The Hole Inspector

By Stu Hadley

Published on Sep 16, 2021


The Hole Inspector Chapter / Case Study Number 4 Non-Invasive Procedures

Chapter 4 was originally going to tell the story of the Hole Inspector playing matchmaker to a young, hung black stud. However, this case study has been moved forward to address some reader feedback from the last three stories. Does the Hole Inspector only work with extreme cases or can he help more regular clients? This chapter outlines the Inspector's consumer product line and showcases a couple using them to full effect. Themes include advanced sex toys, bulges, butts, cum and fisting. Average reading time, about 30 minutes.

If you enjoy reading this - or any story in the Nifty archive - please make a donation to keep this invaluable resource going. Any and every contribution helps.

Well. My last case study seems to have really stirred things up. Too invasive, too expensive and too permanent, apparently. That means I'm going to postpone publishing the matchmaking case study and take some time out to talk about our non-invasive procedures division.

As a business, I happily admit that our target customers lie at the extreme end of the market, however, that doesn't mean we're not committed to helping as many men fist as often as possible. In fact, Jason and I put aside 15% of our profits each year to help make this happen.

Why? Because we both love fisting. Absolutely LOVE it. After all, I didn't simply fall into the role of inspecting, changing, wrecking and growing holes because it's a passing interest. No, it's because I love everything about it. From taking to giving, from creation to destruction. The lube, the smell, the sensation, the out-of-your-mind ecstasy. I honestly think it's the closest thing to being fucked by the universe.

As it's a passion both of us want to share with the world, we created our non-invasive procedures division to do just that. Of course, that's not how the division's work is marketed to the general public (you may have already come across some of our products in fetish stores and not known it) but the name is technically accurate. The non-invasive' part reflects that no medical, surgical or permanent interventions are involved, whilst the procedure' part refers to our core belief that better results come when there's method behind them.

Basically, we design and manufacture products to aid a healthy, fist-focused, sex life. Our devices can be used off the shelf and are suitable for both relative amateurs and pigs wanting to take things to the next level. Essentially, men just like us.

However, Jason and I don't look to just make simple, incremental improvements on existing products. Small advances can be great - just look at the way Fort Troff has reimagined the rosebud pump (brilliant!) - but we aim for true innovation. That means any product we launch needs to:

a) be true to the way we play, b) fundamentally change for the better a key part of the fisting experience (for example, getting prepped quicker), c) help guys live with their fetishes and be proud of them, d) empower men to fist more often, and e) find equilibrium between top and bottom

The first point is perhaps the most contentious. There are many ways to play and we don't judge, however, pussy is our business. Jason and I are cunt connoisseurs and we do this all day, every day. That means we have certain standards and we want our products to be true to those values.

(For example, a product has to be fool-proof. So well designed you couldn't make a mistake or cause harm by using it incorrectly. Equally, they have to be toys designed for real conditions: low-lighting, popper hazes and slippery fingers. Controls need to be big and intuitive, not tiny and indecipherable. We want toys that help play, not hinder it.)

The next point - changing a key part of the fisting experience for the better - is self-explanatory, though perhaps helping men live with their fetishes requires more unpacking. Even the shyest amongst us can remember the thrill of first walking out in public showing a little bit of fetish pride. A wristband or handkerchief. Or a simple OINK t-shirt from GEAR. That's our tribe, and we want to be a part of it, right?

From there, some of us are lucky enough to grow into wearing leather or rubber as part of our daily lives, however, that's not possible for many men. Work (or conformity) often has to come first. This means Jason and I have been exploring alternative ways of expressing allegiance to fetish life, helping men to feel comfortable being on the edge of depravity without necessarily being explicit about it. This is so important - I promise you that no-one gets to the Pearly Gates and says `I wish I hadn't fisted (or been fisted by) so many men'. You only have one life, live it.

This neatly leads onto the final point - we design for bottoms, tops, versatile guys, single men or couples. The more men fisting, more often is a good thing. However, equilibrium is an important issue for us so we try to see all our products as part of a pair. We want to balance out the fist experience at every step of the way, so one element for bottoms and one for tops.

So, here are our first six commercially available products. Some we've launched direct to market, others we've raised money through Kickstarter. Whatever it takes:

  1. The Hoop Destroyer - an app controlled inflatable butt plug 2. The Squeezer - a wristband that replicates the feeling of a cunt bearing down on your fist

For the bottom, the Destroyer is a surprisingly easy to wear butt plug. Designed for extended periods of use, it has an elongated bulb with a gentle taper down to a 1" wide neck. This shape allows for very smooth insertion and a comfortable fit, however, that's only half the story.

Each plug is made up of two layers - a solid core containing some serious engineering surrounded by an outer layer of thin but very strong rubber. Once the plug detects it is inside the body, the outer layer is automatically inflated by the compressed air cylinder hidden inside the core.

This doubles the width of the plug's neck to ensure a really tight fit against the bottom's straining hole and also dramatically changes the bulb's internal size and shape. It grows from the base to become a classic cone-shape - the gentle taper now becoming the widest point. This effectively locks the toy in place: ejecting the toy isn't an option until deflated.

