The Hockey Boys

By c m

Published on Jul 21, 2023


This is a work of fiction. Same disclaimers and advice apply as at chapter 1.

I'd love your feedback; email me at please support the Nifty Archive if you can; without it, none of these stories would be here.

Chapter 3

It took us about forty minutes to get to the Eden Project. It was quite busy, and after we had parked we had about a fifteen minute walk before the incredible glass biomes came into view. We bought our tickets and decided to wait for the little train to take us down to the bottom of the old china clay pit in which the domes were situated.

We started with the rainforest biome. It was hot and humid inside, and Max and I were glad that we were wearing only t-shirts and shorts. It was extraordinary to see bananas growing there and a range of birds flew around inside as we followed the path through a maze of exotic plants and waterfalls. Max was stunned. We made our way through it and then out into the Mediterranean biome which was full of flowers and vegetables of all sort, and then finally into the gardens outside which were full of exotic sculptures. We must have spent nearly two hours walking around, and we finished by buying an ice cream which we ate as we walked back up to the top and from there to the car.

"What a wonderful place, Chris."

"Great idea of yours to visit."

We stopped at a pub on the way back for a very late lunch of a Ploughman's - which was another new food experience for Max - and then headed back to the lodge. It was late afternoon but we reckoned a quick visit to the beach and a swim would be a good end to the day, so we put on swimming costumes, grabbed a towel, and headed for the beach.

Apart from two people walking dogs, it was deserted. Max and I dumped our towels and headed for the water. Max had learned – and this time, like me, he just headed out and then threw himself headlong into the waves. After the initial shock had worn off, the water wasn't too bad, and we swam parallel with the beach a little way before heading off around the rocks to the cove where we had spent the night.

This time it was empty, and Max and I splashed ashore and sat down on the sand. He put an arm around my shoulders. The water dripped lazily off his curls and ran down his brown skin like little diamonds. I thought that he had never looked sexier.

"You turn me on so much, Max Schell."

He put a hand on the front of my swimmers, where a lump had started to grow.

" I see. have turned me on from the first moment I saw you by the lift that day."

I saw a little smile play around his lips.

"You want to fuck me"

"I'd love to Max...but it's too risky. It's still broad daylight and there are people on the other beach."

"But they can't see us...and no -one comes here."

He stood up and wriggled out of his shorts, exposing his erection.


"Max...put it away. Please."

"No...I won't. Relax Chris. It will be fine."


"You know you want to fuck me. I know you want to fuck me. I want to be fucked. Come on."

He knelt down with his bottom facing me and waggled it. There is only so much temptation a boy can take.

"You're impossible, Max..."

I dropped my shorts and knelt behind him. Without lube, it wasn't easy to enter him, but I used some saliva and felt myself slide inside. I fucked him fast, worried that someone would appear around the rocks at any time. It was, however, undeniably exciting and when I came it was with a sense of having done something naughty but nice. Max had clearly enjoyed it too.

We both pulled our shorts back up and ran back into the waves We swam back round the rocks and were back at our towels a couple of minutes later.

Max had a goofy grin on his face. "See? Perfect. No-one saw anything or knows anything. And it felt very good, Chris. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Yes...I did...but..."

"No buts. Just relax Chris. Life is an adventure."

"It sure is with you, you mad German."

"I will treat that as a compliment."

We walked back up the beach, passing two other boys on the way. One of them turned round and looked at me as we went by. Nice looking boy.

"Hah...someone else fallen instantly for your good looks, I think."

"Don't be daft."

"We'll see."

Back at the lodge, we showered and took some pizzas out of the freezer for dinner. I quite fancied a beer, but didn't want to walk all the way into the village. I remembered that the Manor house had a bar in it and suggested to Max that maybe we could go and have a beer there before dinner.

"Good idea."

We put on some fresh clothes and Max and I gave each other a squirt of Eau Sauvage before we wandered up to the house and found our way to the Quarterdeck Bar. As we walked in, the two boys we had passed on the path were sitting at the bar. We walked over and ordered two lagers. The boy who'd looked at me on the path smiled at me. I smiled back.

