The Hole Inspector

By Stu Hadley

Published on Sep 6, 2021


The Hole Inspector Chapter / Case Study Number Three Installation

Some clients require more direct, hands-on action: this 3rd case study describes just such life-changing alterations. Themes include fisting, body modifications, piercings and tattoos. Average reading time 15 minutes.

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`Wait... what the fuck?! You said we were going to your lawyers!'

The young man had only taken a few steps inside before he looked back at his partner in startled confusion. Admittedly, my consultation rooms are fairly alarming if you weren't ready for them - one side laid back gentlemen's office (oak panelling, books and a grand desk), the other evil doctor's lair, complete with white tiles, gurney, stirrups, speculums and open vats of lube. That contrast was nearly always enough to make unsuspecting visitors bolt for the door in fright... of course, my beefcake of an assistant was standing by to completely block any unwanted flight.

When I first got the call I had no idea this was going to turn into such an interesting case. It started off routinely enough, a man complaining that his boy wouldn't take his fists. That's so routine we often solve that problem once a day and twice or more at weekends. No, what made this interesting was that the 21 year old boy was legally bound to take this man's hands. It was all there in black and white - a three year contract that gave the older man rights to whatever sexual services he desired in exchange for full board, living expenses and the boy's massive student debt paid off.

Of course, I'm no stranger to these kinds of agreements, they're quite common for manwhores and catamites alike. However, what made this unique was a forfeit clause. It said the contract could be terminated early but only if the debt was repaid in full. If it wasn't, then the debt became a down payment to outfit's like mine.

At first I was slightly staggered at what I'd been told. Surely that meant the debt would effectively be paid twice? Once to the student loan company and once to me? I could hear the smile in the man's voice as he replied in the affirmative. He said the money wasn't the issue but more the principle. Couldn't let a boy go through life thinking there aren't consequences to actions...

Jake - my caller - explained that his wealth and early retirement allowed him a certain leeway to help rehabilitate younger gay men who needed a break in life, all whilst getting a live-in hole to use as he pleased. Three years of stability was a good thing, right? After all, young men have an abundance of hormones, testosterone and cum. Why not make the most of it? They would leave at the end debt free and with some important life skills under their belt. A win-win scenario for all. However, Jake said it got pretty strict if things went off the rails.

His wealth and natural sexual deviancy meant he'd been able to build up an undercover network of professionals for moments just like this. So far he'd paid for wayward boys who broke their contract to become addicted to high-volumes of spunk, or to only achieve orgasm after being flogged hard for at least two hours. Others he'd had conditioned with a constant need to wallow in piss and filth, or be given such an extreme hunger for mule cock that they'd literally do anything in exchange for a 12" inch fuck.

I asked how each forfeit was chosen and was told it was based on the boy's greatest sexual fear. As my specialty was cunt it was clear how the boy had fallen off the rails (not taking the top's fists) and why I was being asked to join Jake's network. Apparently, If he couldn't take his money out on the boy's arse then he wanted the boy's arse taken out - pushed way past the normal limits of any man, beast or bottom. As you can imagine, this made me very excited and I vowed to do my absolute best. Moments later we'd agreed a time to kick things off, made all the easier by the boy already demanding to see a lawyer and cancel the contract.

And so here we were.

Looking at the pair it was easy to see which was which. The gruff and assured voice I'd heard on the phone had to be Jake. In real life he was a silver leather bear, comfortably over 6 foot, handsome, stern and in his late 40s. His obvious muscles were covered by a layer of bulk that gave him a lot of presence and his eyes were keen and alert.

The boy however? Maybe not the sharpest tool in the box. I mean, Jason was wearing virtually full gear: Muir cap, leather gloves, a tight cotton tee, Sam Browne belt, taut leather jeans and calf-high polished boots. If the boy hadn't clocked that receptionists at legal firms don't dress to intimidate, Tom of Finland style, then frankly he deserved what was coming.

Jason nudged Jake and the flustered boy (good-looking (if a little fresh-faced) and with an athletic jock-bod) into the room. Playing innocent, I directed both of them to sit down in front of my desk before asking Jake what exactly I could do for them.

