The Hitch in My Plan

By Slade C

Published on Oct 7, 2023


"The Hitch in my Plan" Part 4 by Chris Slade

Copyright © 2018-2023 by Chris Slade. All rights reserved. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

This story is fiction and involves sex, BDSM, kink and fetish activity that may be offensive. All characters are (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age, please exit this site immediately.

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The Hitch in My Plan

Part four

I had been blindfolded for such a long time that when it was removed, I was overwhelmed by the light in the room. My instinct was to rub my eyes but my wrists were still fastened at my waist. I blinked, then shut and opened them very slowly. After blinking a few more times, my vision started to clear.

In the corner was an odd piece of furniture I believe is called a fuck bench. He pulled me up and said, "Let's see how you fit on it. This should be more comfortable for you until your ankle heals."

He stood me next to it. "Climb on like a motorbike and then lay flat on top of it." The top was well padded and my legs and arms rested easily on the brackets where they would be secured. A wide belt tightened across my lower back. My legs were secured at the ankle and above the knee and my arms at the wrist and above the elbow. I was aware of how vulnerable my cock and balls were as they dangled naked between my legs. My ass was also totally exposed. I saw him holding a wooden paddle and I tried to raise my ass. I found myself helpless to resist whatever he was going to do to me.

His hand moved down my back until he was kneading my ass, and then he slapped it. He let his finger dip down inside my ass crack and rub across my puckered hole. I tensed my muscles.

Suddenly, my ass was struck with a force that pushed the breath out of me. A fire began to build in the flesh of my ass. Then it happened again. A slow rhythm set in and I began to yelp each time the wood made contact. He paddled my ass for about five minutes before he stopped. I had counted over fifty smacks before I quit counting.

He brought over a gas mask and strapped it onto my head. The eyeholes were blacked out, so I was plunged into darkness again, and my fear increased. I would have no idea what was coming and no way to resist. I tried to fight the bondage with hope of loosening it a bit, but it was useless. All I accomplished was flexing my muscles until they ached. I was dripping with sweat by the time I gave up. I heard him laughing, amused by my futile struggle. He stroked my back and ass while I was straining on the bench.

I felt him fiddling with the hose on the mask, and suddenly the smell of sweaty feet filled the mask. "That's one of your smelly shoes. Let's find out how much you get turned on by your own stink," he said as he began to paddle my ass again.

Each stroke caused me to draw in a deep breath, and soon my senses were overwhelmed with the scent of my feet. My head felt dizzy, like the odor was making me drunk. I had to admit that I was getting turned on by it as I felt my cock begin to swell. He noticed too and took a break to stroke my hardening shaft. "I guess I was right about you. Look how hard your dick is just from sniffing your sweaty shoe. Now we'll find out if you like my scent," he said. A few moments later, he pulled the breathing hose out of my shoe and a new odor filled the mask. It was thick and warm. As I pulled in my first full breath of it, I was disgusted by how strong it was. It might have smelled good if it wasn't so pungent, but this odor was too intense. I tried to breathe as little as possible, but when he resumed paddling my sore, burning ass, I couldn't control my breathing anymore. Each smack forced the air from my lungs, and my body automatically pulled in a deep breath of his stink.

After a few minutes, it didn't seem as strong and the smell didn't bother me as much. Now, my attention was focused on the intensifying pain in my ass. He had been spanking me for at least twenty minutes and my butt was on fire. Suddenly, the smell I was being forced to inhale started to have an effect on me. I noticed how it was a scent entirely different from my own, and I found that exciting. I forgot about my ass and began to study the subtle aromas filling my nose. Likewise, I was getting aroused again and couldn't help myself as I started trying to hump the bench. He stopped spanking me and let my hips try to thrust forward, even though I could hardly move them. He traced a finger along the length of my cock and I felt the pre-cum spill from the tip. "It's obvious you are really getting turned on by my foot odor. I knew you were a nasty little pig. That's why you're so perfect for me to use and train. I know you will eventually enjoy what I'm doing to you, and you'll be glad I kept you here and showed you all the ways men can get pleasure from each other."

Then he pulled the hose from his boot and pressed the open end against my armpit. Wow, I couldn't believe how ripe I was after I'd just taken a bath a few hours ago. He was behind me, but instead of the paddle, I felt his face press against my ass, forcing its way into my crack. I felt the wetness of his tongue, and then he began to lick my asshole. The sensations were wild. I'd never felt anything like it, and I didn't want it to stop.