"We saw you on the path to the beach, didn't we? Are you staying here?"

I nodded. "Yes, we've been here a week. I'm Chris and this is Max."

"Hi. I'm Matt and this is Ian. We arrived today. We come down here every year with my parents."

"Nice to meet you, Matt...Ian." I shook hands with them.

"Are you two down here on your own?"

"Yes, we're using my grandparents lodge, E17, on the far side of the grounds."

"Oh...close to the beach path. We're in E42."

"And you and Ian friends? College friends?"

"School friends - although we've just finished. Did A levels a few weeks ago. And you and Max?"

"We're boyfriends. Max is from Germany."

"You're gay?" He blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that. Wow."

"And you?"

"" I saw Matt look at Ian. "That is, I am, but Ian isn't."

Up close, Matt was a very good looking boy. He had floppy brown hair that he kept pushing out of one eye, brown eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. He was wearing shorts - like Max and me - and his legs were long and slim and nicely tanned. He had delicate fingers and was wearing three leather thongs around his left wrist. He also had the most ravishing smile.

Ian spoke to Max. "Where are you from, Max?"

"From near Frankfurt. I'm staying with Chris for a few weeks and then we are both going back to Germany for him to see a bit of my country."

"You speak very good English, if I may say so."

"Thank you. A combination of an English grandfather and being with Chris for a while helps very much."

"So how long have you been...together?"

"About six months, but we met a year before that."

"How did you meet?"

And so Max told them the story - minus the sex - of the Hague tournament and Mark and me. And what had happened to Mark and then how we had got together afterwards.

"I'm so sorry to hear about Mark," said Matt.

" was very hard at the time...but Max was there for me and now...well... I'm very lucky."

"I think I was the lucky one to get such a beautiful boy."

"You bet," said Matt. He blushed. I flashed a smile at him and he smiled back.

Max and I finished our beers and stood up.

"Very nice to have met you both. I hope that we'll see more of you over the next week. Do come and knock on our door sometime if you're free."

"Thanks. And very nice to have met you too."

As we walked back to our lodge, Max said, " See? I told you he had fallen for you."

"What on earth makes you think that?"

"First because of how he looked at you. Second because of what he said, and third.... because everyone falls for you."

"Well I haven't fallen for him. You are the only one I've fallen for."

"I know. But I bet he - or maybe both of them - come and knock on our door before the week is out."

"Guess we better start wearing some clothes then."

"Oh no. Much better to shock them." Max grinned.

"You are incorrigible."

"In what?"

"Incorrigible. It means you'll never change." I put my arm round his shoulder. "And promise me that you never will."

We enjoyed the pizzas with a bit of salad we had left over and finished off what was left of the ice cream. The weather forecast was not very good for the next few days; the sun was going to be replaced by wind and rain and we discussed what we were going to do if that happened.

Max suggested that we might go into Truro and buy some movies to watch. It wasn't a bad idea as we needed to do some food shopping. And he also said that once we had everything we needed, he was quite happy to spend as much time in bed with me as I wanted. I told him I wanted a lot of time in bed with him - but that I thought it might also be fun to have sex in every room in the place. He gave me a big smile.

That night we didn't have sex. The weekend with James had taken its toll. We were tired and just fell asleep. The next morning, we woke late and I brought us both up a cup of coffee. The weather had indeed changed. The sky was overcast and looked laden with rain and we felt in no great hurry to get up. By the time we had eventually showered, it had actually started to rain, and it continued to do so as we drove all the way into Truro.

By some miracle, once we'd parked it had stopped raining so we managed to go and buy three videos without getting soaked. We went to Tesco and loaded up with food and drink for the rest of the week before heading back to the lodge. By the time we left Truro, the wind had picked up again and we were pleased that we'd brought sweaters with us.