Once past this initial increase the dimensions of the toy can be controlled by an Android or iPhone app. The neck can change from 2" across to a seriously punishing girth of 4" - either for a few seconds or for much longer pre-set durations. All of this is in the hands of the bottom themselves, or a top they've handed the necessary permissions to. Devious, eh?

The hole busting design of the plug may sound like the big innovation, but the real sea-change lies in the device's ability to be paired. Not just with the app, but with the Squeezer.

Our research shows that - even though butt plugs are brilliant training devices - many bottoms don't wear them all that often as they feel it to be an isolating experience. You're in it by yourself. That's where the accompanying wristband comes in. It faithfully replicates the bottom's ass muscles clamping down on the paired plug, all by sending a compression wave directly to the top's wrist. No longer is the bottom alone, no, every straining action, clench and relaxation is physically transmitted to their partner in real-time.

All of this is achieved in a wristband that looks (for all intents and purposes) like a regular leather cuff. However, the very sophisticated internal mechanics (complete with induction recharging) connect top and bottom in a totally unique way. Not only that, but it makes each wearer far more conscious of their primary fetish without any onlooker being any the wiser.

A neat, additional power-touch is that if a top is wearing one of our Squeezers and makes a fist of his hand (from outstretched fingers to clenched ball) , the action is detected and the app automatically sends more air into the linked butt plug. Think about that the next time you see one of your friends, colleagues or family members flexing their hands...

Either way, the Destroyer and Squeezer combo is a great way of supersizing a hole, growing it in size and ability. Imagine having the plug inside of you expand when you least expect it. Walking down the street, in a lecture, in a meeting, at your desk... it inflates and your ring muscles scream. Your every pulse and return twitch is sent straight back to your partner. Finally hole training becomes a joint exercise.

Both of those products were designed to make a man more conscious of his sex (although both are seemingly hidden). There's nothing quite like an inflatable plug in your ass to make you feel it, however, it could be up there all day and no-one would be the wiser. However, what about things that are more on point? A little bit more forward facing? Just slightly on the wrong side of being out and proud? Or - another way of looking at it - things that might make a bottom proud of a top, and vice versa. Our next two offers are designed to do just that, although they're perhaps more of a service than product:

  1. The Bulge Architect 4. The Butt Conveyor

Basically, we make the most of what you have. Or add a little pep if you haven't.

The Architect service is there to tailor your pants, jeans and trousers to explicitly show off your delectable bulge, the Conveyor to do the same with your butt. It's a service with two goals: to help us feel more comfortable with ourselves, all whilst showing off our best assets. After all, a good portion of bottoms love their partners showing off their meat - to take pride in people knowing just what kind of a fuckslab they're taking. Of course, that goes both ways - some tops equally love guys knowing just what kind of a high-quality ass they're tapping every day.

This takes both trust and confidence - you have to be comfortable with knowing your partner is going to be getting some very admiring glances, and confident you can shrug off any glances you get yourself. However, we're not talking truly obscene here. It's not like our fabrics are so tight that you'd be able to see a guy's puffy cunt-flaps nestled between a tailored bubble butt. Or that the material around the crotch is cut deliberately thin so that anyone will be able to work out whether a top is cut or not, or just how many veins run up and down their shaft.

Well... not unless you really want it.

Finally, there are our products that deal with the real business at hand:

  1. Clean Out Pro 6. Dual-play Poppers Mask

Enemas and douching are a necessary boredom of fisting for bottoms. Unfortunately, it can't be escaped or avoided.

As befitting something so personal, everyone seems to have their own technique and method that suits their body - what's right for one man often seems indecipherable to another. This makes education vitally important - often there may be a better way it's just we haven't experienced it yet.

Our Clean Out Pro is designed to take some of the guesswork out of prep and make the whole process a lot simpler, easier and faster. It works by controlling the amount of water going into your ass and sensing the water quality being ejected, making getting clean as hassle free as possible.

The device has a central control unit with three hoses running out of it. One to connect to your tap in the shower (as normal), one to insert in your ass (complete with a soft and gentle silicone nozzle) and one for waste to flow out to wherever is convenient. The ass hose is key, acting just like a colonic irrigation pipe in that it allows clean water into your body and for waste water to drain out.

Operating the Clean Out Pro is simplicity in itself. The user selects which program they'd like (or create their own) and the unit gets to work, automatically dispensing the right amount of water through a series of rinses and flushes. The more you use it, the more it adapts to your physiology, speeding up the process quite considerably. All this means that cleaning out is now as simple as connecting and sitting back. Admittedly, you're still in a bathroom, but your hands and mind are free to do something else. Like watching good quality FF porn. Or reading another one of my case studies...

The beauty of this product is that it makes getting ready so quick and easy that fisting becomes totally accessible, almost to be considered a last minute activity rather than being planned hours (or days) in advance. It also gives you the confidence to know you're 100% ready, often in a much shorter time period than you're used to.

