The Hitch in My Plan

By Slade C

Published on Jun 10, 2018


"The Hitch in my Plan, part 3" by Chris Slade

Copyright © 2018 by Chris Slade. All rights reserved. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

This story is fiction and involves consensual sex, BDSM, kink and fetish activity that may be offensive. All characters are (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age, please exit this site immediately.

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The Hitch in my Plan

Part three

When I woke up, I was still in the dark. Pitch dark. My head was throbbing and I tried to put my hands on my forehead but they were tied behind my back at the wrist. I thrashed around trying to get them apart but all it did was make my head hurt worse. I gave up and tried to see through the dark to figure out where I was.

I tried not to panic as I recalled what I could about the events leading up to this point. I remembered getting a ride with a construction worker and going to his house. Then I remembered taking a bath and him interrupting me for some reason. He brought me food and then I got sick or something. I lay still on my side and listened to my breathing which seems very loud in this dark, silent place. Then I noticed the scent of urine. It seemed to be coming from me. Had I pissed myself? My crotch didn't feel wet. I bent my head down towards my chest and inhaled. Yup, it was definitely the smell of piss and it was coming from me.

Then it all hit me. The construction worker had drugged the coffee or something and then i remember him standing there almost naked reading my notebook and then he pissed on me.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud.

I started to struggle violently and tried to escape whatever I was bound with. My wrists were bound with my arms pulled behind my back and my legs were attached together both above and below the knee with what felt like duct tape. My wrists were bound with some kind of leather strap.

I started yelling, "Hey!! What's going on?"

I listened for any sound or an answer but there was nothing.

"Untie me. Let me go you fucker!" I demanded.

That went on for a while before I realized I was just talking to myself and all my struggling was doing was causing me pain. I was naked but the room was warm and I didn't feel cold. My hair was still damp from the bath so I couldn't have been like this very long.

I figured out I was laying on a mattress in what must be a basement room with no windows.

I waited and waited for something to happen and eventually there was a sound. It came from above. I heard what sounded like a lock being opened and then there was faint light that came in from the outline of a large rectangle. The rectangle opened upward in two halves and I saw him standing outside the opening. He picked up a big duffel bag that looked heavy and climbed down a set of steep stairs that resembled a wide ladder. When he sat the bag down, it sounded like it was full of metal.

"Its good to see that you're awake. I was worried I gave you too much of that drug." He said casually, like there wasn't anything wrong with this situation.

"What the fuck is going on man? Why am I tied up like this? And what fucking drug did you give me?" I said.

"Don't you worry boy." He said, "You and me are just gonna have a little fun together. You see, I found your notebooks and after reading what kind of sex turns you on, I knew we had to become better acquainted. You ain't got anything better going on so you might as well stay here with me and let me teach you some things that only a man can teach you. Besides, I can take care of you better than you could do for yourself in Denver and I thought you were damn sexy the first time I passed you walking on the highway with your shirt off the other day. You see, I drive that road all the time and I must have passed you five or six times yesterday and the day before. I kept seeing you and you got me hot every time so when I found you hitchhiking, I couldn't help but stop so I could take a closer look."

"You're fucked up man. Let me go now and I won't say anything to anyone about this." I said trying to sound tough.

"No, I don't think you're in any condition to take off with your ankle messed up like that. Besides, I wanna have some fun with you and I've been waiting a long time to find someone to have fun with."

He dug through the bag looking for something. I didn't recognize the thing he pulled out until he approached me with it. It was a gag.

"That's enough talk out of you." He said as he roughly forced the rubber ball into my mouth and buckled the strap behind my head. "And I don't want to ruin the surprise so I better blindfold you too."

I grunted in protest. He came back with my soccer shorts and some tape. He covered my face with my dirty shorts and then wound tape around my head until they were secured over my face. The smell of my own piss, sweat and cum was really strong.

"I decided not to wash those when I smelled them. It seems you're a pervert and a nasty little fucker too, which is fine with me. In fact, that's how I like it best. Nasty, kinky sex with hot guys like you is exactly what gets me off . I enjoyed your stink all the way here. That's why I had the heat cranked up in the truck. I could even smell cum on you." He told me.

He got close to me and I could hear him sniffing near my stomach and crotch. He kept sniffing all over my body. Occasionally he would lick my skin with his wet tongue. I tried to pull away when he kept licking my chest and nipples. I edged backwards away from him but he immediately pulled me back and said, "You stay right where you are. You're not going anywhere for a while. Besides the door out of here only opens with a combination and only I know it. There are no keys you can use if you get lucky and knock me out or something like that. If I have to break your other ankle to prove to you you're not leaving, I will. So sit still and enjoy it man." He barked at me.

I lay there trembling in fear that he would hurt me if I resisted. I let him use his mouth on me however he wanted. Being unable to see or speak made me focus on the feelings stimulating my body. After maybe ten minutes, I kind of forgot who's mouth was working me over and my dick started to get hard. I didn't even realize this until I felt his hand grasp my rock hard cock. I couldn't believe that I was getting off on this. I tried to make myself go soft and told myself it was just a reaction from fear and stress. He kept using his mouth on me for what seemed like a long time until I was sure he had licked and kissed every square inch of me. My dick was leaking and throbbing with need by the time he stopped.

He slapped my dick a few times and said, "See, I knew you would like this. You just need to be convinced you like it."

How about if you stay with me until your leg heals? When you're all better, I'll drive you to Denver and give you enough money for a few months rent." He suggested, knowing I couldn't answer.