The next three days were pretty miserable weather-wise. Max and I spent a lot of time in bed and we also completed our goal of having sex in every room in the lodge. I fucked him in all three bedrooms and the bathroom and over the sofa in the lounge, and he took me in the shower room and bent over the desk in the study. But by the third morning we were so fed up that we decided to go to the beach anyway.

It wasn't actually raining, and the forecast was for the weather to brighten up in the course of the day. We just each put on a sweater and then headed out. The beach was a different place when the sun wasn't shining. The sea looked grey instead of blue and the wind whipped sand against our legs. But it was strangely beautiful in its wilder state, and Max and I just walked the length of it, holding hands. At the far end, we found some shelter in a recess in the rocks under the cliff and kissed. I slipped a hand inside Max's shorts and stroked him to full erection before popping the buttons and pulling his cock out into the fresh air. I masturbated him until he came, his cum falling in pearly white drops onto the sand.

"I think my lion is getting braver...out here in the open but not worried?"

"You've taught me well, Max."

"Good, then you'll be OK with this too."

He unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down round my ankles, then knelt in front of me and took me in his mouth. It was exhilarating and exciting and I came all too quickly, my seed following Max's down onto the sand. We buttoned up and walked back along the beach, arms around each other's shoulders.

As we walked up off the beach, we saw Matt and he waved at us.

"Hi Matt...out and about early."

" are having a lazy morning and Ian is still asleep so I thought I'd go for a walk. Have you been on the beach?"

"Yes...there's something rather enjoyable about the beach in its wild state as well as in the sun. We were just going to have a cup of coffee...would you like one?"

He smiled. "That would be lovely - thank you."

He followed us back to the lodge and I put the kettle on.

"So, how long have you known you were gay, Matt?" asked Max.

"Maybe a year. Well, I suppose I knew before that...but I only acknowledged it to myself about a year ago."

"Sounds familiar," I said. "Have you told your family?"

"No...not yet. I suppose I should."

"But Ian knows?"

"Yes...he's my best friend. I told him. He's...OK ...with it. And he won't say anything."

"Well that's a good start. Have you had much experience with boys?"

He smiled ruefully. "No. Well...that is...are you a public schoolboy?"

"I was, yes."

"Then I guess we both had wank buddies. That's pretty much it for me. It's just...I started to have feelings for other boys. It wasn't just a release."

"You could be telling my story, Matt."


" was a boy I wanked with who made me realise that I was gay. He had known he was gay for ages...remember I mentioned Mark?" Matt nodded. "It was him. He was comfortable with who and what he was and he made me recognise what I was - and to see that how I felt was OK."

"So you and he did more than wank off?"

"Yes. Eventually. It took some time. Although we both had feelings for each other from the start. We knew that we were more than just wank buddies."

"I wish I had done more than wank off with a few boys. It would be so nice to have someone like you...or discover things with." He smiled at both of us.

"You would like to discover things with us?" asked Max.

Matt blushed and went silent.

"I...I...don't know. I'd like to but I'm a bit scared as well. And anyway you two are a couple."

Max looked at me. I nodded.

"Matt...if you want stuff...we'd be happy to show you. But there's no pressure. And you must go away and think about it. We don't want you to feel you've been talked into something you don't want or will regret."

"You are both very kind. But why would I not want to discover myself with two of the most beautiful boys I have ever met? I can tell that you two care for each other very much. I just don't understand why you would want to do this for me?"

"You are a very good-looking boy too, Matt. Sexy, in fact. And we would rather you discovered what you're looking for in safety than with someone who might be...not so nice. Ask Max about that if you want."

And Max told him the story of what had happened with Klaus.

"That was a very bad way to discover sex. But I was horny and I didn't know any better. It was a hard lesson."

"It sounds awful." He turned to me. "Chris, I don't need time to think about this. I would very much like to do things with you and Max."

"OK. How much time do you have?"

"Maybe an hour. I left a note saying that I was going for a walk."

"Well then...if you're sure... why don't we go upstairs."