It's pretty simple, he wants to end his contract', glancing at the boy as he spoke. It all started well - I taught him how to properly suck dick and to take cock like a pro - but then he started complaining and getting all high and mighty. Said my dick was too big for him--`

`--fuck you Jake' cut in the boy. I missed the next few words as I couldn't help but look down at Jake's crotch. Jesus, the man really was packing! Maybe even bigger than Jason? Anyway... '--fed up of cum leaking out of my ass, there's no way I can carry on like that. You're fucking wrecking me.'

If looks could kill, Jake's steely glare would. Evidently this was a well-trodden topic between the two. His anger barely disguised, the top said that was all bullshit. That the boy had eyed up his bulge from the moment they'd first met, that the little whore was hungry for big meat and an even bigger stretch. Why complain about something he so obviously wanted? It was why the boy was so perfect to be made into a fisting pussy.

The boy quickly cut in again, saying he'd never signed up to be a pussy and that being wrecked was definitely not one of his life goals, student debt or not. His look of perverted outrage and disgust at the idea was almost comical. I wondered whether the boy did protest too much? Anyway, now it was my turn. I said the debt was at the heart of the matter. Did he have the money to repay Jake? The boy shook his head in quiet resignation, obviously he did not. I looked him straight in the eyes and told him that therefore the only way out was the forfeit clause. That the contract would end, but not before his outstanding debt had been used to transform him into his worst fears.

He looked up in terrified shock. I handed him a copy of the contract, open at the correct page where it was spelt out in all it's glory. As his eyes darted across the page I asked him to agree that the clause was valid, that he'd voluntarily signed up to render whatever sexual services were required and he wasn't prepared to do that...

I had to ask twice - the second time more forcefully - but eventually and hesitatingly, he nodded in agreement. It was then he leapt to his feet and raced to the door, desperately trying to duck round Jason's wall of muscle and leather. As I said, the boy wasn't so smart. I will give him marks for the struggle though, one of his wayward fists even managing to give Jason quite the shiner. However, one roundhouse from my assistant and the boy was laid out on the floor, ready for us to begin. Jake and I had a lot to discuss. I already knew that we were going to turn the boy out as a very capable pussy, and that it was going to a time-consuming, expensive, and oh, totally irreversible process. However, the new cunts's exact configuration was still very much up for grabs...

The boy woke up strapped to my gurney. The SEGUFIX system really is a marvel of restraint - the boy was securely positioned at multiple points across his body to the metal frame. There was no way he was going anywhere. Well, not until Jason led him out to the first of the many treatment rooms he'd be seeing over the next few months.

We stood nearby and the boy tried to call out but his words were muffled by the head-harness ball gag in his mouth. There was no point doing anything by halves - right? - and the only noises that came out were totally indecipherable. Perhaps that was for the best as he'd come round just when we were getting to the juicy details...

`Given how far you've said you want to go, you do realise he's going to be totally ruined' I stated to Jake. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the implication of my words repulsed the boy, and he fruitlessly struggled against his binds. The top was quick to reply though.

'Absolutely, that's why I bought him to you. Besides, he needs to have a complete change of outlook. I honestly think deep down he wants to take fist but is too scared to admit it.'

I nodded in full agreement. 'Good, because a lot of my clients don't know what ruined truly means. It's not a fantasy state, it's a complete change of state. Not only is this boy's hole never going to be the same again, but his mind will be permanently altered too. He will need fist from now until the end. In fact, he won't be able to function without it. Where we'll take his hole is way beyond the desires of even the most fucked up gays.'

Jake smiled as the colour drained out of the bottom's face. The top continued, saying that was exactly what he wanted. He wouldn't normally go so far, but these were unique circumstances after all. He paused and then looked at me intently. `Tell me, do you think he'll come to love fisting or resent it forever?'

I knew exactly where Jake was coming from. He obviously knew the intimate pleasures of fisting and - like me - believed that its pleasure was one of the most sexually addictive activities known to man. As an experienced man I bet that Jake relished in the act of cunt creation and the infinite nerve endings found in a man's hands and wrists. Equally, he knew capable and willing bottoms who lived for the act of destruction and the power of the stretch. Would the boy see the light though? Would he experience the joy in having his hole permanently wrecked?

Probably. But not if we made him really fucked up.