However, getting ready for sex is one thing, the act itself is another thing entirely.

Poppers are simple and wonderful (and legal in most countries). For the bottom they relax the muscles, for the top they help complete the connection and to get both parties royally head-fucked. The downside? Those pesky bottles - opening, sniffing without spilling, swapping noses, closing it back up. Jesus. The fact that the results are so good is testament to how just much faff we're prepared to put up with. Even with lubed-up hands.

In recent years, great strides have been made to improve this experience, usually involving a combination of gas mask, hoses, and a hand pump to push aromas from a jerry-rigged poppers bottle to your nose. Our move has been to combine all of those elements in one and - crucially - allow it to be paired with another person.

We started off by creating a form-fitting mask that snugly covers the nose and mouth. On the outside of the mask we added some electronics, a rechargeable power supply, tubing, a small but high-powered near-silent fan and a specialised, one-way adapter that a standard popper slots right into. The connection is effectively water-tight, designed to allow a mask to be thrown or cast aside, even landing upside down and yet without any spills.

This is all contained inside a gum-metal black, carbon-fibre cover that looks darkly kinky. The only visual cues that something is different are the very obvious grid of stylised air holes, and the `too big to miss' squeeze pads that sit on either side of the nose- just where your fingers sit when the mask is held to the face.

It's easy to imagine solo play with the mask: you bring it to your face and inhale, the fumes being drawn straight from the bottle and into your nose. Or push the mask close to your face to get a really good seal and depress the squeeze pads. They activate the fan to turbo-charge the rush of poppers to your head.

However, the real fun starts when you have two masks, for both you and your partner. The masks are synced with bluetooth and work in tandem. If one player decides to boost their huff by activating the fan, then the other mask will deliver exactly the same hit, at the same time, to the other player.

It's a fantastic head trip - there is no better high than to be exactly on the same page. It's mind-blowing, literally.

None of this tech is impossible to imagine, right? All it takes is someone with enough intention and a desire to make a difference to the world. To prove the point I'd like to showcase Jonathan and Daniel, a couple whose lives have greatly benefited from the use of our product line.

Who are they? They're the guys who live next door, in their early 30s and - in all honesty - probably just like you. Regular lives and regular jobs. Perhaps irregular sex though, something we've dramatically helped intensify to a whole new level of pleasure and depravity.

I've chosen these guys as they've been steadfast supporters since our first Kickstarter. Not only are they regular users of the products we've launched, but they're also in our beta community, testing new prototypes as we speak. My continuing interviews with the two men has given me privileged access to their private lives and unique insights into how our products can be improved. They've given me permission to recreate a day in their lives here, for which I'm suitably grateful. Any errors are my own, although when needed I've annotated the text with parentheses to provide additional context.

Jonathan once again woke to an empty bed. Even though he knew Danny was still away on business, his right arm instinctively reached out to touch his partner and found nothing. Of course, his boyfriend wasn't truly, truly away in the biblical sense. No, the stretch in Jonathan's ass confirmed that his top was actually with him all the time.

All night long the Hoop Destroyer had comfortably nestled inside the bottom. The cone-shaped design - too wide at the base to be ejected easily - made it the perfect overnight toy. Until your boyfriend remotely controlled the inflation device and supersized the toy's girth. It was a stretch that couldn't possibly be ignored, and Jonathan clenched hard on the plug's neck to signal that he was awake. Very awake.

Danny was kind though and, as soon as he felt his lover bearing down - the bottom's clutch being artfully relayed to his wrist through the accompanying Squeezer band - he released some of the pressure, not least so Jonathan could visit the bathroom and start his day.

However, before then the bottom sent a series of ripples to Danny's wrist, smiling as he remembered the top's facial when he did this for real - when it wasn't a plug buried inside of him but Danny's actual fists. The sensation always seemed to drive his boyfriend wild and knowing Danny was now probably thinking the same was one of the many pleasures of being plugged. That constant connection - each man attached to the other, wherever they were - had bought them so much closer. However, thank God Danny arrived back home this evening and Jonathan could touch the dark stubble on his face, kiss his hard lips... and get the shit kicked out of his cunt.

He swung his long and lithe body out of bed and walked to the bathroom. It was where they kept the base station for the plug, capable of recharging the pump's battery and refilling the compressed air cylinder buried inside. Jonathan pressed the `clean' button, a crucial feature that deflated the plug and allowed it to be removed easily. All with permission from Danny of course - this time was regularly scheduled for body maintenance.

Jonathan felt the plug's shape changing inside of him and he reached behind to gently pull it out. It was a moment that always surprised him as the plug always seemed hesitant to leave his body. No matter how big his gape got when playing, his arse muscles felt like they were getting stronger all the time. Trained to perfection, just like the rest of his body. Maybe that permanent gape was impossible to achieve after all? Or maybe they just needed to work harder?

Either way, he concentrated on relaxing his inner ring as much as possible and the plus was soon easily removed. Immediately he felt incredibly empty - he just didn't feel right without something big inside of him. Was it the plug that had created that need or was it his natural hunger?