In the bedroom, Max and I took off our clothes and so did Matt. He was a little shy, but that was understandable. He looked at us both.

"Wow. You're beautiful. And no tan lines...does that mean that you...."

"Yes, we've been sunbathing naked in the back garden."

"And no pubes. I've never seen that before."

"No," said Max, "I have always liked to be shaved and I like Chris the same way."


While we were talking, Matt's cock had been steadily swelling and rising. Fully erect, he was about the same size as Max and me, but he was circumcised. He had a sprinkle of hair in the centre of his chest, and a happy trail that ran down from his belly-button to his groin, where a mass of light brown hair surrounded his cock and balls. I stepped toward him and took his erection in my hand. He gasped, but then took hold of me. Max came across and took Matt's other hand and put it on his own cock.

"Oh my god. I can't believe this."

"What would you like to do, Matt?"

"I've...never had oral sex. Would it be OK to try?"

"Of course. Lie on the bed."

Matt lay down in the middle of the bed and Max lay on one side and I lay on the other.

"Who would you like to suck you first, Matt?"

The sweet boy was trembling as he lay there. "You please, Chris," he whispered.

I moved my head down level with his cock, and ran my tongue slowly down the shaft and up again before licking around the purple head.

"Oh fuck. Oh man."

I took him in my mouth and slowly let my lips work their way down to his balls. He was incredibly hard. I saw Max kiss him on the cheek. Matt turned his head towards Max. Their lips met and they started to kiss. I began to suck Matt properly and was soon rewarded with a taste of precum. He was sweet and delicious. I decided it was time for Max to take over, and came back up to give Matt a kiss. Max took my place on his cock and Matt slipped his tongue into my mouth. I saw happiness and excitement in his eyes as we kissed. I felt his body shudder, and knew that he must be close to cumming. Max clearly knew so too, and pulled off in time for us both to see Matt cum; a glorious fountain of white that erupted from his cock reaching as far as his chin.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fucketty fuck. Oh my god. Oh wow."

I smiled down at him. "I take it you enjoyed that?"

"It was AMAZING...can I do it to you? Please? I want to try."

I lay back and spread my legs.

"Get between them, and then use your tongue and your I did. Be careful with your teeth. And pull my foreskin back - either with your hand or with your lips."

Matt turned out to be a natural. He went down on me like a pro, lips over his teeth and skinning me back as he slid his lips down my shaft. He used a hand to massage my balls as he did so. He licked me and sucked me like he was afraid I was going somewhere. He got me close to cumming.

" are very good at this, Matt, but I don't want to cum yet. Why don't you try Max?"

He slurped off me and got between Max's legs instead - and proceeded to do exactly the same for him as he had done for me.

" are fantastic, Matt."

Matt soon had Max squirming with pleasure.

"I am going to cum, Matt."

Matt released Max from his mouth and took hold of his cock, masturbating him to his climax, watching Max's cum spurt all over his stomach and running his fingers experimentally through it. Then he turned back to me, took me in his mouth again and took me to the point of no return. I told him that I was cumming but he just kept sucking. I came in his mouth and he swallowed the lot.

He came up for air, his face flushed. "I hope it was OK to let you cum in my mouth. I wanted to see what it tasted like...I mean, I've tried my own but I was pretty nice."

"You were amazing Matt...for a first time, well...if you hadn't told me, I would have thought that you had been sucking boys off for years."

He beamed with pleasure. "I think it's the most pleasurable thing I've ever done in my life. I'd love to do it again."

"Hold your horses for a bit. But you are welcome to suck me - and I'm sure Max feels the same - any time."

"For sure, Matt. You are one of the best."

"I think I probably ought to be getting back anyway. They'll start getting worried if I don't show reasonably on time. ...but...there's more I'd like you to show me. I want to try fucking. Is that possible another time?"

"Max and I need to talk about that, Matt. We might be happy to fuck you, but we don't normally let anyone else fuck us. I'm sorry if that disappoints you."