I went on to explain that Jake had two options. My patented techniques were guaranteed to completely break down the boy, reprogram and then rebuild him. However, the big question was whether his desire for fist should be an addiction or a punishment. Time to find out.

`Well, loving fisting or resenting it depends on what level you're aiming for. We've established he's going to be ruined, but do you want him broken down to pighole or sluthole capacity?'

Was that a squeal under the gag? We both ignored it.

`The difference is subtle but important. Once we're done the boy is always going to feel a certain amount of desperation if he's not being fisted. However, that constant need has the potential to drive him mad. The big difference is that the pighole will luxuriate in getting his fix from anyone he meets. He won't discriminate, needing it so bad that he'll take anyone's hands sliding into his mangled cunt. However, the sluthole will be far more discerning. He'll love - and need - fist just as much as the pighole, but we'll implant and train his standards so he won't be satisfied with any old fist. No, he'll be trained to seek out more... unique qualities.'

`Seriously, you can do that?'

`Sure, why not? After all, you've got the budget for it. Even if you pay for sluthole capacity there'll still be plenty left for all the other alterations.'

A little bit of tension in Jake relaxed. I hadn't realised he was on edge, the boy had evidently got under his skin and he really wanted these changes to be permanent. Maybe he felt he wouldn't have fulfilled his part of the bargain if the boy didn't leave his hands better than when he arrived?

I went on to expand upon the very real differences between pig and slut. A pig takes anything, a relatively easy life. But if we lowered the boy to sluthole capacity then we would artificially change his quality threshold to be very specific. For example, we could program him so he would only be satisfied by the very largest of hands. Or twist his head so he'll give himself up to every black stud he see's walking down the street. Or only give it up for tall, short or obese men. Or only those in full leather or tight rubber. Honestly, the list is endless... but the important thing is the desperation we'll attach to the act. It wouldn't take long before his marks will realise that he can be dangerously manipulated in return for a fist. Fun for the tops but deeply humiliating for him. Christ, his hunger will be so acute that a savvy top will be able to make him swallow a whole gokkun jar in a heartbeat just for the promise of a fist that meets his needs.'

That was just one fucked up example - as I say, true sluthole capacity.

`You know, that sounds just the kind of treatment he needs. I really want to see how low he'll go before I chuck him out.' I could see Jake's jeans were tenting out - the idea was clearly turning him on, just as much as it was terrifying the tied-up bottom.

`Perfect. We don't have to decide what his standards are now - I'll send you a list to mull over in the next week or so - but we should decide the physical changes today. After all, that's where the majority of your budget will be spent.' I reached into a drawer and took out an iPad to help guide Jake through the choices he had to make. I loaded up our enrollment app, selected sluthole capacity and then swiped to the next question.

'Right, first of all: size of cunt. This is basically the `resting' size of the boy's hole that it will naturally return to after being fisted. Of course, there's going to be nothing natural about it - it will take a lot of hard work and extraordinary pain to get it to gape and stay open like this but I really think it's worth it.' I handed the iPad over to help Jake choose. It showed a remarkable gallery of cunts in various stages of development - from puckered to huge, fleshy mounds with puffy lips dripping ooze.

I could tell that Jake was taking this very seriously by the length of time he scrolled through the different options. He paused over one particular image before tapping the screen and handing the tablet back. I wasn't surprised to see he'd selected a giant rosebud (I knew he had good taste!) but I was delighted by what he said next.

`This is all great, but what I really want is for his hole to be taken beyond the point of no return. A permanent gape - open for action at all times.'

Bingo. `Sure, we can do that. You do know that usually means he'll have to be plugged to control himself when not playing?'

`Absolutely. It's not going to be my problem to worry about so that's something the cunt can take of herself. Serves her right. Now I was thinking about a gape two inches across...'

`Wow, you're serious about fucking him up aren't you? I'm afraid that's impossible without some very special procedures. They're expensive but they'd get you what you want...'

`What are we talking about?'

`Well, even the most stretched and wrecked cunt wants to close in on itself, that's just nature's way. We overcome that with a course of the biggest cunt reamers you've ever seen - honestly they're so big we have to make them ourselves - and by slowly increasing the size and the time that we force the boy to hold onto them.... but that will only take us so far. The gape starts off big but nearly always relaxes back down to only an inch or so. What you're looking for is something at least double the size, and permanent.