Shaking the thought from his head, he ran the device under the tap to clean it. It was black and made of a soft and very flexible silicone. It always amazed Jonathan how small the plug looked when deflated - just 1" wide at the neck and only 2" across at the bulb's widest point. However, as he felt the hard core inside, he knew that was nothing compared to the size it could inflate to.

Marvelling at the changes the Destroyer had made to his ass and his relationship, he suddenly quickened his pace. He knew he had to be quick - once the clean button was pressed and the plug deflated he only had 30 minutes to get it back inside. Half an hour was all the time the device needed to recharge, and that coincided with the maximum time a hole was allowed to be unplugged before size gains were perceived to start dropping off. If it wasn't reinserted before the time was up then the plug emitted a loud ear-screeching noise that was impossible to ignore.

(This is an optional extra we've been exploring for our second generation product. The plug's pressure system is sensitive enough to know whether it's been worn or not and the noise ensures an `always in' approach. The sound is so attention grabbing that you wouldn't want to be caught with a plug outside your body.)

Jonathan emptied his bowels and then jumped in the shower. As the water cascaded over his body his hands couldn't help but reach round to touch his arse. The sensitive tips of his fingers found the edges of his hole and he couldn't deny how inviting it was, seemingly calling him in. He wanted to explore - almost couldn't hold back - but he knew the only hands he wanted touching him today were Danny's. He gamely held off, finished washing, got dried and then picked the plug up. It went in a lot easier than it had come out, his hole so hungry that it almost pulled the device inside in eagerness.

Immediately it inflated to its default size and Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief, it was good for his pussy to be full again. He smiled in the mirror, realising that his hole was no longer just a hole. It was a fully crafted sex organ, no longer just an orifice but something just as important as his dick, balls or mind. He was constantly aware of its desires and hunger, and he wanted to fulfil its needs. The thought made him extremely happy and gave him a lot to look forward to this evening. He got dressed for work, gently holding a long clench and thinking of Danny.

The top joyfully felt the pressure around his wrist and knew that Jon had finished his shower and was plugged again. The sensation of a tight hole bearing down on him was uncanny - even though he was hundreds of miles and a flight away he was instantly transported to playing with his boyfriend. Still in bed, his dick painfully rose to full flag under the covers. Desperately wanting to stroke his hard shaft but knowing he should save it, he forced himself out of bed, his cock leading the way.

He took the Squeezer off to recharge whilst he had his own shower. As he sudsed his young and fit Dad bod, the muscle memory in his wrist was strong. That only made his dick harder, even though he was trying to will it down. The problem was that he'd found a guy who was perfect for him, and the products they'd bought together were only making him even more perfect.

All his adult life he'd wanted to meet a guy with the same hole-goals as him. Other bottoms had been scared of them, but Jon seemed to be on exactly the same page: to make a hole so damn big and loose and sloppy that it would take anything going. Their goals were so aligned that it had become a real bonding experience, perfectly syncing with the mutual love and affectation they felt for each other. After all, completely wrecking a hole took real commitment. Who cared if the journey was long, they were in it together. He knew neither one would be satisfied until Jon's pussy was permanently stretched out and so ruined it was worthless for anything except fisting.

As he washed the soap off, Daniel reflected that they were making good progress too, even if his annoying work trips kept him away far too often. Thank god for that Kickstarter he'd backed - if it hadn't been for the FistMax products then he swore they'd be going backwards. Now they always seemed to be going forwards, and were playing way more to boot. Getting ready had become so quick and easy that saying no to a session was almost impossible. That had kept the pressure on him too - to keep their training sessions effective and not repetitive. His mind constantly ticked over new ways of combining hard play, extreme stretching, double punches, and varied hour after hour of use and abuse.

(Daniel revealed to me in an interview that he was occasionally worried that Jon was holding back and didn't realise the full magnitude of cunt stretch the top was aiming for. I told him not to worry and that it was clear he knew best. Every fist bottom wants a giant, sloppy mancunt... whether they realise it or not.)

The top turned the water to cold, the shock finally making his dick relent and go down. However, as he dried his body he couldn't help but notice that his cock - and his balls - seemed unexpectedly large. Every man is intimately acquainted with their junk and his definitely seemed bigger, even when flaccid. Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to test that new batch of drugs? It was bad enough having to keep an hourly diary of his `condition' (for example, 8am, dick flaccid but wrist thick, cockhead plum-sized (and ditto colour), balls unusually heavy) but maybe the side effects were more worrying. Living with meat this size was tough, especially with the Bulge Architect having done his twisted worst on his clothes.

(It's possible that Daniel was right to be concerned. He was testing an experimental drug that contained refined testosterone and concentrated Viagra. We knew what the effects were but didn't have the correct dosage worked out yet. Unfortunately he'd ended up in a group being given a triple-strength dose compared to the control. We think we may have to change the formula as it's becoming clear that a high dose both dramatically increases the blood flow to the penis and produces an unnatural high yield of semen. Early reports indicate that some guys find the pressure of their balls filling up so quickly and needing to be constantly drained too much to bear.)