"I'll take what I can, Chris. But can we meet up again? Soon?"

"You let us know when you'll be free, and we'll try to be here for you. And I meant to say - you've got a great body."

He flushed with pleasure. "Thank you guys so much. What a start to the day. What a start to my holiday."

He gave both of us a kiss, then got dressed. We all went downstairs and gave him a hug at the door before he went on his way with a big grin on his face.

I turned to Max. "Well...that was unexpected...and unexpectedly good. What a nice guy...and how good was he?"

"Astonishing. You think it really was his first time?"

"I suppose it's impossible to be sure, but yes, I think it was. I think he's just a natural."

Chapter 4

The forecast that morning had said that the day would brighten up, and sure enough, by mid- afternoon the sun was out and the temperature was virtually back to where it had been over the weekend. Max and I decided that it was time to top up our tans, and we'd stripped down to our shorts when there was a knock on the door.

I opened it to find Matt and Ian on the doorstep.

"Hi guys, what can we do for you?"

"We wondered if you were doing anything or if you would like to come down to the beach with us and throw a frisbee around."

"We were just going to go and lie in the garden and sunbathe. Hold on, I'll ask Max. Come in, by the way." I went back into the lounge, "Max; Matt and Ian want to know if we'd like to go to the beach and throw a frisbee around?"

Max shrugged. "Why not?"

We went as we were, shirtless, and once on the beach Matt and Ian also took their shirts off, with Ian revealing a firm upper body with a generous covering of hair. We threw the frisbee around for a bit but it's not something I've ever been really good at. I ended up hot and covered in sand from the many times I'd had to dive to try and catch the wretched thing.

"I need a swim," I said. I didn't have a costume on, so I just headed for the waves in my shorts. I reckoned they would dry OK later. Seeing me splashing about, the others soon decided to join me and we ended up having a big water fight in the shallows. This turned into a bit of a wrestling match, and Matt threw himself at me, knocking me over with him landing on top. Meanwhile Max had his hands full with Ian who was trying to achieve much the same thing. As I came up out of the water, I felt Matt put his hand on the front of my shorts and give me a big squeeze.

He put his mouth close to my ear and said, "This morning was amazing. I can't wait to do it again."

"Anytime, Matt, anytime."

Eventually, we all straggled back out of the water.

"Anyone for a beer?" I asked.

A chorus of 'yesses' greeted the idea, and so we all headed back to our lodge. Inside the door, I shucked off my wet shorts so that they didn't drip all over the floor and went through to the lounge naked. Max did the same. Matt and Ian looked at each other and then peeled off their shorts too.

I went and got some towels and put one round my waist before throwing one each to Matt and Ian, but not before I had got a good look at what Ian had between his legs. It was quite impressive - at least six inches of thick, uncircumcised cock. It also didn't appear to be completely limp - at least to my eyes.

Max had taken four cold beers out of the fridge, and we sat on the sundeck to drink them. Matt looked around.

"Wow. You're completely private here, aren't you?"

"Yup. That's why we sunbathe naked."

"Naked?" said Ian, "Really?"

"Sure. No tan lines, see?" I undid my towel to show my all-over tan. "It looks so much better. Just have to be careful to use plenty of suncream - burnt 'bits' are very painful."

"If we wanted to sunbathe...naked...could we come here and do it?" asked Ian.

"Sure...why not. Start now if you will take a while for the shorts to dry. There's suncream here if you want it."

Matt and Ian looked at each other again.

"I'm up for it," said Matt.

"Hummm...'up' is an unfortunate word in my case," said Ian. "Sorry, but I'm not used to being surrounded by naked people - especially good looking ones."

"I know it might seem embarrassing, Ian, but there is nothing to be ashamed of in having an erection. We are all horny's natural. We all get hard sometimes." said Max.

"Maybe I can lie on my front for a bit?"

"Whatever you want, Ian...but no-one is going to make fun of you for having a stiffy. More likely that we'll all just be jealous." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Then he laughed.

"OK. But I'm going to start on my front...."