I didn't respond. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I had gotten turned on by what he did to me. I lay there feeling small and helpless and deep down, wishing he would keep going and get me off. I was feeling surprisingly horny at the moment.

He stood and said, "Let's make you more comfortable and get you situated in your new home." He made a lot of noise as I guess he was digging through the bag he brought with him. When he came back, I heard the distinctive sound of chains as he sat them down next to me. He moved behind me and sized a length of chain around my wrist then I heard a loud snap as he cut it with a bolt cutter. He cut another piece and then attached a chain around each of my wrists with what sounded like padlocks. I tried to protest but there wasn't much I could do. I also remembered his threat to break my other ankle if I resisted. Another chain went around my waist above my hips and pretty snug. Snug enough I could feel it tighten each time I breathed in. Then a chain above each knee I guess so it wouldn't hurt my ankle. He undid my legs and wrists. My arms were clipped to the waist chain at my sides and my knees were attached to a bar that held my thighs apart. He finished with a chain around my neck as a collar and another piece running down my back and connected to the chain round my waist.

He occasionally brushed against me and it felt like he was naked. His skin was warm and his body felt solid. I could smell his scent pretty well now also. He had strong BO but it didn't smell bad like some people do. He just smelled like work. His scent made me imagine what he looked like completely naked. I knew he had a nice body, I remember seeing him in only his underwear in the bathroom. I realized what I was thinking about and steered my thoughts back to the practical matter of how I might escape and wondering what he would do to me. I didn't think he was going to murder me but I can't know that for sure. Maybe he would torture me by breaking my bones like he said. Maybe he would do terrible things to me and eventually I would die from the abuse. Maybe he would just fuck me and keep me tied up. Maybe this was all a funny prank my friends had set up and any moment they would show up and we would all laugh about it.

He turned his attention to my sprained ankle and after checking that it wasn't broken, he wrapped it with an ace bandage and made me swallow a pill that he said was a pain pill. After he had drugged me in the bath, I wasn't too keen to swallow more unknown substances from him. After removing the gag and forcing the pill into my mouth, he plugged my nose with one hand and used the other to cover my mouth. He said I could breath after I swallowed it. I didn't fight very long before choking the pill down dry. I grunted to signal I had swallowed it. He told me to open and searched my mouth with his fingers. Afterward, he gave me a drink of water and gagged me again. He also taped the dirty shorts back across my face after flipping them over so I could smell the other side, which was the side that had soaked up the sweat from my ass and crack. I could smell it faintly before as I breathed through my soccer shorts but now I was smelling it full force. Maybe I was just used to the way I smelled or maybe I was a pervert like he said but to be honest I didn't find the smell that bad. It wasn't as disgusting as I imagined it would be and after a while I decided it smelled pretty sexy.

The bandage and pill seemed to be working because the pain in my ankle faded to a mild annoyance and my mind was free to focus on something besides my throbbing leg and foot. I thought it was nice of him to give me a pain pill and it made me think he might not be a deranged serial killer who was going to chop me up. Still, he was holding me against my will and that was not cool at all.

This whole time, he had been busy building something in the room. I had no clue what he might be doing. There were periods he used loud power tools and then long silences where he didn't seem to be doing much of anything. I wondered what the surprise was going to be. I had heard him working with metal pipe and sawing wood but I had no idea what you would build with pipes and wood.

I lay there, inhaling the scent of my ass and enjoying the boner I had as I swam in the fog of the pain pill. I began lazily humping my stiff cock against the mattress while moaning as I drifted through the cloud. I tried to tell him through the gag that I needed another pill but he didn't pay any attention to me. It was only when I lay on my stomach and began vigorously humping against the mattress that I got his attention. He yelled, "Hey! Fucking stop that boy." He came and flipped me onto my back.

"Lay still until I return." He ordered. He dug through the bag and came back to me. He grabbed my cock and balls and squeezed tight around the base while smashing my hard cock against my balls inside his fist that was clenching my junk. I screamed into the gag but he didn't let up. The pain and fear made my cock shrink like a turtle hiding in its shell.

This must have been what he intended to happen cause he said, "Good, get that little dick limp for me."

He quickly began attaching something to my cock. As I felt him lube my dick with a glob of his spit and slide it into a cold metal tube, I knew it must be a chastity cage. I had read about them but never seen one. Supposedly they made it painful if you tried to get an erection and they kept you from feeling any pleasure in your dick so you couldn't get yourself off or have sex with anyone. Once it was securely attached to my crotch, I could feel how snug it was. The metal felt cold at first but now it was getting warm. I desperately wanted to see what it looked like. I tried humping against the mattress again but it was pointless. All I could feel was the cage smashing my nuts but no sensation in my horny cock. Despite the lack of stimulation, my cock decided to try and get hard, which was a mistake. The pressure was immediate and unrelenting. The harder my dick tried to swell, the more it hurt but it refused to give up. I lay very still and tried to think of things that would make my dick soft. Eventually, it worked and I felt my cock shrivel in the metal tube. Now it was coated with a healthy amount of pre-cum and it was quite slick inside the cage. Any movement would cause my cock to slide around against the curvature of the device and this threatened to bring on another hard-on. I lay perfectly still and focused on my breathing which brought me back from the brink. I was so fucking horny and totally unable to do anything about it.

He finished whatever he was working on and said, "Time to test this out."

He came over and began removing the shorts that were coving my face.

(To be continued...)

If you read the story and enjoyed it, I would appreciate your feedback. If you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know. I am interested in conversations with others who have the same interests.

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Next: Chapter 4

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