The odor from my musky pit was also working to make me even more horny. I knew my scent well and had always been aroused by my body odor. I could feel my hard cock pulsing and swelling while a steady stream of pre-cum spilled out of it. I was breathing heavily and moaning loudly as he tormented my butt hole with intense pleasure.

"You like that, don't you boy?" he asked. I grunted affirmatively.

He continued eating my ass until I was a drooling, quivering mess. Moaning and willing to let him have his way with me if it felt this good. He removed the gas mask and then I felt his hard cock begin to slide along my spit-slickened crack. There was a brief pause and then I felt the tip of his dick pressing into my hole. It automatically clenched against the intruder but he kept pushing inward. The lubrication helped as my asshole opened around the head of his cock. After a little bit of pain, I felt my hole snap down around his shaft with the crown fully inside. I tried to relax but it wasn't until his entire length was in me that I stopped fighting. I felt stuffed full like I needed to take a shit. He held still until I stopped squirming so much and then grabbed my hips as he pulled backward. Before pulling all the way out, he pushed back in again and I howled into the gag. I felt him spit in my crack and soon he had a steady rhythm going. "Yeah, take that dick boy!"

I was getting used to how it felt to have a cock in my ass and was starting to enjoy it as he pressed against my prostate each time he plowed into me. After about five minutes, I began to relax and this made the ordeal far less uncomfortable. I slumped on top of the bench and surrendered to his cock. I could feel the hardness of my shaft as it jostled between my legs and realized I was actually getting off on what was happening. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt him slam into me hard and stay there. Then the unmistakable feeling of his cock pulsing and swelling as he shot his load inside me.

His sweat was dripping onto my back and he collapsed on top of me. He wrapped his arms around my body and squeezed me tightly. He licked the sweat off the back of my neck and ran his fingers through my damp hair. He pulled my head to the side and tried to make out with me but I didn't return his kiss. He kept kissing me anyway while breathing heavily and sliding against my slick back. I could feel how muscular his torso was and was glad he wasn't some ugly, overweight, old man raping me. That would be even more degrading.

He pulled his softening dick out of my ass and replaced it with a couple of fingers. He poked around in there, coating them with his spunk, and then smeared it across my face and into my mouth. I gagged and spit it out so he stuck his fingers back in my hole and did it again. I felt my cock shriveling and the eroticism of the moment was gone. Now, I was just uncomfortable and pissed off but too tired and sore to fight. He left me on the bench and went back upstairs, slamming the entry door and closing me in total darkness.

Later that night he came and untied me and secured me spread-eagle on the mattress. Except he secured my injured leg at the knee instead of the ankle. I was totally naked and he took advantage of that by feeling all over my body. Teasing my sensitive parts and praising my athletic form. He hinted at things he would be doing to me, either in an effort to turn me on or terrify me. Maybe both. He slept there with me that night and I was constantly woken up by him pawing at me or rubbing against me. His hard cock was jabbing me all night long and I was afraid he would fuck me again.

When I woke up, he was gone but I was still bound to the mattress. The door overhead had been left open and I could smell breakfast cooking. My stomach grumbled and I realized how hungry I was. How long had it been since I had eaten anything substantial? I lay there, feeling the air move across my skin. Angry, scared, vulnerable, horny, and ashamed all at the same time. I knew it was useless but I couldn't stop my arms from trying to break free from the ropes. Searching for any weakness I could exploit or a knot I might be able to loosen. This straining brought thoughts of what happened last night and the strange eroticism I had felt back into my mind. I realized my cock was reacting to this. I tried to shove those thoughts away but my cock stayed hard. I wanted very badly to move my hands across my naked flesh. To tease my nipples and tug on my nuts. To dip my finger into the precum building up on the head of my dick and smear it along the length of my shaft. To begin stroking the need in my loins while putting the slick finger into my mouth to taste my own cock-lube. Bound as I was, all this did was frustrate me and bring out more anger. I wanted to kill this man who had trapped me. I wanted to pound his body with my fists until he was a mass of bloody pulp beneath me. I imagined getting one of these ropes around his neck and wringing the life out of him.

He returned with a plate of food. My stomach turned as he sat it beside me from the memory of the awful headache I got from the drugged meal he served me yesterday. Suddenly, my appetite was gone.

"I'll let one hand loose but no fork, you'll have to eat with your fingers," he said.

I laughed and said, "You think I'm gonna eat after your bullshit yesterday? Go fuck yourself! But do untie my hand so I can punch the fuck out of you, asshole."