He peeled off his towel and lay face down on it. But I had caught a glimpse. He was a big boy.

Matt had no such inhibitions. He first rubbed suncream all over Ian's back and his very white bottom, then rubbed more all over his own front, including his cock and balls, before lying down, face up beside Ian.

Max and I stretched out as well, face up. I saw Matt looking at me and his cock slowly started to rise to its full glory. That set me off, and I was soon hard as well. Then Ian turned his head towards us and you could virtually see his eyes widen as he saw both Matt and me with hard-ons.

"See Ian, I told you it happens."

Sheepishly, Ian turned over revealing his erection. Eight, maybe nine, inches of hard manhood were standing to attention at forty-five degrees to his body.

"I bet it's a relief not having to lie on top of that," I said.

He giggled. "'s a lot more comfortable like this."

Matt was staring at Ian's impressive member. "Bloody hell come you never told me you had a monster?"

"You never asked. And anyway, it's not the sort of thing a straight boy talks about to another boy. Even to his best friend."

"Here," I said, throwing him the suncream. Put some of this on it - just don't use the whole tube."

Ian and Matt both laughed. Then Matt said, "I'll rub it in for you if you like."

"You bloody won't," said Ian, but in a friendly, fun way.

We lay and chatted, turning over from time to time for an hour or so, by which time I reckoned all the shorts would be dry. I padded off to check and found that Matt had followed me. I looked at him...and went upstairs. He followed.

"I know we need to be quick, but can I suck you again...please?"

"Be quick."

He knelt down and took me in his mouth. He felt so good on my cock and he got me off in next to no time, swallowing all my cum as I pumped it into his mouth.

"Want one back?" I asked.

"If we have time."

I took his rock hard cock in my mouth and worked him as hard and fast as I could. God, he must have been so ready. It lasted about thirty seconds. I felt his hands in my hair and heard him stifle a moan as he came. With nothing to catch it in, I swallowed his load too – to his surprise but evident pleasure. Salty, but nice. We had a quick hug.

"Here, put these on." I handed him his, now dry, shorts, and slipped mine on too. we took Max's and Dan's out with us.

"All dry."

Ian put his shorts back on, his erection had softened but it was still a tight fit behind the zip. Max stayed naked. I saw them to the door and we agreed to meet for a beer that evening in the quarterdeck. I went back out into the garden and took off my shorts.

"So was he as good this time?" asked Max with a knowing smile.

"Oh yes. Good – but almost instant. I'm sorry - I should have asked you if it was OK but he just followed me and propositioned me. What's a boy to do?"

"That's fine, Chris. I knew that's what he wanted from the moment he knocked on the door with that excuse about playing frisbee. And I'm not sure Ian is quite as dead straight as he makes out either. He and I had an interesting chat while you two were gobbling each other upstairs."

"How so?"

"He was asking a lot of...intimate...questions about what you and I did together. And as he already had that massive hard-on, he couldn't get any harder...but he sure wasn't getting any softer either as I told him what he wanted to know."

I lay down beside Max and we enjoyed the feel of the sun on our bodies. I reached across and took hold of his cock. It hardened in my hand.

"You know, Max. No matter how big or small, thick or thin, or short or long other boys' cocks may be, yours is still my favourite." I eased his foreskin back and forward over the head. I caressed his balls. "I love masturbating you. Sometimes simple pleasures are the best."

Max just had a big smile on his face. He closed his eyes. "Be my guest."

When he came, I licked it off his stomach, before kissing him with his seed still in my mouth. We shared the taste of him, and he put his arms around me and held me to him.

"All these other boys are all well and good. But I only really want you, Chris."

"Me too, Max. Matt is lovely - but I think we say 'no' to fucking."

"I agree. Good."

We'd decided to head back home at the end of the week, so the day before we were due to leave I went off to fill the car with petrol and then go and buy some fresh fish for dinner from a little fishing village about twenty minutes or so up the coast. I left Max tidying the lodge up.