As Daniel clipped on the Squeezer again he looked at the suit he'd laid out to wear today. A stylish, grey serge number that made the most of his muscles. It made the most of junk too, having been exquisitely tailored to enhance his natural assets. He'd met the Bulge Architect and he was a twisted genius with the cloth. The suit looked totally normal until you put it on, only then did you realise how tight it was around the groin and how the crotch fabric had been artificially thinned to show anything underneath in almost sheer relief. In fact, the cut was so tight that there wasn't room for another layer of fabric underneath - it was commando all the way. The only thing that did get support were his over-sized balls, for which a special elasticated pouch had been cunningly inserted to lift and separate the sack. He crammed everything in and pulled up the zip. Christ, he had no doubt that his dick lump would be on full display all day long. Again.

As he tucked in his shirt and did up his belt he reflected on why he'd agreed to wear these crazy clothes. A big part of it was the joint package. It came with the Butt Conveyor and he delighted in Jon's prime asset being on full display. All his trousers, jeans, shorts and sweats had been altered to enhance his arse and the top loved parading the bottom around. Whilst it wasn't a strict quid pro quo - he was sure he could have got Jon to agree without him getting his bulge done at the same time - deep down he had to admit he took a dangerous thrill in showing his fuckslab off to the world. It was a fine line - his bulge was obvious but yet plausibly deniable too. The trick was having confidence at all times and not ever acknowledging it as an issue.

As he walked through the hotel lobby he caught sight of himself in a full length mirror. He couldn't deny that he looked sharp and powerful. And that his bulge really did turn him on, even though he knew some people might just think it was a trick of the light. Was he really packing that much? He smiled and strode on to his client meeting, but not before wondering how Jon was getting on.

At that precise moment, Jonathan was on the subway and halfway to work. He could feel the Hoop Destroyer pleasurably inside him, held in place not just by its shape but also the tight seat of his jeans. The cut and internal material effortlessly cupped and lifted his butt cheeks, meaning he'd happily lost count of the number of admiring glances on his way to the station.

As he travelled he couldn't help but notice he was wiggling in his seat. It took him a while to realise it was because he was trying to create some friction on his hole - he had an itch that just wouldn't quit. His first thought was to wonder whether something might be wrong (on this of all days!) but on reflection he suspected it might be the drugs trial he was on. He had been warned to expect his hole would be super sensitive...

(Jonathan was right: it was the drugs. In our quest for equality we weren't going to just let the tops have all the fun. Inspired by time-worn stories of Spanish Fly (a toxic aphrodisiac derived from emerald-green beetles that live in Southern Europe) we concocted a targeted formula that - when taken orally - makes the male pussy engorged and desperate to be touched, manipulated and used for hours at a time. It's completely harmless but at the correct dosage makes it almost impossible to get satisfaction, giving a pussy real stamina. The only problem was that it took a while to kick-in, which means starting a course 3-4 days in advance of playing. The bottom was just beginning to feel the effects now.)

It was a very long day of anticipation for both men. Daniel's work finished first and he took great pleasure in leaving his client meeting and jumping in a taxi for the airport. As he'd done several times during the day already, he couldn't help from clenching his fist, knowing it activated the pump in Jon's plug and adding to the stretch. For the first time he called up the device's app to see the damage. He was seriously impressed at the size plug had got to - 3" across was pretty meaningful. No wonder his wrist had felt clamped tight at times! Still Jon would have texted if it had gotten too much, right?

As he sat in the business lounge and took long draughts of a strong drink, he thought about the plug's size and decided to make a stop on his way home. One flight, a taxi journey and a store visit later and he finally walked in through his front door. Trailing behind him was his carry-on and a black tote bag from the nearest fetish store, Inside, three mammoth black cocks, all suitably sized to continue the epic stretch Jon had gotten to during the day. Daniel had only intended to buy one dildo, but his constant horn meant he couldn't keep his fingers out of his wallet. There was the fat one, the long one and the one he'd already started calling the punisher - he'd be really proud if Jon could take that oversized fucker!

Jonathan had arrived only moments before, appearing in the doorway from the living room with a big smile. Their love was very real and in seconds the detritus of work and travel was quickly forgotten. Bodies touched whilst hands and lips quickly connected. Five days apart and constantly aware of their sex? It made for a very passionate embrace, however, It didn't take long before things moved on, Daniel asked Jonathan whether he was ready. Give me half an hour or so, was his reply and off he went.

He removed the plug from his arse (the app being set to play mode by Danny, therefore deflating the device and silencing the noise feature) and then grabbed his Clean Out Pro. He connected the various hoses with ease, selected a programme he'd adjusted to his body and within seconds was starting his flush. The water felt good inside of him, not least as it seemed to be taming the almost unbelievable sensitivity of his pussy. He'd never felt anything quite like it and he really couldn't wait for Danny's fists.