"I don't think you realize exactly what kind of situation you're in boy. I'm not fucking around here. This isn't a game to me. I've been planning this for a long time. All I was waiting for was the opportunity to present itself. When I saw you hitchhiking with your shirt off, showing off your sexy body, I knew you were the one. If you hadn't been waiting on the side of the road for me to pluck, I was going to follow you in the dark and take you while you were sleeping. One way or another, with you being alone on the road out where there aren't many people, there were dozens of ways to capture you; but you served yourself up without me having to work for it at all," he explained coldly.

"You're fucking sick man. What kind of psycho thinks about shit like that. You're totally fucked in the head," I said disgusted.

He got down beside me with his face pressed against mine and said, "Oh really? You wanna find out, my injured little bird? Should I skip ahead to the really twisted shit I plan on doing to you or should I, not be a psycho, and let you work up to it? I guess since I'm so fucked in the head, I don't care about anything like that. Fuck eating the breakfast I cooked for you, maybe your next meal will be my breakfast as I shit it into your mouth." He licked the side of my face and then screamed loud as he could into my ear, "You're mine! I caught you and you're not going anywhere. There's no escaping here." He jumped up and began rummaging through something in the corner and I realized I had fucked up very badly. I was fucking terrified. What did he mean by, `really twisted shit'?

"Hey man, I'm sorry. I don't really think you're a psycho. I'm in pain and I was just upset. I shouldn't have said that stuff to you. Please let me make it up to you," I pleaded.

He ignored me. When he came back a few minutes later and dropped an armful of sex toys on the mattress, he was totally naked and had smeared mud across his body like war paint. (I assume he made the mud by pissing onto the dirt floor.) He dropped to his haunches and howled while flexing his huge, muscled arms and chest. He straddled my torso and began sucking and chewing on my nipples roughly.

"Please man, I said I was sorry. Just tell me what to do to make it up to you and I'll do it without any resistance. Please, Sir. I'm sorry dude." I was near tears. He settled down but continued sucking on one of my nips while pinching the other one between his fingers. He grunted a few times and then started pissing on me. The hot fluid showered down on me and the heat actually felt good. He moved his crotch around and aimed his piss all over me. Piss was one of my biggest kinks but I had only pissed on myself. When I had imagined letting someone else piss on me, it wasn't this guy I imagined. My first reaction after the shock of what he was doing was a pleasurable one. It did feel extremely sexy having the hot fluid spread across my skin. But then I began to feel disgusted that another guy was doing this to me and that sexy feeling was lost. He moved up and finished directly over my head. Then I felt his groin press against my face and figured he wanted me to open my mouth. I opened as wide as I could to show him my sincerity and he shoved his piss soaked cock in my mouth. My nose was pressed into his pubes, which smelled strongly of sweat, piss, and cum. I worked my tongue along his shaft and felt him getting hard.

"Clean my cock!" He barked at me. Fearing for my life and scared that he would torture me, I dove in and worshiped his cock like a true whore. The harder his dick got, the more I gave to the task. I figured if I could keep him turned on and give him a really good time, he might forgive my outburst. He started moaning and calling me a little cock slut. I joined him and moaned around his hard cock. A couple of times, I pulled off his shaft long enough to say, "So fucking hot." one time and, "Such an awesome dick." the other. I had to try and sell my enthusiasm.

He caught what I said and asked me if I liked having his big dick in my mouth? "Mmm-huuu!" I mouthed around his dick.

"Yeah, you love that thick, smelly cock, don't you?"

"Yhress-Sthirr!" This excited him and he started to fuck my face hard and rough.

"Your mouth says you're turned on but your dick is limp as can be," he stated.

I pulled off his cock and said, "I'm scared Sir. My cock can't get hard right now because I'm worried you'll torture me for mouthing off."

"I ain't gonna torture you. I think you learned your lesson," he chuckled, "but any more of that shit and you will be sorry. You're right to be scared of me."

He dug around in the pile of stuff he had dropped next to the mattress and pulled out a length of thin rope. I continued sucking while he went about wrapping the cord around my cock and balls. It didn't hurt but I was still nervous. When he finished the rope forced my cock outward and then wrapped around my balls so they were stretched down tight in the sac. It was a little uncomfortable because of how tight it was but it also felt kind of sexy and my cock seemed to stiffen a little. He stroked my shaft with his rough hand and pulled his dick out of my mouth. My cock was almost totally erect now.

"There you go," he said. "Get that boy cock nice and hard for me. We're gonna play some more."

(To be continued...)

If you read the story and enjoyed it, I would appreciate your feedback. If you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know. I am interested in conversations with others who have the same interests.

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