I got back about an hour later, but there was no sign of Max in the lounge. I could hear sounds from upstairs, however and when I looked in the bedroom, there were Max and Matt, stark naked, giving each other a mutual blow-job on the bed. Matt had a shiny, oiled back where Max had clearly given him a massage. I guess the inevitable had then happened.

I went over and gave them both a friendly smack on the bottom.

"Couldn't wait for me, then?"

I stripped off and then sat on the chair in the corner. A few minutes later, Matt moaned,

"I'm going to cum, Max,"

I got up and oiled a finger with Max's massage oil and, as he came, slid it into Matt's hole. His eyes almost popped out of his head and his cum shot in a huge rope all over Max's face and hair.

"Oh did you learn that?"

I smiled. "I've had two good teachers."

Matt went back to sucking Max, who was soon cumming all over Matt's chest.

They both sat back up and smiled at each other.

"I hope you don't mind, Chris. Max gave me such a nice massage, and then...well...I was all hard and..."

"You don't have to tell me, was the same for me the first time. And you have nothing to apologise for."

Max got off the bed. "Why don't I leave you two to it. I'm sure Matt would love to do it again with you, Chris."

Matt didn't say anything to suggest otherwise, so I took Max's place on the bed while he put his shorts back on and went back down to the lounge.

"When Max said that you were going tomorrow, I just wanted..."

I put my finger on his lips. "Shhh....just come here."

He lay down beside me and I licked his nipples. I put my hand between his legs. His cock was semi-hard and sticky. He hardened at my touch. I licked all the way down his chest to his groin and ran my tongue around the head of his cock, flicking it over the little 'V' shape on the underside. I heard his intake of breath. I took his balls in one hand and rolled them around.

Up close, I could see that the skin on his cock was completely tight when he was hard - there was no extra to move up and down. When I had wanked Fergus at school, although he was also circumcised, there was quite a bit of skin that I could still move up and down his shaft. I said as much to Matt.

" depends on how you are cut. I have what's called a 'tight' circumcision. They take away lots of skin - worst luck. It means what's left only just covers the whole of my cock when I'm hard. I wish I was uncircumcised like you - I love playing with your foreskin...and Max's."

"You have a great cock, Matt....I love that you are circumcised. It's...just...different."

"I guess maybe we all like what we don't have." He smiled. "Anyway, you have a fantastic cock too."

So where does Ian think you are?"

"'He knows I'm here...saying goodbye. But he knows what we're doing. When we were lying in bed last night, I told him about what I'd done with you two. He asked me all the details...he got really hard...and then he asked me if I'd blow I did. But he's big, Chris. I could only get about half of him in my mouth before it hit the back of my throat and I gagged. He enjoyed it. It felt like he came loads, all in a sort of slow stream that flowed down his cock - not in spurts like you and me. He didn't offer to blow me in return, but I didn't expect him to. It left me very horny though."

"I have the same problem with a gag reflex, Matt. Max doesn't though. I hope Ian doesn't...force do things you don't know...doesn't take advantage of the fact that you are gay."

"Oh no...we've been best friends for ages. That's the first time we've ever done anything together. I like sucking. It's something I have to thank you and Max for helping me to discover. I mean, I love being sucked too, but really turns me on. I'm happy to have blown Ian...and I hope I can keep on doing it."

"Well, you're certainly damn good at it...and if you and Ian are both happy with the arrangement, then why not?"

"Thank you so much for this week...for showing me everything you've shown me. And Max explained about the whole not fucking thing...I understand. In fact, I think it's cool you feel like that about each other. And I'm having the best holiday ever, anyway, and it's all down to you two."

He leaned over and kissed me.

"Come on Matt...let's go find Max."

Max and I both gave him a big hug before he left - and we both wished him good luck in finding the boyfriend he deserved. We exchanged addresses and phone numbers.

"Nice boy. He will make someone a fine boyfriend," said Max. I agreed.

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Next: Chapter 18: Max and Me 4

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