All the while, he marvelled at how easy this made getting ready, not least as his free hands allowed him to relax and watch porn. He enjoyed one of his favourites - a jock getting fist-banged in a group orgy - and decided what to wear. Whilst they had lots of gear, he felt that tonight was not the time for faff. No time to be wasted lubing up rubber, or putting on then taking off leather. He wanted slutty and easily accessible - a Nasty Pig jock and matching tank, socks and co-ordinated High Tops would do the job just right.

Meanwhile, Daniel was doing `top' stuff. He'd flung off his travel clothes and put on a simple pair of shorts. Of course, these had been adjusted too, so his heavy and sweaty fuckslab bulged out in front of him. He knew it was the drugs pulling their weight, but he couldn't deny he looked hot. Maybe he wanted to be this big all the time?

Next he put up the sling and laid out a few choice toys, though the ones he'd bought he kept back as a surprise for Jon. He then went to set up the lube station (a prototype device of ours that was on loan for testing). Even though he knew it needed more development he'd already fallen in love with the little machine. It could more easily be described as a Tea's Maid for lube. It heated a container of water to the optimum temperature, before blending in the correct amount of powdered lube. It then cooled the resulting liquid down to body temperature and dispensed it. Once set-up, the machine could go all night.

(We think that the Lube's Maid (or Lube Servant?) is going to be our next product we take to market. There are still some teething problems to iron out, but the feedback we've had so far has been incredibly positive.)

It was then that Jonathan walked into the bedroom, cleaned out, lightly showered, and dressed to slut-factor 10. His hips literally sashayed as he walked, desperately trying to manage the urgings in his pussy. His cunt felt alive, needing to be filled, used and abused more than he'd ever felt in his life. He knew his hole was ready for whatever came next. - he'd touched it briefly in the shower and he could sense that it was offering very little resistance. It was ready to be taken.

Jon was the hottest sight Danny had seen in days and the two men were on each other with a rapaciousness that might surprise you. Such normal looking gays - literally the couple next door - and they attacked each other with vigorous passion. Hands, mouths, fingers and lips roamed everywhere and it wasn't long before Jon was on his knees and swallowing the epic mouthful that was Danny's cock. The top could tell from the muffled sounds coming from below that Jon was seriously enjoying the heft and taste. However, Danny couldn't wait any longer and he hoisted the bottom back onto his feet. Then, with his left hand, he took Jonathan's right thigh and pulled it up until the bent leg was parallel to the floor. That gave Danny's other hand all the access he needed to Jon's pussy...

Jesus, was it wet and juicy! Had this cunt been pre-lubed to make his passage easier?! Or was the bottom just so fucking hungry for it?

Danny thought back to the days when they'd had to spend time carefully and gradually opening Jon's hole with a succession of dildos before a fist could go anywhere near it. Not now though. Now he could take a fist with the gentlest of warm-ups. Some light teasing around the edges before carefully pushing in coned fingers... Usually it happened pretty quick but tonight was a sign of just how receptive the bottom was going to be. He looked into Danny's eyes and signalled yes. No more foreplay, not even a huff of poppers. Just get inside of me now.

Fuck! The top broached the bottom's inner ring for the first time that day, that session, that night. As always, breaking the seal was an exquisite moment for both of them. There is nothing that beats the feeling of having a man's fist inside of you, and nothing to compare with being inside another man. It was what they had been missing all week and what they had been craving for. They needed their fix and had just got their first hit.

Playing whilst standing up may have been awkward, but it was just what was needed. It forced Daniel to go slow, but allowed their bodies to intertwine. To smell, taste and touch each other. Tongues and aromas collided whilst sweet nothings were murmured in each other's ears. Everything from that feels so fucking good' to God, your pussy is going to get smashed tonight'.

Danny felt tempted to stay like that for longer, not least as the awesome cavern created inside of Jon by the Hoop Destroyer was literally sucking his fist further inside. It was a space begging to be filled and he didn't want to hold back, however, he knew the bottom needed to be in the sling if they were going to do serious work. He gently pulled out and told Jon to get moving.

In seconds Jonathan was in position and comfortable. However, the drugs were making his hole super needy and he pulsed his pussy muscles, calling Danny out to start wrecking his hole in earnest. However, the top was determined to savour the moment. He stood back and took in the full sight - a gorgeous jock-framed butt, muscular thighs and broad arms and shoulders. All topped by that wicked `fist me' grin. Oh, and the amazing cunt between those legs. Danny told the bottom to stop pulsing and to simply let his hole relax, to use that famed muscle control and open up. The top wanted to see Jon's gape and just how amazing this cunt really was. God damn, that was a sight! Even after the lightest of foreplay, the bottom had developed a wide open gape surrounded by a beautifully puffy pair of lips.