So, what we can do is stretch him to the correct size and then insert a flanged butt plug of the gape width you want - two, three or even four inches across. We then inject a special hard-wearing silicone into the inner muscle ring of his sphincter. This stuff is remarkable, developed by some of the finest plastic surgeons out there. It will stay soft and elastic for decades and can stretch way bigger than you can ever dream - he'll be able to take the double or even the triple with ease. The only thing the silicone won't be able to do is compress or fold down. In fact, once the silicone is set and the plug removed there's no way his hole will ever close tight again. Well, not least without surgery, and I don't even think that's possible...'

At that point the boy struggled again in his heavy restraints, evidently trying to protest once more. His act of rebellion meant I couldn't help but push Jake on how big he wanted to go. `How about we take him to three inches? Of course that would mean he'll only be able to find pleasure from seriously big fists. Christ, even massive hands will be sliding around in there like a finger in a wind sock... and of course a three inch gape would mean being fucked would be a significant problem. There's not many cocks out there that will even be able to touch the sides.'

Jake gently shook his head and said it was seriously tempting, but to stick to two inches - he had a big cock that could fill the biggest holes, but even then he liked a bit of grip every once and awhile.

`Perfect. So, the final decisions are clutching power, pussy lip development and modifications. Let's talk about clutch first.'

Jake looked momentarily confused and asked how the boy could be trained for clutching power if he had a permanent, surgically induced gape?

I said it was all about muscle control. When a `sense' is taken away from a regular person other parts of the body start to overcompensate. Just like the blind person whose hearing becomes extra sensitive. It's the same with cunts. Take away that exterior muscle and the internal muscles go into overdrive. I explained that we help train that instinct by giving our customers giant J-Lube enemas before inserting heavy stainless steel balls into their asses before telling them to hold on for as long as possible. We usually start with 4" balls, the weight of which really pushes down upon the cunt opening, all whilst the body desperately wants to expel the slippery lube. We then slowly progress down to balls only a quarter inch wider than their gape - by then they really have to fight to keep them in! It works as every bottom wants to hold on to their dignity and prove that they're not just one giant sluice gate... that's what makes it perfect in developing real muscle control.

`God, I can't wait to test that on him already' smiled Jake as I made another annotation.

'Right, onto pussy lips. As you're going for implants for his inner ring I highly recommend we do his outer cunt flaps at the same time. Big lips look so fucked up and really help bring in the punters.'

I honestly thought the boy was going to faint in his restraints. Hey ho. Jake asked me to explain, the boy's desperate expression making me hang out every word to really intensify his experience.

`Well, the silicon procedure we've agreed will give him a really inviting gape, however, it won't affect his pussy lips. If you want him to look well-used then his lips really should have their own distinctive labia that's fleshy and fantastically puffy. However, that's going to take some extra work if you want them to be long-lasting rather than merely developing during play...'

Seeing an opening, I continued. `Normally, I'd suggest a regular maintenance cycle to keep them at the appropriate size. Every month or so you'd take a cylindrical truncheon-style toy an inch or so larger than his gape and insert it into his hole. No lube of course (and if he's producing his own cunt juices by then it would be really important to ensure he's been thoroughly cleaned and dried out to ensure maximum friction). Force the toy dry into his hole and then slowly pull it back out, taking his pussy lips with it. Once those cunt flaps are out an inch or so, wet a leather rawhide string and wrap it around his lips for 15 minutes or so. It will be excruciatingly painful for him, but it will maintain the big pussy lips you want.'

However, I knew Jake wasn't interested in the boy's long-term maintenance. No, he wanted near instant results. As the boy struggled and rebelled I went on to explain that we could develop a more permanent solution. Basically using a series of flanged toys and punishing outward strokes to really make the boy's lips swell - perhaps with some rosebud pumping to really over-size and puff out the boy's muscular sphincter - before injecting multiple collagen fillers into the entire outer ring to permanently swell it into place.

As I elaborated, I demonstrated with a video gallery and I could tell that Jake was totally bought in (not least that a really big set of puffy cunt flaps truly inspires hard punishment from the tops the boy would be playing with in the future. That was what Jake wanted, right?).

