, but a long gradual journey... what did they have to lose, right?

Of course, after that, there was no stopping the couple (precisely the reason the booth came with so many sex toys lining the walls, for every eventuality). I can't remember which one of them reached for the giant container labeled `Premium Fist Lube: for holes big and small' but it was soon open and waiting.

Instinctively, Bobby positioned himself on his back with his legs in the air. Maybe a dangerous replica of the sling below but by far the best way of maintaining eye contact with each other. They were going to discover this together.

First things first, said Tyrell. He used a fuck ton of lube to coat his hand, plunging his fingers straight into the container and thoroughly slathering them - he didn't need to be shy about this.

I could then sense hesitation - to cone his fingers like Jason or not - but in the end he went for one or two fingers. It was a move he was intimately familiar with, though the slippery lube that started to coat Bobby's insides made it a very different sensation. Also, that the boy had been so well-opened these last few months, and just minutes earlier. Soon more and more of his fingers were inside and the bottom smiled in happiness, saying he wanted more--

`Bitch! You've already got half my hand inside your cunt. You really are a hungry little slut, aren't you?'

Knowing the bottom was inviting him inside - not just verbally but with his pussy too - the top seized the moment. He lubed his hand again, coned it and then positioned it at the gateway to Bobby's soul. Ready? The bottom's expectant eyes said it all.

Tyrell gently but steadily pushed inside. The first couple of inches were easy but as his hand got closest to the knuckles - the widest part - he could begin to feel resistance. He pulled back a centimetre or two, before pushing in gently again. He kept repeating the motion, sometimes rotating his wrist a few degrees, which seemed to help. Slowly he seemed to be going deeper and deeper, until he could tell it just needed one last push and he'd be in. The intense, powerfully muscled, sweating and hung powerhouse of a top raised his eyebrows at his bottom, who simply nodded in return. This was it, no turning back now!

He sunk the full weight of his fist into the waiting hole, feeling Bobby's tight clutch around his knuckles (he'd have to do something about that) before his wrist was sucked right inside. Jesus!

Bobby was obviously ecstatic at the stretch - I knew that full feeling all so well myself. But to also know your top was inside of you was always so extreme. So natural and yet so right.

At the same time I could tell Tyrell was in shock, holding his hand in perfect stillness, almost too afraid to move. I could imagine him thinking just how amazing this was, asking why he'd never done it before. His hand felt caressed by warm pussy, so glorious, his sensitive hand alive with nerve endings. And as for his wrist? Fuck! He could feel Bobby's formally right ring gripping it. Fuck, that was sweet.

Seeing the pleasure telegraphing out of Bobby's entire face - god knows what his own facial expression must have been - he tried gently moving his fingers. Or at least, that's what I guessed from the playback. Bobby moaned out in joy, where had this intensity - this connection - been the short time they'd been fucking?

And that's exactly how I found them. Our work done on Jerome, his hole now blown out of all proportion so it resembled a two-bit whore's pussy, I went to tell my client the job was done. The room was dank but the sounds of pleasure were unmistakable - I knew that fisting was going on before I even saw the two men.

Of course, this was fisting for pleasure though, not wanton destruction. In fact, you couldn't get more pleasurable than this. Of course I had to pretend to be shocked to see Tyrell inside of Bobby - given his earlier adverse reaction to the idea of fisting- but I was pleased all the same. On first meeting he'd taken the boy's cherry with his fuck slab, now he was turning it into his cunt. That was nature's way.

He saw me come in. 'Fucking hell man, you didn't tell me fisting was like this! Fuck liking tight, I renounce that bullshit - this boy has got some serious potential as big-motherfucking hole! I'm going to do everything I can! Teach it to grip my dick like a fucking vice and then de-clutch and take my fists like a champion whore! Christs, my hands are never going to leave this sweet-ass pussy ever again!'

I do love to see a satisfied customer. It just made me ask, can a hole ever be too stretched out? Over the next months and years I bet that Bobby was going to find out...

Much later the couple went off, hand in hand, though Bobby was walking a little funny. Unlike Jerome, who could barely even stand when we released him from his tight bounds. His hole gaped open, desperately clutching at thin air as it tried to close. It would have been fun to see how he would have coped with his old life (his days as a street-wise top were definitely over) but his purpose here was done, the internet flooded with `stay away' gifs and films. In the end he got sold to a Brazilian whorehouse that needed a new slack hole for their larger handed patrons. Might as well turn a profit on the venture. Last I heard there was a daily competition to see how many punches in a row he could take. They were getting close to high triple figures...

This would be the end of my case study, but by chance I recently bumped into Tyrell in that same dive bar. He was pleased to see me and I couldn't help but notice that - whilst he still had the same confident swagger - underneath it seemed to lie a new and deeper contentment. The kind of peace that only comes from an oversexed man having access to his very own, private, boy-cunt. I asked how it had all worked out. He proudly held up his forearms, now both with subtle ink rings running an inch apart, up and down. That said it all!

Next: the Inspector's 6th case study: ruined

Next: Chapter 6

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