`Fuck Jon, that's a gorgeous cunt. I know this is going to be a fucking good night. Are you ready?' asked Danny. Not waiting for an answer, he picked up the pair of Dual-Play Popper Masks, handing one to Jon. He'd already locked in fresh popper bottles and all they had to do was inhale. They'd done this many times before and were perfectly synched. For them - given the development of Jon's pussy - poppers were there to intensify the moment, not to help open things up. That part was no longer necessary, but getting supremely fucked in the head together definitely was. As they inhaled, Danny's right hand reached into the open container of lube to thoroughly coat his fist.

The masks were then put aside and they briefly waited for the aromas to hit. It only took seconds before their heads were spinning - the exact moment that Danny pushed his fist inside Jon's trench in one. Christ, it slid in so easily it was as if a red doormat had been laid out welcoming him. He pushed and pulled, rotating his wrist, opening his fingers, stretching and exploring the space. It was a perfect fisting moment, and so early in the session. It was the moment when all resistance and friction evaporates and a fist can move at will. The hole feels like it can take anything and the top can pound away without consequence. It was pure mind-expanding pleasure.

Daniel couldn't help but comment on just how big his boy was getting. So loose and sloppy. However, he also said that there was still a long way to go before it qualified as wrecked. Is that what you want, he asked with a wicked grin (his fists still buried inside the bottom by the way). Jonathan's reply was quick and urgent: please fist me, please punch me, wreck my hole...

And so Danny did. He made a clenched fist of his hand whilst still inside Jon's cunt and pulled straight out. The bottom cried out, whether in shock, pain or pleasure we'll never know as the top's fist was immediately punched straight back into the waiting pussy. In and out it continued, punching so hard that soon the bottom's gape was in the exact shape of the top's fists - something he revelled in telling Jon. The room filled with the sound of heavy fisting - squelches, moans and cunt-talk.

As always, there were tender moments too. Times when the action slowed down and they talked. About what was feeling good, porn they'd seen, play sessions they'd had. They talked about how aware they'd been of guys looking at their butt and bulges recently, and a hot guy on the subway who might be good for a threesum. Jon then said how much he'd wanted to squeal at his desk when Danny had double fist clenched his hands and the size of the plug had jumped up. The top laughed and was called a bastard in return. However, most sentences didn't get finished as one man or another did something to set things in motion again. A squeeze or a rotation of the hand, or a poppers mask being brought to the face and aromas force fed.

A long time into the session, Danny decided it was time to reveal the monster dildos he'd bought on the way home. He held them up, one by one, to show Jon what he'd bought. On the inside, the bottom couldn't help but be a little bit nervous - the dildos were fucking gigantic and hardly easy shapes to take. Even with the drugs still in his system he was beginning to tire and he hesitatingly asked Danny whether they might be just a bit too big?

The top's reply was swift. Oh, we'll make them fit' he said. There was no way he was stopping before he saw these three shoved up his boyfriend's twat. You know I love you Jonny and I'm only doing this for your benefit. You did say you wanted to be wrecked after all...'

The bottom struggled to answer. His hole had felt insatiable all night, always demanding more, but even he had limits. Surely they could build up to the new toys another time? Sensing Jonathan's reluctance, Daniel continued. `Come on boy, you know I have much more confidence and faith in you than you have in yourself. I believe you can do this.'

Before the bottom could protest, the top dunked the first toy - the fat one - into the lube container and then pushed it against the open entrance to Jonathan's fist chamber. By now the bottom's hole was too worn out to offer any serious resistance, and the dildo's wide girth started to slide inside. It was a massive stretch, even after the extreme warm up. In desperation the bottom grabbed the poppers mask to take a big hit to ease its passage. Danny was too focused - obsessed - to notice. He kept a steady and relentless pressure on the fat one, determined not to let up until it had fully bottomed out.

As the bottom huffed, Daniel cried out in encouragement, saying they were nearly there. Finally they were, the top telling Jon how impressed he was and just how fucking huge the toy looked sticking out of his cunt. Jonathan had to admit the stretch felt fucking amazing, filling him more completely than anything he'd ever experience. It gave him a new sense of achievement, though the massive size of the toy quickly became too much and he asked Danny to remove it.

Of course, the top did. Though not all the way - no, he left an inch inside and smeared a great dollop of lube over the remaining inches. Soon he was pushing the fat toy back, building up to a punishing fuck rhythm that was quite spectacular. If anyone's stamina was amazing tonight, it was Danny's. His arm kept postponing away and he was having to use quite a lot of force to keep the toy moving. Even with the extra lube it was pulling the inner walls of Jon's cunt out with it, swelling the bottom's pussy lips even more. It became quite a sight before Danny finally had enough and fully yanked the monster out.

Exhausted and spent, Jonathan instinctively felt they were done and reached to let himself down from the sling. Daniel pushed him back though - there were still two dildos to go. However, he was so punch drunk with fisting that he couldn't resist jumping straight to the one he'd deemed the `punisher' and ignoring the long one completely. The punisher had a wicked shape, more beast than man, although still recognisable a cock. It was monstrously thick with gnarly veins that ran up and down the twisted shaft.