I then went on to the body mods. These are important as they're an outward sign of a bottom's dedication and seriousness. You can't be a true, proud fisting pig without showing it to the world, right? And if you weren't proud (yet) then the modifications had to be so obvious they couldn't be hidden or disguised. I handed the iPad back to Jake, this time showing him a gallery of piercings and tattoos. Nipples, tramp stamps, Prince Albert's, guiches and the like. I said his budget left money for three, but given the size of his overall purchase I would throw in an extra two for free.

I was surprised at how quick Jake came to a decision on this one. In retrospect I think he might have been mulling it over before he arrived, not least as the boy was quite proud of his looks. In a word, vain. Jake told me he'd like to start off with a matching set of piercings. Big thick rings soldered in place. Septum, nipples and guiche. Real heavy fuckers that would make the bottom conscious of being a sex pig all the time - they had to be so big that they'd always attract the right kind of attention. I think it was very caring of Jake that he didn't want to handicap the boy right out of the gate by having him not look trade enough.

`I'd also like to go overboard on the tattoos - I want the world to know he's into serious ass-play. On his back, the large side profile of a pig - in black - with a clenched red fist right in the middle of the animal's body. That should show what he's into! You'll show me a design before you ink it, right?'

Of course, I nodded.

`However, I'm worried that still has the potential to create confusion. What if people don't know he's a total bottom? I want any doubt completely removed - his body must look constantly fucked up. Just the kind of sex he claims not to like right now...'

My attention was piqued as Jake continued. This was seriously horny.

`You know when you have a proper session with a real fist pig and lube ends up everywhere? A thick coating around their pussy with big drips and splashes running down their legs? That's just how I'd like you to ink him up. Permanent lube and ass juices everywhere, at least to his knees. I want him to have a permanent reminder of the fucked up little whore he really is, and a signal to everyone else of exactly the kind of play session he's going to need to be satisfied.'

I smiled and made an annotation on the iPad. This really was sick. And fantastically fucked up! The boy really was going to be a changed man. I looked up to report that Jake still had £2,658 of his budget left. He asked me to throw in some leather and rubber gear as the boy would be bound to need it.

Perfect' I said, now just one signature before I can take payment. If you'd just like to sign this waiver.' I handed the iPad to him.

'Waiver, what waiver?' he replied, looking nonplussed.

'It basically says that all alterations are final and that we can't be held responsible if you change your mind. Basically once we take payment your boy will be a cunt, permanently wrecked. The scope of the procedures you've asked for will render him unable to be anything other. This program will define the rest of his life. You do understand that, right?'

Jake signed the waiver so fast I barely saw his finger tip move across the screen. After all, the two men did have a contract. The forfeit clause was all legal and above board.

'Okay, so that's all done... anything you'd like to say to the boy before you leave him? We'll send you status updates of course, but we find it best if the two of you don't have any contact during the program. We're probably looking at least six months to make these changes.'

Jake smiled a wicked grin before standing up and gently kissing the boy's tear-drenched cheek. He looked into his eyes and said he was sorry it hadn't quite worked out between them... but that every day from now he'd be looking forward to the moment he could slide his beefy paws into the boy's new hole. That even with his new permanent gape he'd make sure it would be a challenge. With or without lube will be the first question? And maybe several layers of thick industrial rubber gloves to really help drill in that actions always have consequences?

With that Jake laughed and walked out, leaving the boy at our mercy.

Twenty minutes later Jason reported back to say the boy had settled in his quarters, even though the decor had been something of a shock to the lad. His cell was decorated with a pornographic collage of juicy and trashed holes displayed in epically obscene detail. Wall to wall cunt, if you will - I was determined to immediately start imprinting him with our goals.

My leather-clad assistant then threw in a real belter. The boy had looked terrified at the black eye he'd given Jason - would that spell even more trouble for him? My assistant, as ever relying on his darkest and most fucked sexual instincts, relished the moment. He told the boy he was lucky the waiver didn't mention just how prolapsed Jake wanted the boy's hole to be... and as the paperwork says, all alterations are final...

Next: the Hole Inspector plays matchmaker.

Next: Chapter 4

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