Danny knew - with the constant cycle of stretching the Hoop Destroyer was doing to the bottom's hole, combined with the work they were doing now - that Jonathan wouldn't be the same after this toy. It would stretch his arse to absolute capacity - for now - but also expand his mind. Once he'd tasted the pleasure of this over-sized cunt-buster he would always want to go bigger, It was the only way to make progress.

He lubed the dildo and positioned it at the sloppy gates of Jon's pussy. It was a pussy that was gaping wide open and oozing lube, seemingly exhausted and done for the night. Daniel wasn't going to be deterred that easily though. He started to push the evil toy inside, the massive flared helmet the first big hurdle for Jon's overtired ring. Danny could feel the resistance but he pushed hard. Pop! With a sudden leap forward the toy's engorged glans was fully in, surely the rest would fit too?

For Jon, his precious hole felt like it was being assaulted by a battering ram. He had never experienced anything so hard, so big and so unforgiving push against him. He'd cried out in shocked pain as the dildo's head forced its way in, but Danny had taken no notice. Jon knew it was no use - he knew that facial expression well. It was Daniel's face of total determination, nothing would stop him now.

The top pushed and pushed that fucker until it sunk further, inch by painful inch. Man, was it a tight fit! He'd had to put his entire body weight behind it, all whilst exerting Jon to do better. If he couldn't take this then he simply wasn't committed... and that would be a real fucking shame. It would mean Jon wasn't the man Danny thought he was...

Tough words, but even with them the top couldn't deny the dildo seemed to be stuck halfway inside, no matter how much he pushed it wouldn't budge. He did the only thing he could think of, picking up the poppers mask and spurring Jon on to do the same. Both men raised their masks, Daniel squeezed the inhale pads on either side of his nose. He was determined to force the biggest hit of poppers into Jon the bottom had ever taken. The fact that he was taking the same hit seemed to pass him by.

It was a massive, massive hit but the dildo was still huge. However, Jon's muscles relented just the fraction that Daniel needed. With a massive shove he pushed the huge toy all the way in. Fuck, what a stretch! Not wanting the poppers to wear off (and his own head clouded with poor judgement from the same fumes) he rapidly pulled and pushed the dildo in and out, fucking the cunt in front of him hard.

Daniel revelled in the damage he was doing, really stretching this pussy out, swearing he was witnessing Jonathan have multiple pussygasm (although he couldn't always tell over the suctioning sound of the dildo as it travelled in and out).

It was only when the toy pulled Jon's pussy lips out a full inch that the top decided he'd had enough. Jonathan pushing his hands against the top and telling him to stop had something to do with it too. The bottom was spent, done, finito.

Danny pulled the monstrous toy out in one savage movement and looked down at what he'd created. It was an amazing sight. The girth of the toy was a true behemoth, and the top delighted in seeing that the elasticity in Jonny's ass-lips now all but gone. And that the orifice remained completely open, even after the hard rubber toy was long taken away.

Jesus, he said, you ought to fucking see this Jon. It's beginning to look just how we want - an epic, trashed mess. Well on the way to being wrecked!

All Jon could do in return was sigh and moan, He felt completely wasted and ready to collapse. Danny wasn't quite done yet though. All through the long, long session his cock had stayed painfully hard and erect, in fact he could see the massive precum stain he'd made on the front of his shorts. He'd wanted to touch his cock, to feel its weight in his hand as he played, but he'd been worried he wouldn't be able to hold back. However, now the beautiful mess in front of him inspired him: it was time to fuck.

He pulled his shorts down and thrust his wrist thick shaft - balls deep - into Jon's manpuss' in one. Oh my god, now there was a feeling! His big prick was considerably smaller than the giant toy that had come before, but it was being caressed by the loosest and sloppiest canyon cunt you could ever possibly believe. There was no resistance, just velvety walls that made his dick feel sublime. He was literally throbbing with pleasure as he started slowly long-dicking in and out.

Jon - who honestly thought he was done - suddenly felt a second wave (or was it a 19th wave?) and cried out at the raw cock inside him. To feel real, warm, human flesh and blood after the heartless silicone of the big toy was fucking bliss. The fuckslab felt so good sliding against his ass lining that it reminded him of why he loved Danny all over again.

Daniel fucked his schlong hard, all to the sound of the bottom encouraging him on. Fuck me, fuck me please, cum inside of me. Suddenly Danny erupted with cum, his overfilled balls firing great ropes of spunk deep inside the waiting pussy. Jon squeezed his cunt muscles - partially to show that he still could but also to try and keep Danny inside of him for as long as possible - but it was far too much for the top. His engorged cock was massively sensitive and had no choice but to pull out, his last slugs of cum splashing on Jon's stomach and turning the bottom into a glorified cumrag.

As Danny looked at the wrecked and exhausted boy lying prostrate in the sling he felt more desire than he'd ever felt in his life. He walked to the side of the sling and gave Jon a long deep and intense kiss. He had just experienced one the best orgasms of his life. Yup, he thought, definitely a pussy that's only good for fisting...

Next: the Inspector helps the young and hung to find a hole to own

Next: Chapter 5

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